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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Name- Roller Derby (Derby) and Splash Surfdown(Splash)

Age- 16


Splash: Unicorn

Derby: Earth Pony

Gender- Females

Job- None

Special Talent-

Splash: Surfing and Water Manipulation

Derby: rollerskating


Splash: (just add a horn)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/8416c7fc356b7b8a5772bca9d44ca580.jpg.b4a57c31ba5569a1adf3ff9df9693203.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95166" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/8416c7fc356b7b8a5772bca9d44ca580.jpg.b4a57c31ba5569a1adf3ff9df9693203.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/32bfa47a9483b588a1547cdf62cc30fa.jpg.65a703754683f36cc1a002ac97677e27.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95167" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/32bfa47a9483b588a1547cdf62cc30fa.jpg.65a703754683f36cc1a002ac97677e27.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cutie Mark-

Splash: A sun rising over a wave

Derby: A pair of Rollerblades

Bio -

Cutiemark Day (Splash Surfdown)

The wind blew through Splash's mane and tail as she stood atop the podium of the surf contest.

"And the winner is....."

Splash held her breath and looked out into the crowd of people. Derby was sitting in the front row, and she gave her best friend an encouraging nod.

"Splash Surfdown!"

Derby and Splash both hollered in excitement, and Splash's horn glowed aqua blue as she accepted the trophy.

"Splash!" Derby called out. "Your flank!"

There it was.....

Her cutiemark.

Cutiemark Day (Roller Derby)

Derby felt the wind whipping through her mane as she rocketed forwards past the other fillies in the race. She listened to the crowd for her friend's voice.


Derby licked her lips.

"FINAAAAAAL LAP!" the announcer called.

Derby smiled. Victory was so close she could nearly taste it...

BAAAAAAAAP! the horn rang out as Derby rocketed last the finish line. Her flank glowed a bright color as her Cutiemark appeared upon her sweaty flank.



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Name- Shadow Fang

Age- 31

Type- Bat Pony

Gender- Female

Job- Member of a mysterious group known as the Order

Look- A slender, agile build that many swift flyers all share. Her dark blue-grey coat was common among the mainly nocturnal ponies. However, her deep red eyes were not. When angered, her eyes almost seem to carry a faint glow. Being a former Lunar Guardsmare, she preferred keeping her black mane and tail cut short. Dark grey highlights can be seen running through her hair.

Exposure to large amounts of draconic magic had caused small horns to grow from her head. Scales replaced the soft fur that had once been on her wings. Burn scars from dragon fire scar her right flank and claw marks mar her face and body. She's often seen wearing a cloak, partially because it's the uniform of the Order, and also because she doesn't like the attention brought by her scars.

Bio - Fang would describe herself as a true child of the night. The return of the goddess of the moon had left her overjoyed. Finally, she had found a new sense of purpose within the Lunar Guard. She and Luna had grown rather close over the years, with the mare wishing the goddess peaceful dreams as the sun rose.

The night had started like any other. None of the guard was prepared for an attack on the palace by the Order. These cloaked ponies forced their way into the castle in search of a stolen crystal. One that if brought into the palace, would break the seal on a dragon named Nightmare Soul. Despite the recovery of the artifact, the damage on the seal was done and Soul escaped his prison. Many guards lost their lives in Soul's initial attack. Noticing that Fang didn't back down from him, he placed a powerful charm on her.

With Nightmare's influence tainting her soul, she believed his lies on how he planned unite all races and merge day and night into one. She somehow managed to question his actions every step of the way, often forcing the dragon to take more roundabout measure to further his plans. An attack on Ponyvill forced Luna to leave the palace and be caught in Soul's trap. It was only a matter of time before he could revive Nightmare Moon and destroy the sun goddess.

General Spyro Soul, the Draconicorn leader of the Order arrives to the scene angered that he had missed a chance to capture Nightmare Soul once again. Catching Fang alone, he reveals to her that she had been under the influence of Soul's spell. Purging the dark creature's taint from her soul, the two set out with the Elements to stop Nightmare Soul and rescue Luna.

The resulting battle left Fang critically wounded, but they had managed to seal the dragon away once again. Despite being told not to speak with her injuries, Fang apologized to Luna saying that she was responsible for the lunar goddesses capture and the near end of the world. Even with Luna's forgiveness, Fang still felt as though she didn't deserve to be among the Lunar Guard and retired. Accepting Spyro's offer, she becomes a member of the Order. A secretive, multi-racial organization devoted to achieving peace. They fight any who seek nothing but destruction. Making sure The dragon remained in his prison falls among their responsibilities as well.

