My Little Pony - Apocalypse AU - Sign-Ups


kyber child
It's been several years since the Mane Six first met in Ponyville. Each filly is a mature mare, carrying on with her life just as her destiny told her. However, tension is brewing between the zebras and the ponies. Cultural differences, resources, and land have gotten between the two species. Equestria is on the brink of war.

Several more years pass, and Equestria has become a battleground. Megaspells rain down on every city, pegasi fight overheard, advanced magical weapons can be heard firing off at zebras everywhere a pony can see. Earth ponies in suits of mechanical armor march into battle while unicorns man the magic. Canterlot is under a shield spell that won't hold much longer, serving as a military headquarters for all of Equestria. Refugees wander throughout the country in search of food and shelter. Military propaganda covers every wall, every billboard, every piece of merchandise to be found. This is total war, and the ponies of Equestria have lost faith in their princesses and the Mane Six with their control over the Elements of Harmony.

The Mane Six are all lost, dead, or being held captive by zebra forces. All hope is lost. Ponies have resorted to raiding towns, selling ponies into slavery, and gambling or fighting for bits to buy food in order to survive.

How long can you survive the battle-scarred Equestria?

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This will be a completely OC RP. Fill out the bio below to sign up and wait for my approval. I'll post my own bios shortly. Once we have enough characters, I'll make a main RP thread and we can start. If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

(Please delete the parentheses!)


Age: (4 being a child, 8 being a teenager, older being an adult)

Gender: (filly/mare, colt/stallion or buck, they mean the same thing)

Species: (unicorn, earth pony, pegasus, alicorn)

Cutie Mark: (picture or description)

Special Talent: (must tie in with cutie mark)

Mane/Tail Color(s): (all physical descriptions can be deleted if a picture is included)

Mane/Tail Style:

Coat Color:

Eye Color:

Brief Personality Description:

Brief History:

Accessories/Other Information:

Thanks for joining!

--- Double Post Merged, Today at 1:12 AM, Original Post Date: Today at 12:42 AM ---

((Here's my bio.))

Name: Cashmere Sky "Cash"

Age: 9

Gender: Mare

Species: Pegasus

Cutie Mark: Shooting stars

Special Talent: Aerial combat/military-style flight

Mane/Tail Color(s): Dark navy blue with pale yellow streaks

Mane/Tail Style: Messy, slightly wavy, medium-long

Coat Color: Grayish-blue

Eye Color: Dark green

Brief Personality Description: Cash is a high-flying punk of a pegasus who has zero regard for rules or common courtesy. She is snarky, sarcastic, rude, reckless, and she doesn't seem to care about much of anything. She has a tendency to be condescending and unpleasant, but once you've proved yourself worthy of her favor, you're in for life. She is fiercely loyal and very friendly and playful with those she is close to. In combat, she is ruthless, fast, strong, and extremely dangerous. She has several scars from her time spent in The Pit fighting other ponies, sometimes to the death, for a couple bits. In short, get on her good side and don't cross her; she's your best friend. Piss her off, and you're a good as dead. However, Cash has a soft spot for medical bucks and takes a liking to colts and fillies.

Brief History: Cash was born in the war zone known as Cloudsdale, and her family lived there for six years after she was born. Her father worked as a medical officer and her mother was a local cook. At six, Cash took off on her own and took a job at a bar in the slums of Fillydelphia as a bartender and waitress until a recruiting pegasus discovered her there. He took her under his wing and taught her to fight until he was shot down in an air raid when Cash turned seven. Bitter and depressed, Cash turned to The Pit, where she fought against other ponies for her life just to earn a few bits and put her fighting skills to good use. On her ninth birthday, Cash won her last fight and retired, barely escaping The Pit with her life. She spent the next several days recovering from injuries sustained while fighting before she stole a sniper battle saddle and became a nomad.

Accessories/Other Information: Cash wears a dark red bandana around her neck to remember her family. She also wears patched up and modified pegasus armor with a hood attached and a sniper battle saddle. Her left ear is pierced with a single silver hoop. Her saddlebags contain ammo, bits, stolen packets of food rations, and a water canteen.
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Name: Nightshade

Age: 11

Gender: mare

Species: unicorn

Cutie Mark: A nightshade flower surrounded by five red berries.

Special Talent: Herbalist


Brief Personality Description: Nightshade is manipulative and cruel, but comes on sweet to any pony she meets. She doesn't stay friends with anyone for too long, unless she thinks she can get something out of them.

Brief History: Nightshade was orphaned at a young age and grew up in the foster system as the war raged. She was raised among books of dark magic and herbal remedies. This is where her education started and her cutie mark was soon earned when she treated an ill filly with the correct part of the nightshade plant, saving her life. Since she had used nightshade, however the other fillies thought she had caused the illness in the first place. This is why she doesn't get along with others anymore. It wasn't long before a few more fillies fell ill, and no one was there to help them. She eventually left town, mixing herbal concoctions, both good and bad, for a price, steadily earning her living.

