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Fandom My Hero Academia: GO BEYOND ﹗ ☆ ★



J.K. Meowling


Open / Closed - Open

Students: 16/16 (Not accepting at this time, may reopen if space becomes available)

Teachers: 4/4 (Not accepting)

Villains: (Not accepting at this time but soon, message for details)


Posting Requirements: 2 paragraphs minimum, no maximum limit. Please post at least once per week. Please do not take the thread hostage and post too many times per day, allow other players to respond and post.
Characters: I know this obvious for most, but if you are new on RpNation, please visit the Characters thread to create your character and join us! Please note the spaces available above.
Attendance: If you do not post within 7 days of your last post, you will receive a warning. If you fail to post or respond to my message within 2 days, your character will be suspended. I will take control of your character and move them safely away from the story. If you do not respond via message within the following 10 days, your character will be removed and you will not be able to rejoin pending contact with me and space availability in the game. If you know you will be leaving for a time or need a break, please contact me directly.
Other/Extra: Please visit our OOC thread for discord link. Feel free to decorate your posts as you wish. I reserve the right to amend these rules at any time.



Catbite ⋯⋯⋯ ✎ Status Update (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

The students are going through introductions in the classroom with their teacher, Brave Burst / Cooper Willingham.

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It was the beginning to a gorgeous day. The sun was waking up, climbing gently into a still sleepy sky to warm the scattered, wispy clouds away. Pink, rose, muted fuchsia, amber gold, and soft cream mixed together and lit up the heavens. A light chill clung to the air, just enough to lift open tired eyes to see a bright new day arriving. It was the sort of quiet morning where anything seemed possible, and that was fitting seeing as it was a momentous morning for many. A new school year was beginning at U.A. High, the top ranked school for heroics in all of Japan, and a flock of new hopefuls would be arriving at any moment to chase their dreams.

With their entrance exams behind them, and a classroom of strangers in front of them, they take their first steps towards becoming pro heroes today. Meanwhile, the U.A. faculty prepares for another year. The last teachers meeting before the start of the semester is just wrapping up, and soon teachers will head to their classrooms with lesson plans in hand, ready to meet their new pupils and whip them into shape. There was an endless list of things to do during orientation, introductions to be made, dorms to assign, and of course, a quirk assessment. Nothing like being put to the test on the first day, right?


Idea Idea
Rage Rage
deianeira deianeira
PlusUltra PlusUltra
skycaptain skycaptain
NeonFlow NeonFlow
Eldarkon Eldarkon
SomebodyElse SomebodyElse
Zamasu Zamasu
Quiet Quiet
S n o w S n o w
Mistahh Mistahh
Sopranos Sopranos

“You look how you’re supposed to look- for god’s sake, put that away and get going!”

A gravelly male voice complained while Setsuna smoothed out her hair in the entryway of their home, looking at herself in a small compact she kept in her backpack. She jumped and snapped the compact closed, her face red with embarrassment. The man was her grandfather, Hideo Ryuga, and the last thing she wanted him to think was that she wasn't taking today seriously. Ashamed, she slid the compact away and quietly nodded, then straightened up like a soldier and headed for the door. Hideo turned and walked in front of her, crossed his arms and blocked the way. He was a mountain of a man with a resting face that could curdle milk, and Setsuna anxiously paused, not sure what to do but certain he would chastise her for her vanity.

“I… Um… I want you to- You should just- Make sure…”

He stammered, which confused the girl who dared not meet his gaze. Hideo didn't mince words, and though he had a poor filter he was frank and never stumbled. It wasn't that Setsuna didn't like her grandfather, but he, like the rest of the people in the house, did not do well with emotions and any form of expression. The old man stared at Setsuna, not sure what sagely wisdom to leave her with. He had run this scenario through his mind countless times, the morning that his granddaughter would depart for hero school, what he would say, how it might guide her and create a lifelong memory. His eyes drifted to a photo of Hisato, Setsuna’s late father and his departed son, sitting above her shoulder on the wall behind her. Setsuna stood nervously, looking at the floor. His heart wrenched, and a pang of guilt surged through him. He wanted badly in that moment to support her, to tell her something to make her believe in herself, to tell her that no matter what, he would be there for her.

“Just... Do your best. We're rooting for you.”

Her bright blue eyes darted up towards him, wide and glossy. W-was he... trying to be soft? Setsuna couldn't help it, her eyes welled up and a shaky smile quivered onto her face. She threw her arms around his neck and rested her face on his chest. No matter her how steely her shell, she knew that soon she would be in a dorm far away from him, and she would miss him terribly. He too knew this, and wrapped his large arms around her, remembering when she was so small that she couldn't get her arms around him at all. How quickly time had flown by, he thought, it seemed like only yesterday.

"I'll make you proud! I promise!"

She chimed, pulling back and wiping tears from her eyes. Hideo smiled, he rested his hand on her shoulder, then walked down the hallway without another word. She pushed the door open, took a deep breath, and went on her way.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ☠ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Her heart began pounding- this was it!


She was there nice and early, had found her classroom with minimal bumbling, and stood there staring down the door like she was about to perform brain surgery. Dare she think that beyond this odd, humongous door, would be a whole new life? Setsuna reached out to open the door to Class 1-A, hand trembling. This year, she would make friends, maybe even a best friend, or well, at least maybe a friendly acquaintance? She could turn it all around, gone would be the days of brooding silently in a corner all alone, she just had to be bubbly, and sweet, and-

Wait... There was nobody there? N-not even the teacher? Her heart pounded double time. This had to be the right classroom, but if she was the first person there, was she supposed to be the sunshine and rainbow welcome wagon for the next person? A dark shadow crept across her face as she imagined it: Incredibly attractive boy enters attractively, she turns with a flourish, her very being glittering with feminine charm and warmth, cooing introductions and instantly bedazzling him. Yes yes... Very feasible, she had never done anything even remotely like that in her whole life, but this was the time for a fresh start, a new beginning! She shakily stepped into the room classroom, an obvious cold sweat beginning to glisten on her cheeks.

”Yes, I can make that happen... I just need to... Ummm... Smile! But not too much- wait! Don’t smile! It's creepy to smile at people that you don't even know! Whyyy are you even thinking about this?! This is hero school, not best friends forever school! Get yourself together!"

Her mind raced as her body moved automatically straight to the back of the room where she assumed the position: brooding silently in a corner.
1548363394192.png The loud thumping sound of a punching bag being hit could be heard all throughout the gym. Training was something that Aka did when he was stressed, and today he had ever reason to be. Aka was not one to sleep in, and would wake up every day early in the morning to train, one of his favorite passtimes. The house at this time was quiet And still, so it was easier for him to focus. No distractions. But today was different. Aka had this feeling that he just couldn't shake, no matter how hard he punched that bag.

Memories of his father flashed in his mind, the memories of him teaching Aka how to throw a punch. One memory after another came and went, his punches getting harder as they continued to flow. At last, Akas fist began to discharge electricity, glow bright red. He struck the punching bag with such force that it shot across the room into the opposite wall. Didn't matter, this was the last time he was using this gym anyways. After catching a short breath, Aka picked up his water bottle a took a sip. Walking out of the gym, Aka headed to his room. He needed to clean himself up before he left for U.A.

U.A's environment was going to be something entirely foreign to Aka. While growing up, Aka had never really been in a school environment other than watching his father look after interns at his hero agency and the occasional spar with a future hero like himself. Growing up, he never really had the chance to make friends or be a normal kid. I guess tat happens when your parents are grooming you to be the next number one hero.

Arriving at U.A, Aka never got to say goodbye to his mother, the pro hero Crimson Dawn. She was on business in the United States for her hero agency, and had no time for Aka anymore. It had been like that ever since Aka's father died. Sure, it gave him independence and greater responsibility, but also strengthened his emotionally distant nature. And even though Aka saw U.A as just another obstacle that he needed to overcome, secretly in his heart he wanted all of this to change. Hopefully he could make some friends.

Aka had no problem finding the right classroom. His father used to be a teacher here after all, and would show him around occasionally. Aka also made it a duty to memorize the schools layout before he came. Stepping into the classroom, he was surprised to see a familiar face.

"Setsua Ryuga eh" he said looking into her eyes from across the room "It's been quite some time". She definitely looked different from the last time Aka had seen her two years ago. She was taller, and appeared more mature than the last last time they had met. Although seeing her made him feel exited for the coming year. their last battle had ended in a draw,and he was eager for a rematch. "things just got interesting" Aka said to himself

Catbite Catbite
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”Setsuna Ryuga eh"

Setsuna’s eyes widened, and she inhaled sharply. How did somebody already know her name? But the voice sounded familiar. Pulled from her bubble of brooding darkness, she looked to the door. W-was that Aka? From the Yūsha family, the son of Crimson Dawn and Storm Knight? Certainly, it was, and like the flip of a switch her blood turned hot. The last time she had seen Aka was around two years ago, their families were familiar with each other and at one point, Setsuna’s grandfather visited the Yūsha estate and had brought her along with him. Setsuna and Aka sparred, and the match ended in a draw. She remembered that day well, she was furious with herself.

Her grandfather, Hideo, had told her about Aka's parents and how strong and respected they were, and that she must be on her best behavior. He had told her that they had a son around her age, and that she might meet him. Setsuna had been excited enough to be leaving the estate and actually going somewhere new, as her family had such a tight rein on her and she didn't have any friends at school, but that she might meet another teenager? She was ecstatic. Upon first meeting, her heart had done somersaults, she imagined that maybe they could be friends somehow. They had a lot in common, maybe if she could be soft, if she could be sweet, they might get along- But then they sparred, and Serious Setsuna came out and everything was ruined. That night, when she got home, she threw her room into a mess and hid underneath her duvet, seething.

