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Fandom [My Hero Academia] Go Beyond, Plus Ultra! {Reboot} (CS)

Dianna Wallen

Psionic Mind




Ashten is 5'8 and weighs about 135 lbs. She has long black hair, with some magenta mixed in and blue eyes.


135 lbs

When working, Dianna is pretty focused and determined to do whatever she can to get the job done, even if that means having to throw herself in a dangerous situation for the sake of the mission. In very stressful and desperate situations Dianna has a habit of not thinking about her own wellbeing, which ends up in her pushing herself way past her limits. Outside of work though she's a kind soul, don't mistake her kindness for weakness though, if she feels someone doesn't deserve it she won't hesitate to treat them anything but kindly.

Place of Birth:
New York, USA

Dianna's family wasn't poor by any means, but they weren't extremely rich either. They lived a comfortable life, well, money wise they did. They lived in a pretty cozy part of New York, but the criminal activity was still pretty high. Both of her parents were villains, and while children usually idolize their parents, she didn't. Not only was it because they were villains, but they often left her home alone while they went off to go do villain things. It wasn't hard for her to figure out that her parents didn't really care about her necessarily, they only cared about having someone continue on their "legacy" and treated her like a pet that needed training whenever they were home. What really pushed Dianna to become a pro-hero was that she felt she should make up for everything her parents had done, she feels the constant need to prove that she's not like them, and hates whenever somebody tries to make a comparison. Her parents are currently locked up, that being the first thing she did when she became a pro-hero. Obviously, her family history means people are skeptical of her, wondering if she's truly a hero or just spying in. This does bother her whenever confronted about it face to face, so she avoids talking about it whenever possible.

Eldens Eye

Quirk Explanation:
When her quirk is activated, she can perceive things around her such as people (Who they are, their location), what their quirk is, and what they're motives are. Her quirk is at its strongest with both eyes closed, allowing her to use her quirk to its full potential and predict things accurately. So, with both eyes closed her quirk is working at 100%, with one eye closed it's at 50%, and with both eyes open it's at 25%

Quirk Weakness:
The strength of her quirk relies on how focused she is, so if she were to be under the effects of alcohol or some kind of mind-numbing drug, or simply distracted, her quirk isn't nearly as strong as it is when she's in her prime.​

  • Name: Eleanor Pamelia

    Nickname: Ellie, Pam, occasionally called Amelia by her cousins

    Alias: Painter Pommel

    Age: 15

    Gender: Female


    Height: 5'5"

    Weight: 123 lbs

    Quirk: Living Art- Her skin can secrete a paint-like fluid of various colors which she uses to draw pictures in the air that will animate upon completion. These can range from weapons to minions to barriers and the like, like any other paint source, when she makes too much her skin will start to dry out. She can reincorporate puddles left behind by her animations into her skin via touch, allowing her to continue painting.

    Quirk Weaknesses:
    -She can only animate a handful of paintings at a time.
    -Like any other paint source, when she makes too much her skin will start to dry out.
    -Despite the flexibility of her paint minions, they are not autonomous, most will melt back into liquid puddles without her to control them. Physical objects like weapons or structures will start to melt if Eleanor ceases to animate them.
    -Water is hands down Eleanor's greatest threat, as it distorts and weakens her paintings and paradoxically causes her skin to dry up faster when subjected to it.
    Personality: Eleanor is about as eccentric as her colorful appearance would lead you to believe. With a cheerful expression almost always seen glued to her face, she always seems to see the better side of things. She's extremely animated as well, always expressing herself through excessive motions, spins, flips and poses. This perhaps stems from an extensive passion for art, of which she is known for. To her there always seems to be some kind of intrinsic meaning behind something, one which she always enjoys interpreting. With a hobby of exposing the beauty within everything, it can be easy to see why many find her to be just too much to interact with, as she seems willfully ignorant of generally accepted social norms. In fact, her consistent acting out in the name of art and meaning lead many to underestimate just how scholarly she is. In truth she soaks up information like a sponge, but hardly ever seems to show it in favor of spouting artistic drivel that often seems like the ravings of a madwoman.
    History: Eleanor was born into the lap of luxury due in no small part to the Hero Agency her family runs. At first many were horrified that whatever quirk she was born with caused her to come apart, as she almost looked as if her skin was melting for the majority of her infancy. As she grew older, her paint-like secretions became far more manageable, though she was still far messier than other children of her rearing. Despite this, she was on the road to becoming a prim and proper young lady. Her family's reputation made her a hit with her peers, and her exotic appearance made most people incapable of overlooking her. Already talented with amassing notoriety and interest, Eleanor was initially a star pupil willing to continuously prove her worth.

    That was until one day whilst studying she drew a little butterfly out of her own paint, and seeing it literally flutter off the page brought a fire of passion into the young girl's life. At first she was determined to become an artist, and so began painting living art in earnest. As her skill grew, so too did her appreciation for art and just what it meant for humanity. And so her art began encroaching more and more upon the young rich kid's life until she was turning parts of her family's mansion into a massive picture show. Tired of having their walls repainted, her parents shipped her to a far off summer home that she could colorize and redesign to her liking. And so she moved schools and spent most of her freetime turning her new home into a mix-match of beauty-based insanity. She became known locally for the colorfully confusing home she now resided in, and many assumed she would grow up to be one of the most out of nowhere artists of their generation. She probably would've stayed this course if not for meeting Miyumi in her new school. Eleanor had been fascinated by the girl's Quirk, though it had left her ostracized by most of her peers. Seeing such an astounding Quirk lead the anxious girl to be isolated by others, Eleanor began growing a sense of duty. And so she went through the long and tedious process of befriending Miyumi, who managed to hold out for nearly a year before finally considering the rich girl's friendship to be genuine.

    Seeing how much of an improvement her intervention had on her now best friend, Eleanor became enamored with the idea of using her beautiful artwork to not only enrich the lives of the people, but to protect them as well. Seeing Miyumi express a desire to follow her on her new mission merely emboldened her. And so the two friends began training together, throwing the flexibility of Eleanor's paintings against Miyumi's sheer physical capabilities time and time again. Finally convinced they were ready, Eleanor led her friend to apply together so they could begin truly making a beautiful mark upon the world.

    Role: Hero In Training AKA Student
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  • Name: Eleanor Pamelia

    Nickname: Ellie, Pam, occasionally called Amelia by her cousins

    Alias: Painter Pommel

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    View attachment 489523

    Height: 5'5"

    Weight: 123 lbs

    Quirk: Living Art- Her skin can secrete a paint-like fluid of various colors which she uses to draw pictures in the air that will animate upon completion. These can range from weapons to minions to barriers and the like, like any other paint source, when she makes too much her skin will start to dry out. She can reincorporate puddles left behind by her animations into her skin via touch, allowing her to continue painting.