Name: Psych Ward

Age: 10

Gender: mare

Species: earth pony

Cutie Mark: Jagged Swirl

Special Talent: She sees everything differently and is smarter than the average pony.


Brief Personality Description: Psych Ward is shy and reclusive. She didn't grow up well and likes to keep to herself. She suffers from horrible anxiety attacks sometimes.

Brief History: Psych Ward grew up with loving parents. When her "mental issues" started to set in, they sent her to a special school where they hoped she could grow up to be normal. She was shortly sent back home when her test scores were too high for her to qualify for the school's program. She earned her cutie mark on that day. At the age of 8, she was kicked out of the house and went out to live on her own, no longer seeing things the same way as her parents. She lives off the land, doing several small jobs to earn her money.

Accessories/Other Information: She tends to wear sweaters with very long sleeves that she knits herself. The purple streak in her hair starts green and goes to blue and then to purple. I just need to redraw her.

(I'll be on tomorrow. I have to go to bed.)
Thanks for joining! Do you know anypony else who might be interested? If so, would you mind inviting them? I'd like a few more people, preferably with bucks or colts.
[QUOTE="Pinebutt-Quintobrows]Thanks for joining! Do you know anypony else who might be interested? If so, would you mind inviting them? I'd like a few more people, preferably with bucks or colts.

I'm sorry. I don't. I just joined two days ago.
Hello. Need a colt?

Name: Clover

Age: 6

Gender: Colt

Species: Earth Pony

Cutie Mark: A bundle of cloves

Special Talent: Gathering vegtables, mostly grass, leaves, or *cloves*.

Mane/Tail Color(s): Forest Green

Mane/Tail Style: He tries to keep it neat, but it's usually a tad messy.

Coat Color: Peach

Eye Color: Bright green

Brief Personality Description: Clover is generally you're quiet yet observant boy. He's been told being nice is being submissive, so he'll purposely act rude and bossy. When someone, or somepony, comes close to him, he'll be himself around them only. He enjoys exploring what's left of the forests of Ponyville, usually the outskirts.

Brief History: After his mother left him and his Father at the age of 3, he's very close to his Father, Porter. He learned to scrape down the woods for things to be used as salads and meals. He's always interested when he sees any fighting, beating, or murder occur, he's always worried if something like that would happen to him, or his only Parent.

Accessories/Other Information: None.

(Hope I didn't use the word "Clove" too much.)
Not a problem! That looks great! Do you know anybody else who would be interested?
Oh, at least five? Maybe four. I'm more concerned about the number of characters, honestly. As long as we have at least five characters, we can start.
Oh! I don't mind making more characters, then!

Name: Porter

Age: 17

Gender: Stallion

Species: Earth Pony

Cutie Mark: A wooden dock

Special Talent: Helped the sailing of airships and sea-ships in Manehattan

Mane/Tail Color(s): Brown

Mane/Tail Style: Something resembling Caramel's hairstyle

Coat Color: Peach

Eye Color: Brown

Brief Personality Description: Porter would usually come off as cheerful, but after witnessing his town in Manehattan be overpowered with deadly brewing spells and invading gypsy-Zebras, it's unlikely. He cares much for his son, Clover, always reluctant to let him go outside to search for food. He volunteers to rebuild broken vital buildings in Ponyville in exchange for goods.

Brief History: Born 13 years before this claim of this war, he wasn't ready for change. His wife left him 3 years after she bared Clover, after that, he started to work more excessively. Now that he lives in Ponyville, he has some slight trust issues.

Accessories/Other Information: Needs glasses after an spell attack.
That works just fine! I think that makes five. I might make another character soon after we start, too. I'll make the thread in a few minutes, I have some chores to do right now.
Yup! Here's the link I promised: 
I'm gonna go ahead and make another character.

Name: Roarin' River

Age: 10 years

Gender: Buck

Species: Unicorn

Cutie Mark: A drop of water with a splash

Special Talent: Proficient with water-related spells and magic, can manipulate water to some extent

Mane/Tail Color(s): Charcoal grey with lighter streaks

Mane/Tail Style: Medium length, slightly choppy but not messy

Coat Color: Royal blue

Eye Color: Light, pale blue

Brief Personality Description: River is very easy-going, calm, collected, and friendly. He never loses his head over anything, and he is excellent at keeping his emotions in check and under control. He is usually the guy who stays calm and thinks through problems in order to solve them, and he is usually looked upon as a leader. The only time he is every angry enough to show it is when somepony tries to hurt those he cares about.

Brief History: River grew up in a pre-war Equestria, seeing patriotic propaganda and peace promotions everywhere he turned. When the war began, he was too young to enlist in the military, so he stayed home with his mother in Manehattan. His father never came home from fighting, and eventually his mother fell ill. River cared for her until her death, and is now working as a nomad, taking whatever jobs he can that allow him to utilize his talent with water. He feels responsible for those he comes across (especially those younger than him), and he is very much the lead soldier in most groups.

