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My FOSTER Brother?!


Mr. Kat Lover


Oliver Jacobson




Oliver is often more snobby and stuck up than he means to be, although he can't really help it. He grew up a spoiled brat so when he doesn't get what he wants, the outcome isn't pretty. His view of any social hierarchy has him at the top, reigning over anyone lesser than him, which is everyone. He is extremely cocky and feels like once his mind is set, nothing can stop him from getting what he wants.


? Honest, Intelligent, Talented

? Arrogant, Rude, Stuck-up, Manipulative


Oliver was born into a rich family as an only child and was spoiled rotten. His parents for some reason felt that if their son was not happy, they were terrible people. All throughout his school life, he teased kids from less fortunate families and had many boyfriends and girlfriends. When his parents decided they wanted to become foster parents, Oliver was appalled at having to accept a potential delinquent into his house. It was the first time his parents had ever done anything without asking his permission first.


Name: Jaxon Matthews

Age: 17

Personality: Jaxon is one who believes he needs no one. He is more of the "strong and silent" type, but only because he'd rather have no friends than someone stab him in the back. His emotions - the ones he show - generally pushes people away. He also has a habit of getting into fights because he has little tolerance for people who think they're above everyone else.

Traits: ?-Loyal, honest, strong, independent

?-Stubborn, sarcastic, quick to fight

History: Jaxon was sent into foster care at five years old. He moved from house to house, never staying in one for very long. They all thought he was too much to handle. Jaxon always said that it wasn't his fault, he refused to be pushed around by other people so he fought back. This made him stay in places no longer than a year, so he doesn't acquire very many belongings.

Oliver cringed as his mother turned on the vacuum cleaner in the room across from his, and began dutifully vacuuming. Today was the day, unfortunately, and the joy of being the only child would soon be smashed. For some unknown reason, his parents had decided one teen wasn't enough and had decided to become foster parents. Even worse, they had decided to take in the one child who the system had been, to put it lightly, hesitant to give away. He just knew this guy was going to come in and siphon all the money Oliver felt he had 'rightfully' earned. Right now though, his door was closed and he was trying to play video games, but that's hard to do when you can't hear. So he got out of his chair and pulled his door open.

"Mom!" he barked in an official sounding tone. "I'm trying to do stuff in here, turn that off." Before she could even mention that she was trying to straighten up before Jaxon got there, the door had already been slammed. So sighing, she turned off the vacuum and carried it back down the stairs. They had only fifteen minutes to get ready anyways.
Jaxon stared out the window as the car drove closer to his 'new home'. He hated the sound of that phrase, as if making it a home instead of a just another house would make all of his problems go away. At the moment he just wanted to get away. However, running away wouldn't help either, he would just get in trouble for it. So he sat there in utter silence while the social worker went on and on about how he had to 'put forth a genuine effort' and make friends or whatever. Jaxon bit his tongue and said nothing. He didn't need friends. He had no need for them. He doubted he'd be here for long, they'd realize that taking him on was a mistake and beg the state to take him back. He just wanted to turn 18 already, but that was still basically a year away.

Before he knew it, the house came into view and the car pulled into the driveway. "And now we watch as Jaxon walks to his next home, where they'll hate him in three months." He muttered. Although a hard glare from the social worker shut him up. He grabbed his backpack and suitcase, the only things he had, before following the social worker to the door where the man rang the bell and Jaxon just stared blankly at the door.
Oliver heard the doorbell ring and sighed heavily, not quite wanting to get up. His mother raced into his room, face flushed from excitement, and beckoned for him to come downstairs. For some reason, she felt it necessary to provide an image of a welcoming family to some kid who would probably only feel smothered by the attention. With another sigh, he paused his video game and followed his overly eager to greet Jaxon and the social worker. Before he was even ready, the door was flung open to reveal a nervous looking man and a teenage boy who looked as if he really didn't want to be there. A look of scorn quickly settled on his face and a verbal sound of disapproval slipped from his lips. His mom shot him a withering look before turning and smiling at the two in the doorway.