    Quirk Weaknesses:
    -She can only animate a handful of paintings at a time.
    -Like any other paint source, when she makes too much her skin will start to dry out.
    -Despite the flexibility of her paint minions, they are not autonomous, most will melt back into liquid puddles without her to control them. Physical objects like weapons or structures will start to melt if Eleanor ceases to animate them.
    -Water is hands down Eleanor's greatest threat, as it distorts and weakens her paintings and paradoxically causes her skin to dry up faster when subjected to it.
    View attachment 489525
    Personality: Eleanor is about as eccentric as her colorful appearance would lead you to believe. With a cheerful expression almost always seen glued to her face, she always seems to see the better side of things. She's extremely animated as well, always expressing herself through excessive motions, spins, flips and poses. This perhaps stems from an extensive passion for art, of which she is known for. To her there always seems to be some kind of intrinsic meaning behind something, one which she always enjoys interpreting. With a hobby of exposing the beauty within everything, it can be easy to see why many find her to be just too much to interact with, as she seems willfully ignorant of generally accepted social norms. In fact, her consistent acting out in the name of art and meaning lead many to underestimate just how scholarly she is. In truth she soaks up information like a sponge, but hardly ever seems to show it in favor of spouting artistic drivel that often seems like the ravings of a madwoman.
    View attachment 489524
    History: Eleanor was born into the lap of luxury due in no small part to the Hero Agency her family runs. At first many were horrified that whatever quirk she was born with caused her to come apart, as she almost looked as if her skin was melting for the majority of her infancy. As she grew older, her paint-like secretions became far more manageable, though she was still far messier than other children of her rearing. Despite this, she was on the road to becoming a prim and proper young lady. Her family's reputation made her a hit with her peers, and her exotic appearance made most people incapable of overlooking her. Already talented with amassing notoriety and interest, Eleanor was initially a star pupil willing to continuously prove her worth.

    That was until one day whilst studying she drew a little butterfly out of her own paint, and seeing it literally flutter off the page brought a fire of passion into the young girl's life. At first she was determined to become an artist, and so began painting living art in earnest. As her skill grew, so too did her appreciation for art and just what it meant for humanity. And so her art began encroaching more and more upon the young rich kid's life until she was turning parts of her family's mansion into a massive picture show. Tired of having their walls repainted, her parents shipped her to a far off summer home that she could colorize and redesign to her liking. And so she moved schools and spent most of her freetime turning her new home into a mix-match of beauty-based insanity. She became known locally for the colorfully confusing home she now resided in, and many assumed she would grow up to be one of the most out of nowhere artists of their generation. She probably would've stayed this course if not for meeting Miyumi in her new school. Eleanor had been fascinated by the girl's Quirk, though it had left her ostracized by most of her peers. Seeing such an astounding Quirk lead the anxious girl to be isolated by others, Eleanor began growing a sense of duty. And so she went through the long and tedious process of befriending Miyumi, who managed to hold out for nearly a year before finally considering the rich girl's friendship to be genuine.

    Seeing how much of an improvement her intervention had on her now best friend, Eleanor became enamored with the idea of using her beautiful artwork to not only enrich the lives of the people, but to protect them as well. Seeing Miyumi express a desire to follow her on her new mission merely emboldened her. And so the two friends began training together, throwing the flexibility of Eleanor's paintings against Miyumi's sheer physical capabilities time and time again. Finally convinced they were ready, Eleanor led her friend to apply together so they could begin truly making a beautiful mark upon the world.

    Role: Hero In Training AKA Student
Both characters approved
Basic Information
Morana Serafina Jez
Alias: The Nightmother
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Role: Pro-Hero Villain
Height: 7'22 (2.20 m)
Weight: 176 lbs (80 kg)

Personal Information
Morana at a first glance comes off as a very warm, charitable and caring person, willing to help anyone, ready to give second chances in a heartbeat. In the media she is revered as a kind, though reclusive individual that is extremely mild-mannered and great at motivational speeches, which makes her a good representation of heroes in the public eye. The common people love her, though she doesn't appear to be liked very much in the hero community itself. Many of her veteran colleagues look down on the fact that the woman runs her agency too liberally, admitting unqualified, incompetent and even untrustworthy members into her ranks. However, still many other argue that these claims are elitist and degrading to those with less powerful quirks by nature. This has resulted in creating an almost religious image of the Nightmother among the populace - "the one that guides lost children" and is willing to train those that the system has discarded and dubbed to be duds.In all honesty, Morana has no such pure motivations. As a matter of fact, she has no clear motivations at all, considering the fact that the woman lost her mind many years ago. The only definitive character trait she possesses is her messiah complex. The Nightmother truly believes herself to be a savior of some sort, while in actuality she simply adores the attention and adoration of others, thus is willing to use any form of manipulation to achieve that, to the point of deceiving herself and losing her grip on reality. Her organization is less of a hero agency and more of a cult at this point - a cult that aims to block out the sun forever. Having been born a nocturnal creature in a world of light, that blazing orb in the sky is the thing Morana detest most. And so, in her lunacy, she aims to destroy it.
Place of Birth: Poland
History: Little is know about Morana prior to her immigration to Japan. Nobody really is aware of where she come from in the first place, and, considering how unwilling the woman is to open up about her past, it is highly unlikely that anyone will be able to figure out her origins in the foreseeable future. What people are certain of is that the Nightmother is a pro-hero that has taken to guarding the streets at night. Considering her affinity for the nighttime, and the fact that her quirk works best in darkness, Morana is someone that protects people when they are most vulnerable, and where she is most comfortable - under the guise of the shadows. Her "vigilante" methods, as some might dub them, have brought her not only connections and status in recent years, but also a lot of interest in her Hero Agency. The organization the Nightmother runs has been gaining more and more popularity as time goes by, mainly because of the fact that it has the most lax entry requirements. This would logically seem like a bad business model, but somehow the agency has been able to keep a high success rate and stellar reputation. As a matter of fact, it would appear that its reputation is suspiciously spotless. On one hand, this is because of a horrible tactic that the Nightmother often employees - she will regularly make some of her men put on masks and attack bystanders while she pretends to save the day. Apart from this adding to her renown, the woman is committing this shady act mainly because she loves the attention. On the other hand, Morana owes a lot of her reputability to one individual in particular - Wiseman. Though she has never met this enigma of a man in person, she bears his mark, which was received from the CEO in standing at Wisdom Technologies. The whole contract between the two parties was that the company would provide her agency with top gear, which her subordinates would use to artificially inflate their abilities, while the woman would in tern become a valuable proxy, a bridge between the Wiseman and the world of pro-heroes. And so, a mutually beneficial deal was struck - a deal that stands to this day.

Morana was born Serafine Jez in a small town somewhere in Poland. At this point she doesn't really remember her exact birthplace, nor her parents for that matter, though she does have vague recollections of having an uneventful, but nevertheless relatively happy childhood. However, what crippled her social life back then was the fact that as a child she could not go out during the daytime. This in turn meant she grew up sheltered, hating the fact that others were having fun without her. Her alienation from people and normal relationships only worsened with age, also preventing her from pursuing her dreams of becoming a pro-hero. No matter how hard she or her family tried, she could not function like everybody else, hence why she began showcasing signs of social anxiety. Soon enough her fear of interaction turned into an unhealthily intense craving for interaction instead. She would daydream of meeting so many different heroes or just everyday people, and them all loving and appreciating her without any prejudices. It's likely because of this that Morana developed her messiah complex - her want for approval turned into a want for reverence. It's also possibly due to this that in her later teenage years she actually took to actively engaging in the nightlife of the place she was residing in at the time. This meant she got involved with some rather unsavory personages, yet the woman did not care - she was willing to do anything to be accepted. The one thing she was cautious about was always wearing protective sunglasses, lest she be drawn by some brightness and lose her mind over it. This worked out fine for quite a while, and Morana found normalcy in petty villainy. That is, before one specific accident. As with all good things, they must eventually come to an end. Morana's finale occurred when she was in her mid 20s, one night when she and her associates were attempting to carry out their first big-time robbery. Unfortunately, they were sloppy and got caught red-handed by a pro-hero. In the middle of all the commotion that ensued, the woman's sunglasses managed to slip off, and by the time she frantically reached out to catch them it was already too late - the shop they had attempted to break into had many store fronts around it with LED signs, which instantly drew Morana, who proceeded to fly up and begin slamming herself against them with all of the strength she could muster. Presumably, this is when a part of Morana's humanity was lost forever, as he suffered a terrible head injury from blunt force damage as well as glass shards getting lodged into her cranium, leading to permanent brain damage. Ironically, it was the partial amnesia and other psychological issues that followed which got Morana off easy. Yet, the woman's personality would never be the same since. The sole things she did retain from her former self was the hatred for light and the fear of being exposed to it like this ever again.

