.::Music To My Ears::. Roleplay


Sass Queen
Ebony Cassandra Suliz lay in bed, fast asleep, her hair a mess as she lay sprawled across the mattress that lay on the ground of the studio apartment she and Aradia shared. Her peaceful snoring echoed throughout the room but was interrupted by the loud beeping of the red alarm clock that was pugged into the wall beside her. The girl moaned and pulled the wire out of its socket. Her feet made their way to the cold floor and she straightened her shorts. She stumbled over an empty pizza box and made her way to Aradia. She prodded her in the back lightly with her foot as she mumbled, "Mable. Get up." She eventually gave up and began to get ready for work. She went in the bathroom and did her daily routine, making hasty work of it. She wanted to be able to get around town and get some good pictures. After almost half an hour in the restroom she came out, dressed and primped.

Grover, better known as Gove, lay on his bed staring intently at a packet of papers. It was still dark out, being as early in the morning as it was, and he had just one tiny lamp on - the one sitting on his bedside table. His eyes were surrounded by dark circles that portrayed his lack of sleep and tiredness. Though he continued to fight with himself to keep his eyes open, he refused to sleep until he had gotten this part right. What was he studying? Why, a script of course. He was trying out for the famous musical Oliver! at his local theater. He couldn't stand not being able to portray the emotion of this one paragraph - these few short lines - that Oliver was saying. Yes, he was trying out for Oliver. Maybe Dodger - he loved Dodger - if he could get either. Acting was his one true passion - that and music - but it was so hard for him to get past his stage fright. No matter, he had been on stage before. It was always the same - have a panic attack before going on, get on stage, sweat it out, come off stage smiling because it was truly that fun. He figured the stage fright happened to everyone, and that maybe his would one day fade. At least, he really hoped so. As he was studying the script he lost track of time. In no time at all, his alarm clack was beeping obnoxiously - jerking him form his concentration.

"Six O'clock." He mumbled to himself after turning off the alarm. "Great. Now I get to go the whole day running on zero sleep."

He reluctantly pulled himself out of bed, and went to get ready for the day ahead.
It was still early in the morning and she had just finished working her shift. Anastasia sighed kneading her forehead for a moment as she leaned against the wall of the bakery. She hadn't known when she had accepted the job, but if you made bread you had to work these crazy hours. It didn't matter that much aside from the fact that she missed sleeping in and she was exhausted before some people even woke up.

Ana pushed off of the wall deciding finally to get out of the building and go home. As she walked she undid her apron and pulled her hair out of the bun letting the hair fall past her shoulders in slightly messy curls and when she was in her car she checked her phone. She wasn't surprised that she had no missed calls or texts, her social life had died when she had to start going to bed at eight to get the eight hours of sleep that she needed. Checking her phone always brought a pang of sadness with it though because she was constantly going to auditions for parts, not once had she even got a callback.

Ana fumbled in her purse for a moment pushing her phone into it and drawing her keys out and it wasn't until after she had started her old vehicle that she had noticed the flyer in her windshield. She groaned and turned her wipers on and they brushed across her windshield once, but the flyer remained resolute. She was going to have to remove it manually.

Are You A Struggling Artist?

Do You Need A Job?

Come See Ella Ramirez


413 5th Avenue

Well, it certainly wasn't the usual church flyer to attempt to convert you and the content of the flyer held her interest much more than going home to lounge on her couch waiting for parts that never came did. She threw the car into drive with the intention of heading to visit Ella Ramirez... she wasn't expecting much but at least it was worth a try.
Kai was sitting out in the grass looking down at his notebook,drawing what he saw around.He had been there since very early in the morning and was just drawing and writing the whole time,he usually did this everyday to get his mind rolling.He loved the sounds of the outdoors,the natural sounds.Not the cars or people but the birds and wind,the calm sounds that could make you fall asleep. He loved them and wished he could listen to them all day,but he couldn't since he had 'life' to deal with. Even though his life was so boring and painful,he wished he could just make it all go away. His drawings had become dark and depressing from his feelings and he missed the bright colored paintings he used to do,he had to fix it.But how?