“Yūsha Aka, of course you’re here.”

It made perfect sense for him to be there, and she felt foolish for not thinking of it and instead getting wrapped in transforming her persona into something more palatable. Now, that wouldn’t work at all because Aka had experienced her intense, brash personality in battle. It wouldn’t make sense to switch now, no, she had to step into her character. Not only had he destroyed her plans to finally become social, but he was a rival if ever she had one. His quirk was powerful, too powerful, and with his training and pedigree he was fearsome and she knew it. She had barely broke even with him last time, and now she wondered how much stronger he had become.

“You better listen to me though...”

She shoved her chair back and stood before blazing towards him. He was taller, and she could tell, more muscular than the last time she had seen him. This didn’t phase her, she stopped very close to him, glaring into his red eyes, leaning forward. She would have to deal with him from now on, and she needed to mark a line in the sand and let him know where they stood right then and there.

“What happened before, you got lucky. I won’t take it easy on you, I am here to be the best and I won’t let anybody stand in my way.”

She crossed her arms. Serious Setsuna was here, and she wasn’t going anywhere.

Eldarkon Eldarkon
Alexander Saito

A fight - a physical or verbal conflict that leads to inflict harm upon another person in the chance of victory however this wasn't a fight.... but a war. Two men battle against each other, bare without weapons or restrictions. Bloodied & battered all over, they were hulking masses of muscle that oozed this sense of primal rage & fury. One was larger whilst the other was smaller, they circled slowly. Every step in the sand shifted under their heavier steps after another until they bolted at each other. Fists tighten & cocked back behind their heads, two boulders were launched as one would say. The smaller one was faster but his strike missed it's mark... The larger one's clenched hand came down at a rapid pace....


Snapping awake - two, dark blue orbs glanced up at the ceiling of the room. Sitting up from a large, block-like bed with no pillows of the like and moved two tree-trunks on the edge of the bed as they touched the carpet below. Toes clenching and grasping at the fabric which warmth radiated through the multiple small joints. The hulking person who had awoken from the emptiness of slumber had a simple name - Alexander Saito. Half American-Japanese had awoken in his room. He found himself not woken by the teasing or prodding from a two loving parents, not the coldness of a stern older sibling or guardian wanting him out of their house & not dead feeling of an alarm.

He awake by his own will - by his dream. The figure in his dream wasn't the large man but the small one, the weaker one. Looking at the thick hand, covered in callus from tighten one's hand with so much power that the palms bleed through hand wrappings which he saw the various bugles from the veined backhand, wrist & forearms that he had. Standing up to his full height, he knew that it was time. It was roughly 6 hours before he was too get ready for his first day of school at U.A.

It was time to prepare. A cold hard shower rinsed off the sweat gained from the combative dream which he took his time, washing the blond locks of hair that draped his scalp like a mop. Washing his scar-tissue ridden physique with plain-scented body-wash alongside his stern face, the large shower space was filled to the peak by his size whilst exiting lead to an annoyance coming from a long and dull groan exited his mouth as he walked out of the bathroom. Dressed in casual clothing - he had ironed out some of his other clothing which he had forgotten to the day before whilst he had time as he listened to an early morning & coming jazz radio show. Continuing his morning activates as he finished up the ironing.

Alexander walked over & grabbed something special - A red-bandanna. Placed around his head as his upper-face seemingly became shaded out, his brow & eyes disappeared in this sudden new found shade whilst the deep glow of his eyes radiated slightly in this darkness. His bangs hung free despite his use of bandanna whilst the rest of his hair was present for anyone to see. Grabbing large dress-pants that were loosely fitted despite the boy's legs where black socks were placed snugly on the two feet of Alexander. Large leather belt wrapped around the waist with a rather rough belt-buckled was presented. A baggy t-shirt & sweater was put onto the boy's upper-torso as he walked to his door of his house. Grabbing a series of necklaces put around his neck, cellphone, key-chain & a wallet which were placed into his pocket where huge worker's boot were put onto his feet.

Grasping a large backpack which had various binders inside that was then stuffed in various containers and hefted onto the boy's back, the radio seemingly turned off when the boy opened the door... and the boy looked back.... The boy, no... the man looked at his home.... He loved this place... and so did his family. Nodding to himself.... He closed the door & locked the door, he had left a letter for his parents which would inform him that he had left for school at the time of his leaving & his wishes for their best luck whilst he was gone.


The Travel to U.A.

Sounds like a dumb chapter for a teen's manga. Exhaling a breath whilst he appeared before these gates... So... The next couple of steps would change his life as he would focus upon the pursuit of being a Hero. A Professional, Legal Hero.... Clenching his fist as he looked at the sight before him but he loosed his grip, hooking up his phone to ear-phones which he proceeded turn on some music. Smooth as silk sounds pieced his ears and blacked out the world around him, closing his eyes for a moment which he then looked towards the building before... and walked forward. No time like the present as one could suppose.

Arriving upon a classroom that was designated for him in the message that he had been accepted into U.A. It was important to find your classroom in such a massive school quickly - He couldn't ask around given that no teachers were present and some of the seniors weren't present at the moment for any directions... Hm. Walking around through the various hallways as he came and found out more about his location.... Just as he thought of going for a dash around his new environment... Classroom number found.

Walking towards it which he lightly opened the door but it suddenly slammed opened as his depiction of 'light' happened to be very different from many people and who could be considered as those in the classroom. Walking inside as he looked at who was there.... They seemed like people.

The man walked over to one of the front seats, placing his things down as he had taken off his sweater and placed on the chair. Varying pendants & adornments hung from the various strings & metallic chains where the man's black and tight fitted shirt contrasted against their color perfectly. This changed when he fully took off his t-shirt and placed onto his seat where he dug through his bag and took out the school's dress-shirt and jacket, uncaring for an glances or stares he might've gained from actions as his highly-overdeveloped upper-body was on display.

Alexander finished this actions as he had placed on the school top and placed his sweater & shirt into the bag, pulling out a large bento box which he put his bag to his side and grabbed two large chop-sticks. Opening it revealed a feasts worth of meat, rice & vegetables which held a thick aroma in the air as soon as the lid came off the top which he simply ate his food as he still listened to the whispering echos of jazz coming from his headphones.
Idea Idea
Catbite Catbite
deianeira deianeira
PlusUltra PlusUltra
skycaptain skycaptain
NeonFlow NeonFlow
Eldarkon Eldarkon
SomebodyElse SomebodyElse
Zamasu Zamasu
Quiet Quiet
S n o w S n o w
Mistahh Mistahh
Sopranos Sopranos
Stocks. +1.6 today. It was early morning. Hmm.
Chloe sat in the backseat of a Limo. Perks of being a rich billionaire. She could have herself drove anywhere with a single phone call. No questions.
Currently she was being driven by a man in his 30s. He wore an expensive suit and had dark sunglasses on. Pretty typical of a limo driver for the money he costed. Life was luxurious, she liked it like that. Why be rich if you couldn't enjoy it? She was currently headed to UA High.
A hero school huh? How fun. Perhaps this would be an interested few years. After all. Who knew could happen
Chloe grinned behind her mask and laughed as the vehicle drove closer to the school.
The driver got out of the vehicle and moved to open the door for Chloe.
"Miss Saredrew."
"Why thank you. You will accompany me to the class. I'm afraid I might get lost."
"Of course." She headed into the building.
She entered. Classroom 1-A. Now where are you.
She glanced around the classrooms till she found it.
There would be other students she wondered what they would be like. Would they be like her? Probably not. Only one way to find out...
As she entered she noticed a few students had already entered. She even recognized a few.
How wonderful. Ryuga Setsuna of the Ryuga Family and Yusha Aka of the Yusha Family. This is such a blessing!
"Why hello there Setsuna, Aka. I believe I know you both. I am Chloe Saredrew, of Saredrew Co."
Catbite Catbite Eldarkon Eldarkon
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Jack Black.Assassin.full.2170863.png I had to keep my legs in check to keep them from swinging around. U.A.! It was hard to believe I actually made it in, in fact part of me still felt as though this was some elaborate prank. The ideals for a hero education had come by a little too easy, just deal with some robots, take a written test and poof, you're in. Even if it wasn't a prank...what sort of a place could this really be then? Would it really live up to it's reputation? Maybe only when it came to danger. Well, if there was a silver lining, that was I could achieve my goals easier that way, just standing out even. On the other hand... I raised my hands, covered in a pair of gloves because beneath was the sight of bandages covering the whole of the hands. Yes, I couldn't afford to understimate things. I had to be in top condition. I couldn't let-

"Sweetie, we're here!" My mother chanted, with some overly cheery tone of voice like she didn't have a scar across her forehead. Nonetheless, the woman had an undeniably heart-warming smile. "Don't make that face, I know you're really excited. I'm sure you'll become a great hero and make lots of friends here."

"Mooom!" I groaned from the booster seat. Despite my parent's awareness of why I looked as I did, who I really was, the law was the law, and that law cared only about how my body was. Mom understandably chuckled at my complaint, and lightly tapped dad's shoulder. The man shook his head like he'd just awoken from some fever dream, though in reality he was still completely focused on how bad the trafic was to get here.