Quirk Information
"The Black Witch" - Moth Physiology
Quirk Explanation: Morana possesses a mutant type quirk that grants her the abilities of a moth - on both a physical and mental level. This entails a large variety of manners in which this power manifests itself, as well as different ways in which it can be put to use.
  • Camouflage - the power to visually blend into one's immediate environment. Despite the fact that Morana is not versed in mimicry, she seems to have the outward appearance of a particular genus of moths - Ascalapha odorata, commonly referred to as the Black Witch Moth. This species is known for their dark coloration that makes them nearly indistinguishable in darkness. The same stands for the woman - she can blend in seamlessly with the shadows when standing motionless either in the middle of the day or in the dead of night, though the latter is a time when this skill (as well as all others) become more potent.
  • Wallcrawling - the Nightmother, owing her quirk, was born with extra appendages - she has a total of 3 pairs of arms, not to mention the large wings on her back. These extra hands naturally grant more agility, and their insect-esque construction allows for Morana to cling onto most surfaces (granted that they are not slippery or overly smooth) and traverse them freely, whether that be vertically or even upside down. Despite her heavyset body, brought on by Ascalapha odorata being one of the largest moths, the woman appears to excel when it comes down to dexterity and flexibility.
  • Flight - Morana's wings let her be a very steady flyer that can reach quite high. Her lower weight in relation to her height and body-built is another biological mechanism that makes for easier soaring.
  • Night Vision - the Ascalapha odorata is nocturnal, being only active during the night. Hence why once the sun goes down Morana's quirk reaches its true potential. Apart from all of her senses (especially smell and touch) becoming heightened, the Nightmother can now see clearly in darkness, giving her a great advantage over her foes. In essence, most of the aspects of her quirk turn Morana into a silent, deadly nightmare.
  • Silk Generation - this is the woman's sole attack-based ability. When using it Morana can bind others in silk, hindering their movement for a short amount of time before they inevitably break through. If she is capable of making a thick enough piece of thread, she can even fashion it into a whip for inflicting cuts. It additionally possesses some defensive qualities, seeing as when in a pinch the Nightmother can wrap herself up in a cocoon. However, the silk is not at all as strong as that of arachnids and it takes a lot of precision as well as timing for it to be used as a worthwhile weapon.
Quirk Weaknesses: The Nightmother is called that for a reason - she only comes out at night, or rather can only come out at night. The sun's rays cause Morana to instantly start feeling drowsy, and eventually fall into a deep, comatose sleep, so it is not an option for her to set foot outside in the middle of the day. Unfortunately, any form of strong artificial light is irresistible to her when in darkness. Seeing anything bright draws the woman to it, which will undoubtedly cause her to go towards it - she basically loses all reason, becoming a feral, mindless beast. In this state she can get injured quite badly by either burning herself or literally smashing her head into glass relentlessly if there is something shining behind it. If not stopped, in the worst case scenario this can result in death. Light is Morana's major weakness that she cannot escape. In order to protect herself to at least some extend, she wears sunglasses, yet this in no way guarantees her safety.

Extra Information
Kapela ze Wsi Warszawa - "Leeeć"
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Basic Information
Morana Serafina Jez
Alias: The Nightmother
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Role: Pro-Hero Villain
Height: 7'22 (2.20 m)
Weight: 176 lbs (80 kg)

Personal Information
Morana at a first glance comes off as a very warm, charitable and caring person, willing to help anyone, ready to give second chances in a heartbeat. In the media she is revered as a kind, though reclusive individual that is extremely mild-mannered and great at motivational speeches, which makes her a good representation of heroes in the public eye. The common people love her, though she doesn't appear to be liked very much in the hero community itself. Many of her veteran colleagues look down on the fact that the woman runs her agency too liberally, admitting unqualified, incompetent and even untrustworthy members into her ranks. However, still many other argue that these claims are elitist and degrading to those with less powerful quirks by nature. This has resulted in creating an almost religious image of the Nightmother among the populace - "the one that guides lost children" and is willing to train those that the system has discarded and dubbed to be duds.In all honesty, Morana has no such pure motivations. As a matter of fact, she has no clear motivations at all, considering the fact that the woman lost her mind many years ago. The only definitive character trait she possesses is her messiah complex. The Nightmother truly believes herself to be a savior of some sort, while in actuality she simply adores the attention and adoration of others, thus is willing to use any form of manipulation to achieve that, to the point of deceiving herself and losing her grip on reality. Her organization is less of a hero agency and more of a cult at this point - a cult that aims to block out the sun forever. Having been born a nocturnal creature in a world of light, that blazing orb in the sky is the thing Morana detest most. And so, in her lunacy, she aims to destroy it.
Place of Birth: Poland
History: Little is know about Morana prior to her immigration to Japan. Nobody really is aware of where she come from in the first place, and, considering how unwilling the woman is to open up about her past, it is highly unlikely that anyone will be able to figure out her origins in the foreseeable future. What people are certain of is that the Nightmother is a pro-hero that has taken to guarding the streets at night. Considering her affinity for the nighttime, and the fact that her quirk works best in darkness, Morana is someone that protects people when they are most vulnerable, and where she is most comfortable - under the guise of the shadows. Her "vigilante" methods, as some might dub them, have brought her not only connections and status in recent years, but also a lot of interest in her Hero Agency. The organization the Nightmother runs has been gaining more and more popularity as times goes by, mainly because of the fact that it has the most lax entry requirements. This would logically seem like a bad business model, but somehow the agency has been able to keep a high success rate and stellar reputation. As a matter of fact, it would appear that its reputation is suspiciously spotless, no matter how many lowlifes enter its ranks. On one hand, this is because of one horrible tactic that the Nightmother often employees - she will regularly make some of her men put on masks and attack bystanders while she pretends to save the day. Apart from this adding to her renown, the woman is committing this shady act mainly because she loves the attention. On the other hand, Morana owes a lot of her reputability to one individual in particular - Wiseman. Though she has never met the man in person, she bears his mark, which was received from the CEO in standing at Wisdom Technologies. The whole deal between them was that the company would provide her agency with top gear, which her subordinates would use to artificially inflate their abilities, while the woman would in term become a valuable proxy, a bridge between the Wiseman and the world of pro-heroes. And so, a mutually beneficial deal was struck - a deal that stands to this day.