(All Ella posts will be preceeded by this picture)

Ella sat in her office, typing an email to one of her clients. She typed rapidly and only paused when she looked up at the sound of the open door. She smiled and turned away from her desktop, "Hi! I'm Ella Ramirez. Can I help you?"

Emily woke up, her ice blue eyes scanning the room until the vibrant red numbers of her alarm clock caught her attention. She grumbled at the early morning hours, but knew that she'd never get back to sleep. She sat up and stretched. Her room was pitch black, the dark, thick curtains over the windows certainly doing a good job at keeping the morning light at bay. She swung her thin, pale legs over the side of the bed, crossing to the windows and pushing the curtains aside. The day poured in, gleaming off her pearly skin, highlighting her copper hair. The hustle and bustle of the city could not be heard through the thick glass, but it carried on as usual below her.

The seventeen-year-old quickly dressed, then threw a baggy hoodie over top of her clothes. She realized she had work later today. Her lips turned up in a small smile. She liked her job, working at a local pet store was not only fun, but she got to spend a lot of time with the animals. She's always loved animals more than most people. For now though, she resigned herself to playing her bass guitar in solitude, it's sky blue body lightening the room even more.

A couple of hours passed, and soon she decided to thoroughly embrace the day. Work started in two hours, but that gave her enough time to go out for a short walk. She slipped on her shoes and headed downstairs, out the front door, and into the main part of the city she called home. She smiled at a few people she knew as she passed them, always being friendly even if she had her shy moments. She thought about how she never imagined herself ending up in New York city, not with her mannerisms, yet here she was. She tucked her hands into the pocket of her sweatshirt as she walked.
Aradia finally got up to find she had slept WAY longer than needed. She had already missed all of her morning classes and was about to be late for work. She quickly got ready and ran out the door, grabbing a piece of toast on her way out. She finally reached the nearby Starbucks-luckily not late. She sighed as she grabbed the notes that her boss had told her to put on the bulletin board. She pinned the notes to the board.

Help Wanted.

Guitar Lessons.

Missing Cat.

​One note then caught her eye.

Are You A Struggling Artist?

Do You Need A Job?

Come See Ella Ramirez


413 5th Avenue

As soon as her shift ended Aradia bolted out the door to the building.

Ebony was waiting outside the door for her friend, who practically ran her over. "Woah there, Mable! Where you going in such a hurry?" she said as she raced to catch up. She grabbed Aradia by the shoulders and turned her to face Ebony. She placed a flyer in her hand. The paper was red and a little fancy. It read:

Are You A Struggling Artist?

Do You Need A Job?

Come See Ella Ramirez


413 5th Avenue

"What d'ya say, Mable? Me and you go see this Ramirez lady?" Ebony wiggled her eyebrows the way she always did when she was excited, and grinned.
Aradia smiled grew wide. "Of course!" She said as she took Ebony's hand and began to pull haer in the direction of the building. "We have to go now though! So hurry your butt up!'
Ebony let out a squeak as she was tugged down the side walk. She chuckled and then was pulled to a stop as they reached the building. They wallked inside and were immediately greeted by Ms. Ramirez, who over viewed their work and signed them to her artist label. As the girlie walked out, Ebony was snapping pictures left and right. In some Aradia would pose, in others there were homeless men, and in most it was the old, dilipated buildings they passed. Ebony found beauty in old, broken things. She had always been the one who like vintage, old fashioned things.
The two girls soon reached home. Aradia opened the door to their Apartment and collapsed on the nearest chair. "We are finally getting somewhere Ebony!" She smiled until she thought of what happened this morning. She groaned and sat up in her chair. "I missed classes again."
Kai had fallen asleep in the grass,seems he woke up too early this morning.His notebook laid beside him opened to the page he was on and his pencil marked the page,he was just listening to what was around him and he just passed out. Which was pretty normal for him but at home,it never happened out in public. But he didn't seem to care,so he just slept in the grass.
Emily walked along on the sidewalk. Looking over, she saw someone sleeping in the grass. She stopped only mometarily, wondering if she should wake him up. It wasn't really safe to fall asleep somewhere like this, he could get robbed. Looking closer, she saw that he didn't have much with him to begin with. Plus there were plenty of people around. Looking at her phone, she realized that she would be late to work if she didn't hurry. She took one last look at the boy sleeping in the grass, then turned and jogged home.