Upon learning the seal on a powerful spirit was potentially weakening, Fang was sent by the Order to Equinox to investigate. In the few days that she was there, she learned of how the land had not been gained through honest means and that the spirit she was sent to look into was going to destroy the island in an act of vengeance and madness. While her efforts to sooth the spirit failed, she was named one of the Elements of Redemption, Empathy.

In the end, she and the friends she made during her short time there were able to help the spirit move on more peacefully. She returned, bringing Indicus in as a new member of the Order. He fit in right away and was welcomed into their odd little family. She continues to work as a member of the Order outside of any of the princesses influence.
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Name- Shina

Age- 20

Type- Kirin (Oriental Unicorn)

Gender- Female

Job- Searching for a safe place to hide the ashes of a phoenix.

Special Talent- Fire magic

Look- Like most kirin Shina's body is covered in scales rather then fur. Her scales are a white iridescent color that shimmer like pearls in the sunlight. Her mane is red with orange highlights looking like fire, it hangs in long wild layers that fluff out after just a brief rusteling of the wind or the use of her magic. Her tail is more like the tail of an ox, scales going about a two third of the way down before it bushes out in to long red fur just as fluffy as her mane. Her golden hooves are split like those of a dear or ox at the end of long slender legs. From her head grows a gold curvy and twisted horn, looking almost more like an antler then a horn.

(Not an exact picture but as close as I can get on a pony maker.)


Cutie Mark-

Bio- Shina was born and raised in a land far to the east called Neighon. Her child hood was typical of most ponies from that region she lived happily playing among the sakura trees while practicing and developing her magic. It seemed obvious from the beginning of her magical studies that she had a gift in generating and manipulating fire. This power often got her in to trouble however, setting a few things a blaze that she hadn't meant to. Despite all her talents it took Shina longer then most ponies to find her cutie mark, having reached the age of 16 while still not having one.

It wasn't until her home town came under attack by a chaotic force that she discovered her true purpose. A phoenix, a creature of pure chaos had descended upon the ponies, burning everything in it's path. As the town began to evacuate Shina became trapped with her younger brother. To protect him from the phoenix Shina took the bird head on. The town already in flames she had no need to hold back her own powers fighting fire with fire. She'd managed to call upon a legendary spell known to her people as 'the dragon's fire' using it to burn the phoenix to ash and in doing so received her cutie mark. Phoenixes however, are known to rise from the ashes. So it was decided that Shina should be the guardian of the ashes, being the only one able to vanquish the creature should it rise again. She kept the ashes in a small vial hanging from a string around her neck. Shina has sense left her home land to travel the world, hopping one day to find a desolate land away from all ponies where it would be safe to release the phoenix.


In her travels Shina happened upon Equestria's newest settlement. At first the islands seemed an ideal place to release the phoenix Konton. Exploring the islands further though Shina quickly discovered other ponies living there. At first Shina only intended to stay one night, having made a habit of avoiding others fearing her captive might break free.

If not for the affections of a unicorn named Firecracker Shina might not have stayed in Equinox long enough to even realize the island was in danger. The extortion of the native flutterponies had enraged the island's spirit Anda. With the spirit angered beyond consoling battle was inevitable.

The battle was ended only when Firecracker blew the scales off Anda's dragon form leaving her a mass of pure magic.
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Name- Nostalgia heart

Age- 16

Type- Unicorn/Bat pony

Gender- Female

Job- Hayburger as a Cashier and Cook

Special Talent- She spreads nostalgia across ponies near her, she typically spreads video game and childhood nostalgia.

(If the image doesn't appear, refer to below)

Nostalgia heart has one purple eye with a cat-like pupil while her other eye is covered by an eye patch and is revealed later in the rp (It isn't gruesome.) Her mane is held back in a dark orange bun with teal stripes with Lyra-like bangs. Her tail is hanging loosely and it is a bit messy, but plain. Her coat is a medium grey with no special markings.

Cutie Mark-
(If the image doesn't appear, refer to below)

Her cutie mark is a painted heart with a paintbrush still painting it, because who didn't like to paint when they were younger?

Bio (I'm going to write about cutiemark day aswell and her family)-

Nostalgia heart booted up the Ponybox 360. She put in Wheatcraft and looked at her worlds.

