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MxM *Yaoi* Romance Search!


S I N C E R I T Y N A T U R E : カマトト荒療治

Hiya! I guess people have started calling me Mew, so haha, I'm rolling with that nick name. Nice to meet'cha!

Anyway, I'm super craving an MxM *yaoi* role play with someone, long term.

All I really ask is - good grammar and good spelling (I don't mind teensy mistakes, but over and over or really bad grammar/spelling isn't my thing.), and being active! I can play both an uke and seme character type.

Some pairings I have are -

*Bolded character are who I'd
prefer to play, but if you really want we can sort something else out!*

*If there is a ~ next to it, I have a plot below*

Yandere Student x
Normal Student

Teacher x Student (maximum five year age gap.)

Openly Gay x
Closeted Gay

Sports Team Members (Basketball, soccer, swimming, e.t.c)

Master x 'Pet'

And some other things -

HETALIA! I'd love to do a Hetalia ship, and I ship a lot of stuff, so let's talk about that if you want later.

Haru x Makoto

Haru x Rin

no slide

Just shoot me a PM or message here! Also, I want your ideas! Thanks!

Hi !

My name is Marshmallow and I’ve stumbled upon your thread which seemed interesting once I started reading. I think I can live up to the spelling and grammar one, though there can be small mistakes still. >-> Yeah, I can write stupid things sometimes and facepalm myself once I read it again.

But anyways I am interested in your “Openly Gay x Closeted Gay” pairing. Perhaps we could work something out on that one? However I’m also somewhat interested in the “Free!” pairings.
Hey there, Mew! My name is stupid long, I know, so you can just call me Red. I'm interested in your Master X 'Pet' RP. My roleplays are all pretty dead right now and I really need a new one. If you're still interested, shoot me a PM :)
Hello! You could call me Versa. I'd like to do a teacher x student RP with you.

I usually post once a day or every other day if I can. I can write from four pargraphs to eight, but sometimes I can't write more than two. I don't think grammar will be an issue, I always proofread.
Greetings ~

So, I just wanted to start off by saying that I am new to this site BUT rest assured...not to rping. Although I have been on an extended hiatus for some time now I back in action and searching for some rp partners. I stumbled upon your thread and I am interested in picking up an rp if you are okay with it. Even though I am out of practice I am sure I can put out 5 paragraphs tops so deary if you are interested...and I hope you are...please reply back : )
Mewloid said:
Teacher x Student (maximum five year age gap.)
Openly Gay x Closeted Gay

Sports Team Members (Basketball, soccer, swimming, e.t.c)
I'm very interested in doing one of these!

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