My Little Pony: Equestria World [Inactive]

"It's no problem at all Ms. Cheerilee, honest." Time Turner said with a concentrated look upon his features as he peered into the workings of the Ponyville classroom clock. For about the fourth time this month, he had been called in to see to the clock which much to Cheerilee's confusion seemed to constantly be running fast.

She insisted, as he worked, that she no idea what could be wrong with it- that perhaps it was time to get a new one.

"Oh as long as I'm in this town, Ms. Cheerilee, that won't be necessary. Besides, I don't think there's a problem at all with this clock. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it starts behaving itself soon again." He smiled; deliberately omitting his conclusion that the 'problem' with this clock had ten fingers and probably enjoyed getting out of classes early.

"There we are. Good as new." He grinned as he placed the clock back on it's wall, ticking merrily away.

He brushed off the schoolteachers thanks with a wave of his hand as he left. "I keep saying, it's what I'm here for."

With that, he strolled down the streets of Ponyville. The smell of life, the light bustling of small town activity. Today was a good day.
Winter Flower walked through the streets from her cottage in the woods. She needed to get some food for her family. Usually her parents do the shopping but her sister Summer sun was very ill with the flu and the two of them were busy going in and out of Summer's room. Winter stopped at sugar cube corner and got some sweets and then went to the stalls.
Rainbow turned to see her unicorn friend Twilight walking away her. "Twilight!" She flew over in less than a second, carting Tank with her. "Have you seen Fluttershy? She doesn't look like she's home!" Rainbow stared at Twi, then straightened. "Wait, weren't you just at the library? I just went by there."

Falsetto was going through town after dropping her things at the hotel- which wasn't much, and soon her eyes fell on a library. "OOOO! I smell BOOKS!" She ran for the library and after slowing down, she walked in calmly, and stuck a head in. "Hello? Anybody he-" She gasped. "So. many. BOOKS! I know I'm supposed to be a singer and all, but I doooo love to read..." She ran in and started looking for the fiction section. "Maybe they have the next Daring Do!"
Winter flower finished shopping and went towards the bookstore she promised Summer that she would get some books for her to read and some Winter could read to her. She went to the fantasy section and found some books and then went to the fiction section and got some more. She paid the seller and put her books in a bag and left. After a while she went back to her house and once there she unpacked the grocery's.
rain runner got off the train"so this is pony ville I should go to the place that I was told"he look at a small sheet of paper that have directions on it"the library is where I need to go"he walk through the town until he found the library"that men better not be wrong I hope I can find some work here"he went into the library inside he was a girl looking at books"hello do you work here miss"he ask the random girl
Falsetto blinked when someone asked her something. "Me?" She looked at the boy, then landed on the floor. "No, I don't work here. Actually, I haven't seen anybody here." She looked at him, then back around, not really sure what to do now.
Winter grabbed the stack of books and went to her sisters room. "Summer I brought some books." Winter said. The small girl's face lit up and said, "yay!" Winter walked in and saw her parents passed out on the floor and she said, "my turn go to sleep." The two other people got up and walked out of the room winter sat on a chair and asked," which book would like me to read first?" Summer pointed to a fantasy book and Winter placed the other books down and cracked open the book summer chose.
"where is my manners my name is rain runner what is yours"he looked at the pretty girl she looks like a thing of beauty"do you know where the person is maybe"
Rarity after her farewell with Ponyville's new girl decided to have a look around town for the free time that she had. She went to the other stores in town to see if there was anything new that wad worth buying. She went around without much luck until her eyes laid upon a jewelry store with several mesmerizing diamonds and other types of jewels in their front window. "Oh how perfect!"

She entered the store and had a look around. Jewels would go perfectly with the new clothing line she was working on. And maybe she could give one to Tanglewood as a welcoming gift too.

(Wow I haven't responded to this in long time sorry @_@)
"Tanglewood. Nice to meet you, Rain Runner." She looked around, then shrugged. "I have no idea where the librarian is, but I'm sure they're around here somewhere.."
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