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My FOSTER Brother?!

Jaxon still didn't believe Oliver. It was hard to believe him. Not only because of how he'd acted but how everyone he ever met acted. Then he was alone. He sat down on his bed and pulled out the picture of his mother. He wasn't going to eat anything. He stopped eating breakfast a long time ago. Looking down at the picture, his fingers ran along the edges. "More than I can count on my fingers." He mumbled. He didn't stay in one place long enough to really even get used to the layout of a school. He saw no point in making friends or trying anymore. "I think I can handle a few people who ain't nice." He mumbled again. He had before and he could do it now. He slipped the picture back under his pillows and grabbed the worn backpack he'd had for years. No point in hiding in his room, running away from the inevitable.
Oliver busied himself in the kitchen by making and eating the cereal he said he was going to. When he was finished, he placed the bowl delicately in the sink so it would break. School wasn't a long drive away but he figured they ought to get there before the rush so that they could get Jaxon's schedule figured out and sorted. Stepping out of the kitchen and into the hallway, Oliver noticed the other boy's old backpack and wrinkled his nose at the sight. "Um..." he shook his head and thought better than to chastise the boy over his lack of sense in fashion. Instead, he raised his hand and jingled his keys. "Let's get a move on." Oliver lead the way to his freshly cleaned and over priced car and smiled to himself as he unlocked the doors.
Jaxon could tell that Oliver didn't like his bag. Or something else about him. Jaxon just narrowed his eyes a bit, as if daring him to say something about it. Just because he was staying here didn't mean he would have to deal with crap from this guy. He had dealt with too much crap from others to be a doormat this guy could walk over. Then he mentioned leaving. If it were up to Jaxon, he'd rather take the bus. However, he said nothing as he followed Oliver to the fancy car. Of course he would have one. Jaxon wanted to groan at how much of a spoiled brat this kid was.
Oliver climbed into the driver's seat and buckled his seat belt, waiting for Jaxon to do the same, and once the two of them were situated he pulled slowly out of the garage. The ride to school was one filled with hostile silence, and stolen glances at Jaxon. After an inner turmoil with himself, Oliver admitted that the underprivileged boy could easily pass off his look as rugged or even hipster. Not that he looked good of course, a small laugh escaped him at the thought, just that he didn't look awful. They arrived in the school parking lot and Oliver took his time getting out of the car, loving the attention his car was attracting as usual. He shot a quick smile at Jaxon before locking the car doors. "We should go get your schedule. "
Jaxon got in, despite the instinct that he didn't want to get into the car with Oliver. As the other drove, Jaxon looked out the window, he'd rather not have to notice the likely judging looks. Then he heard the laugh. It didn't show on the outside, but inside Jaxon hurt. He could deal with people being rude using words, he could come back at those and defend himself. Laughter was different. Especially the kind that didn't come with words. Jaxon didn't know what Oliver thought that led to it. Then they were at the school. Jaxon didn't wait to get out of the car. People were looking at them. Well, the car. Then it seemed liked they finally noticed him and looked at him weird. So it started already. They didn't like him. "Right." Although he knew how this worked. He would get the schedule, get lost trying to find different rooms, and likely put up with sarcastic questions from idiots the whole day.

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