Morana was born Serafine Jez in a small town somewhere in Poland. At this point she doesn't really remember her exact birthplace, nor her parents for that matter, though she does have vague recollections of having an uneventful, but nevertheless relatively happy childhood. However, what crippled her social life back then was the fact that as a child she could not go out during the daytime. This in turn meant she grew up sheltered, hating the fact that others were having fun without her. Her alienation from people and normal interactions only worsened with age, also preventing her from pursuing her dreams of becoming a pro-hero. No matter how hard her or her family tried, she could not function like everybody else, hence why she began showcasing signs of social anxiety. Soon enough her fear of interaction turned into an unhealthily intense craving for interaction instead. She would daydream of meeting so many different heroes or just everyday people, and them all loving and appreciating her without any prejudices. It's likely because of this that Morana developed her messiah complex - her want for approval turned into a want for reverence. It's also possibly due to this that in her later teenage years she actually took to actively engaging in the nightlife of the place she was residing in at the time. This meant she got involved with some rather unsavory personages, yet the woman did not care - she was willing to do anything to be accepted. The one thing she was cautious about was always wearing protective sunglasses, lest she be drawn by some brightness and lose her mind over it. This worked out fine for quite a while, and Morana found normalcy in petty villainy. That is, before one specific accident. As with all good things, they must eventually come to an end. Morana's finale occurred when she was in her mid 20s, one night when her and her associates were attempting to carry out their first big-time robbery. Unfortunately, they were sloppy and got caught red-handed by a pro-hero. In the middle of all the commotion that ensued, the woman's sunglasses managed to slip off, and by the time she frantically reached out to catch them it was already too late - the shop they had attempted to break into had many store fronts around it with LED signs, which instantly drew Morana, who proceeded to fly up and begin slamming herself against them with all of the strength she could muster. Presumably, this is when a part of Morana's humanity was lost forever, as he suffered a terrible head injury from blunt force damage as well as glass shards getting lodged into her cranium, leading to permanent brain damage. Ironically, it was the partial amnesia and other psychological issues that followed which got Morana off easy. Yet, the woman's personality would never be the same since. The sole things she did retain from her former self was the hatred for light and the fear of being exposed to it like this ever again.

Quirk Information
Moth Physiology
Quirk Explanation: Morana possesses a mutant type quirk that grants her the abilities of a moth - on both a physical and mental level. This entails a large variety of manners in which this power manifests itself, as well as different ways in which it can be put to use.
  • Camouflage - the power to visually blend into one's immediate environment. Despite the fact that Morana is not versed in mimicry, she seems to have the outward appearance of a particular genus of moths - Ascalapha odorata, commonly referred to as the Black Witch Moth. This species is known for their dark coloration that makes them nearly indistinguishable in darkness. The same stands for the woman - she can blend in seamlessly with the shadows when standing motionless either in the middle of the day or in the dead of night, though the latter is a time when this skill (as well as all others) become more potent.
  • Wallcrawling - the Nightmother, owing her quirk, was born with extra appendages - she has a total of 3 pairs of arms, not to mention the large wings on her back. These extra hands naturally grant more agility, and their insect-esque construction allows for Morana to cling onto most surfaces (granted that they are not slippery or overly smooth) and traverse them freely, whether that be vertically or even upside down. Despite her heavyset body, brought on by Ascalapha odorata being one of the largest moths, the woman appears to excel when it comes down to dexterity and flexibility.
  • Flight - Morana's wings let her be a very steady flyer that can reach quite high. Her lower weight in relation to her height and body-built is another biological mechanism that makes for easier soaring.
  • Night Vision - the Ascalapha odorata is nocturnal, being only active during the night. Hence why once the sun goes down Morana's quirk reaches its true potential. Apart from all of her senses (especially smell and touch) becoming heightened, the Nightmother can now see clearly in darkness, giving her a great advantage over her foes. In essence, most of the aspects of her quirk turn Morana into a silent, deadly nightmare.
  • Silk Generation - this is the woman's sole attack-based ability. When using it Morana can bind others in silk, hindering their movement for a short amount of time before they inevitably break through. If she is capable of making a thick enough piece of thread, she can even fasten it into a whip for inflicting cuts. It additionally possesses some defensive qualities, seeing as when in a pinch the Nightmother can wrap herself up in a cocoon. However, the silk is not at all as strong as that of arachnids and it takes a lot of precision as well as timing for it to be used as a worthwhile weapon.
Quirk Weaknesses: The Nightmother is called that for a reason - she only comes out at night, or rather can only come out at night. The sun's rays cause Morana to instantly start feeling drowsy, and eventually fall into a deep, comatose sleep, so it is not an option for her to set foot outside in the middle of the day. Unfortunately, any form of strong artificial light is irresistible to her when in darkness. Seeing anything bright draws the woman to it, which will undoubtedly cause her to go towards it - she basically loses all reason, becoming a feral, mindless beast. It this state she can get injured quite badly by either burning herself or literally smashing her head into glass relentlessly if there is something shining behind it. If not stopped, in the worst case scenario this can result in death. Light is Morana's major weakness that she cannot escape. In order to protect herself to at least some extend, she wears sunglasses, yet this in no way guarantees her safety.

Extra Information
Kapela ze Wsi Warszawa - "Leeeć"
The Kurogane Siblings

  • • Basic Information •
    - Yumiko Kurogane
    Alias: - Shadow Khan
    Age: - 23
    Gender: - Female
    Role: Villain

    Appearance: - True_Animean_Human.jpg

    Height: - 5'7"
    Weight: - 121 lbs or 54.8 kgs

    Personality: - Though she rarely speaks to keep up appearances, she can hold a conversation. Cold, calculating, and standoffish at times, Yumiko is always thinking about the next target and how to go about it. Her ninja training makes her habitually hide which generally makes it difficult to start up a conversation with her. Yumiko is a hunter. She stalks her prey with ruthless obsession. Learning all she can about her target before she delivers her final judgement. As such she is studious. Willing to take her time if she can before deciding on if she needs to kill or not.

    • Historical Information •
    Place of Birth:
    - Mie Prefecture, Japan
    History: - Raised within the area of the famous Iga ninja clan, Yumiko grew up admiring ninja. She found beauty in subtlety. Grace in the silence. And most of all, she admired their ability to be present yet never seen. It was a familiar feeling for her as Yumiko grew up rather alone. Her parents, though loving and supportive, were rarely home due to work. It was usually only Yumiko and her twin sister Yukiko who ever occupied the house. They went to different schools so the only interaction they had together was when they were home together. At school Yumiko rarely drew attention to herself. Only ever speaking up when called upon by the teacher. In her spare time Yumiko would practice the art of the ninja from books she read and from lessons she would attend at the local ninja demonstrations that were held every so often. She absorbed every bit of information she could and applied it to practice. She thought that if she performed well enough she could get into a hero academy and become someone whom her family would look to proudly.

    One night, after they got home the girls returned to see their parents unconscious and being led into a containment vehicle with a few heroes helping the police. They were told that their parents were villains suspected of murder. Yumiko couldn't believe it. Her parents weren't murderers. Using what she practiced and her quirk she infiltrated the police department and began checking for any info related to her parent's case. She found that one of the cops was falsifying information and made it seem like her parents were the culprits. In a fit of rage she located the officer in question and murdered him leaving the falsified information to be found. She felt relief and powerful. At that one moment she felt like a true ninja. Her desire to be a hero shattered. She no longer trusted heroes who were so easily swayed by false information. Over the years she honed her skills and decided that she was going to purge the world of corruption. Cops, heroes, villains. It made little difference to her. If she thought they were corrupt, they would fall to her blade. But she has found the company of villains who were not so black and white about their intentions amicable. Branded as a villain, she continues to hunt in the cover of shadows. She is Shadow Khan.