"Huh?" Nostalgia heart cocked her head in confusion.

She had kept her first, not updated tutorial.

She clicked the world and found herself in where she first was.

"I remember this." Her heart began to flutter.

She pushed the buttons as she looked around and suddenly, her first piece of music she had heard from the game, played.

Her heart erupted in a unknown feeling as she remembered when she always played it as a filly. She began to tear up.

A small light faded in on her flank, it became quickly bigger, then it happened.

Her cutiemark was there.


Nostalgia hearts family consisted of a bat pony parent, her name was simply Shadow, while her father was a unicorn, whose name is Loyal Heart.
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Name(Alias): Eclipse (Sky Chaser)

Age: Unknown

Type: Alicorn

Gender: Male

Job: Whatever is needed by the town.

Special Talent: Magic

Appearance: forgive me, I drew this in paint on a touch screen.... x.x He is always seen wearing a black cloak that hides all but the tip of his muzzle, his eyes and his tail. He never shows his wings or his mark, As such, no one knows he is an Alicorn, or that his horn is broken due to the hood of the cloak always concealing it. Everyone in town just assumes he is a Unicorn that likes to keep his past to himself.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Eclipse.jpg.3b99b06e366d54dfe4dcd506d3a8a312.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95469" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Eclipse.jpg.3b99b06e366d54dfe4dcd506d3a8a312.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: No one really knows much about Sky Chaser. All anyone knows is that he mysteriously arrived in town wearing a black cloak about ten years ago. Since then, he constructed and moved into a home on the outskirts of town. Since then, he has become something of a fixture in the town. As far as anyone is concerned, he's just a helpful Unicorn that's great with foals and spends his time doing odd jobs around town, or telling stories to the young foals that always seem to follow him around. A few residents have seen his face, and all they can say about him is that he most definitely had a rough life, as his face is covered in scars.

Thankfully, most in town seem to respect his privacy, and have come to accept that he will always wear his cloak and maintain that air of mystery.



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Name- Fire Cracker ( Fi to his friends)

Age- 26

Type- Unicorn

Gender- Male

Job- Chemistry teacher.

Special Talent- Fire works, and their design

Cutie Mark- A colorful firework explosion

Bio- After being critically injured defending Shina in the events that would later be known as "The equinox indecent" Firecracker spent nine months comatose and clinging to life by a thread.

upon waking, he discovered that not only had his body weakened in his long dreamless sleep, but he had also lost his ability to preform magic.

While doctors said he would take years to walk again, he stubbornly was up and shambling around his hospital room within four days.

After having his medical debt payed off by the royal coffers the princesses also offered him a job teaching his advanced knowledge of chemistry to the older foal (High school)

(Re-entering Indicus into this)


Age- 40

Type-unicorn version of batpony


Job- Member of The Order and a trainer for the Orders new recruits

Special Talent- ShadowMancy(Shadow Magic)(Umbramancy) also has some skill in other lesser known and frowned upon or even forbiden arts such as Necromancy, and Dark Magic


Coat Color: Midnight black

Mane/Tail: grey

Eye color: grey

Extra- Cut across right cheek and multiple on his body, well muscled agile build, looks to be in early to mid twenties.

Cutie Mark- Dagger through a skull of an unknown creature

Bio - Born in the small town of West Clairson, apart of the country Thalemn. Indicus never knew his father or mother but instead was later adopted at the age of three by a Griffin and pony that lived there. He was given the name Indicus, a Griffin name by his adopted parents.

Through his childhood he was quiet and observed everything around him, thus making only a few friends. He even accidentally snuck up on his friends multiple times earning him the nickname Shadow Dancer. During that time he also learned how to use his magic. Later becoming the Apprentice of a old unicorn that took notice of Indicus and taught him how to control and use shadow magic.

He was eighteen, when he left his home to sign up for the Thalemn Marine corps. At Nineteen he completed all his training and was officially part of the Marines. He received his Skill Mark (AKA cutie mark) during his second deployment, a stealth operation and his first kill from stealth.

At the age of thirty, he retired from the Marines, and returned home, hoping to relax after twelve years of service during which he was a commander and lost some good friends. Now away from the conflicts and drawing his pension.

At thirty-two, Equestria got its Lunar princess back, and she was looking to recruit for her branch of the military. He received a letter saying that she received his dossier and was inviting him to be a squad leader. He refused for many years.

Age thirty-five, his parents were robbed and killed. They were given a funeral the next day. A month later he joined the Lunar Special forces to help him forget.

