My Divorce [annaxbates & Jeccka]


One Thousand Club

the greatest joy a mother can feel is in knowing that her daughter is getting married. When Lily told Anna, all Anna could do was cry and hold her in a tight hug. Her baby girl was growing up...she was becoming a woman now, and she didn't want that to happen. But she knew her daughter was in good hands when she met Michael. Other people called him Dr. Sanders, but she liked his name. He was a very handsome young man, tall, broad shouldered, straight brown hair, gorgeous green eyes. Lily was a lucky girl. In Anna's mind the young lovers were already saying their I do's...that was until lily said "and when daddy gives me away...i'll just cry" No where in the mental seating charts was a place for her ex husband. She hadn't spoken to Trevor in years and wasn't sure if she wanted to now. She went into the other room while the two talked. She had a number for him on a sticky not she had in a drawer in the kitchen somewhere. As she searched for it she weighed the pros and cons of having him there "my daughter is happy...i'm ex is happy...i'm not..... everything's's not" The sticky note was curled and dog eared and the number faded, which showed how often shed used it, which was never. She wasn't even sure if this was still his number, but she dialed the kitchen phone and waited. She wasn't sure if he would answer, and she was equally unsure about whether she wanted him to or not. 
Just outside the front door to his one story, humble abode, Trevor heard his home phone ringing. The only calls he ever received were either from the fire station or solicitors and he hoped it wasn't the station calling him back in. At the same time he hoped it was, that he would be able to get out of the house for another few hours. Fumbling with the keys, he tried hurriedly to unlock the door. It wasn't until he dropped the bags of groceries he was holding that he finally got in.

Stepping over the fallen food and broken glass, Trevor answered the call without checking the number. "Hello?" He answered, a slight frustration in his voice.
she flinched at his annoyed tone, she'd heard it before and it always scared her a little "t...trevor?...its anna" she hoped the tremor in her voice wasnt notticeable
Trevor dropped his keys on the counter at the sound of the voice through his receiver. "Anna?" He asked, tightening his grip on the phone. It was pure shock hearing her voice again. He had thought that since Anna had taken the responsibility of Lily that they wouldn't need to talk again. "It's been a while," Trevor began, his brow furrowed with confusion. "What is it? Is Lily alright?" Racking his mind, he couldn't think of many reasons why Anna would call him up after all these years. His door was still wide open and all his groceries haphazardly laying on the floor. Eyeing it, he was tempted to clean it up though his old phone was attached to the wall inside the kitchen and he was held to the extent the cord could expand which was not nearly far enough.
she in a chaos of mixed emotions at this point, but none coming through as much as the shock of how little his voice had changed over the years, followed up by the tug at her heart strings of his obvious concern and love for their daughter "shes fine Trevor, don't worry, in fact....Lily's getting married" she smiled again as she thought of her little girl growing up 
she in a chaos of mixed emotions at this point, but none coming through as much as the shock of how little his voice had changed over the years, followed up by the tug at her heart strings of his obvious concern and love for their daughter "shes fine Trevor, don't worry, in fact....Lily's getting married" she smiled again as she thought of her little girl growing up
Trevor was surprised at the news. "Lily's getting married?" He repeated, staring out the window in disbelief. Immediately there was a giant whole of guilt in his chest at the thought of never having met Lily's fiancé and never getting to be that protective father when she started dating. He had missed out on her entire childhood. For all he knew, Anna could have remarried and replaced him for the job of raising her child and this stranger could have been a better father than he ever would have been. Having thought through his initial surprise, Trevor was nearly done with the conversation. "Wow, that's great. Good for her, I'm proud of her." He paused, shifting his weight on the counter top. "Uh, I have to go, Anna. It was nice talking to you." Trevor looked at the mess in his doorway, glad he wasn't really lying.
it disappointed her that the conversation was ending "w..wait..umm...why don't we all have dinner you and the two of them, we can even go to 'our place'" the breath caught in her throat when she mentioned their place. It was a little restaurant that Trevor had taken her to on their first date and many dates after that. She could never pronounce the name because it was in French so she used that little nick name "it might be a good way to get the kids started off...i might even get there early to make sure everything's set"
Trevor paused. He hadn't been to their place in ages and had practically forgotten about the place altogether. A flood of memories came back just thinking about it. "Uh, sure." He said calculatingly. "That'd be nice. It's been a while since I've been out." Since the divorce Trevor hadn't been on a date or even looking to play the field, he was too busy indulging himself in fighting fires. He was slightly worried he had lost his touch, that he was suddenly this older man, too old to regain the social skills he had lost after his family left him. "Is this tonight?" Trevor inquired, thinking about all the things he had to do to be ready to go out.
She could hear the agreement in his voice and was happy that he wanted this to happen as much as she did "Friday...say 7? But like i said ill be there early, the one in the blue dress remember?" she couldn't believe a giggle just escaped her throat. Thinking of their highschool days made her feel like a girl again 
She could hear the agreement in his voice and was happy that he wanted this to happen as much as she did "Friday...say 7? But like i said ill be there early, the one in the blue dress remember?" she couldn't believe a giggle just escaped her throat. Thinking of their highschool days made her feel like a girl again
Trevor remembered that blue dress well. He could see Anna wearing it as a teenager and remembered exactly as she looked on their first date. "Yes. Yes, I remember well." He said, unable to keep his gaze locked on one thing. "So, I'll see you Friday then." Trevor was about to hang up when he suddenly thought of something. "Wait, what's Lily's fiancé's name?" He didn't want to go in unprepared.
"Michael...Michael Warner, Dr. Michael Warner to be exact" her daughter had landed herself a doctor, a mother could only be so proud
Trevor was sure he wouldn't be able to forget Michael's name as Anna repeated it three times albeit in different forms. "Wow, a doctor." He said, raising his eyebrows in a sort of content surprise. "She did good." Trevor was never one to pick up hints and while Anna had mentioned she was going to be there early he couldn't decide if that was a nudge to get him to be there early too. "Well, I'm see you Friday then." He said, glancing at his calendar to make sure he was free. The house was beginning to get cold with the door still wide open and he was itching to pick up all the groceries he had spilt. Calls from the station never lasted his long.
she smiled and looked up at the ceiling, as if she could see all the good times there "ok...I'll see you then.." she didnt want to be the one to say good bye first
Trevor nodded, ready for the conversation to end. "Okay, see you, bu-bye." He said, hanging up his old phone. It had been nice to talk to Anna again, he never thought that he would get the chance and he hadn't ever thought of his daughter getting married. He was doubly glad that she was and looked forward to their dinner Friday night. Hurriedly he moved to the door, looking at the groceries, glass and spoiled food on the floor and grumbled. Much of it he'd have to replace. To keep the draft out and prevent bugs from getting in, Trevor slid the mess inside to be dealt with once he had changed out of his gear.

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