My 4 Virtues


The real Warchief of the Horde
Hello and welcome!

What My 4 Virtues is,based off of I 'book' if you wish to call it in which my main character has the ability to water bend and fights with this 4 'virtues' but they aren't what you think, the virtues are the ways he fight which become a physical form in a way that makes them into 4 different rings around his rist, each standing for a different virtue. The virtues are water, the element in which he fights, fighting pride, a pride that strives him to accomplish more, the mace, his main weapon in which he uses, and compaction he gets along well with others to achieve greatness.

Now enough about that, the story now.

The situation is Yaga, my character, has encountered the man who has killed his village and family and seeks revenge, but his enemy has an army of millions, benders and fighters alike which have formed a world empire,and Yaga has put up an freedom group on a small land mass above England that plans to take him from power.

Now the interesting part is someone has the chance to be the main bad guy! But you have to put a VERY good character sheet for that.

Now with regarding to bending, I would like a nice even number of benders and non-benders so if you wish to apply for bending you must 1. say so in your character sheet 2. Pick a number between 1-50 and I shall see if you made it to bender. So you might want to make a bender and non-bender to be sure you get a character in. You can either have a good or bad character and up to a max of anything you can handle, but please put the name of your character before you post multiple characters parts in the rp like such





Like such.

Sorry for the long post, here's a potato. 0






Apperence(pic or good description) :




Bender, non-bender:

(Number between 1-50 if bender) :

Known abilities:

Good or bad:

Other skills(cooking, singing, smiting, etc.) :

Other important info:

Name: Yaga Oshinata

Nickname: Yaga, leader

Age: 17

Gender: male

Apperence(pic or good description) :

Normal state :View attachment 9460 Bending state: View attachment 9462

Personality: He is usually a caring person to others, believe is purification in the world so he will get serious at time. Has a weird thing for belly buttons.

Backstory: When Yaga was too young to remeber much, he was with his father in the ancient water tribe village. Then a great general attacked, killing his entire family but not before his mom took him to his uncle. He promised his dad that he would not forget what he told him "You will do amazing things, never forget." After that day he went to live with his uncle, went to a public school where he was an outcast but had one friend, Kisense. Then one day in his evil town his uncle died and a man had taken kisense stuff, so Yaga wasn't gonna take shit. He got furious and attacked the man in his new-found water bending state. Shortly after the man who had killed his village had taken over the world, creating a mass empire over the world. Yaga fled to England where he has set up a team to avenge his village and free this world. - I'm Yaga and I arpove of this backstory :D

Weapons: A mace made of ice, water

Bender, non-bender: Yes

(Number between 1-50 if bender) : I made the rp, I have loopholes :P

Known abilities: Ice storm, body chills, Absolute zero, Healing tides, others

Good or bad: Good

Other skills(cooking, singing, smiting, etc.) :He is the best reader you will find, he also enjoys water/ice skiing

Other important info: Is the sole avenger of his fathers clan of the ancient water in which he wants to take back from his enemy.
[MENTION=3442]weirdbraxto[/MENTION] Any time zone really? I've got a couple ideas that might fit in with this but I need to know if it's modern or not for some of them to work.
Name: Kisense (Key-sense)

Nickname: Ki-Ki

Age: 16

Gender: female

Apperence(pic or good description) : View attachment 9463

Personality: Very happy and pepy. She is very caring and innocent.

Weapons: Sword given by Yaga's father

Bender, non-bender: Non-bender

(Number between 1-50 if bender) :

Known abilities: She is an apprentice

Good or bad:Good

Other skills(cooking, singing, smiting, etc.) :She makes a really good nurse and is a great singer

Other important info: She's a g
(I'm updating this every time I complete one, I'm going to probably make 4 in hopes that the benders get accepted.)

Yeah I pretty much stalk you. Honestly, I went to Fantasy/Supernatural Roleplays and just saw this here. So, yeah.

Basically, at the end if there's anyone that I need accepted to have that one accepted, I'll add it in, you'll see it.

Name: Feign Death (Pronounced literally, Feign Death.)

Nickname: Feign

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Apperence(pic or good description) : (I'll get a pic up when I get home, I've got a good idea for it.)

Personality: Dark, mean, non-tolerant. Jokes a lot, but in a dark way.

Back story: Feign grew up in a dark childhood, his mom was killed in a crusade and his dad disappeared one day and didn't come back (Cut me some slack, I didn't have a back story prepared. xD ) now he is fueld to bring havoc on everyone so they know what he felt, and he does this with a passion.

Weapons: He has two daggers for close-quarters combat, and anything he conjures

Bender, non-bender: Bender

(Number between 1-50 if bender) : 19

Known abilities: Necromancy (Can reincarnate the dead.), Conjuration (Can conjure pretty much anything for a short while)

Good or bad: Bad

Other skills(cooking, singing, smiting, etc.) : Being Evil, duh.

Other important info: If he's not the leader of the bad guys, he's got his own clan. I don't really need him to be the leader of the main bad guy force but he need to be the leader of some group.

Name: Nathan Genera

Nickname: Nate

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Apperence(pic or good description) : View attachment 9516 (His hair is white in the Roleplay, though.)

Personality: A laid back personality, but can get serious if it comes to it.