    • Ability Information •
    - Shadow Dancer
    Quirk Explanation: - Yumiko can manifest shadows to fight on her behalf. By pulling from an available shadow (usually her own) Yumiko can conjure a physical shadow copy of herself to fight alongside her or summon shadow replicas. Referred to as Shadow Dancer, her copy can act autonomously allowing Yumiko to handle other situations while Shadow Dancer handles the enemy or helps in another location. Shadow Dancer is an ever present entity that resides within Yumiko's shadow but Shadow Dancer can be summoned from any available shadow. Shadow Dancer has the same combat strength and skill of Yumiko and they share sensory information allowing Yumiko to use Shadow Dancer as a scout. Shadow Dancer can also meld into shadows and then reappear within a different shadow to provide a tactical advantage when needed. Yumiko is able to swap places with Shadow Dancer to provide a quick escape or to further befuddle her enemies. Shadow Dancer can also envelope Yumiko in shadow to allow Yumiko to meld into shadows and move freely unseen.

    Quirk Weakness: - Shadow Weapon Fragility: When summoning weapons using her quirk they do not have the same constitution that conventional weaponry does. Though they retain their deadliness, they break more easily than conventional weapons.
    - Shadow Dancer Constitution: Shadow Dancer is much more resilient than Yumiko thanks to her semi-corporeal form. But even she needs to recover from sustained damage. With enough damage dealt to Shadow Dancer she will retreat back into Yumiko's shadow to recover. During that time Yumiko is left effectively quirkless as she cannot summon shadow weapons until Shadow Dancer recovers.
    - Shadow Meld Emergence Recovery: Due to the nature of traveling through shadows, whenever Yumiko swaps places with Shadow Dancer or completes a shadow leap thanks to Shadow Dancer's power she needs to take a moment to recover. The recovery time is based on the distance traveled with anything within 20 meters only taking roughly 20 seconds before another leap. Whereas anything greater than that could leave her unable to move somewhere between 1-5 minutes.
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The Kurogane Siblings

  • • Basic Information •
    - Yumiko Kurogane
    Alias: - Shadow Khan
    Age: - 23
    Gender: - Female
    Role: Villain

    Appearance: - View attachment 489537

    Height: - 5'7"
    Weight: - 121 lbs or 54.8 kgs

    Personality: - Though she rarely speaks to keep up appearances, she can hold a conversation. Cold, calculating, and standoffish at times, Yumiko is always thinking about the next target and how to go about it. Her ninja training makes her habitually hide which generally makes it difficult to start up a conversation with her. Yumiko is a hunter. She stalks her prey with ruthless obsession. Learning all she can about her target before she delivers her final judgement. As such she is studious. Willing to take her time if she can before deciding on if she needs to kill or not.

    • Historical Information •
    Place of Birth:
    - Mie Prefecture, Japan
    History: - Raised within the area of the famous Iga ninja clan, Yumiko grew up admiring ninja. She found beauty in subtlety. Grace in the silence. And most of all, she admired their ability to be present yet never seen. It was a familiar feeling for her as Yumiko grew up rather alone. Her parents, though loving and supportive, were rarely home due to work. It was usually only Yumiko and her twin sister Yukiko who ever occupied the house. They went to different schools so the only interaction they had together was when they were home together. At school Yumiko rarely drew attention to herself. Only ever speaking up when called upon by the teacher. In her spare time Yumiko would practice the art of the ninja from books she read and from lessons she would attend at the local ninja demonstrations that were held every so often. She absorbed every bit of information she could and applied it to practice. She thought that if she performed well enough she could get into a hero academy and become someone whom her family would look to proudly.

    One night, after they got home the girls returned to see their parents unconscious and being led into a containment vehicle with a few heroes helping the police. They were told that their parents were villains suspected of murder. Yumiko couldn't believe it. Her parents weren't murderers. Using what she practiced and her quirk she infiltrated the police department and began checking for any info related to her parent's case. She found that one of the cops was falsifying information and made it seem like her parents were the culprits. In a fit of rage she located the officer in question and murdered him leaving the falsified information to be found. She felt relief and powerful. At that one moment she felt like a true ninja. Her desire to be a hero shattered. She no longer trusted heroes who were so easily swayed by false information. Over the years she honed her skills and decided that she was going to purge the world of corruption. Cops, heroes, villains. It made little difference to her. If she thought they were corrupt, they would fall to her blade. But she has found the company of villains who were not so black and white about their intentions amicable. Branded as a villain, she continues to hunt in the cover of shadows. She is Shadow Khan.

    • Ability Information •
    - Shadow Dancer
    Quirk Explanation: - Yumiko can manifest shadows to fight on her behalf. By pulling from an available shadow (usually her own) Yumiko can conjure a physical shadow copy of herself to fight alongside her or summon shadow replicas. Referred to as Shadow Dancer, her copy can act autonomously allowing Yumiko to handle other situations while Shadow Dancer handles the enemy or helps in another location. Shadow Dancer is an ever present entity that resides within Yumiko's shadow but Shadow Dancer can be summoned from any available shadow. Shadow Dancer has the same combat strength and skill of Yumiko and they share sensory information allowing Yumiko to use Shadow Dancer as a scout. Shadow Dancer can also meld into shadows and then reappear within a different shadow to provide a tactical advantage when needed. Yumiko is able to swap places with Shadow Dancer to provide a quick escape or to further befuddle her enemies. Shadow Dancer can also envelope Yumiko in shadow to allow Yumiko to meld into shadows and move freely unseen.

    Quirk Weakness: - Shadow Weapon Fragility: When summoning weapons using her quirk they do not have the same constitution that conventional weaponry does. Though they retain their deadliness, they break more easily than conventional weapons.
    - Shadow Dancer Constitution: Shadow Dancer is much more resilient than Yumiko thanks to her semi-corporeal form. But even she needs to recover from sustained damage. With enough damage dealt to Shadow Dancer she will retreat back into Yumiko's shadow to recover. During that time Yumiko is left effectively quirkless as she cannot summon shadow weapons until Shadow Dancer recovers.
    - Shadow Meld Emergence Recovery: Due to the nature of traveling through shadows, whenever Yumiko swaps places with Shadow Dancer or completes a shadow leap thanks to Shadow Dancer's power she needs to take a moment to recover. The recovery time is based on the distance traveled with anything within 20 meters only taking roughly 20 seconds before another leap. Whereas anything greater than that could leave her unable to move somewhere between 1-5 minutes.
All 3 approved
Sierra Manning



Miami, FL, USA




Sierra's a techie. Spending a lot of time home alone, she tends to practice programming or messing with machinery. She tends to be pretty energetic and sweet towards strangers, but she usually overestimates herself and rushes into things.

Sierra lived a happy life. Her mom was a superhero, and her quirkless dad stayed home and took care of her. One day, though, her mom was out fighting when she got severely concussed, getting amnesia, then dying a few short days later. Sierra's father was devastated. He was a lot quieter during the day, and often went to random bars during the night, leaving Sierra with a lot of free time.


Quirk Explanation
Sierra's quirk is a transformation-type- when used offensively, razor blades come out of her skin, which she can shoot like porcupine quills, and when used defensively, she can lay down all the razors flat against her body, creating an effective shield.

Quirk Weaknesses
It's painful when you pull out a razor, and if you melt some razors together, Sierra would have to pull them out by hand before transforming back. Also, if she uses her quirk in low humidity, her razors shatter more easily.