"Dear, I think she was brooding again." Mom teased. I crossed my arms, cheeks puffed out. I totally wasn't! But mom didn't give me a chance to even say it out loud. "Brooding makes you look bad sweetie, too serious. Are you trying to be batman?"

"You're starting to sound like your father dear, making those century-old references." Dad replied. I sighed with relief at the comment, but then he went on. "I think she's trying to play eraser head."

"Dad, no! I'm not!" Mom turned around with a mischievious grin on her face, raising her hands and moving all of her fingers like a spider with ADD, I knew what was coming, and with so little room in the car (plus you know, the seatbelt), I had no chance of escaping.

"Here comes the tickle monster!" She threatened, launching her fingers into my legs and feet. I started laughing uncontrolably and kicking around, even throwing the bag that was next to me down in process.

"Mom, stop!" Ever since my body became like this, my parents couldn't help themselves from treating me like that. I guess in a way, it was their way of keeping her around. It was a bit humiliating, but if it was them, I had to humor them at least. It wouldn't be fair otherwise, not that it was anyway. Besides, it wasn't like I couldn't understand where they were coming from, but neither was it the kind of feeling I could imagine myself ever truly comprehending. All I could do was try to avoid rejecting it.

After the "tickle monster" finally let me go, my parents were ready to let me leave the tiny nest that car had become in the past hour, and enter the world of heroes-in-training. The academy named U.A., where I would train to achieve her dream. I waved goodbye to my parents, who drove away particularly slowly so they could watch me enter the school safely. Despite the growing contrast between my reddening face and my white hair, I obliged by this, until I could finally breath a sight of relief (somewhat) for them being gone now.

It was about time I explored the school. We had had glimpse earlier, and it wasn't like I had a lot of time left, but it was still worth it to scout the grounds just in case anything happened. Besides, everything was so huge... I had heard about how U.A. tended to supersize a lot of it's architecture in order to accomodate for all sorts of quirks, in particular any that would make it less feasiable to just go through a regular door or arc, or take a field trip in a regular-sized bus. In turn, however, that left another issue on the table...

"I knew it." I simply stated, standing in front of the vending machine. If I reached my arm, if I got on the tip of my toes, I could ALMOST reach the place where I was supposed to put the money. If I jumped I probably could, but at that point getting a snack would turn into a game of basketball. "Maybe if I use the right angle... I can.... reach it..."

Ah, crap. I didn't have a lot of time. Who knew what would happen if I didn't get to class. But what would everyone look like if I couldn't even reach the vending machine's thing? Maybe there was a way...just a little bit. Just one more try!

Interacting with: N/A
Mentions: N/A
Might Also Want to Read: N/A

Throughout the rather neatly kept apartment, the clack of a keyboard filled the otherwise silent air. Causing the whole ruckus was Cooper. The pro hero who had been up for a few hours now doing some last minute research on some of the new students and making sure everything was squared away for the first day of the new school year. This was going to be his second year teaching but the first day wasn't nearly as stressful last year. He was really only a rescue teacher last year, but now he was going to be placed in his own classroom and everything. The pro subconsciously played with his beard as he ran through some documents on the students. He scrolled through the documents and chuckled and shook his head slightly in disbelief.

"These kids have some seriously crazy quirks. There's no room to wonder how they got into U.A. but dang, how did we manage to get so many powerhouses in one class?" One of the quirks caught his eye again and made him lean back in his chair with nervous laughter. "This says anything she touches decays? Can she turn off? Is it all the time? Gonna have to be real careful and find a solution for that if she can't. I'm sure the support team can whip something up in no time just in case." He ran his hand through his hair as he got out of his chair and moved toward his kitchen. Tea was always a good way to stay relaxed. For how often he made tea you would think he would have better system by now, but no. He still boils water on his stove. He let the water boil a he looked around his apartment. U.A. really treats both the students and the teachers very well. He honestly feels like it might be a little too much. Free apartments on campus for teachers is already a great deal, but they are really high quality apartments. Being a teacher at U.A. definitely had it's perks. Cooper moved about his apartment getting everything he needed in his satchel. standing in front of his mirror taking his hat on and off wondering if it was too much.

"Oh shoot, my tea!" As the annoying high-pitched sound of his tea kettle filled the room Cooper quickly moved to take it off the stove, figuring that it was probably loud enough for his neighbors to hear. The pro hero pulled out a large drawer filled with various flavors and types of tea as he shrugged and went with his classic cinnamon chai. He opened up one of his cabinets and found a thermos and filled it up with his favorite tea, giving the thermos a pleasant cinnamon scent. The pro tea maker scanned his apartment again and took a deep breath as he moved toward the door. "Better go meet the next generation. Wow, I feel old."

The twenty-five year old enjoyed a relatively peaceful walk into the main building. There it was a little more crowded with the first of the students already finding their ways to their classes. "Mostly the kids who are nervous and wanna make sure they find the right room, I can't blame em. I'd be right there with em.. Now let's see, I think U.A. wanted to give class 1A a little more attention this year. So I'm pretty sure the main teachers working with them will be Nuke-san, Fox in the box and myself- er- brave boy." He mused over how it will be nice knowing there will be other teachers to provide back-up if needed. Finally as he made his way down the familiar hallway he saw a rather tall man go to enter a room. For a second he wondered if that person was a student here for how huge they were but then he recalled one of the documents he had been scanning. "Ah, that must be Alexander, he certainly looks strong." Cooper comments to himself with a pure smile. Today might not be so bad after al-. Just as Cooper entered his classroom with a pure content smile on his face, he took in the scene around him. He came in just at the tail end of what looked like a stand off between two of his students. He heard the last bit and watched them stare daggers at each other as dozens of options flew through his head at once. Hoo boy, wasn't expecting a conflict so soon! Okay, I can make a scene right now tell em to sit down and shut up. I can be strict and mean and give em detention. No that's a little far. I could just act like I didn't see it... No, that's not a good idea. Aa, shoot. Cooper finally took a few confident steps forward still with a small reassuring smile on his face and gave a welcoming wave to the two students staring each other down. "Ah, Setsuna Ryuga and Yūsha Aka. Welcome to class 1A, seems you two already know each other!" He gently placed a hand on their shoulders with a small smile as he looked between, trying to keep a positive attitude. "Is there a problem here?"

While he had his attention focused on the two hot-tempered students he didn't even notice Alexander change his shirt or anyone else come in.

Catbite Catbite Rage Rage Eldarkon Eldarkon
Aijou Kurokami

Aijou woke up with a loud yawn. She had a beautiful night's sleep and is so ready for the first day of school. Merkava on the other hand woke up with a groan. He didn't had a good sleep as he was thinking of what would happen to his dear host as she participates in the first day of school. Nevertheless, he is ready to take on what is up ahead. "Good morning, Merkava." Aijou says to her partner, only for him to reply with "Hmph..." She gets off of her bed and does a bit of stretching before walking out of her bedroom and is greet with the smell of food. Aijou rushes down to the dining room to find her mother having finished her cooking as she places the last plate of food down on the table. There was toast, bacon, eggs, and a pitcher of orange juice. "Good morning, Aijou and Merkava." The mother greeted with a smile and Aijou responds back with "Good morning, Mom." And then she sits on the table and the host and parasite starts to munch down on the food. As they eat, the mother asked "Well, you two seems to be fired up. Are you ready for school?" Aijou nodded, couldn't speak as she is busy eating. The mother giggled, saying "You always reminded me of your father. If only he were here to see her daughter depart to one of the biggest hero schools around the world. Your father also studied there and he was among the best students the school had. I'm pretty sure that you'll also be among the very best."

After breakfast is done, Aijou quickly makes preparations, from freshening up to having her stuff prepared. As Aijou makes her way out of her home, her mother approach her and say "Do your best, sweetheart. And Merkava, please take good care of her. You two make an amazing duo." Merkava did not care and Aijou felt flustered. "Thanks, we'll do great in our studies." Aijou says and after saying her goodbye to her mother, she walks out of her house and starts making her way to U.A. on foot. Should not take about a couple of minutes to get there. While on the way, Aijou asks Merkava "Say, we did well in our entrance exam, made some friends, and passed together. You think that we might meet the same people in the classroom? They all have very interesting Quirks...and to be honest, I'm quite jealous."

"Don't get your expectations high, kid." Merkava replied "You might never know if anything has met your expectations, so keep them low for now. We're almost there." Aijou nods and then she saw the U.A. building itself. Aijou stops by the school's gates and after taking a deep breath, Aijou begins to make her way to her classroom. Class 1-A is the section that she is assigned in. Once she finds her section, she enters the room and sees some of the familiar faces she met during the entrance exam. Her attention went to Setsuna first before Alexander, Chloe, and then Yusha. Later on, she changed her attention to Cooper, much to her surprise. "Don't get surprised, kid." Merkava says "We just came in just as it started. Now then, go have a little chat with those blokes. I'm with you on this one." Aijou nodded before walking over to the group and say "Umm...hey, what is going on? I see that all of you have made it in this section. I'm Aijou Kurokami and this parasite here is Merkava."

