

New Member
Heeey, so I won't make this too long because I know reading these get boring, so here goes:

  • I came on this site in order to practice my more submissive characters; not ukes, but more submissive ones. I'm used to playing the loud bad boys or just male in general, so I'd really like to sharpen my skills.
  • I enjoy one or more paragraphs per post. I won't settled for less simply because I can't think of anything when there is less. I need something to work with.
  • For a change, I'd like to play the female if we choose to do a MxF pairing.
  • I'm generally a friendly person, so don't be shy. (:
  • I'd like to stay away from doubles simply because there's never a fair amount of attention divided between the two roleplays.

Anyway, if you're interested, just shoot me a PM if you have an idea or we can discuss something and figure it out. I love cheesy romances or non-romantic roleplays. Although I will admit to have been wanting to play a dragon hybrid of some sort, but I'm all for realistic roleplaying as well ~
Anyyyythinnngg cheesy down to the stereotypical pairings such as:

  • bad boy/good girl
  • nerd/jock
  • outcast/popular
  • love triangles
  • soul mates
  • boss/employee
  • model/photographer
  • famous/non-famous|fan

And the list goes on, obviously. xP I'm also into supernatural pairings such as:

  • angel/demon
  • vampire/werewolf (i'd need convincing on this one but whatever)
  • werewolf/werewolf (alpha mate and rogue or just two werewolves imprinting or whatever)

And the list goes on aswell.

I like medieval as well!

  • princess/knight
  • princess/commoner
  • princess/prince
  • commoner/witch|warlock

All that jazz, ahahah.

I also like the idea of a new couple in their 'love craze' stage having recently gotten an apartment and just living their lives every day, in love and happy and stuff. Obviously drama could be added, but yeah. I could elaborate on this.

Hopefully this helped a little??
Do you prefer a ghostrider alike/shy woman story or a rich gentleman/poor unhappy lady story?
Hm, I'd like to do either the new couple thing in love oooorr some sort of werewolf imprint thing (be it on a human or another werewolf in which case, if we choose to do the latter we could tie it in with the whole moving in together thing) orrr princess/knight or prince/maid or something like that. ^^ I don't mind any of them.
I like the new couple in love or the medieval prince/maid one. I could really run with the gist of he's not supposed to love the maid, but either one you want to do more would be fine with me! (:
We can do prince/maid, hahah; I haven't done that one in forever nor have I ever played the maid in those. xP Want me to shoot you a PM?

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