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Cressida Alleva

  • cbfee7bc8b5b53520c67cc8e2c2c673a.png
    Cressida Alleva

    Living Legend



    Pro Hero



    Cressida is a bit of an introvert, being somewhat shy withdrawn. Its hard for her to make friends, but that might be because she always seems to have her nose stuck in a book. She always seems to be reading, and you can most often find her at a library or somewhere else with lots of books. Even still, she is a good person through and through, always making sure that everyone else is alright before herself. She's not one for fame, even for being a pro hero, just wanting to help people even if being around them can be a bit hard for her. She can get spooked easily, and doesn't like to use violence unless absolutely necessary, opting to use non-violent methods to complete her hero tasks. She didn't come up with her Alias. It was kind of given to her as a nickname in school after people saw her always nose always stuck in books about legends.

Sierra Manning



Miami, FL, USA




Sierra's a techie. Spending a lot of time home alone, she tends to practice programming or messing with machinery. She tends to be pretty energetic and sweet towards strangers, but she usually overestimates herself and rushes into things.

Sierra lived a happy life. Her mom was a superhero, and her quirkless dad stayed home and took care of her. One day, though, her mom was out fighting when she got severely concussed, getting amnesia, then dying a few short days later. Sierra's father was devastated. He was a lot quieter during the day, and often went to random bars during the night, leaving Sierra with a lot of free time.


Quirk Explanation
Sierra's quirk is a transformation-type- when used offensively, razor blades come out of her skin, which she can shoot like porcupine quills, and when used defensively, she can lay down all the razors flat against her body, creating an effective shield.

Quirk Weaknesses
It's painful when you pull out a razor, and if you melt some razors together, Sierra would have to pull them out by hand before transforming back. Also, if she uses her quirk in low humidity, her razors shatter more easily.

Cressida Alleva

  • cbfee7bc8b5b53520c67cc8e2c2c673a.png
    Cressida Alleva

    Living Legend



    Pro Hero



    Cressida is a bit of an introvert, being somewhat shy withdrawn. Its hard for her to make friends, but that might be because she always seems to have her nose stuck in a book. She always seems to be reading, and you can most often find her at a library or somewhere else with lots of books. Even still, she is a good person through and through, always making sure that everyone else is alright before herself. She's not one for fame, even for being a pro hero, just wanting to help people even if being around them can be a bit hard for her. She can get spooked easily, and doesn't like to use violence unless absolutely necessary, opting to use non-violent methods to complete her hero tasks. She didn't come up with her Alias. It was kind of given to her as a nickname in school after people saw her always nose always stuck in books about legends.

Sierra Manning



Miami, FL, USA




Sierra's a techie. Spending a lot of time home alone, she tends to practice programming or messing with machinery. She tends to be pretty energetic and sweet towards strangers, but she usually overestimates herself and rushes into things.

Sierra lived a happy life. Her mom was a superhero, and her quirkless dad stayed home and took care of her. One day, though, her mom was out fighting when she got severely concussed, getting amnesia, then dying a few short days later. Sierra's father was devastated. He was a lot quieter during the day, and often went to random bars during the night, leaving Sierra with a lot of free time.


Quirk Explanation
Sierra's quirk is a transformation-type- when used offensively, razor blades come out of her skin, which she can shoot like porcupine quills, and when used defensively, she can lay down all the razors flat against her body, creating an effective shield.

Quirk Weaknesses
It's painful when you pull out a razor, and if you melt some razors together, Sierra would have to pull them out by hand before transforming back. Also, if she uses her quirk in low humidity, her razors shatter more easily.

Cressida Alleva

  • cbfee7bc8b5b53520c67cc8e2c2c673a.png
    Cressida Alleva

    Living Legend



    Pro Hero



    Cressida is a bit of an introvert, being somewhat shy withdrawn. Its hard for her to make friends, but that might be because she always seems to have her nose stuck in a book. She always seems to be reading, and you can most often find her at a library or somewhere else with lots of books. Even still, she is a good person through and through, always making sure that everyone else is alright before herself. She's not one for fame, even for being a pro hero, just wanting to help people even if being around them can be a bit hard for her. She can get spooked easily, and doesn't like to use violence unless absolutely necessary, opting to use non-violent methods to complete her hero tasks. She didn't come up with her Alias. It was kind of given to her as a nickname in school after people saw her always nose always stuck in books about legends.

• Basic Information •

Name: - Leon Musk
Alias: - N/A
Age: - 17
Gender: - Male
Role: Student

Appearance: -

Height: - 6'
Weight: - 150 lb

Personality: - He is very proud, coolheaded, and protective of friends. He enjoy eating and training in his spare time.

• Historical Information •

Place of Birth: - Alabama, USA
History: - Growing up Leon had a hard time making friends because of his predatory appearance, other kids were afraid he'd try to eat them. His dream soon became to become a hero so people would fear him less. His hopes came that much closer as he was given the opportunity to enter an academy for heroes.

• Ability Information •

Quirk: - Lion
Quirk Explanation: - Possesses all the characteristics of a lion including enhanced senses, muscle enhancement, and a roar capable of paralyzing others for a limited period of time depending on the individual's confidence. The paralyzing effect can last up to 5 minutes, but only if the victim panics.
Quirk Weaknesses: - His body requires a mostly carnivorous diet to maintain his strength, his roar must be heard to take effect, and he is susceptible to loud noises and strong smells
• Basic Information •

Name: - Leon Musk
Alias: - N/A
Age: - 17
Gender: - Male
Role: Student

Appearance: -

Height: - 6'
Weight: - 150 lb

Personality: - He is very proud, coolheaded, and protective of friends. He enjoy eating and training in his spare time.

• Historical Information •

Place of Birth: - Alabama, USA
History: - Growing up Leon had a hard time making friends because of his predatory appearance, other kids were afraid he'd try to eat them. His dream soon became to become a hero so people would fear him less. His hopes came that much closer as he was given the opportunity to enter an academy for heroes.

• Ability Information •

Quirk: - Lion
Quirk Explanation: - Possesses all the characteristics of a lion including enhanced senses, muscle enhancement, and a roar capable of paralyzing others for a limited period of time depending on the individual's confidence. The paralyzing effect can last up to 5 minutes, but only if the victim panics.
Quirk Weaknesses: - His body requires a mostly carnivorous diet to maintain his strength, his roar must be heard to take effect, and he is susceptible to loud noises and strong smells
Hiroshi Makusa

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Alias: Death’s Shadow

Role: Villain

Appearance: View attachment 490568

Personality: Due to Hiroshi’s quirk, it has rendered his vocal chords nearly destroyed permanently, when he speaks, he can only speak in a whisper and even then, he doesn’t say much. So it is safe to assume his personality is a quiet and mysterious type.

Place of birth: Tokyo, Japan.

History: Hiroshi was born into a crime organization that was influenced heavily by the yakuza and Italian mafia, Whenever his family was disrespected by anyone, his parents always sent Hiroshi to said person where he would use his power to make them...Heavily reconsider their options. After the downfall of his families legacy, Hiroshi hopes to gain the attention of “The Wiseman” in order to join his league of villains and have a purpose once more.

Quirk: Shadow Step

Quirk information: Hiroshi can fuse himself into other peoples shadows and make them do anything he wishes against their will.

Quirk weakness: Although he is invulnerable inside of anyones shadow, if light is used on the shadow of the person (Such as flashlights or fire) He will be kicked out immediately and would need to wait for a while (at least an hour) before using his quirk once more.

Personality: Due to Hiroshi’s quirk, it has rendered his vocal chords nearly destroyed permanently, when he speaks, he can only speak in a whisper and even then, he doesn’t say much. So it is safe to assume his personality is a quiet and mysterious type.