Catbite Catbite Rage Rage Eldarkon Eldarkon skycaptain skycaptain SomebodyElse SomebodyElse
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  • EUu008U.png

    Jane Dorethy Delacroix
    Class 1-A, UA
    Mood: Analytical
    Mentions: @ Everyone in the Class atm

    Jane takes her time slowly and methodically unwrapping and wrapping her pale hands in dark bandage, repeating the process yet again until the folds of fabric and movements sat to her satisfaction, dark eyes moving across the coverings one final time before slipping on and raising up her long attached sleeves. With two quick clips fastening them into place, she finishes off her usual outfit before looking to the UA Blazer on a hanger to place it over the top, forgoing the normal skirt of the uniform in favor of the usual pants. That uniform was one she would be wearing a great deal in the coming years, and one she had earned herself. Running a hand across the sleeve she thinks back to the entrance exam, a exam she hadnt even needed to take with the reccomendation waiting in the wings...but she couldnt have guaranteed her mother had no influence in that, and for what she wanted to become? she would not accept shortcuts.

    Her father gave words of encouragement as she left, his normally cheerful and somewhat goofy demeanor on full display, and she closes her eyes and gives a short nod in return, leaving the estate without another word. Choosing to walk, instead of being driven she takes her time to walk through the city towards the academy, alone with her thoughts as she travels. The journey itself is uneventful, arriving at the school eventually though stops just outside, standing in silence as she takes in the the grand building for several minutes before continueing on her travel to the class room.

    The interior of the room already sounded chaotic, but it didnt matter in the end, sliding open the door and walking forward with slow methodical steps to a free seat near the rear window, sitting and seemingly going motionless once more with exception for her eyes fixiting on each present individual in return silently evaluating her future class mates.

Alexander Saito

As the hulking boy by the name of Alexander ate his "snack." His empty mind wandered. It drifted and went through anything, the flow of jazz bouncing his memories around like a pinball by the rhythm of the beat. Flowing as he saw things from the innocence of his youth to now, various movies filled his brain as he felt himself leave reality and wander.

A certain memory caught his eye or rather a dream. It wasn't anything... but image train as he forced himself to perform whilst he was going through the idea of the perfect opponent.

It was simple.... A young child vs an adult. A young boy who engaged in a couple years of training to a beast whose experience surpassed many his age would ever acquire normal. The boy would charged & the adult would react, every kick was responded with a kick of grander strength by the male whilst every punch was countered by a dodge. This every weaving circle of small but nimble and large but slow, what was strength without speed but what is an attack without strength.

This circle of speed vs power rolled through his brain as the memory always hit him.

(Flash Back)

It was a afternoon by a riverbank. The orange glow of the falling sun bounced off the water like a magma having erupted fresh from the earth, the wind blew across the fangs of the earth itself which the greenery from the thin but small grass was present. A short but stocky oaktree appeared where it's leaves gently fell to the ground only for the sound of bashed flesh to be heard.

Through the air, a little ways of the tree. A boy & girl dueled. This wasn't some little squabble or verbal confrontation. The slashing of wind could be heard as the girl leaned backs from a thunderous right, round swinging punch from the boy followed by responded with a toekick coming from her hand-standing position as she carefully evaded the blow but this was blocked by two firm arms interfering with the attack's original trajectory.

The sharpness from this accurate attack slashed his forearms but he ignored the cut on his limbs and followed with a heavy stomp that aimed from her hands which the girl hopped off using her arm strength and responded with a punch aimed at his center. The core of his being, the boy nearly evaded this by a side-step followed round-swinging knee to the torso but this was blocked by her arms. The impact itself sent the girl backwards but she regained her balance through the air.

Hopping about on her hands as she became upright, standing on her two-feet with a refined skill in her eyes where the boy's rugged but broad stance held a furious and primal strength inside of this boy's soul.... Suddenly... A chuckle came from the girl until she fell over laughing and the boy arms dropped.

"I Won, Alex. Yes! 125 - Matches - 0 Losses & 1 Wi-"

She suddenly felt her own arms dropped alongside her legs giving out causing her falling to the ground whilst the boy feel over himself. She stopped talking as she had a slight pout from exhausting and getting a feeling from her friend's response.... Oh now, Don't you dar...

"125 - Matches - 50 losses - 50 Wins - 25 Draws."

The girl snarled at the blonde boy correcting her which she yelled aloud.


"... Ow ..."


Reality hit Alexander hard as his eyes had glazed over which he found himself without his music, meal completed whilst he had begun eating the tiny and nonsensical remaining grains of rice. He turned his head & stared as he saw an aged teacher talking to the two fiery headed Rich Blue-Blooded Oni-Bound Children... Okay, he can't call them Oni when he has the body of one but that's beside the the point. They knew each other, Turning his head and put his items back into his backpack which he then looked what happened from the new arrivals.... One being a girl with a strange hair which was more bubbly than a beauty model's bubble bath in the evening with wine, another who held another rich aura around her frame that radiated this coming from wealth & support that happened to have an interesting hairband & another female whose skin seemingly reminded him of a full-moon, beautiful.

The shadow and glowing blue eyes from the darken face of Alexander became more present as he looked at them before he went back to his own duties, he didn't talk to anyone & no one talked to him... he thought, he didn't speak a single word during the exam to any person. His voice wasn't present and he knew none of these people whatsoever... and they didn't seem to care for him.... Maybe... People didn't make sense to him.
Idea Idea
Catbite Catbite
deianeira deianeira
PlusUltra PlusUltra
skycaptain skycaptain
NeonFlow NeonFlow
Eldarkon Eldarkon
SomebodyElse SomebodyElse
Zamasu Zamasu
Quiet Quiet
S n o w S n o w
Mistahh Mistahh
Sopranos Sopranos
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1548378155041.png "Only the best get in to this school. You should have expected this". Aka should have expected Setsuna to be here as well. In their previous encounter it was her skill with her quirk that made it a draw. Aka could have simply blown her away with a quick punch, but her grandfather trained her to be extremely resourceful, not to mention that her rather spooky quirk left him off balance during the entirety of their battle. Aka saw her a highly dangerous combatant and potentially a rival. although he needed to test her skills against his own first to determine that, since she most likely had grown as much as he had.

"I merely underestimated you. Your quirk didn't seem to have any combative applications at first" Aka then folded his arms in unison of hers, squinting his crimson eyes while they stared each other down. Her deep blue eyes were a contrast to his own. Their stare made the room feel so stiff he could almost feel it. "I wont make that mistake again"

Just then, he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was none other than the hero Brave Burst, his new sensei. Although he didn't seem that intimidating, since Aka was three inches taller than him, he decided to play nice and treat him with respect. He was their new teacher after all. "No problem sensei" he said as her turned and gave him a warm smile "just getting reacquainted with ourselves". With that, Aka walked towards the desks and chose the seat that was right next to Setsuna's. If he was going to defeat her, he needed to know her. How much she had changed, her way of thinking, her temperament. Anything that he could use to his advantage later on

It was at about this time that students started coming in "Yes, I remember you during the entrance exams" he said as he acknowledged everyone who addressed him. During the exams he saw many of these people, but considered only a select few to be rivals. He only hoped that these people were in his class. If there was one thing his father taught him is that having a rival can make someone strong. Maybe U.A wasnt going to be so bad after all.

Catbite Catbite SomebodyElse SomebodyElse skycaptain skycaptain Zamasu Zamasu
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Miles Ibis you fool, you handsome tosser, WHY ACCEPT A OFFER TO JOIN U.A?
“I can’t speak Japanese” the teen muttered. He had arrived a week ago in japan, staying in a hotel he couldn’t pronounce, having to google translate directions to get anywhere...
The food is great though...

Miles mouth curled into a smile as he remembered what he had eaten since he arrived.
The bus driver spoke (not that Miles understood) to announce the stop. Young mr Ibis could see the school from the window, standing up quick to get to the front of the bus. A few others got off with him and starting walking, running, one flew.

Miles sighed in annoyance, not like he could throw himself to school...
Could I?……… no... don’t try it here anyway...
deciding to pick up the pace miles ran as well. He was accepted into the most prestigious school, the language barrier is something I can break through... some teachers and students must speak English...

Reaching the gates put a new feeling of zesty energy in his step, and it wasn’t long for miles to find a teacher.... “thank you miss thank you! I was so worried all you would say is Nani”
Miles hugged the woman who gave him directions but she quickly pushed the teenager to the ground and gave a stern warning. Miles smiled anyway as he got up with a “origato sensei”
the woman let a small grin show as Miles ran towards class 1-A.

He knew no one, but had seen a few of these kids at some exam or trial.
Not important. What’s important is where I sit.
miles took the corner seat at the back, giving him a full view of everyone who would be in the class.
His blue eyes scan the room, i wonder who here will come get some Raman later.. a chance to make some friends will definitely help overall...
the language, the local hot spots, how the subway maps work! A friend could help explain at least two of those things.
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Aizen Lanbert
Mentions: Indirectly Everyone

He didn't live far from the academy but the drive felt like it would never end. When he received his own U.A. uniform, he felt very underwhelmed. He was expecting some kind of spark to light up and a new sensation wash over him, giving him a motivational drive to get to the school. Instead, Aizen was even more set in his opinions of the academy. He never even wanted to go to U.A., Shiketsu Academy would have been a better fit for him but it had been a long time since he had the opportunity to choose what he wanted. He had texted Evelyn before he got in the car but she had yet to respond which disappointed Aizen greatly. He had yet to tell her that he passed the entrance exams using her strategy.

While his parents wanted him to showcase his abilities to the fullest extent, his sister pointed out that it was better to examine what the other candidates were capable of. Aizen made sure to perform well enough so he would have several eyes watching him, but stayed in the background so his potential classmates wouldn't notice him. It was quite contradictory since he didn't like being underestimated but he had no interest of what people thought of him. Some people wanted to be noticed, they wanted people to consider them as the next big thing but when it came down to it, none of it mattered. Aizen laughed to himself as his chauffeur turned his head slightly with concern. His driver was Bruford, a man that served his family for almost twelve years. He was always fond of the man especially because he would drive him to his sisters place without notifying his parents.

