My 4 Virtues

Name: “The name’s Erielle Rook; if you know any better, you WON’T call me by my full name.”

Nickname: “I’d prefer Eri or Rookie…nah, scratch that. YOU call me Eri. I don’t know you; you don’t know me, if you call me Rookie, best of luck to ya.”

Age: 16/17

Gender: Female

Appearance (picture or good description):

Personality: Eri can be awfully sarcastic. Though pretty clever and quick to jump at things, she can be naïve at times and very lost. She is extremely hotheaded and pretty daring. She always has to have her way and if she’s wrong, good luck trying to get her to admit it. Eri can be a risk-taker but usually tends to try to find a reasonable and logical way to get out of a situation. She can also be VERY competitive and mischievous, always up for a good joke or prank. Because she’s so stubborn, it’s pretty tough to break her down from her determination, no matter how terribly low the odds are in her or her group’s favor. Though, pessimistic at times, Eri’s always trying to keep people from downing themselves, even if she has a hard time doing the same for herself. While very indecisive, Eri's known to be the kind to react at impulse, always trusting her gut...even though it's what gets her into trouble most of the time. Combat is her life, so if she randomly wants to start a fight, don’t take it to heart; she just likes a bit of practice. Eri doesn't really seem like it, but she can be compassionate and protective sometimes (though those moments are rare and she’ll NEVER admit it). Overall, she's still a kid at heart so her playfulness is just who she is.

Back-story: All she's ever known was scuffle, her father, and the people back at her village who she likes to think of as “family”. Eri's never really had a family, her mother left while she was still fairly young, her father was constantly gone during battles in far villages as an ally soldier, so she usually thinks of families as useless hold-backs, but she'll settle for what she has. Yes, Eri can be a bit apathetic and reserved, but she has her reasons. Once she had found out about her father’s death, she was sent to live with her mother and “uncle” in England. As strange and awkward as it is living with her mother again, she’s grown much attached to her uncle rather than her own mother. Back home, she was never taught discipline, that's why she acts in the rowdy manner she does today. Her gumption, pride and stubbornness are what make her a tough competitor in almost everything. That being aside from her strong suits; she might be young and small, but don't underestimate her. She can fight like a merciless warrior...thanks to her “uncle” of course.

Weapons: A Scimitar and twin Sai at her belt.

Bender, non-bender: “If I’m not mistaken, I’ve been a non-bender since…forever.”

(Number between 1-50 if bender):N/A

Known abilities: N/A

Good or bad: Good…

Other skills (cooking, singing, smiting, etc.): “Not to brag, but I’m pretty amazing in hand-to-hand combat as well as my knifing skills. I’d say that I’m exceptionally good in swordsmanship. Climbing, running, circumventing trouble are also some things I’m decent at as well. I’m also pretty good with my words…at times.”

Other important info: “None that you need to know.”

(Do I need to change anything?)
@Ever lost Great character sheet, accepted. At least your like me, I like to post in a more first person manner
Name: Ditzay Rayno

Nickname:Dizzy,Zay,Ditsy,Dark Princess



Apperence(pic or good description) : View attachment 9620


Backstory: Ditzay is the child of the ruler of the World Empire,making her the princess.She has been raised to be able rule over his world,and fight for her life if needed.Her father was a loving man to her,but he did now much time to play with her,but every chance he got he would come in and play,but of course when he started to attack and wage war,he lost all time for her,and even neglected her when he saw her.This situation led her to cruel and cold to the outside world,as she grew up like this she would kill her servants who did not give her what she wanted.

Weapons:Spear,twin rapier,a ninjutsu sword

Bender, non-bender: Non-bender

(Number between 1-50 if bender) :

Known abilities: It appears she is bending,but she is not.She has learned to control her life-energy to a varying degrees,such as chi & aura manipulation.She has also learned to create illusions through unknown means.She is also adapt at assassination

Good or bad:Bad,but depending on her goal,she could be good

Other skills(cooking, singing, smiting, etc.) :Cooking,Cleaning,Teaching,Singing,Stealth

Other important info:
Yeah sorry, I'm sure most people that have posted a character don't even know about htis rp anymore, sorry. Although sooner or later I will repost this one and my Cry of death rp as well. Just wait, sometime it has to get big xD

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