"Welcome to your new home!" she exclaimed cheerfully before turning to Oliver. "Oliver, why don't you show Jaxon where his room is while I talk to the social worker." Oliver grumbled under his breath about allowing potential thugs into their house before turning on his heels and walking towards the stairs, not even bothering to make sure he was being followed.
Of course the kid wouldn't like him the second he laid his eyes on Jaxon. He felt himself glare a little at the guy until he was elbowed by the social worker. Jaxon forced himself to stop glaring at him. Then what he assumed to be his foster mother spoke and Jaxon internally groaned. There was that stupid phrase and the overly cheery voice he hated. Thankfully - relatively thankfully anyway - he was basically told to follow the guy. After a shove, he followed, carrying his suitcase. He would have crossed his arms if it weren't for the clothes he had to carry. He'd heard what the guy mumbled and had to bite his tongue so he didn't lash out before he'd been there a minute.

'Judgmental prat.' He muttered in his thoughts. He looked around the house in glances. It didn't matter what he thought of the place. It was a roof over his head and it wasn't a group home. He'd been in one once, that was the longest he'd been anywhere, but he'd barely gotten out. Once you were in a group home, you were almost a lost cause. So most families who took him in now were ridiculously cautious about him. As if he had a gone in his suitcase and was going to kill them in their sleep or something.
Oliver lead Jaxon up the stairs and then pushed open the door to the room he would now be staying in. It smelled faintly of lemon pinesoll and the room was a bit chilly, but other than that it was a pretty decent room. He studied the other boy, not caring if he was seen, and he shook his head. This kid had better not bother him. Motioning around the room, he finally spoke. "This, is your space. I will respect it. I will not bother you in it," he said, staring down the boy. "I expect you to do the same for me, except this entire house is my space. You don't touch my stuff, and you don't touch me. Or even talk to me without permission." His nose wrinkled in disgust at the thought of having to converse with the lesser being. He took a step backwards into the hallway and waited for his demands to be acknowledged.
Jaxon stepped into room and glanced around the room. It was fine, although he wasn't going to get comfortable. Then what's-his-face started to talk. Dear God he was one of those people. Jaxon so wanted to punch that attitude right out of him. No. That wouldn't help anything. It was just likely get him in juvie. Or back in a group home. He bit his tongue through the entire thing. 'And he's an entitled brat? My life is over.' He noticed the guy back out of the room. "Like I'd want to talk to a prat like you." He muttered as he shut the door in the guy's face. He didn't care what this guy thought of him, he would soon realize Jaxon wasn't going to listen to him. He'd avoid the guy like the plague, but he did that to everyone. So this would be nothing new to the foster kid. Although if the guy talked bad about him, Jaxon wouldn't hesitate to fight him. He'd prefer going to a different house now.
Oliver scoffed as the door was closed on him, then walked across the hall into his room and slammed the door, alerting his mother. "Why don't you show him your games?" she called up to him, causing him to sigh heavily. He just wanted to be left alone, didn't anyone understand personal boundaries? Pushing open the door as quick as he'd closed it, he called across the hallway to Jaxon. "Come in here before my mother starts yelling at me. This new thing she's been trying out." Lately, Mrs. Jacobson had been practicing her scolding, something completely foreign to the spoiled boy. Showing the other boy his games would involve letting him into his own room, which was almost like letting him into his very brain. Oliver had always been quite the meticulous cleaner. His books were stacked uniformly on his shelf and so were his games, organized by author/maker then series and then alphabetical. His closet was so organized it was scary. His room pretty much look as if it were straight from IKEA.
Jaxon heard Oliver and he groaned out loud this time. He knew that Oliver wouldn't be able to hear it so he was fine. This just showed how new these people were at this 'foster kid' thing. Most families left the new kid alone for a bit to sort of get used to their new room and unpack or whatnot. He opened his door after a moment. "Sorry, but I don't really do 'games'." He said, not sounding at all sorry. Besides, it was obvious Oliver didn't want Jaxon there. Who was he to argue with that? No one ever wanted him there. It wasn't anything new and he wasn't going to pretend to be thrilled about this when he so was not.
Oliver nodded, content with what Jaxon had said to him. He had figured that the other boy was a quick learner and already followed his rule to stay out of his way. Swiftly, he closed his door, softly so as to not alert his mother, and slid into his computer chair. The second it was up, he pulled up a couple different social media sites and immediately began typing up hurtful things about Jaxon. It wasn't as if he would ever see these posts and his friends were quite used to his hateful rants. When he was satisfied with his defacing of Jaxon, he shut down his computer and lounged on his bed. Awaiting his father's arrival. Hopefully he would side with Oliver that the delinquent had no place in this house.
Jaxon closed his own door and looked around again. He bit his lip and tried not to let all of the things Oliver was likely thinking of him get under his skin. He was just like everyone else, judgmental and idiotic. Jaxon didn't care what he thought. He'd be out of here soon enough, hopefully. If they realized he wasn't 'a good influence' and didn't want him. After several moments of self-pity, Jaxon shook the thoughts away. He opened the suitcase and pulled out something no one knew he had. There was a framed picture of a woman and a little boy. His mother and himself when he was 4. It was the only thing he had from before the system. He never let anyone know he had it because they would ask questions. Questions he couldn't answer. Questions he didn't want to answer.
Oliver was drifting between being asleep and awake when his phone buzzed loudly. He groaned and pulled it out of his pocket, his thin fingers quickly locating his messages. His friend John had texted him.