"Bruford, do you think it is possible for me to become the number one hero?" Aizen said calmly as he stared out the window.

"Certainly sir!" Bruford started with a grin on his face. Aizen had made the chauffeur aware of his perspective on heroism but yet Bruford had complete faith that he would change his mind once he got to the academy. "Although I didn't know that was something you were thinking about."

"It wasn't" Aizen quickly replied as his eyes met Bruford's in the rear-view mirror. Bruford cleared his throat and nodded as if Aizen had sent him some secret message and continued driving in silence. As they were nearing the school, Aizen looked towards his palms, thinking of the past:

[His parents had woken him up at four in the morning for another unscheduled stamina training. He refused to wake up so his father poured a bucket of cold water over his head, causing Aizen to unleash his Quirk. As he saw the flames spread across the fabric, Aizen raised both of his hands as if he was raising the dead and the flames ceased to burn almost as fast as they spread. His father seem unfazed by the heat and walked out of the room, reminding him that his instructors were waiting for him.

"I'm only ten years old, papa! Why do I have to wake up this early! Eve doesn't!" the water-soaked boy shouted behind his father as he leaped off the bed, his long hair messiest than ever.

"You have to be ready my son," his father responded. He turned around and raised his hands up in the air as if he was holding a large tree log. "You will be stronger than Evelyn ever could imagine. When you are strong and famous, people will finally look at this family with respect" his father concluded, lowering his arms and walking off into the shadows.]

["You're my favourite hero!" young Aizen exclaimed at the top of his lungs. His sister smiled and hugged the child while patting his head.

"That's sweet but there are way better heroes than me. I don't even do much" Evelyn said.

Aizen shook his head with seriousness, his glasses almost falling off his face. "You're real though. You don't care about being the best hero or getting money, you just want to help people. Plus, you're my sister! Of course you're my favourite!" Aizen shouted once again as his sister released her grip on her brother.

Two shadowy figures entered the room.

"Aizen it is time for your strength training. Afterwards, you have a literacy lesson" the figure on the right said. It was his father. Aizen stared at them with annoyance but his parents ignored it. His mother grabbed her child's wrist and dragged him away as Evelyn looked towards them in frustration. He was only a child, he didn't need all this pressure. He didn't even want to become a hero.]

[The room around Aizen lit up in blue flames as his mother backed away in f-]

Aizen's head lifted itself quickly as he felt the vehicle come to a slow stop. He had reached his destination. Aizen quickly said his goodbyes to Bruford and exited the car, watching it speed away with one hand on his backpack strap. He was at the academy that his sister always wanted to go to, yet he was here but didn't want to be; Aizen couldn't help but feel guilty. Compared to the entrance exams, the school property seemed to be empty. The weak were singled out from the strong as they should be, but he wasn't expecting so many people to get cut. Aizen took one last look at the world he was leaving behind and entered the school. After speaking with two kids who were suppose to be in the Support Class, Aizen was able to easily find the classroom that hosted the 1-A students. The door was already opened and to his surprise, he was not the first one to arrive. It seemed the majority of his classmates were engaged in conversation so he made his way to one of the desks in the back row. Aizen placed his backpack beside him and took time to observe his classmates. He recognized two of them and that was only because he was specifically watching them during the entrance exams. This school might not have been such a bad idea the young man thought as he realized that there was actual competition here.

"I can't wait to get to know you better" Aizen muttered under his breath with a grin.

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Akiko Fujiwara
Location: Yuuei
Mood: Excited
Interactions: Indirectly Everyone
With: N/A
Tags: N/A
Other: N/A

With the blasting trill of her alarm clock, Akiko was jolted awake. 'Oh boo.... that was a good dream, too.' The first day of school was always difficult to wake up to, she supposed. Lumbering out of bed, Akiko could faintly hear her mother calling her and her siblings down for breakfast. After yelling back that she would be there in a second, the girl quickly pulled on her top and skirt. As she looked at herself in the mirror, Akiko's face lit up with a small smile. 'This feels.... right.' she thought to herself.

The smile didn't leave the girl's face until many minutes later, when she eventually made her way down to eat. The kitchen was clambering with excitement. Her mother, Makoto Fujiwara, was hastily manning the stove and ovens, while her younger sisters played across the table. Her older sister, as per usual, was just trying to ignore them all.

Finally, Makoto Fujiwara managed to get all of the food out and ready to serve. As Akiko dug into her meal, she couldn't help but notice all of the different uniforms at the table. Koharu, the oldest, had a red blazer, whereas the twins, Mei and Mio, both had purple. Even Hina, who was only 5, was wearing her yellow kindergarten uniform with pride. She had been so busy with her Yuuei application, Akiko hadn't noticed the schools that her sisters had applied to. As her family chattered on around her, Akiko sat in silence, simply listening to the conversation.

She could not sit in peace forever; at least, according to her mother. "You best be careful, Miss Akiko. I don't like this hero business." Sighing slightly, Akiko smiled reassuringly at her mother. "Of course, mom. We already went over the expectations." With that, the middle child of the Fujiwara family stood up and kissed her mother on the cheek. "I'll be fine, don't worry!"

Waving goodbye, Akiko took her first step out the door, walking towards her near-future. Her house wasn't very far from Yuuei, so she was able to walk. Even though it seemed to be chilly, Akiko couldn't really feel anything. She merely took in the changing colors of her town. As she approached the doors of her new school, Akiko could feel her jaw drop slightly. She had seen Yuuei before. Hell, this is where she took her entrance exam, after all. But it was just something else when she was seeing it for the first time as a student. 'It's like having different eyes,' she thought to herself.

Picking herself out of her stupor, Akiko walked through the doors to the academy, looking for the nearest staff member. After finding a teacher that led her in the right direction, Akiko set off towards her class. She didn't want to get lost, of course.

Peeking her head into her new classroom, Akiko took a slightly hesitant step forward. She didn't really recognize anyone in the room, and, in all honesty, why would she? Her family definitely didn't have connections. Akiko took a seat at the front of the class, simply waiting for class to start.
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The pro hero's hands moved off the students shoulders as he smiled and nodded. He was a little surprised by how tall some of these high school students were but it didn't bother him. He knew there was some bad-blood between them, he wasn't too concerned about trying to figure it out. He had a feeling it would be pretty obvious, he already had some ideas from what he heard. He watched Aka smile back at him and take the seat next to Setsuna. Their teacher gave them both a friendly smile as they sat down. He considered making a wise statement about rivals and what not but he decided now wasn't the time for that. He turned his attention to the door as more and more students were starting to pile in. "Awesome, welcome to class 1A! Take a seat where ever you like!" He moved toward the front of the teachers desk and got his school pad out and placed his satchel behind the desk. Cooper stood at the front of the classroom in a relaxed manner flipping to the attendance tab he had open as he kept scanning the room, trying to make sure he had everyone's names right. He checked the time again and it was only a few minutes till class started. He checked the door again and figured that the other teachers were on their way and they wouldn't mind if he got attendance started.

"Good morning! Welcome to U.A! I'm Mr. Willingham, some people know me as the Jet hero: Brave burst. But you know, either works. Anyway, I'll be teaching you what it takes to be a hero alongside my compatriots~!" He dramatically gestures to the door with his arm and holds for a second. "Who will be arriving in a moment." He continues on with his speech as per usual. "Looks like we just have a couple more people we are waiting on, but while we wait we are gonna go ahead and start introductions. You'll come up and Introduce yourself how you want, within reason of course. Come on up, give us your name, tell us a little about yourself! As well as a brief summary of your quirk!" He gave a warm excited smile to the classroom as he tried to look everyone in the eye. "Who would like to go first?" A lot of his worry seemed to melt away as he stood and stared at all the aspiring young heroes in training. He was sure he would get called on for smiling a lot but that was just one of the things he did. What could he say? He was happy where he was, and he was looking forward to getting to know his students and helping them reach their dreams.

Idea Idea
Rage Rage
deianeira deianeira
PlusUltra PlusUltra
NeonFlow NeonFlow
Eldarkon Eldarkon
SomebodyElse SomebodyElse
Zamasu Zamasu
Quiet Quiet
S n o w S n o w
Mistahh Mistahh
Sopranos Sopranos

"I wont make that mistake again"

Each word that left his mouth stabbed into her flesh like shards of ice, and she returned each of them with an icy glare of her own, unflinching, unyielding. Though her heart was still pounding, she would not let him see a single trace of uncertainty playing across her face. Instead of the person she wanted to be at her new school, full of sweetness and sunshine and warmth, she stood like a terrifying Gothic statue, oozing with contempt and a dark, intense fire breathing through her body. This boy... who did he think he was? Better than her? Because of his quirk, because of his family, because of his parents- Wait... What was this feeling? A hand in her subconscious pulled one of the threads laced tightly around her heart. She was forgetting something, what was it? Suddenly, she felt a touch on her shoulder, gentle and soft, it pulled her tenderly from her dark mind.

"Is there a problem here?"

