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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

: To All above new characters :

Ok so I never turn a player or character down as long as they don't wreck the story archs or cannon, but this season is wrapping up

While your still welcome it may be a tad hard to find a place to squeeze into the story.
Alright. So how long after the epilogues will the next season begin. Hours? Days? Weeks? Also I apologize if my character is mean, but I will have them be very abruptly coming from pretty close to hell on earth and the transition would be hard for them. That and generally that kind of thing tends to leave it's mark.
WheatThins47 said:
Alright. So how long after the epilogues will the next season begin. Hours? Days? Weeks? Also I apologize if my character is mean, but I will have them be very abruptly coming from pretty close to hell on earth and the transition would be hard for them. That and generally that kind of thing tends to leave it's mark.
Eclipse knows that feel, bro...
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]Eclipse knows that feel, bro...

I'm actually a girl and I believe our character's past experiences will differ greatly
[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]That was a meme reference, but yes, they will differ greatly ^^

May I ask what they are, if they are already known and ah, know I got the reference.
WheatThins47 said:
May I ask what they are, if they are already known and ah, know I got the reference.
His past experiences with dimension hopping hasn't come out yet. But needless to say he went through some stuff traumatic enough where he didn't want to show his face to his sisters (Luna and Celestia) even after he found his way back.
Name: Sarah Richtofen (Human), Equestrian name will be determined

Age: 23

Race: Unicorn

Gender: Female

Job - College student (1939-1940), Farm Hand (1940-1945), Wehrmacht Heer Conscript (1945), Survivor (???)

Special Talent(s): Combat and Survival

Appearance, Pony (add a horn):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Degernate.png.bfadd08dafe63b2d289df6b01dcede79.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120770" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Degernate.png.bfadd08dafe63b2d289df6b01dcede79.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance, Human: Blonde Hair with bright blue eyes. White skin and a decently muscular feminine body. 5 Feet, 4 Inches in height.

Cutie Mark: The German Iron Cross

Bio: Sarah was born in Germany after the First World War, when Germany was in an economic depression. She was still young in the Nazi party came into power over the crippled nation. Luckily, she was not exposed to as much propaganda as other children her age were, due to living at a more isolated town in Germany. This led to her being in absolute disbelief in the lies spread by the extremist party that led the nation, but she held in all criticisms. It was her own intelligence that helped her see through the lies of the Third Reich and to know that she should keep quiet about her knowledge. Her older brother shared a similar view, but cared more for the good of the nation than she did. This led to him joining the military, becoming a tank commander in the famed 7th Panzer division.

Sarah was admitted to a prestigious German College in 1939, where she learned English and began studies in several different courses. With the outbreak of World War 2 in 1939, and her brother now being away at war, she was forced to return home in 1940 and help her family maintain their land. Her attempts at staying were also damaged by the fact that many of the male students left to become officers in the new war. For the next few years, she would work solely on her family's farm, sometimes receiving letters from her brother. She was glad to discover that her brother was fitting in surprisingly well, due to the General of the Divison's, Erwin Rommel's, very unorthodox views. Him and Rommel had even shared a few conversations together and they both seemed to agree that the Nazi party was, in truth, a bad thing for Germany, but they were now stuck in a war with no choice other than to fight. Her brother died during the Africa Campaign.

After that, her life was relatively quiet as the second world war raged and Germany was slowly pushed back. In late 1944, the war became increasingly desperate as the allied forces pushed into Germany. In 1945, she was forced to join in the Wehrmacht. Luckily or unluckily, for her, she would not have to leave her town. The war front was steamrolling directly in their direction, with the Red Army pushing deep into Germany. In the short weeks before the battle of her home town, she grew to despise the SS, and realize just how bad and fanatical they were. She solely wants the war to be over and for the invaders to leave. She is willing to fight to defend her home, but she knows it is a hopeless battle and she hopes that they will move west so that they would be found by the more merciful Americans.

(She will begin in this battle as an intro but soon be away from Germany and the Human world.)

Items: Heavy clothing colored to match the environment (no female military uniforms are made), MP-40, Browning HP, Combat Knife.



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