Emily threw on her simple work uniform and walked out into the hallway, locking the door behind her before heading downstairs and outside to the busy city. It was only a short walk to where she was going, which was lucky because she no longer had a car: hers had broken down last week and she didn't have the money to repair it right now. She arrived at the pet store a while later. While it wasn't your typical tiny shop like most cities had, it wasn't nearly as large as most of the other stores in New York City. Someone walking by would barely notice the place. She walked in and started her shift.

At the end of the day, Emily said goodbye to a few of the coworkers she was friends with, then dashed outside, eager for the day to be over. She was more than tired by now; it turned out her little excursion this morning was more tiring than she'd thought. She looked on the brick building beside her and saw something white fluttering lightly in the breeze. She walked over to the paper, sure she would see some silly advertisement or scam. She read the paper to herself:

Are You A Struggling Artist?

Do You Need A Job?

Come See Ella Ramirez


413 5th Avenue

She tilted her head to the side a little as she read the paper. Taking it off the wall, she folded it and stuck it in her jacket pocket. Did a bass guitarist count as an artist? She'd written her own music most of the time, and considered herself practically professional at what she did, but she'd never been part of a band, or even let others hear her play. Either way, this opportunity sounded like extra income, which was definitely something she'd be interested in. Maybe she could get enough to fix her car, or at least pay her rent this month so that she'd come out ahead for once.

Emily walked into the apartment complex lobby, deciding that first thing tomorrow she would go see this Ella Ramirez.
Ana had only intended to do a few errands before the day was over and she would visit Ella after, but as the few errands stretched into hours she felt herself grow tired. She had been up so early this morning that she couldn't help but be exhausted by this time. She debated the merits of visiting today, but ultimately decided that tomorrow after work would be when she would visit Ella.

She didn't want to look exhausted and getting her foot into the industry seemed to be based almost solely on looks. Besides, it was getting late and she didn't want to arrive just to figure out that Ella Ramirez's help was closed. A small part of her was also worried that Ella wouldn't consider her a struggling artist like her flyer advertised for. She was obviously struggling, but what if Ella was only looking for actual artists? Just because Ana considered acting as the highest form of art didn't mean that Ella would be looking for anything more than artists or singers. She faced enough rejection on a daily basis.... but she was sure that she could pull herself together once tomorrow began.

Ana drove home slowly yawning as she did so but once she got into her house she decided to avoid sleeping. On her desk were a pile of manuscripts... there always were. Parts that she planned to audition for but that she needed to learn her lines for. Fighting sleep she managed to look over one and practice another. Sleep wouldn't wait forever though and eventually it consumed her and she fell asleep on the chair.
Once Gove was ready to begin the day, he wandered outside of his apartment to his car. Tired and terribly nervous for the tryouts, he got in and drove the mile and a half to his local theater. Once there, he greeted the receptionist with a warming smile with that sort of glow to it and made his way into the back room. When he opened the door a rush of loud talking, and hustling about hit his eyes and ears. His senses were filed the instant he opened the door. He could smell hot coffee - strong and black - he watched as people dashed about trying to get prepared for the audition and of course ,there was a roar of noise he assumed was talking - though he could make out none of it. Gove smiled at this; he loved the feel of the theater, and this one small room wasn't even the half of it.

The director came into the room momentarily and spoke a few words once he was able to quiet everyone down. He announced that he would begin with all of those who would be trying out for Nancy's part. Gove watched as the numerous women excited the room until there was all but men in the room with him. Minutes passed - five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes, twenty four, twenty six, half and hour - and the director came back. No women had come back with him, so Gove figured that they were dismissed after trying out. "I guess that means I will have to come back later this evening and see how I did." Gove thought to himself.