Accessories/Other Information: River wears utility armor and saddlebags containing only the basic rations, bits, and canteen. He also carries a book his mother gave to him about basic spells.
Name: Swift Reaper

Age: 7

Gender: Stallion

Species: Unicorn

Cutie Mark: A Scythe

Special Talent: Storing souls in bottles, and talking with them afterwards. Body must be dead to take a soul.

Mane/Tail Color(s): Black, sleak

Mane/Tail Style: Straight and long

Coat Color: Dark Grey

Eye Color: Red

Brief Personality Description: Uncaring, with no regard for his own life. He is cold, calculationg, and generally doesn't give a crap if someone has a separate opinion from his.

Brief History: Born in Ponyville, Swift had a something of a talent of knowing when people would die. He would occasionally be heard muttering to someone who died long ago under his breath. His parents threw him out on the street, but he didn't care. The last thing his parents heard from him was 'I have my own family.' He then walked off to Canterlot, and found work in the hospital, telling people if they were going to die, and preserving them if they wanted. Now that the war has broken out, he has been taking as many souls as possible from the battlefield. Some call him a menace, others call him harmless, and some even say he is being helpful. This does not matter to him, he just enjoys the company of the dead.

Accessories/Other Information: Wears a skull mask, and is covered in potion bottles, seemingly empty. If you break one, he will most likely attempt to take you into another of the bottles.

Name: Wrathful Mage

Age: 12

Gender: Mare

Species: Unicorn

Cutie Mark: Red Pentagram

Special Talent: Blood Magic (Powerful Magic that requires the blood of the caster.)

Mane/Tail Color(s): Orange with black streaks

Mane/Tail Style: Thick, medium length, slightly wavy

Coat Color: Blood Red

Eye Color: Purple

Brief Personality Description: Extremely volatile and generally grumpy. She is only seen with a smile when she's using his magic. Her actions are unpredictable.

Brief History: Wrath, as her friends call her, was born in Canterlot, and trained by powerful spellcaster. That all changed when she found the Red Tome, a relic which instructs the user in blood magic. She began practicing more and more, her sky-blue coat stained forever with blood. The spellcaster sensed this immediately, and attempted to cast his pupil out out. Wrath replied with a wizard duel, which took place the following day. Wrathful Mage ripped out her left eye, and cast a terrifying spell, turning her master to dust, which was then scattered many miles out. She has taken his place for wartime, due to her constantly increasing talent for blood magic.

Accessories/Other Information: Missing her left eye, always wears a dark red cloak with a hood of the same color. Is always seen with a bloody leather-bound book.
heres mine ^-^

name:angelic sparkle




cutie mark: a big red heart with angel wings and a golden bow and arrows

special talent:peacekeeper

mane/tail color:black with red streaks

coat color: a tan brown

mane/tail style:a bit long but not too long and has a few loose curls. bang covers her right eye.

eye color:hazel

brief description of personality:a bit shy, jumpy but can be brave when those she loves are in danger. very naive.

brief history:angelic was a new alicorn to equestria and didnt know her way around the place. she made friends with the animals there but one day she got into the line of fire in the war. angelic got badly hurt. she managed to heal but has a bit difficulty flying.

accessories:her glasses, saddle bag, and a necklace from her mother. it has a peridot her birthstone.
Name: Snap "Snapshot"

Age: 7

Gender: Mare

Species: Earth Pony

Cutie Mark: Camera

Special Talent: Photography/Filmography

Mane/Tail Color(s): Ginger, Dark Yellow

Mane/Tail Style: A thick braid to the side.

Coat Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Green

Brief Personality Description: Snap is a quiet girl. She doesn't have very many friends, and just want's someone to hang out with. She is extremely shy, and awkward in social situations.

Brief History: Snap's parents were passionate artists, and always wanted Snap to be that way. She grew up fairly normal, until her father died of unknown causes. Since then, her mother had given up on her artist dream, and disposed of all her and her husbands paintings. She received A camera for one of her birthdays, and has since then fell in love with photography. Her school mates gave her the nickname "Snap" and it has stuck with her since.

Accessories/Other Information: Her camera (Which she carries around her neck)

Name: Gregory "Greg"

Age: 9 (Almost 10)

Gender: Stallion

Species: Unicorn

Cutie Mark: A vile of green liquid.

Special Talent: Greg loves Science, and is always experimenting.

Mane/Tail Color(s):Darkish Green, Ocean Blue

Mane/Tail Style: Mane is very short, military style. He has a short tail, spiked.

Coat Color: Light Blue

Eye Color: Yellow

Brief Personality Description: Greg is slightly eccentric, although not quite as much as his father. He likes to crack jokes and be around people.

Brief History: Greg lived with his father all his life. His father was rumored a "Mad Horse" and was always called crazy. Now that he has grown up, he shares the same passion as his deceased father.

Accessories/Other Information: He has a pair of Nerdy Glasses he always has to wear.

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