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Multiple Settings MxM Fantasy/Medieval Rp 👑💛


New Member
In a land farther away than a person could imagine, there lived a kingdom with great prosperity. In fact, that was the name of the main capital where the royal family lived; Prosperity. It was under rule by a very large family. A king, queen, and four princes and six princesses total. Despite the kingdom's great success and riches, there was a strong caste system in effect that dictated the lives of everyone, even magical creatures.

One of the sons, Prince (Name), befriended a knight who was tasked with guarding him and training him to become a stronger man. (Name) grew close to this knight throughout time, and their bond was unbreakable. Then, a rumor begins to spread through the kingdom that there is a disease, or curse spreading, causing homosexual tendencies. During this time, (Name) and this knight begin to question their feelings for one another. Is it more than just a strong friendship? If they were to be together, the knight would be accused of witchcraft and hung. Prince (Name) would be disowned from the royal family and kept in prison for the rest of his life. A lot is at risk, but love does wonders.

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As you can see, this is a MxM roleplay. Is is set in a fantasy, medieval setting. We can discuss who would play the knight and prince. Here are a few rules and warnings:

1. I would appreciate if there is an effort made in correct spelling and punctuation.

2. There will be triggering themes such as homophobia, depression, and other forms of hate mentioned.

3. This would be a long-term roleplay, starting off during their friendship.

4. I would prefer if your character was human, but I can make some acceptions as long as they're not overpowered.

Comment an emoji if you're interested! As well as who you'd like to play, the knight or prince, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Here's mine:

Full Name: Darian Maxwell Havengill
Nickname: Dari
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 21
Height: 6'2
Build: Lean
Skin Tone: Fair
Hair Color/Style: Dark brown, short, undercut
Eye Color: Hazel
Personality: Brave, obnoxious, humorous, outgoing, egotistical, self-righteous
Clothing: On a normal day he'll wear a white button-up, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, tucked into some black men's slacks, brown crew-length lace up boots, and black suspenders
Species: Human
Powers: None
Preferred Weapon: Sword
👽i’d be down to play! just the slightest of preference towards the knight, but really whichever is fine c:

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