Immediately her face softened and she turned her eyes towards the voice, that kind, uplifting voice. It was Brave Burst, the Jet Hero! Putting two and two together, Setsuna quickly realized that he was also her teacher, and to her own surprise she blushed and took a step back quickly, shying away from his hand and instinctively brushing a few strands of hair behind one ear, eyes to the floor. She felt incredibly foolish to have been caught in such a distasteful encounter with Aka, she wanted so badly to make a good impression and show her teachers, whoever they were, what an obedient and disciplined student she was. The extra downside to this was that Brave Burst part of Setsuna's creepy fan girl collection of "cutest pro-heroes", she adored his quirk and how he could zip through the air, not to mention his humble, warm personality. Aka spoke first, clearing himself before selecting a desk- oh good, right beside her. She watched him move, a tinge of anger returning to her face. What was the matter with him! Did he think he was going to spy on her, or was he committing himself to ruining her each and every day at U.A. High?

"This is a disaster... I can't believe I let Aka make me so angry..." she thought, her hands clenching into uncomfortable fists.

"Why hello there Setsuna, Aka. I believe I know you both. I am Chloe Saredrew, of Saredrew Co."

Another voice chimed in. It was at precisely this moment that she realized how many of her classmates had arrived. Her eyes darted around the room, a sense of panic filling her chest. How many of them had heard, how many had seen? Certainly, the girl speaking to her must have, the one in a familiar mask. Where had she seen that- Did she say Saredrew? Her eyes widened, she remembered! That was Chloe Saredrew, the heiress of that massive company that seemed to be taking over the entire retail industry. Their families had met years ago, and she recalled seeing the girl in her peculiar mask even then with her long, silvery, beautiful hair. D-did she... say hello? Like as if they were friends? Well, maybe not friends, but perhaps friendsly-ish acquaintances? She felt foolish for even thinking of it, a billionaire heiress, interested in her? Tsk.

"Umm...hey, what is going on? I see that all of you have made it in this section. I'm Aijou Kurokami and this parasite here is Merkava."

Another one?! This girl seemed to have a living creature on her head, but she was cute and warm and full of sunshine. Everything Setsuna wanted to be. How hopeless, she could never keep up with someone like that. She marveled at how freely she had entered, how at ease she seemed to be, how naturally joy seemed to radiate from her. Setsuna's body filled with ice and darkness, worry and anxiety replacing the flames of anger that resided there mere seconds ago. Those two girls, they should talk to each other. Setsuna didn't have a place there, she didn't belong. She was the angry, stomping, scary girl and that was who she was always going to be. She turned and fully faced her teacher.

"No sir, there is no problem, absolutely not. I apologize for my behavior, in front of you and this class, I promise to do better."

Through her own humiliation, she managed to say each word while looking her teacher in his eyes out of respect. She then bowed deeply, and turned and bowed towards Chloe and Aijou as well.

"Please excuse Miss Saredrew, Miss Kurokami, I am sorry if I disturbed you."

Setsuna retreated back to her desk staring sharpened razors into Aka as she walked. As soon as she was in her chair and turned around, she immediately began relaxing her body, winding down as she might have done after using her quirk intensely. She could feel her blood cooling, her pulse softening and a wave of relief calming her now that she had returned to the safety of her desk- well, it was almost completely safe. She shot Aka another odious glance, unable to stop thinking about what he had said, that he was sitting right beside her, that they would be studying together. Well, two could play at that game! Deciding with resolution, she would spy and antagonize and annoy him right back! Who did he think he was, anyways? Better than her? Because of his quirk, because of his family, because of his parents- Suddenly, a hand sharply tugged at another thread tied tightly around her heart. She remembered. Parent, not parents. As she stared at Aka her face softened, eyes glossing over, almost... sad?

"That's right... Storm Knight passed away, not that long ago too. He lost his father, and he picked himself up and got to U.A. anyways. Ugh, you stupid girl... I didn't even send a card. Idiot girl... Why don't you think before you act? How could you forget, and that was how you greet him?!"

Without a word she turned away from Aka and faced forward. Aka was still her rival, but she couldn't help but feel bad for him. Years had gone by, but her own father's passing hit her like a bus and she was sure that she would never fully recover from the loss. Try as one might to frame a loss like that with happy memories, the aching, dull pain of their absence never truly left and could rip it's way into your mind and heart no matter the time, the day, the occasion. This was far, far too many emotions to be having on the first day of school- and classes hadn't even started yet. Good grief. Before she could really think any longer on it, Brave Burst Mr. Willingham began speaking. He was so welcoming, and supportive, and totally dreamy, definitely like top 15, maybe top 10 for cutest pro heroes? She would have to recalculate in her free time and move around her roster. They were going to start introductions, and she was glad for it. Hopefully someone really flashy and interesting would go up and allow her more time to calm down.

Eldarkon Eldarkon skycaptain skycaptain Zamasu Zamasu SomebodyElse SomebodyElse
Kioshi Hirayama

With the life of a popular model, fashion designer, and now a Hero is training Kioshi's life was constantly flooded with paparazzi and bombarded by his adoring fans. He was used to being exhausted as the heir of the Hirayama family had many responsibilities to uphold, however, with recent news of him attending UA his popularity had skyrocketed and his schedule had been more overwhelmingly busy then usual. He felt drained and is right hand still ached from yesterdays conference as he had to endure a long interview for several hours and had signed hundreds of autographs to show the media that even despite being a busy rich boy he would always make some time for his fans. Kioshi sat across from his parent's in their limousine as he waited quietly as his parents were both on the phone. As his family policy states it was rude for the youngest members to interrupt elder family members when they were on the phone only if it was emergency. He wanted his family to pay him some kind of attention outside of their work, but ever since he was a mere baby his parent's never really spoke to him unless it regarded his schedule times. To come to think of it he didn't really know his parent's all too well outside of their work lives. But why complain when you literally could have ten of everything you could want? They were successful so they must have been doing something right, and it was his duty to maintain that success. Personal feelings didn't matter here, and they never should.

As his parent's both ended their calls they starred at him while delivering a hefty sighs. A sudden silence had fallen between the family and Kioshi's eyes slowly moved downwards being speechless about what he wanted to say. Did he want a loving goodbye? Perhaps he wanted his parent's wish him good luck on his new career? Maybe he just wanted a casual conversation with them? All of this seemed like any normal boy might want, but Kioshi shook the thoughts away. Thoughts like that were for failures, and Kioshi was far from anything so repugnant. He had given up too much and worked too hard to embarrass the family name now. Being a hero had nothing to do with what he wanted, despite fooling himself to believe in such at the beginning, this was for and only for the family. Out of nowhere his father managed to break the awkward silence between them as his eyes struck his son with a look of uneasiness. "Kioshi" he began to say as the young boy quickly straightened his posture and focused his immediate tension on his Father. His eyes instantly locking into his as he obediently awaited for his father to continue. "Are you sure you want to go through with this Kioshi? As you already know we won't be allowing you to skip your responsibilities just because you're attending this hero academy correct?" His father asked sternly as he took a sip of rum from his glass with his eyes still never leaving Kioshi's.

"Of course Father." Kioshi answered quickly before continuing. "The media has been at our door everyday since the announcement and my face has continually been into the papers. I've even been appearing more on the television due to recent interviews and my fans have been all over me since then. Trust me Father dearest I will make our family proud." Kioshi starred at his parent's as they each gave each other a look before slightly nodding at each other. "Very well but do make this clear" His mother began as he crossed her legs and folded her arms. "Graduating from this school and becoming a so called Hero is a secondary objective. You will still be required to attend interviews and conferences as we see fit. We will try to let you slide out of a few here and there, but if we need you to attend somewhere you will be there. Is that clear?"

Kioshi nodded as he felt the limousine come to a stop. He could already here the flashing of camera's as dozens of people surrounded the vehicle. He heard his door open as he turned to see one of his butlers along with a few others keeping some of the paparazzi at bay to allow him to walk through the gates. No doubt they were scheduled under his mother's directions, but this was the best time if any to take pictures since only certain people were allowed through the gates. Kioshi was about to leave before his father began to say something. Subconsciously Kioshi was hoping if he was about to say "I'm proud of you", or even an "I love you". He was even begging for a "good luck" if anything. His father reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to him. Of course. How could ever forget. It was a list of students that shared a common social status with. Background checks were a must for his family, and finding out there were several students with respectable homes it was up to Kioshi to befriend them to bring their families closer. Good for business as his father always said.

Exiting the vehicle put on his usual charismatic smile and began to wave to the cameras as his perfectly postured walk and good looks did there work. He was used to having his picture taken while on the move. Years of practice by strutting down catwalks often helped him from tripping to mistakenly taking an embarrassing photo. As he entered the gates he could still feel the cameras flashing from behind him. All in all the school looked beautiful, it was certainly stunning to say in the least. As he continued walking he continued to admire the schools features and overall appearance. Nice and neat though this should be expected from the top school. Eventually he managed to find a most peculiar sight. It almost made him burst out laughing, but delivered a little snicker instead. A little girl apparently was having trouble with the vending machine. Her short height made it seemingly impossible to reach what she wanted. He walked over to the vending machine curious and with a smug smile on his face. He didn't recognize her face from the pictures his father showed him regarding the special students he needed to befriend. So perhaps having a little fun would cause no harm. "Hey short stuff, pretty sure elementary school is a couple blocks down." He said chuckling as he stood behind her. He placed his hands in his pocket as he looked down at her, both figuratively and literally. "Need any help? I'd be glad to lend a hand" he offered delivering his usual charming smile but with a few devious ideas in mind.

Idea Idea
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Class A-1’s teacher, jet hero brave burst gave a quick little talk before offering the floor to the students, introductions..
I can manage that. May as well go first, ease the room for everyone else to talk. What’s a norm- ha I’m not normal. What’s a original introduction?

