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Fandom MxM 1-1 Baldurs Gate Roleplay {ccxcc ocxoc ccxoc and ocxcc allowed!}


New Member
Hello, I have finally started to learn this site better. That being said I wanted to put out a more professional post.

I am looking for a male x male Baldur's Gate 3 roleplay. This can either be cc x cc, oc x oc, or cc x oc (either way.) I do not mind playing as a cannon character if you wish to play as an oc. Non binary and trans ocs are also welcome.

Some facts about me so you know what you're getting into:

I am a lit/semi lit roleplayer who can switch between paragraphs to a few sentences, determining on your roleplay style. I much prefer sending paragraphs though. I am above the age of 20 so I will not be roleplaying with anyone below the age of 18 as I do not want to roleplay with minors. I can either be entirely roleplay focused or if you want to be chatty to be personally I don't mind a little chit chat about our roleplay or original characters.

Rules for roleplaying with me!

You must be at least 18 years old
You must write at least five sentences
Do not spam me if it hasn't been more than three days
Do not write about any sh or unaliving topics

Other than that my pms are open and I check frequently. Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.
If this is still open, what canons can you play? I may be interested in a ccxcc

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