John: Hey dude. I'll give you $500 if you can get in Mr. Mysterious' pants.

Shaking his head and frowning Oliver sat his phone down and thought. The money was tempting but he would never be caught dead with a guy like Jaxon. So he quickly erased the message and proceeded to forget about it and ignore the voice in the back of his mind telling him to go for it. It was almost 5 now and his father would be home soon, and this problem would be dealt with the way Oliver wanted it to be.
Jaxon stared at the picture for awhile. Then he stuck it under his pillow. No one ever seemed to look there. It was the best place to hide it. There was one time that a foster mother had found it and thought that Jaxon had a kid. So since then he made sure no one found the picture. The last thing he needed was this family to think he was a delinquent and a father. Most didn't think it was his mother because she looked so young in the picture. It was better to hide it from everyone anyway. He didn't want people to use it against him.
A few minutes after 5, Mr. Jacobson burst through the door dramatically and announced his entrance. "Family! The king demands to be met immediately in the Living Room!" he exclaimed. Mr. Jacobson was only kidding of course and had said this with a joking tone. He was quite the drama freak and loved to make an entrance. Most people thought he was just entirely too much when first meeting him but it was something you'd just have to grow used too.

Oliver groaned, slightly embarrassed by his father before shaking his head. Why was he embarrassed anyway? Was it because of Jaxon? It couldn't be. That was absolutely ridiculous, it didn't matter how Jaxon felt if he wasn't going to be here long. So, Oliver slid out of bed and made his way down to the living room to hear whatever crazy story his father had in store for them today.
Jaxon had laid down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. At some point the boy had fallen asleep. Despite knowing he didn't care what each family thought of him, he was always worried they'd meet him and immediately want to send him away. So he hadn't slept much in the past few days. The loud voice of a male had made its way into his head. Although it wasn't enough to wake him up. So he stayed asleep. If anyone wanted him, they would come and get him. Not that he was counting on anyone wanting him. Most families left him alone as they were scared of making him angry. When he was sleeping it was a different story, his face relaxed and he looked like a young kid in some ways.
Oliver sat down on the couch across from his parents and waited for Mr. Jacobson to begin his retelling of his 'adventure-filled' day. His mothered sighed heavily and shook her head at him. "Oliver, go get Jaxon. And stop being so cruel towards him. He's done nothing to you, young man." Oliver sighed heavily and made a point of stomping up the stairs and down the hall before barging into Jaxon's room quite loudly before stopping dead in his tracks. The boy actually looked handsome when he wasn't scowling. Oliver shook his head and backed out of the room after staring for a bit, closing the door gently behind him.
Jaxon heard the door open, but he just shifted in the bed. He wasn't going to wake up just because someone came in. He turned around after a moment. His dreams weren't much compared to what most people dreamt about. His was about getting out of the system and officially being on his own. Something that he had wanted for as long as he could remember. He didn't want to have to depend on anyone anymore. He didn't need anyone.
Oliver told his parents that Jaxon had been sleeping and his father launched into some grand story about how his coworker had invited him on an exclusive trip to Paris, France. Oliver quickly perked up and grinned. "Oh, sweet! We get to go to Paris!" Even though they were rich, when there was a chance to go on a trip, it was usually only his parents and this time wasn't an exception. Mr. Jacobson awkwardly cleared his throat at Oliver's excitement. "Sorry, kiddo, 21 and up only.." Oliver groaned loudly and shook his head. Of course. Stomping out of the room before his parents could stop him, he hurried up the stairs and slammed the door to his room so hard the windows on the floor rattled. He flung himself on his bed and buried his face in his pillow.
Jaxon had fallen into a deeper sleep. However that was shaken at the sound of a door slamming. What did he miss? His eyes opened slowly and he sat up. He looked around, as if thinking the slammed door was his. He was still alone. He dug in his bag and pulled out the iPod inside. He'd gotten a job at one home and managed to buy it. There weren't many songs on it, compared to other people anyway, but he didn't care. He put the headphones in and turned the volume up. He was going to ignore the world. It was what he always did. Part of the reason that people gave up on him and he moved around so much.

