My Demon Body Guard (Anti & Kristen)

Headless Waltz

Junior Member
Malcom Maximilian was the united states most powerful mob boss, with this title many other mobsters have tried to dethrone him. He stares out the window of his office in his chair, glaring angrily at the sky. His daughter, Falcon, had snuck out of the mansion, to go out with her friends. He had constantly warned her not to, not until he took care of business and got rid of all his enemies, for he feared that they would take the advantage and kidnap her or possibly harm her. He had, had this conversation with her many times in the past and it seemed to go in one ear and out the other. There was a knock on the door, he swivels around in his brown leather chair, to face the door. "Come in." He says.

It was one of his men, Leeroy. "Ah, Leeroy, did you find my daughter?" He asks. Leeroy nods, "yeah, boss, Marix found her. We have her outside in the hall now." He says. Malcom nods, for he could hear his daughter screaming in protest. "Good, take her to her room, lock the door and make sure she can't get sneak out." He says. Leeroy nods and then leaves the room, he looks at Marix. "The boss, says take her to her room and make sure she can't sneak out." He says. Marix nods and then picks Falcon up and put her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Before putting her in her room, they checked the room, locking the windows. Trying to make a feeble attempt of keeping her inside. Then Marix dropped her on the bed. "You're father said to behave like a good little girl and stay in your room this time." Marix says before walking out and then shuts the door behind him, actually slamming it. Then there was an autiable click, from the door being locked. Marix and Leeroy stood outside the door, guarding it.
Falcon charged the door and gave it a good kick to spite them. All firey pink mane and green eyes, her temper was just as sharp as her spike heels and eyeliner wings.

She returned to her bed and lifted the mattress, fishing around underneath it with one arm. It's under here somewhere ...

She always kept some kind of lock picking tool there . She had become quite the Houdini .

(Ooc: tell me if you want it in a different tense)
Kristen said:
Falcon charged the door and gave it a good kick to spite them. All firey pink mane and green eyes, her temper was just as sharp as her spike heels and eyeliner wings.
She returned to her bed and lifted the mattress, fishing around underneath it with one arm. It's under here somewhere ...

She always kept some kind of lock picking tool there . She had become quite the Houdini .

(Ooc: tell me if you want it in a different tense)
(it's fine, but I have to go right now, so I'll reply later) 
"Be quiet in there," Marix snaps. Then there was silence for a while and then the sound of rummaging. Leeroy looks at Marix, "Maybe we should see what is going on." He says and Marix nods. He pulls out a key and goes to open the door, only to find that it was blockaded with a very heavy object. "Something's blocking the door." Marix says. Leeroy nods and then begins to kick the door, after a few kicks, the door was knocked in. Both men go inside the room, just to see the last whisps of Falcon's hair as she went out the window. "Alert the others, I'll go after her." Leeroy says as he jumps out the window. Marix nodded and then runs out of the room and down the stairs, shouting at other men to stop her. Several men, including Leeroy were chasing after her, but she some how mangaged to evade their grasp and disappeared into the darkness. Leeroy looks at the other men, "The boss isn't going to be happy about this at all." He says.

A man in a trench coat soon spots her and begins to follow her, of course he was blending right in with the rest of the people out for the night. He was one of Sabastian Mark's men, Sabastian was usually the one who was trying to dethrone Malcom. And it was this man's job to try and capture her, so that he could take her back to his boss. He follows her to a club. Mean while in the club, a girl, about 17 by the name of Lexi was waiting for Falcon, she is her best friend. Not far away from her, was a young man with brown hair and a gas mask on, he of course was just there to socialize and have a good time.
Falcon joined Lexi in the club. She caught her breath, it wasn't always easy evading her fathers men. But she was sure she lost them. She was completely unaware of Mark's man; more like she didn't care. As always she wasn't being careful. After some time She started to get a little drunk.
After a little while and after she was getting a little to practically drunk, the man decides to make his move. Of course he was waiting for her to leave the club. Once she left the club, he was following after her. He grabs her and throws her over his shoulder like a sack of poatoes and began to run away with her before she could get away or someone tried to stop him. And he didn’t care if she was screaming or making a scene. He then makes a sharp turn an alley and goes to go out of it. Then off a sudden a fist met his face and he was knocked on conscious. Glycerin looks at her. “great, what do I do with her?” He mutters to himself and then picks her up. “C’mon! What’s you name?” He asks as he tries to sober her up, which was proving more difficult then it seemed to be. He decided to take her into a resturant and take her into the bathroom, splashing water on her face trying to sober her up.
She came to, sputtering. Her eyes take a few moments to focus. "What happened?" she mumbled, clamoring away from Glycerin. She looked him over. "Who're you?"

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