Age thirty-nine he resigns from the Lunar special forces after losing even more of those in his squad including his marefriend

(Tie in from My Little Pony-Frontier)

Indicus was sent as the head of the guard for a new resort settlement called Equinox, over the three days he was there he and others that were there with him found out about the mysterious spirit that guarded the place and what would happen due to the actions of Mayor Catch Penny and how he actually obtained the land. This lead to a confrontation that set Indicus and the others against the mayor where he ended up killing himself and destabilizing already unstable magic to push the spirit Anda over the edge to madness in an attempt to destroy everything. After running to a ship that became a lone hope for survival. Indicus later left to chase after Firecracker whom was trying to help Shina, this resulted in him fighting along side Shina to put down the crazed spirit. The fight ended with Shina releasing a Phoenix in which the fighting between the two put the spirit to rest and weakened the Phoenix forcing it back to a state of ash. Indicus happily reunited and left with the others the tragedy of what happened to the spirit Anda in with everything else he would never forget.

He ended up moving in with Shadow Fang and her group and "Family" The Order even helping them out in missions away from the princesses influence while managing the Assassins Guild. He quickly identified the group as family as well.
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Name- Steel Heart.

Age- 19

Type- Flutter Pony

Gender- Female

Job- Council Member of Hast

Special Talent- Her Resolve


Cutie Mark- A metal heart with wrought iron around it.

Bio- The flutter pony are a generally a secluded race of pony.

keeping to themselves and their groves, they tend to stay out of the affairs of Equestria.

On a personal level, she is a bright, loving girl who never lets things get her down.

Despite being born completely blind, she has never let her impairment slow her down.

A fast learner,she was able to master the basics of flutter magic before she even got her cutie mark.

After the events of Equinox she became a council member of the city of Hast in order to make sure the flutter pony race was never ignored or exploited again.

She also harbors the ancient power of her ancestor spirit deep within her.
Name- Velvet Rose. (Rosie to most)

Age- 28

Type- Earth Pony

Gender- Female

Job- Singer

special talent- Singing

CutieMark- a blue music note framed by a circle of a staff (The lines on a music sheet)

Bio-Thought by many to be a black cat of a pony, she is very unlucky, especially with the stallions.

A native to Hast, she is extremely comfortable speaking her mind, but always with a pinch of sugar.

Some ponies in Hast distrust her, and even go as far as to call her "The Siren of the night".

This comes from her almost magically beautiful voice that she uses to to earn her Bits at the bar "The horseshoe"

Working as a singer she has plenty of local fans, but always dreamed of striking it big and moving to one of the royal cities.

Driven and kind, she holds a distant pain in her eyes that tell she is hiding something.

Look-<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/velvetRose.png.d59c402906d7391d772b66735f1ac64e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/velvetRose.png.d59c402906d7391d772b66735f1ac64e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name- Sparky

Age- 10

Type- Unicorn

Gender- male

Job- 4th grader

special talent- none

CutieMark- none

Bio- The younger cousin to Firecracker, he found out about his cousin's bravery in Equinox and was immediately enthralled.

Embellished stories from Firecracker aunt led him to develop an idea that he was some super hero, or valiant knight.

These were mostly intended to be respectful of the at the time comatose pony.

And as luck would have it, Sparky found out cousin Fi was coming back to his home town of Hast.

Look-<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/sparkler.png.e4fce43457ad74633159626dbfd02fbd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96916" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/sparkler.png.e4fce43457ad74633159626dbfd02fbd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name- Allen

Age- 24

Type- Pegasus

Gender- Male

Job- Doing school ponies' homework for cash

Look- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c6fa7a3bd_AllenPone.jpg.6f8c7f6394625d4f24ee221ddabb85f9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97970" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c6fa7a3bd_AllenPone.jpg.6f8c7f6394625d4f24ee221ddabb85f9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Sorry about the size!)

Bio - Born in Trottingham to an abusive, neglectful family, Allen immersed himself in his studies from a young age to distract himself from the troubles in his life. He'd be out of the house as much as he could, having no wishes to stay under that roof for longer than necessary.

At the wee age of thirteen, he visited a therapist named Spiral after falling victim to anxiety and depression. However, this "therapist" only made matters worse. She had toxic intentions, and Allen fell victim to a curse, causing him to have a split personality. Most of the time he is battle with Gray, a manifestation of the negativity who has, who only wants to see the pony world burn.