Place of birth: Tokyo, Japan.

History: Hiroshi was born into a crime organization that was influenced heavily by the yakuza and Italian mafia, Whenever his family was disrespected by anyone, his parents always sent Hiroshi to said person where he would use his power to make them...Heavily reconsider their options. After the downfall of his families legacy, Hiroshi hopes to gain the attention of “The Wiseman” in order to join his league of villains and have a purpose once more.

Quirk: Shadow Step

Quirk information: Hiroshi can fuse himself into other peoples shadows and make them do anything he wishes against their will.

Quirk weakness: Although he is invulnerable inside of People’s shadow, if light is used on the shadow of the person (Such as flashlights or fire) He will be kicked out immediately and would need to wait for a while (at least an hour) before using his quirk once more.
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[class=header] width: 250px; height: 90px; background#ffffff; font-family: Heebo; font-size:12px; color:#666666; align:justify; padding:10px; margin:auto;center; overflow:auto; border:1px solid #dddddd; [/class]

[class=openwindow] height:70vh; background:url('https://pm1.narvii.com/6554/85944315fe14ce9dc6291a5678e075af61386e5a_hq.jpg'); background-size:fit; background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding:1em; margin:auto;center; [/class] [class=openbutton] margin:auto;center; border:2px solid black; width:150px; padding:.2em; font-family:Caudex; font-size:2em; color:black; text-align:center; text-shadow: 1px 2px 0px grey; animation:{post_id}loop 2s linear infinite; cursor:pointer; [/class] [animation=loop] [keyframe=0]opacity:0.25[/keyframe] [keyframe=25]opacity:0.5[/keyframe] [keyframe=50]opacity:0.75[/keyframe] [keyframe=75]opacity:0.5[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]opacity:0.25[/keyframe] [/animation] [class=mainpage] height:70vh; padding:1em; overflow:hidden; overflow-y:scroll; background:url('https://i.imgur.com/iZ5LYWJ.png'); background-size:fit; background-position:center; background-lock:fixed; background-repeat:no-repeat; margin:auto;center; font-family:Karla; font-size:0.9em; color:black; text-align:center; [/class] [class=closebutton] font-size:2em; width:10px; cursor:pointer; position:absolute; [/class] [script class=none] hide mainpage hide closebutton [/script] [script class=openbutton on=click] slideUp 500 openwindow show mainpage show closebutton hide openbutton [/script] [script class=closebutton on=click] slideDown 500 openwindow hide closebutton hide mainpage fadeIn 500 openbutton [/script] [class=textbox] margin:auto;center; background:white; opacity:0.9; width:80%; [/class]

[div class=openwindow]

[div class=openbutton]ROMAN
[/div][div class=mainpage][div class=closebutton][/div]

[div class=textbox]
Name: Roman Ishida

Alias: Ice King

Role: Pro Hero

Age: 23 years old

Born: Japan

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Marital Status: Dating | Mal Mizushima | Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux

[div class=textbox]
Height: 5'9"

Weight: 161 lbs.

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Black

Complexion: Fair[/div]

[div class=textbox]

Ice Manipulation
Roman is able to create ice out of thin air. Along with that, he's able to create anything he desires with said ice, such as weapons, shields, armor, or even things as simple as kitchen utensils. Having used his time in school, he managed to strengthen the ice making it a bit more durable, but due to it being ice they still shatter after constant use. If given enough time to focus on creating something, it is actually 4x better than when he makes something on the spot. In heated weather, he isn't as efficient as his powers work best when he has a colder body temperature, resulting in him having a tendency to strip down to remain cooler. His hero suit is made with special technology that allows for things like spikes to be creating without tearing the suit itself, as it repairs itself.

[div class=textbox]
Out of Costume -

Hero Costume

[div class=textbox]
Roman is a caring person, usually level-headed when dealing with threats. As intelligent as he is, he is often mistaken to be otherwise as he likes to be goofy and playful personality around those he is comfortable with. He doesn't take things lightly though, when a problem arises that threatens anyone, he does what he can to make it to the scene and protect them and he is known to help others in time of need.[/div]

[div class=textbox]

A young man brought up in Japan, Roman led a normal life. His parents both had quirks, something that he found interesting and cool. He would often play around with the other kids in his neighborhood as a child, and whenever one of their quirks would activate, they would most likely spend their entire time trying to learn how it works. Unfortunately, before he moved away to a different neighborhood, he never got to share his own quirk with his friends. The reason for that was because it didn't actually activate until around his last year in grade school. Once it did, he was excited to learn how it works, despite not having his old friends to share it with. When given time, Roman would go practice, making small objects that would shatter only moments after being created. As he grew older, so did his knowledge on how his quirk worked. While others quirks were also just as interesting, he knew that focusing on other people wouldn't help make his quirk better. Around the time he reached high school, Roman had a decent understanding on how it worked. High school was a rather easy experience for him, at least his hero courses were. His regular core courses took some extra work, but he eventually got the hang of it all. He also met his girlfriend of 7 years during his time in high school. Once the two of them graduated, they started their own hero agency, and to this day still work together.

[div class=textbox]

Any more information will later be added to this area.
Mal Mizushima

The Rain Woman



Pro Hero



126 lbs

When Mal first meets people, she does her best to be as unjudgemental as possible, since she knows what it's like to have people judge you from the beginning. She's quick to lend a hand if asked and does whatever she can that's within her power to do so unless it endangers someone's life. Mal dislikes getting angry or upset, the emotions often causing it to start raining, the rain being a source of her problems back in primary school. She cares deeply about her close friends and her boyfriend Roman, she won't hesitate to defend them if she ever needed to.

Place of Birth:

Mal grew up an orphan, raised by a plethora of foster families. Heck, she doesn't even know who her parents are, and she honestly doesn't mind it staying that way. Constantly being given back by the foster families for being a 'problem child', since she refused to do anything besides stay in her designated room and didn't talk much, thus causing her to go into a deep depression, which was also the time her quirk manifested in the shape of a never-ending rain. The constant rain made the other orphan kids not want to hang out with her, saying that the rain was depressing and despising Mal, because wherever Mal was, so was the rain. She was then nicknamed "The Rain Woman" for several years. When Mal was 13 though, she found herself in the care of a foster family that truly cared about her, and eventually adopted her. She considers her adoptive parents her real parents since really they were the closest thing to it she had. Mal also learned how to control the rain, but it still shows up from time to time when shes experience a strong negative emotions, which ended her era as "The Rain Woman" for the time being. During high school, Mal attended U.A, aspiring to become a hero after hearing stories from her dad about his experiences. When it came to choosing hero names, Mal chose "The Rain Woman", wanting to turn a negative memory into something she can look back at and smile upon. During her time at U.A that was where she met Roman, whom she grew close to and later on they eventually started dating. After graduation, the rest is history, she is now a Pro Hero and still in a happy relationship with Roman, whom she loves dearly.


Quirk Explanation:
Her body can completely turn into water while still maintaining the shape of a person by her own will. She can keep different parts of her body solidified but it requires effort to do so. Alongside this, she can also control anything that contains water, as long as it's still in its liquid state. The more water there is around her, the more she can do and the stronger she'll be. Another feature is that Mal can control the temperature of the water, but only the water that she releases from herself.