The director announced anyone for Bill Sykes to audition. There were fewer people this time, but still a good bit. It took them twenty minutes to get through his part. A few more roles were called after, and then it was time for all the Oliver's to take their turn. Gove went out with the rest trying for Oliver and lined up behind them in the wings to watch the others audition. He watched as numerous men said a few lines from the script and then went into the song "Where Is Love" to sing for the director. As Gove watched them, he became more and more worried that his competition was hard to beat - not to mention he was afraid to go out there and do it himself. Finally, it was his turn.

With his heart beating rapidly, and his palms sweating nervously, he walked out onto the stage.

"Name?" The director called.

"Grover Bort." His voice hardly came out.

"What was that?"

"Grover Bort, sir." He forced himself to be louder this time, and it worked because the director scribbled something down on his paper with Gove took to be his name.

"Alright Grover, I want you to start where the others did. Do you know where I mean?" He asked.

"Yes, I know the place."

"Good. Oh, and then we will have our sound-man play the instrumental to "Where Is Love" so you can sing it for me. Just go right into the song. When your done with your lines, he will hit play. Got it?"

"Yes, sir." Grover began to shake lightly, and he tried to calm himself. He cleared his throat a few times, but tried not to stall. That's when the directer pointed at him as his little signal for Gove to begin the lines.

Gove did not need the script to say the lines, nor was he permitted to have the script anyway, and he felt that it went rather smoothly. The song began playing and Gove sang as best as he could. When the audition was over, the director said nothing except "You are dismissed. Come back later this afternoon. The results will be posted out in the main lobby of the building."

Gove uttered a quiet 'thank you' and walked off stage. The minute he was outside of the theater he felt like a ton of ice had just melted of of him. He smiled the entire drive to work. Once at work, at the bar, he went back behind the counter and began to serve people their drinks and such. The time passed slowly for Gove - being as anxious as he was to see the results. It seemed like forever that it turned seven o'clock, but when it did, Gove left as quickly as he could and drove to the theater once more.

He practically ran inside the doors. He was so anxious he forgot to say hello to the receptionist. That's when he saw the three sheets of paper announcing the cast and crew. He looked at the list until he found the results for Oliver. His heart sank. It was not his name, but the name of the man who went on two people before he did. Grover tried not to sulk, and he put on a happy face for the receptionist's sake although Gove figured that she saw plenty of unhappy people storm from the building and probably wouldn't care if Gove did the same. No matter, he tried to be decent about his loss. He smiled and said goodbye to the receptionist before slowly getting back into his car and driving home.

As he pulled up to his house something caught his eye. It was a red sheet of paper. He parked his car, got out, and went to retrieve the paper that just happened to be floating around his apartment. He flipped the paper over and read it. When he was done scanning the paper, he folded it up and stuck it in his inside jacket pocket. He would rest up tonight and go see this Ella Ramirez tomorrow for certain.
((Is it okay for me to skip to the next day? If not, just ignore this post until everyone is on the same page.))

Emily awoke bright and early, confused for a moment before realizing she'd fallen asleep on the couch. She sat up quickly and turned to the uncurtained window, where the sunlight poured in, heating and lighting the room all at once. She got dressed and scarfed down breakfast, remembering that this was the day she would meet Ella Ramirez. Or at least, she hoped she would. Hopefully this Ella could help her out somehow, but she was still just a bass guitarist.

Before she left, Emily contemplated what she should take with her. Certainly, if this Ella was as prepared to assist artists like the poster led on, then she would have some equipment that Emily could use to showcase her talents. At least an amp suitable for the low bass. But even if everything were to be provided, Emily could only ever play her own instruments. She felt more bonded to her bass guitar than any other instrument, and it was the only one she wanted to play. She eyed the shiny blue instrument in her room, visible down the hall, even from here.

She quickly stuffed the instrument into a gig bag and shouldered it. She may not get an audition- or whatever else- with Ella, but if it was a possibility then she wanted to be prepared. After locking up the apartment she headed downstairs. She checked her mail on the way out. No bills luckily, but a letter from her mom that could only include part of the month's rent money. Having reasonable parents willing to pay half their seventeen-year-old daughter's rent in another state had its perks.