Back story: He knew Yaga before any of this happened. They weren't very close, they just knew each other. The reason for Nate being with Yaga is the same as Yaga's reason to do what he's doing, but, Yaga's will is a HELL of a lot more strong in this kinda stuff.

Weapons: Anything he can make.

Bender, non-bender: Bender

(Number between 1-50 if bender) : 31

Known abilities: Makin' s*** out of ice, cause dats cool.

Good or bad: Good

Other skills(cooking, singing, smiting, etc.) : Bein' chill.

Other important info: I'm a wannabe Gray Fullbuster.
Alright, I'll be making the main bad guy. But, I have a twist, and I need to discuss it with [MENTION=3442]weirdbraxto[/MENTION] before I can make the character. So, don't anyone else make the main bad guy.
Screw it! i'm joining XP I don't care if you think i'm following you or not. Meh. and Question: what do the benders bend?Just an element or can it be something else? :/
Awesome,got it X3 hope this works :/ been trying to think of different ideas so i can stop using the same people over and over again XP

Name:Zel Husk

Nickname:Mad Hatter,Mad



Apperence(pic or good description) :

Personality: Well,Mad pretty much.Though has a smart way of looking at things,he's really sweet and tends to make fun of people.

Weapons:nothing in particular,what he makes

Bender, non-bender: non-bender

(Number between 1-50 if bender) :

Known abilities: not known

Good or bad:good

Other skills(cooking, singing, smiting, etc.) :Good with fixing things,and good with technology

Other important info: never leaves Xel or Rel's side


Name:Rel Husk

Nickname:Red hatter,Red



Apperence(pic or good description) :

Personality:Very fun and can't stay still for very long,he's the most immature out of the group but he's the most protective.

Weapons:metal wires

Bender, non-bender: bender

(Number between 1-50 if bender) :49

Known abilities: can control liquid such as water

Good or bad:good

Other skills(cooking, singing, smiting, etc.) :Good at making tea,protecting,making his own clothes

Other important info: tends to be tense around other men and tends to make music out of habit


Name:Xel Husk

Nickname:Black hatter,Black



Apperence(pic or good description) :

Personality:very quiet and seems to be bad but really isn't,he just doesn't think straight sometimes

Weapons:Rel doesn't alway him to have one so he tends to us his legs thanks to the straight jacket

Bender, non-bender: non-bender

(Number between 1-50 if bender) :

Known abilities: not known

Good or bad:good

Other skills(cooking, singing, smiting, etc.) :listening since it's really all he can do,follow orders,seems to feel no pain

Other important info:Only and always listens to Rel

Backstory(since there all the same):There parents died not to long after Zel was born so he doesn't know them well but hear many things about them from Xel and Rel.Ever since they stayed together,Xel is the oldest by only 11 months even though Rel seems to always be in control. Rel was told to be that why by Xel since he knew how dangerous he was,so now he listens to Rel with no questions as they promised and protect Zel together.They joined Yaga's little team for only the reason that they'd have a place and purpose in this world.
@StealthNinja115 Both accepted an bender

[MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION] All are accepted but your first and last characters will not be benders, sorry, please edit accordingly
Name: Venndale Knight

Nickname: Venn

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Male






Shoes - He doesn't wear shoes, he just wraps white bandages around his heels and the entire foot except for the toes.

Personality: Venn is a troublemaker and sometimes can become hot-headed in battle. He is prone to starting fights and creating conflict. He will usually chill in a corner and watch what goes on instead of putting in his own two cents. At times he can be very sarcastic and whimsical, but don't let his tough exterior fool you, Venn wants to help more than anything. He is strict on himself; usually you can see him training at odd hours of the day for several hours, only because he wants to push his limits and see how far they will go. Small acts of kindness can and will be found under Venndale's surface, it may be uncommon, but its not like he's a robot. He is still capable of feeling and hurting he just tries to portray himself as a strong man who won't put up with anyone's sh*t. He may become easily bored at times.

Backstory: Right after he was born, Venndale's parents abandoned him on the streets of a village. He was taken in by a burly man who was too drunk to think about the responsibility of caring for a child. The man, whom called himself Piér, never watched out for Venn so at a young age he was already creating mischief. He would steal toys from the local shops and the women who did laundry on Saturdays always had to worry about sheets being vandalized. When Piér was around to discipline Venn it was a strict and cruel beating, lasting up too less then a whole hour of drunken punches or going as long as two days. This went on until Ven was fifteen and even before he was officially fifteen, he was miles away from the town. For the last two years he has been keeping to the shadows and sometimes creating mischief or havoc in a local town when he gets bored.

Weapons: Multiple kunai with an orange ribbon tied to the handle. He then carries two large kunai's that are like swords. The same orange ribbons are wrapped around the handle (Kotutsu's personalized weapon from Naruto, Google it).


Known Abilities: He is a skilled swordsman and climber. He has practiced any form of martial arts and uses them accordingly in battle.

Good or Bad? Good although he may seem like a bad guy.

Other Skills: He can cook very well and his number one hobby is surfing.

Important Info: Venn is Venn. He became a part of Yaga's team only because he wanted to travel a little farther than these little towns, well that's what he wants everyone believe, truthfully though he's always had a secret kindness that extends to saving others.
[MENTION=3924]Doctor Who?[/MENTION] Accepted but he will not be a bender, sorry, but please edit accordingly

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