My humblest greetings to all of you, fellow roleplayers


New Member
So first of all Hello to everyone of you! My name is MortuusDraco and for those of you who are asking what those the name means, its actually from the latin...Mortuus means death and Draco means dragon.

A few things about me:

  • I don't have a lot of experience roleplaying

  • With that being said, I have done some roleplays and I love the fantasy and modern type.

  • In my free time I like to write, play videogames and do maths

  • I like to write with detail and describe my character's surroundings a lot

Theres a little about me and what I like and dislike. I hope to meet some nice people in here and do lots of roleplays!!

Welcome to RPN! *throws confetti in air* I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes if you want. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Enjoy your stay!

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