Miles Ibis stood from his desk with a confident grin, he left his chair out as he walked to the front of the room. Giving a nod to the teacher matching his casual smile.
Name, summary, quirk... hell thats easy.
by giving some stomps Claps and slaps on his chest in a repetitive manner Miles made a simple beat and basically made his own slam poetry session.

My name is Miles Ibis I’m from outta japan
Australia’s my country, I’ll return there a man
Taught and trained myself enough to get here,
And I guarantee that I’ll be here all year
So show no fear as when I’m in gear
my quirk can strike danger, far or near”

He raised his right hand and it began to glow and emit a blue steam before what seemed like that blue steam turning into a solid shape of a ball, see through and all. He tossed it lightly into the air letting it fall back into his hand, he didn’t stop his introduction either, he just kept talking in rhyme while stomping slapping his chest and clapping when the ball was in the air

“see I be accurate to a scary degree,
No moving target could ever escape me
My eyes are like a eagle,
with a telescope
if you think your safe at distance
you’ll look like a dope
I once had a awkward moment just to see how it would feel
I can walk into McDonald’s to get a KFC meal
When I’m not home but opportunity’s at my door?
opportunity sits patiently,
and waits on the floor
I’m the most intriguing on the planet the reason Waldo is hiding
And I’m soon to be the reason crime will drop and start sliding
it’s a pleasure to be here and speak today
And a pleasure to meet all of class one Ay”

He made eye contact with everyone who looked toward him and didn’t break his confidence one bit. Speaking in front of people, or performing was never hard for this tosser.
At the end he let the blue ball fade away with a little laugh before bowing sarcastically and walking to his desk at the back corner.

Miles smiled all the way back to his seat.
Idea Idea
Catbite Catbite
deianeira deianeira
PlusUltra PlusUltra
skycaptain skycaptain
Eldarkon Eldarkon
SomebodyElse SomebodyElse
Zamasu Zamasu
Quiet Quiet
S n o w S n o w
Mistahh Mistahh
Sopranos Sopranos
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  • EUu008U.png

    Jane Dorethy Delacroix
    Class 1-A, UA
    Mood: Focused
    Mentions: Idea Idea , Catbite Catbite , deianeira deianeira , NeonFlow NeonFlow , skycaptain skycaptain , Eldarkon Eldarkon , SomebodyElse SomebodyElse , Zamasu Zamasu , NUSKI NUSKI , Quiet Quiet , S n o w S n o w , Mistahh Mistahh , Sopranos Sopranos

    Janes face remains set and passive even when the "pro hero" announces himself, only a ever so slight narrowing of her brow as her eyes drill into the man with the same analytical gaze, as if seeing something that wasnt there. This man was suppose to teach people to be a "hero", though a quick glance around the room had yet to reveal any such qualities, even more so for those late for the first class. Her hand remain flat on her desk, though her grip tightens a little as the scene continues to play out. The first playing this like it was a joke as he seemed to be attempting to rap his response, filtering through his display to try and gleam the useful parts between the various boasts.

    As Miles goes to sit down she slowly stands and walks to the front of the class, slow methodic steps before turning and standing in silence for a moment as she faces the class. Her eyes sapphires aflame in the dark pits as she glances across each student once more before taking a slow breath and finally speaking "Jane Dorethy...." she gives another short pause speaking her surname, a strange inflection to it "Delacroix..." if she was fortunate those present would not connect it or give it much, though that was unlikely, the teacher had likely already recieved her file and details after all even if he gave no visable sign upon entering...for now at least.

    "Your will find out the rest in time, my quirk....allows my body to match my will, employed as needed but not relied upon soley" her words are blunt and to the point, though barely seems to give any real information across aside for her name, she stands in silence for a few more moments before her eye moves across to the teacher once more, then begins to walk back to her desk.

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His words did not convey anything unexpected. Here I was, desperately trying to reach the money slot of the vending machine, one could expect an honest mistake like that to be made. Yeah, surely it was no fault of his, I mean I was even making double sure to carry my student ID with me at all times because of situations like this, and it didn't even seem as though he was being too mean about it, yeah surely there was no harm in him looking at me and immediately telling me I belonged in elementary school, surely surely surely... But still... I couldn't deny my fists clenched and my eyebrows twitched at the comment. Probably for the same reason my cheeks felt a little hot.

"You have guts, that's for sure. Just who are you calling an elementary school stud-" I shot a deadly gaze with a turn of the head, coming face to face with a familiar...well, face. I narrowed my eyes, trying to figure out just where I had seen it before. Though clearly his attire was handled with care, he was wearing the boy's UA uniform, so there wouldn't be any clue there. He wasn't exactly a massive pile of muscles like a certain someone I used to know, but he didn't seem scrawny either. His voice surely wasn't telling, so altough I knew his face, I didn't know his voice, so I probably only read... about...him... "Kioshi Hirayama?"

There was no way. And yet, the more I stared, the more my head was certain it was him. When I started going to school here in Japan, magazines where he was featured were a surefire way to make friends. Gushing over him with the other girls, at least until the fad moved on, though his seemed to come and go in waves. Yes, eventually it died out, but it always seemed to come back somehow. And I couldn't entirely deny I had a part in that. Just why was he here, in a hero school, with such a promising future ahead of him? What did I miss in these two years that I had stopped reading those types of magazines? Why was he here, talking to ME?

And on top of that, he was offering to help me...

"N-no, I c-couldn't... I mean yes, I mean no I mean, I mean, uhm..." What the heck was I doing?! I instinctively began to lean into the machine, shoulder and head against the cold metal, as if that would somehow erase my embarassing presence or something. "Yes. Th-thank you..."

Was I stupid or something? Why did I say yes? I didn't even want anything from that machine! The first student I talked to since school started and this was the impression I was making, what kind of a prospect hero was I making myself out to be? Speaking of which, how long had I been here? I took a shy glance at my watch. Crap. I might still be in time, but that was just barely...

"I have to get going! Class is about to start!" I declared. I got stuck here too long, barely did any of the reconnaissance I wanted to, but it would be a huge stain to my name if I were to arrive late. I got into a running position and immediately began sprinting my way to the classroom. I took a moment to catch my breath after getting to the expectatly huge door labeled "1-A". There was some kind of light coming from within the classroom, and it seemed someone was...rhyming? I had heard UA's methods were unorthodox, but I never imagined poetry would be part of the hero course... Well, either way I would have to get through things properly. I checked the watch. 3 minutes till class started. Then, with care and as much dignity as I could muster, I slid open the door.

The rhyming person was seemingly no longer speaking by the time I did, but instead, a girl with a very pale skin announcing what I could only assume was her name. Firts day of school, speaking in turns, giving out names and, it seemed, quirks, it was appearantly time for introductions. A little early, considering my watch said class was yet to start, so maybe our teacher was prioritizing efficiency by using the students that arrived early first. I hoped I hadn't missed much.

In order to avoid disturbing things much, I took the third row seat closest to the wall where the door was, after of course a silent bow.

Interacting with: Mistahh Mistahh
Mentions: NeonFlow NeonFlow PlusUltra PlusUltra
Might Also Want to Read: Catbite Catbite skycaptain skycaptain NUSKI NUSKI deianeira deianeira Eldarkon Eldarkon Rage Rage Zamasu Zamasu


Location: UA; Classroom 1-A
Interactions: skycaptain skycaptain & everyone in the classroom indirectly
Mentions: Idea Idea
That morning cheers of excitement filled the small two-bedroom apartment that comprised the Kamiyama residence. Shingen sat at the table, peacefully indulging in the delicious breakfast his mother had prepared specifically for him as the loud, happy voices of his other family members drowned out all of his thoughts. Today was an important occasion indeed - the aspiring hero would at last be leaving for UA in hopes of achieving his dreams. In order to celebrate this defining moment even his two elder siblings, now respectable adults with careers and families of their own, had come to visit in order to display their support. As a matter of fact, everyone seemed more joyous than even the day he had gotten accepted into the prestigious high school. Shin had his doubts whether the emotion that was being expressed currently was genuine or purposefully blown out of proportion - after all, regardless of his determination for success, he had always been unsure whether this life-path was truly the one for him. Indeed, he questioned if he was worthy of becoming a pro-hero. Gazing over to his father (or, well, the man he considered his father), the lower in rank yet still respectable rescue hero Thermo (aka Jirou to those closest to him), Shingen half-smiled as the older man looked away as soon as their eyes met. Chuckling to himself the boy mused that regardless of how annoying the farce his kin were putting on was he appreciated all of the positivism and encouragement coming his way. He would need it.

After some teasing jokes were exchanged and he had formally said goodbye to everyone, Shingen was beginning to put on his shoes when behind him the voice of his father rang out, clearer and more serious than ever. Turning around the boy witnessed the hero he had come to admire deeply giving him a rather awkward thumbs up as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Son... I want you to know that we're incredibly proud of you and that we know you'll do amazing. We love you!"

The determination in Jirou's voice was truly endearing, and caused Shingen to stop in his tracks. A second of silence passed over, though it felt like an eternity.

"I love you guys too, even though you're all huge crybabies! I don't know how you're even going to manage without me. Now I really need to get going unless you want me to be late!" the younger man replied with a wide smile and a gleeful laugh.

Running out of his apartment, Shingen was heading towards his new life at UA!