Oliver groaned as his blaring alarm woke him. With a quick glance out his window, he noted that it was still fairly dark outside. His clock read 6:30 am and Oliver reached over and turned off the alarm before rolling out of bed. He slowly made his way down the hallway and into the shower. It took him about 15 minutes to cleanse himself and he wrapped a towel around his waist. Poking his head into Jaxon's room he called out sleepily. "Jax.. Jaxon.. Wake up, we have school," he mumbled, leaning against the door frame with his eyes half closed. His hair was all over his head and dripping wet.
Jaxon heard his door open and he turned away, trying to ignore the fact that he probably had to get up. He heard his name and then the word school. He groaned a little bit, but he sat up. He really didn't want to go. He'd be the new kid again and there would likely be rumors about him after the first period. None of them would be true either. The feeling of dread sunk in when he realized he'd inevitably be the kid sitting alone all the time. While he didn't care what people thought, being on your own all the time was not cool. "I'm up." He muttered as if it wasn't obvious by the fact that he'd sat up.
Oliver nodded at Jaxon, content with the boy' state of awake, before turning around and heading back to his room. He looked in his closet for something decent to wear and finally decided on a pair of dark colored jeans and a hoodie. Walking over to his mirror, Oliver frowned at his messy hair and attempted to fix it with his hands. Sadly though, it was a lost cause and he would have to deal with going to school looking like a rugged biker guy. Oliver adjusted the strings of his hood, and smiled quickly at the mirror. He wasn't one hundred percent satisfied with how he looked, but he'd have to deal with it. Finished dressing, Oliver headed back across the hall to see if Jaxon was ready yet.
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Jaxon waited until Oliver had left the room. Then he found the bathroom and took a shower really quick and washed up. He left the room with no signs that he had been there. Getting back to the room that was now his, he got changed into a pair of jeans and a simple v-neck t-shirt. It was the outfit he wore everyday. He brushed his hair and placed a beanie on his head. It was his usual outfit and he didn't care what people thought of it.

I ain't at a computer right now~
Oliver peeked into Jaxon's room and smirked when he saw how the boy was dressed. His not caring demeanor simply radiated off of him and pretty much told people to stay away. Oliver shook his head and laughed quietly. "What do you want to eat, Mr. Cool," he teased, before laughing again. "By the way, in school... Stick with me for at least your first day. It can be a bit tough." Oliver looked down at his feet, hoping that Jaxon would realize that this was a genuine offer out of kindness. He may not like his foster brother, but no one likes being the new kid in a high school popular for it's extreme cliques.
Jaxon turned quickly to face the boy who had entered his room. He didn't respond well to people making fun of him and his hands clenched into fists, refraining from punching the guy in the face. Then he mentioned sticking with him the first day. Jaxon didn't believe it was true kindness. Not after how he had been received yesterday. He didn't want to trust this guy. Trusting led to being hurt. "Thanks, but this isn't the first time I've been the 'new kid'." He said, his voice obviously guarded. He told himself his entire life that he didn't need help. "I know just how 'tough' it can be." He'd rather not say that he'd started every year in a new school and sometimes had to transfer.
Oliver frowned a bit at Jaxon's hostility, although he realized he couldn't really blame him. Being a jerk to him probably didn't help Jaxon to realize that Oliver was being sincere so he shook is head and stepped closer. "Listen, sure you've been the new kid more times than you can probably count on your fingers, but this school is not nice to new people. I'm just trying to help you out so you can take it or leave it." With that, he turned on his heels and walked out of Jaxon's bedroom. He was gonna try and eat some cereal before they had to go and hopefully the other boy would be smart enough to do the same. After all, Lunch time was a long way away.

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