He's now moved to Ponyville, and will most likely be known soon as the quiet, reclusive type whom Pinkie Pie can't even crack.



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Name- Thunder heart

Age- 22

Type- Earth pony

Gender- male

Job- Guard to Prince Kadaj

Special Talent- Strategy and strength



Thunderheart is a massive grey-black pony-horse hybrid. His body is relatively solid black with save for a white blaze down his nose and the white feathering around his massive hooves. he is tall, standing almost a full head taller than Princess Celestia and weighs three times as much, his muscling is heavy but his bone size is remarkably stout adding even more to his weight. His mane and tail are both stark white and his mane is shaggy like a draft horse's but he dose not tie his tail up. His eyes are a cold ice blue.

Cutie Mark- Crossed swords in front of the Saddle Arabia shield

Bio - Growing up Thunderheart was a hoodlum, running the streets and causing all sorts of trouble. this is until he met the prince, who'd escaped the palace to see the world. The two were instant friends, even though their social classes where opposite. The two hung out in secret, but upon learning of his son's new friend, the king allowed Thunder to stay in the palace as long as it kept Kadje from sneaking out. He was raised to be not only the princes best friend, but also his guard, which earned him his cutie mark. even today he keeps the prince safe.


Name- Prince Kadje (Pronounced Ka- Da-je)

Age- 21

Type- Alicorn

Gender- male

Job- Prince of Saddle Arabia

Special Talent- Just as Celestia is princess of the sun, luna is the princess of the moon, Kadje is the prince of desert sands. this means his special talent is keeping track of time. his magic keeps the clocks ticking and each minute cycling after the next.

Look- Kadje is a tall pony, very lightly muscled and very feminine looking. His colors resemble a buck-skin horse with a warm tan-brown base coat, his legs and the end of his muzzle fade to black to match his long mane and tail. His face and build resemble and Arabian horse as does the fluid way he moves. His eyes are a cold shade of emerald green.


Cutie Mark- An hourglass with red sand and a silver stopwatch leaned against it.

Bio - See Thunderheart's history. however, Kadje gets bored in the palace all the time, so he still sneaks out. During their stay in eqinox, he's gotten worse about it.

adventuring about as he pleases.

- summary since the last rp. Kadje and Thunder are engaged to marry, they have decided to take some time off and hang out in Marr for a while to avoid a conspiracy that thunder caught wind of to kill the prince. He decided that it'd be better to rule Saddle Arabia from affar and wed when the threat has been settled.
Name- Snow Shimmer

Age- 23

Type- reindeer

Gender- Female

Job- She was a shamen of the Reindeer tribe of the north. however she was sent as an assassin to kill Prince Kadje.


exept no harness. She is of decent stature for a deer, falling right in between Thunder and Kadje in height.

Bio - Snow Shimmer has always been gifted in the use of magic, ever since she was a mere fawn. Her power over ice magic is so strong she can freeze time. She rose through the magic ranks to become a shamen in the reindeer tribe. She is very loyal to her people, so when information came to the chief that the saddle Arabian royalty was marrying someone who had plans to invade them, action had to be taken. Since Kadje's time magic is so strong, the chief sent the only one he knew could take him on. Snow Shimer the time warlock.

Mark: A clock face with a snowflake on it.

magic: ice/time magic

Personality: When on a mission she is cold and determined, her sense of purpose is unwavering. although determined, her mind can be changed through reason. She is not a horrible cruel deer, but when infuriated she can become brutal. She can be kind and sweet as is the nature of a deer, but once angered she will fight and she is determined to win.
Name: Zmaj Jakis

Alias: Drakkenwing

Age: 20

Type: Drakkus-Pony

Gender: Male

Job: Keeping ponies safe

Talent: Flight.


Out of Costume

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/img-3573680-3-new_oc_by_sararini-d8i7cb1.png.2469430b346ecccd5f9726339d4e39ba.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99876" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/img-3573680-3-new_oc_by_sararini-d8i7cb1.png.2469430b346ecccd5f9726339d4e39ba.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

In Costume

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/full.jpeg.db58d4b87528d3edd8ab8b2bddefcc80.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99668" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/full.jpeg.db58d4b87528d3edd8ab8b2bddefcc80.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Ponies don't know. He's said to be the offspring of a dragon and a pegasus, and he's named himself a hero/crusader/vigilante.

Cutie Mark: A blue Dragon wing with a blue fire in the background.