"Who am I lying to. I don't even know if I'll be able to finish my first year..." the boy's internal monologue pestered him, the worry in him escalating the closer he got to UA, the gates of which stood directly in front of him at this point. Maybe it hadn't been that bright of an idea to walk here, as it had resulted in giving leeway for further doubt to set in. Nevertheless, the smile Shingen had put on since he had woken up did not disappear. He wouldn't allow that - acting confident and not letting others see you falter was step one to being a hero. Shin was a master of making himself appear calmer than he actually was - he was painfully aware of his own body language and had survived through life so far by tricking others into perceptive him as they wanted him to be. However, his purposeful, precise gestures could sometimes appear clinical and uncanny. For example, the constant readjustments he was making to his uniform in order to make it "perfect" gave away his struggle.

The clothing he had been sent to wear and represent UA with honor, as nice as it had looked upon arrival, now felt suffocating. The primary thing he was worried about was how his schoolmates would react to the extensive collection of body art he owned - would they avoid him, would they label him a thug, would they tell him that he was not cut out to be a hero because of something so shallow? He acknowledged that such a thing would be ridiculous, but his inner saboteur would not grant him peace.

"To hell with it..." Shingen thought to himself. Rolling up his cuffs while still keeping them nice and proper, as well as loosening the tie that had been painfully tight around his neck until now, the boy allowed for some of his ink to show through. "It'll all become evident at some point so better be upfront about it," he opted for forming his tattoos into a more floral, approachable style. He needed to make a positive impression from the get go.

After getting orientated by one of the staff members, Shingen began power-walking towards his destination, considering he had little time left after his family and his own worry had delayed him. Making his way as fast as he could, he was taken aback once a figure sprinted past him - for the split second he caught a glimpse of this individual, he swore he saw a little girl, who (strangely) wore the school's uniform. Even more curiously, they both seemed to be headed in the same direction. Deciding not to catch up, he lagged a few paces behind, observing. At one point he started to hear something akin to... slam poetry or rapping coming from nowhere other than his future classroom. Shin was admittedly entertained, but by the time he got close the male voice had been replaced by a sterner, to-the-point female tone. Peaking his head in after the small girl had walked inside and sat down, he stood in the doorway looking at the person he knew to be the hero Brave Burst - his future teacher.

"Excuse me for the disturbance, teacher." Shingen spoke calmly yet clearly, bowing in an apologetic manner, "Since I've already disrupted the introductions and am at the front of the class, I think I might as well present myself."

Taking some steps forward so that his classmates could see him better, the boy rolled up his right sleeve to reveal a black and white koi fish tattoo that slightly moved every once in a while, as if it were alive, "My name is Kamiyama Shingen. My quirk allows me to manipulate ink, which I store in the form of tattoos, as you can clearly see. It's nothing too special, but it has it's applications." in the blink of an eye the koi lost its shape and all of the black substance condensed at the tip of his fingers, "I look forward to learning from and working together with you all. Let's do our best!"

Beaming at his classmates the most charismatic smile he could muster Shingen stepped away from the podium and sat at a desk in the middle of the row next to the windows. There, he started to look over the people he would be studying besides during the next years.
Kioshi Hirayama

Kioshi continued to look down at her with his usual charismatic smile as a way to temporarily earn her trust. Even with his rude comments his face often allowed him to pretty much get away with anything he wanted. Most would back down after seeing him while others would often try to avoid him. That was unless you were considered an equal on the social construct he belong to. He patiently waited for her to retaliate delivering a inner chuckle when he noticed the clenching of her fist. He even leaned down a bit as a way to mock her to give her that one free punch if she so desperately wanted to hit him. The moment she had turned around his smile remained as her words and actions to him had drastically changed. Which was certainly expected. He even found it quite hilarious that she even knew his name, which practically everyone did so it came as no actual surprise. He let out a snicker when she had leaned into the vending machine. He often had this effect on women along with many men here and there as well. It often came with being a celebrity. The attention he received was constant from his fans, sadly if only his parents could show him that same kind of attention when they weren't scolding him, but he understood that they were busy so it shouldn't be a concern on his mind.

His smile eventually had turned into a frown as the little girl ran off to class which he should probably be doing as well. He took another look at the vending machine seeing how some of the items were full of sugar and let out a noise of disgust. "How could someone eat something so vile and unhealthy? Don't they know what that does to your body" he said to himself not being able to take his eyes off the deliciousness that the vending machine had contained. Subconscious thoughts started to fill his head about just using it. Mother and Father would never know so why torture yourself with their diet? These thoughts had nearly tricked him as he had almost reached for his wallet with his right hand before grasping onto the naughty hand with his left. What was he thinking? How could he even think about eating this crap? He began to internally insult himself with insults by calling himself "fat" and a "no good spoiled pig". Insults were how his parents eventually got him to willing diet, and it had to remind himself that the family name was to great for him to indulge. He wanted to kick the damn machine but managed to regain his bearing to and made quick haste to his classroom not wanting to be late himself. He had arrived just a minute early and the class seemed to have been doing introductions. One seemed to have been constantly rhyming with his introduction. It would seem a silly to most, but to one who enjoyed the cheesiest of romantic novels and movies poetry to him happened to be considered quite "classy" and respectable.

Ironically, the girl who had rushed off before he could unfold his little devious plots happened to be in the same classroom as he was. Quite the interesting branch of fate to say in the least. To not spit in the face of fate he even sat next to the little girl delivering a smirk her way before facing the front of the class. Students were getting up and introducing themselves one at a time, so far nobody on his father's list had introduced themselves yet. Which he was thankful for. So a good time to mess with his new "friend" seemed to have presented itself to him. "Hey fun size" he said quietly as to not disrupt the person delivering his introduction his eyes remaining straight forward as to show he was paying attention. "Kind of hurt my feelings leaving me like that, and here I was risking being late to help you out. And you didn't even walk me to class? Have you no heart?" He said teasingly. Playing with minds was a specialty of his. A little habit he picked up from his father during business trips, made good for negotiations and sealing deals that benefited them the most. He never understood why he liked to pick on people, it just made him feel good about himself. Though that could just be his subconscious trying to trick him again. This was how it worked. The social standings separated failures from the successful. One above the other. No one sheds a tear for someone they don't know, but when a celebrity dies tears flow from all around the world despite people never really knowing anything about them. It was a sad truth, but that's what it was. The truth. Had his parent's not drilled that into his head he might have even believed differently. Then again he was a child then, and had evolved into something much greater. Or so he told himself.

Interactions: Idea Idea
Mentions: NeonFlow NeonFlow
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Their teacher had finally arrived.

Mr. Willingham aka Brave Burst appeared to be the homeroom teacher of class 1-A. If he hadn't said anything, Aizen probably wouldn't have recognized him. He had spent a large majority of his childhood inside so the appearance of alot of the Pro Heroes was unknown to him. Aizen had read up a little bit about Brave Burst but didn't know too much about him other than the capabilities of his Quirk. To his knowledge, Mr. Willingham's Quirk revolved around speed and allowed him to propel his body into the air at high speeds. Seeing a Pro Hero so close to him in normal attire felt so odd and he couldn't tell why.

Aizen leaned forward with curiosity as his new teacher entered the classroom, one hand on the black-haired boy's shoulder. His eyes narrowed as he heard the man speak for the first time. It made more sense now why those two had been speaking to each other right away; they already knew each other. Their body language didn't suggest that they were best of friends, but there was definitely signs of respect between the two. Taking off his glasses, Aizen leaned back as a few more students started to fill the seats in the classroom. He was too busy in his thoughts to realize that Mr. Willingham was expecting introductions from all of the students in the class. His head turned slightly to the front of the classroom as a black-haired boy began rhyming with an unusual look of enthusiasm on his face. His palm made contact with his face after the boy began making his way back to his sit, smile clearly expressed on his face. Sometimes he forgot that not everyone was like him. Some people weren't afraid to express themselves. Even though his way of introduction managed to grab Aizen's attention, he still missed out on his name and took a mental note to find out what it was later.

The next person to introduce themselves was Jane Delacroix. Aizen found her unusually pale which made much more sense after she vaguely explained her Quirk. A smile crept up on his face as he fully looked upon the girl. She seemed to show even less emotion than him which was something he wasn't used to. In addition to that, she changed the mood with her cold stare. Aizen picked up his glasses and gently placed them on his nose as he carefully watched her walk back to her desk, missing the small female that scurried across the room. Aizen was prepared to go to the front of the class next to introduce himself, but a white haired boy walked into the class next. It seemed a lot of people were late on the first day-- hopefully it wouldn't translate into their final grade. He had never heard of a Quirk like his and like Jane, this boy had also fully captured his attention. Aizen took another mental note to talk to the boy later as he wanted to learn more about him.

After Kamiyama took a seat, Aizen cleared his throat and stood up, walking to the front of the classroom. His arms were tucked behind his back as he made a sharp turn once the distance between him and Brave Burst shortened greatly. Aizen did a low bow while using one hand to keep his glasses on his face. Aizen raised his head, looking towards his other classmates.

"My name is Aizen" he started, purposely withholding his last name. "I am seventeen years old and my Quirk allows me to produce blue flames from my body" Aizen continued, removing one arm from his back and lifted his hand up so it was only a few inches away from his face. Blue flames erupted from his left hand and quickly dissolved as Aizen didnt want to be responsible for burning U.A. down. "The heat produced from my Quirk is much hotter than normal fire and it is still quite useful for defense. I can create walls of fire as well as create projectiles. I look forward to learning with you all" he ended as he silently made his way back to his desk, arms tucked behind him.

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