Quirk Weakness:
If Mal isn't around water, she's limited to only using water from herself, which does regenerate over a period of time but she can't just run in spraying water everywhere. If she uses too much water from her own body, she grows light headed and is susceptible to passing out. If the water gets frozen, she can't use it unless it returns back to its liquid state. She can't prevent the water from being evaporated against high levels of heat, the most she can do is try and lower the temperature from herself to slow the process. The more she sweats, the longer it takes for her body to be able to regenerate water for her to use. She can absorb water, but she can't use water the average person can't drink safely or else she'll get sick.
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[class=header] width: 250px; height: 90px; background#ffffff; font-family: Heebo; font-size:12px; color:#666666; align:justify; padding:10px; margin:auto;center; overflow:auto; border:1px solid #dddddd; [/class]

[class=openwindow] height:70vh; background:url('https://pm1.narvii.com/6554/85944315fe14ce9dc6291a5678e075af61386e5a_hq.jpg'); background-size:fit; background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding:1em; margin:auto;center; [/class] [class=openbutton] margin:auto;center; border:2px solid black; width:150px; padding:.2em; font-family:Caudex; font-size:2em; color:black; text-align:center; text-shadow: 1px 2px 0px grey; animation:{post_id}loop 2s linear infinite; cursor:pointer; [/class] [animation=loop] [keyframe=0]opacity:0.25[/keyframe] [keyframe=25]opacity:0.5[/keyframe] [keyframe=50]opacity:0.75[/keyframe] [keyframe=75]opacity:0.5[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]opacity:0.25[/keyframe] [/animation] [class=mainpage] height:70vh; padding:1em; overflow:hidden; overflow-y:scroll; background:url('https://i.imgur.com/iZ5LYWJ.png'); background-size:fit; background-position:center; background-lock:fixed; background-repeat:no-repeat; margin:auto;center; font-family:Karla; font-size:0.9em; color:black; text-align:center; [/class] [class=closebutton] font-size:2em; width:10px; cursor:pointer; position:absolute; [/class] [script class=none] hide mainpage hide closebutton [/script] [script class=openbutton on=click] slideUp 500 openwindow show mainpage show closebutton hide openbutton [/script] [script class=closebutton on=click] slideDown 500 openwindow hide closebutton hide mainpage fadeIn 500 openbutton [/script] [class=textbox] margin:auto;center; background:white; opacity:0.9; width:80%; [/class]

[div class=openwindow]

[div class=openbutton]ROMAN
[/div][div class=mainpage][div class=closebutton][/div]

[div class=textbox]
Name: Roman Ishida

Alias: Ice King

Role: Pro Hero

Age: 23 years old

Born: Japan

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Marital Status: Dating | Mal Mizushima | Luna Malveaux Luna Malveaux

[div class=textbox]
Height: 5'9"

Weight: 161 lbs.

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Black

Complexion: Fair[/div]

[div class=textbox]

Ice Manipulation
Roman is able to create ice out of thin air. Along with that, he's able to create anything he desires with said ice, such as weapons, shields, armor, or even things as simple as kitchen utensils. Having used his time in school, he managed to strengthen the ice making it a bit more durable, but due to it being ice they still shatter after constant use. If given enough time to focus on creating something, it is actually 4x better than when he makes something on the spot. In heated weather, he isn't as efficient as his powers work best when he has a colder body temperature, resulting in him having a tendency to strip down to remain cooler. His hero suit is made with special technology that allows for things like spikes to be creating without tearing the suit itself, as it repairs itself.

[div class=textbox]
Out of Costume -

Hero Costume

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Roman is a caring person, usually level-headed when dealing with threats. As intelligent as he is, he is often mistaken to be otherwise as he likes to be goofy and playful personality around those he is comfortable with. He doesn't take things lightly though, when a problem arises that threatens anyone, he does what he can to make it to the scene and protect them and he is known to help others in time of need.[/div]

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A young man brought up in Japan, Roman led a normal life. His parents both had quirks, something that he found interesting and cool. He would often play around with the other kids in his neighborhood as a child, and whenever one of their quirks would activate, they would most likely spend their entire time trying to learn how it works. Unfortunately, before he moved away to a different neighborhood, he never got to share his own quirk with his friends. The reason for that was because it didn't actually activate until around his last year in grade school. Once it did, he was excited to learn how it works, despite not having his old friends to share it with. When given time, Roman would go practice, making small objects that would shatter only moments after being created. As he grew older, so did his knowledge on how his quirk worked. While others quirks were also just as interesting, he knew that focusing on other people wouldn't help make his quirk better. Around the time he reached high school, Roman had a decent understanding on how it worked. High school was a rather easy experience for him, at least his hero courses were. His regular core courses took some extra work, but he eventually got the hang of it all. He also met his girlfriend of 7 years during his time in high school. Once the two of them graduated, they started their own hero agency, and to this day still work together.

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Mal Mizushima

The Rain Woman



Pro Hero



126 lbs

When Mal first meets people, she does her best to be as unjudgemental as possible, since she knows what it's like to have people judge you from the beginning. She's quick to lend a hand if asked and does whatever she can that's within her power to do so unless it endangers someone's life. Mal dislikes getting angry or upset, the emotions often causing it to start raining, the rain being a source of her problems back in primary school. She cares deeply about her close friends and her boyfriend Roman, she won't hesitate to defend them if she ever needed to.

Place of Birth:

Mal grew up an orphan, raised by a plethora of foster families. Heck, she doesn't even know who her parents are, and she honestly doesn't mind it staying that way. Constantly being given back by the foster families for being a 'problem child', since she refused to do anything besides stay in her designated room and didn't talk much, thus causing her to go into a deep depression, which was also the time her quirk manifested in the shape of a never-ending rain. The constant rain made the other orphan kids not want to hang out with her, saying that the rain was depressing and despising Mal, because wherever Mal was, so was the rain. She was then nicknamed "The Rain Woman" for several years. When Mal was 13 though, she found herself in the care of a foster family that truly cared about her, and eventually adopted her. She considers her adoptive parents her real parents since really they were the closest thing to it she had. Mal also learned how to control the rain, but it still shows up from time to time when shes experience a strong negative emotions, which ended her era as "The Rain Woman" for the time being. During high school, Mal attended U.A, aspiring to become a hero after hearing stories from her dad about his experiences. When it came to choosing hero names, Mal chose "The Rain Woman", wanting to turn a negative memory into something she can look back at and smile upon. During her time at U.A that was where she met Roman, whom she grew close to and later on they eventually started dating. After graduation, the rest is history, she is now a Pro Hero and still in a happy relationship with Roman, whom she loves dearly.


Quirk Explanation:
Her body can completely turn into water while still maintaining the shape of a person by her own will. She can keep different parts of her body solidified but it requires effort to do so. Alongside this, she can also control anything that contains water, as long as it's still in its liquid state. The more water there is around her, the more she can do and the stronger she'll be. Another feature is that Mal can control the temperature of the water, but only the water that she releases from herself.

Quirk Weakness:
If Mal isn't around water, she's limited to only using water from herself, which does regenerate over a period of time but she can't just run in spraying water everywhere. If she uses too much water from her own body, she grows light headed and is susceptible to passing out. If the water gets frozen, she can't use it unless it returns back to its liquid state. She can't prevent the water from being evaporated against high levels of heat, the most she can do is try and lower the temperature from herself to slow the process. The more she sweats, the longer it takes for her body to be able to regenerate water for her to use. She can absorb water, but she can't use water the average person can't drink safely or else she'll get sick.
Both Approved
Alejandra Ishida
What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.
John Steinbeck

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Alejandra Ishida
What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.
John Steinbeck

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