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Fandom [My Hero Academia] Go Beyond, Plus Ultra! {Reboot} (OOC)

I don't mind a duel identity super. It seems like a very cash money idea.
I guess there won't be much new developments. Thus, I think we can kick off the semester of students and the heroes and villains can also start a plot. Just wanna make sure the RP doesn't get stuck in a rut.
Just for specification, since I'm new here, where does the rp take place?
Japan, where UA is

Also, the main RP is up if you guys wanna start posting...
Just for specification, since I'm new here, where does the rp take place?
Japan, where UA is

Also, the main RP is up if you guys wanna start posting...
Still, you're obviously not obligated to act as if you're Japanese and stuff, quoting Japanese inside jokes or using honorifics. It's just that when you say something like "Here at U.A. in the country of--", you gotta say Japan.
Japan, where UA is

Also, the main RP is up if you guys wanna start posting...
Still, you're obviously not obligated to act as if you're Japanese and stuff, quoting Japanese inside jokes or using honorifics. It's just that when you say something like "Here at U.A. in the country of--", you gotta say Japan.
Thank you both :D
Thank you both :D
Japan, where UA is

Also, the main RP is up if you guys wanna start posting...
Also, currently working on a post to start the school grounds, as every other time I've done the world-building in this RP. Not exactly world-building, but y'all just usually entrust me with whatever situation I put you guys in. Anyway, stay tuned for those who are online and I will tag appropriately.
If you guys see me changing different BBcodes now and again, I’m just experimenting with stuff (Mostly because I JUST started it and I think its really cool)
BBCodes are the bomb man. Makes doing posts more entertaining and for me compressing multiple character posts is a godsend lol
Good to know, Considering I’d like to make you a co-GM, mind giving me a brief of what’s going on?
I'm flattered, lol, and anyway as for the RP, everyone is currently at the school grounds this time, doing the ball throw done in the anime. There are more activities to be had since this is the quirk apprehension test we're doing. Go ahead, take a ball, and make a believable throw.
Of course! Feel free to go to the CS page and make a character and then join in once I approve it!
Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't really been posting. I've just been reassigned to a new location so I've been kind of up in the air with scheduling at the moment and playing phone tag trying to get as much info on the job as possible. On top of that it didn't seem like there was much activity going over the last few days so I figured it was alright for the time being. Just wanted to give you all a heads up in case things are held up because of me. For now I should still be able to post on the weekends. But Saturdays are gonna be iffy since I don't know how my teammate wants us to handle the swing shift that day. Monday through Friday might be tricky as well since I have to adapt to a whole new sleep schedule but if it's appropriate I'll post when I can.
Hi everyone. Unfortunately, due to my extremely busy schedule in real life, I will have to retire myself from the RP. It pains me to do so, but I have to sacrifice one of my recurring hobbies in order to concentrate in my studies.
Thanks for the good times we've spent together and I wish you guys good luck in the future.
Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't really been posting. I've just been reassigned to a new location so I've been kind of up in the air with scheduling at the moment and playing phone tag trying to get as much info on the job as possible. On top of that it didn't seem like there was much activity going over the last few days so I figured it was alright for the time being. Just wanted to give you all a heads up in case things are held up because of me. For now I should still be able to post on the weekends. But Saturdays are gonna be iffy since I don't know how my teammate wants us to handle the swing shift that day. Monday through Friday might be tricky as well since I have to adapt to a whole new sleep schedule but if it's appropriate I'll post when I can.
Hey, take your time man.

Hi everyone. Unfortunately, due to my extremely busy schedule in real life, I will have to retire myself from the RP. It pains me to do so, but I have to sacrifice one of my recurring hobbies in order to concentrate in my studies.
Thanks for the good times we've spent together and I wish you guys good luck in the future.
No problem, I wish you the best of luck in your studies!

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