Musical Newbie


Um.... Hi Internet :smile 2:

I'm Tara, I'm 17 years old, fairly cute and a dog lover. I play flute/piccolo and piano and adore music entirely. I'm a nerd, Otaku, gamer, etc. I'm disabled which sucks and am physically weak, sicker than most and generally not very happy. I like sarcasm, analysis and anything with good music.

And... Yep. That's it. Hope I get at least one reply :rolleyes:

Hope to hear back from someone
Hey @Tara, it's really nice to meet you. I'm also new, having joined yesterday. It's encouraging to see that people still sign up fairly frequently. Feel free to message me if you have any role-play ideas (I have a few music-related ones in mind, if you're interested). Anyway, welcome to the site, I hope you have a great time here :)
Welcome to the RpNation, @Tara, from a fellow adorer of music.

Though, admittedly, probably a very different kind of music, given I'm 10 years your senior. Haha

Hope to see you around the site and in the shoutbox (located on the main page). Maybe we can chat about music at some point and swap sarcastic comments! Hah.

If you've got any questions about where things are located or need a hand with finding your way around the site, feel free to ask the folks in the shoutbox, or PM one of the staff members (myself included). We'll be happy to lend a hand.
Rubacava said:
Hey @Tara, it's really nice to meet you. I'm also new, having joined yesterday. It's encouraging to see that people still sign up fairly frequently. Feel free to message me if you have any role-play ideas (I have a few music-related ones in mind, if you're interested). Anyway, welcome to the site, I hope you have a great time here :)
Thanks for the reply, it's also nice to meet you. I'd love to swap RP ideas with you, I do have a few ideas which I would love to share and I'd love to hear yours.

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