Emily walked outside and reread the flyer with Ella's address on it. She wondered how big this building would be, and how big the company itself was. She also prayed this wasn't a scam. Half an hour's walk later, she found the address and pushed through the doors. It seemed like a nice place at least. She walked up to the desk and showed the secretary her flyer. She gave her name and a few other details before finding herself sitting alone in the waiting room.
Ebony clicked her tongue, "It was well worth it though, wasn't it?" She said as she sat in one of the bean bags that surround the apartment. She grinned and brushed her bangs from her eyes, "We're really doing it, Aradia! We're becoming artists!" Ebpny threw her hands up in the air and giggled with delight. Her camera hung limply from her neck and she suddenly picked it up, snapping shots randomly. She spun around the room, her boots clicking a bit on the wood floor. "I'm so excited!"
Candice slammed the door behind her, walking down the stairs and towards her white Corvette that was parked in the driveway. She was ready to begin the day. She had straightened her hair, put on her make-up, and changed into trendy new clothes she had bought(http://data.whicdn.com/images/45298067/43390e542da4ab721f9f5e62a6152a8f_large.jpg). Her black platform heels clapped against the sidewalk as she stepped towards the car door and unlocked it with her keys.

She didn't have a modeling shoot this week. That's what her agent told her. But she had a bad feeling her agent was lying to her. Why? She had no clue. Which was why she chose to ignore the lie in the first place. But lately, it's been popping into her mind now and then.

With a deep sigh, she started the car and backed out of the large driveway. She decided it was a good day to go out and hang around downtown. She didn't have much planned for this week, so she had lots of time to do stuff.

"Hmm.. What should I do?" She asked herself while parking her car next to a shop. Getting out of her car, she shut the door and walked along the sidewalk. She held a white Prada purse in her hand, swinging it side to side as she walked.
Aradia smilled as she watched the girl spin. "Well, what do you want to do now? Let's do something fun I, for once, want to get out of this apartment!" She said as she walked to her room. "Whatcha wanna do?" She called.
Kai finally woke up and decided it was time to go,he got up and grabbed his book and pencil before leaving.He wasn't sure where to go at the time so he just walked,not really aiming to go anywhere. He was still tired and tried to keep himself busy by drawing,though drawing and walking wasn't such a good idea he still did. Not really thinking at the time, he just doodled around making designs all over the page before him, he always filled up his pages.With words or drawings, he didn't like wasting space.
Ebony bit her lip, "I heard there's a new dance club down the street. One of the boys downstairs invited me this morning." She leaned against Aradia's doorway. "I think it was the oldest Martinez boy. Anyway, what d'ya say? Let's go dancing!" Ebony grabbed Aradia hands and spun her around, before collapsing on Aradia's mattress. She sighed and propped her head up on her elbow. Her bracelets slid down her arm and she sighed, "Rent's due this month, Mable. I think we may have it this time."
"Of course we'll have it! We'll probably even have it early this month and our landlords going to think we killed someone for the money." She joked like she always does. "Dancing sounds like a go." She said as she pushed Ebony off of her bed. "Now go get ready!"
Ebpny giggled and hurried off. She quickly picked a dress and slipped it on. She made her way to the bathroom and posed for her friend. She the stared at her reflection in the mirror. "What do you think? Too slutty?" The bright red fabric stood out and made he gold in her eyes pop out. She shrugged and applied a new coat pf bright red lip stick to her lips. She made silly faces in the mirror and the began doing her hair.

Her Dress:

Candice continued to walk along the sidewalk, her mind drifting off as she tried to think of what to do. A store suddenly caught her eye, and she began padding towards it slowly.

Just as she got to the shop's doors, she ran straight into someone who seemed to be drawing(Kai). Her eyes widened and she dropped her purse, all of her accessories and belongings slipping out.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going." She said, a faint blush appearing in her cheeks. She flashed the man a nervous smile and than began picking up her things. She slipped all her belongings back into her purse, than stood up straight.

"I didn't mess up your drawing did I?" She asked quietly, her eyes glancing towards his paper and than back up at him.

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