Personality: Cold and distant, but when you get to know the guy he becomes friendly and open, willing to share his deepest secrets. His biggest weakness is a good strong drink, an ale, Mead, or brandy will loosen his lips quite a bit.


Name: Jinx Jiver

Age: 19

Type: Earth Pony

Gender: Female

Special Talent: Making Gadgets/Gizmos

Job: Drak's Girlfriend and his informant.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/my_little_pony__oc_dr_yay_by_lordyanyu-d5wl371.jpg.319d15ffdd832a64d5f54e48f5e2531d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99671" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/my_little_pony__oc_dr_yay_by_lordyanyu-d5wl371.jpg.319d15ffdd832a64d5f54e48f5e2531d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: she found Drak in the woods and rescued him. She won't say much else abot herself.



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Name-BlueGrass NutMeg

Age- 18



Job- Animal Caretaker

Special Talent- She can understand animals in need. Taking care of abandon, orphan baby animals


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Unknown.png.2791b94be23f0192a5bf63eff8e0ca84.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103495" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Unknown.png.2791b94be23f0192a5bf63eff8e0ca84.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cutie Mark-


Bio -

BlueGrass is born in Canterlot, on the side of Hollow Shades. She and her parents are the brainiest ponies. Because she is study all day, she have been a loner until one day, when she and her family with out camping, she found an abandon baby moose and feel sorry for him. She wanted to keep him until he is old enough to live on his own and she named him Bluto. The more she care for baby Bluto, the more love grow as they're become best friends forever. That when she got a cutie mark for caring a baby animal. When Bluto is big enough, its time to leave BlueGrass, but they don't want to be separated. And so BlueGrass move out of her parents house and find a new home with Bluto.

~BlueGrass pet/best friend, Bluto, a young moose~

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name: Spyro Soul

Age: Unknown

Type: Draconicorn

Gender: Male

Job: Leader of the Order

Special talent: Understanding of Dark magic and can use dark magic including portal magic

Look: A pony with midnight blue fur, wings same color but more leathery like a bat pony, and has a horn, He normally wears heavy armor that is as dark as night, with midnight blue engravings. His eyes are an ice blue, and silted like a dragon. His mane color is black, and has a midnight blue streak going through his mane and tail. Also he has fangs and a forked tongue.

Cutie mark: A moon with a hoof in the center, with dark spirals leaving from the hoof and to the edge of the moon.

Bio: Spyro Soul was young when he was exposed to a dark essence, he looks around 29, but the dark powers he gained from a long time ago made his body never age. Spyro has had gone through life forming the Order, a multicultural army. All was well until the dark spirit that gave him his powers, now called Nightmare Soul, attacked, leading to Spyro to use his dark magic to seal away Nightmare Soul. From hear, Spyro wanted to make world peace and unity, and ensur that spirits like Nightmare Soul never gets out ever again.
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Name- Sunflower Fields

Age- 25

Type- Earth Pony

Gender- Female

Special Talent- Gardening

Appearance- Tall and slender, Sunflower seems to move with the grace of a noble. The only time any blemishes can be seen on her snow white coat is when she's working in the garden. Her teal mane and tail lay in large curls. Her teal eyes seem to sparkle with a mischievous glint.

Cutie Mark- Three sunflowers

Bio - Cheerful and with a love of nature, you can almost always find Sunflower tending to her garden or the various gardens around Canterlot. She aspires to one day grow a garden worthy of the royals themselves.

After lots of persuasion, she agreed to go to Hast with her friend Midnight Song and see what the Winter Ball's all about. She left Canterlot on the Golden Arrow.

Name- Midnight Song

Age- 22

Type- Bat Pony

Gender- Female

Special Talent- Telling the stories behind constellations

Appearance- Average in build and height for a bat pony, Midnight's coat is dark blue reminiscent of the night sky. Her long, smooth, silver mane and tail seem to shimmer in the moonlight. Her grey eyes are always curious of her surroundings.

Cutie Mark- The constellation Sagittarius

Bio - Wanting to follow in her parents' hoofprints, Midnight strove to join the Lunar Guard. When she wasn't training and getting ready for her chance to join, she could be found telling stories with her friends. Towards the end of her basic training, an accident left her injured and she was dismissed from the Lunar Guard before being able to become a full member.

Healed and trying to pick back up and move on, she can be found working in Cloudsdale's night weather team. She took some time off so she and Sunflower Fields could travel to Hast and attend the Winter Ball.

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