Music Personified 2 [Inactive]

Indestructible Ink submitted a new role play:

Music Personified 2 - A college RP with music genres personified

Hidden among all of the normal buildings is a special school that specializes in music. Upon taking a glance at it, it seems that nothing is off, but not everything is what it seems. Among the masses of students is a group of kids that seem to be personified music genres. Their personalities, looks and habits resemble those of their genre. It's the first week of school, when all of the cliques, friendships and enemies are decided. Welcome to the Garrison School of Music!
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Drake was relaxing in the atrium, listening to music, since his classes didn't start until an hour later. He still couldn't believe that he had gotten accepted to the one school that he had always wanted to go to, even though it had already been three weeks since the year started. It was known for it's amazing music program, so Drake had worked really hard to get a scholarship. It was like a dream come true. Still, he missed all of the people he knew in his high school, including his band mates. Some of them had chosen to go to other colleges while the rest of them didn't want to bother with anything past high school.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Drake quickly checked the time. Only twenty minutes left till class starts, he thought. Luckily, his class wasn't too far away. He gathered up his things, but stayed in his spot.
Jay sighed as he sat down on his bed running a hand through his black hair, he was already dressed for classes, He wore a black t-shirt covered by a plaid button up and some plain dark gray jeans with red adidas. To be truthfully be honest he did not want to go at all right now, his brain was practically pounding right now, just like the bass at the club last night. He had took a late shift so he was up all night taking shots, it was a bad idea but he didn't think he would feel this sluggish and drained in the morning. Jay groaned and finally sat up deciding to suck it up and just go, maybe a coffee would help, probably not his headache but at least he wouldn't feel like a slug that just had salt doused on it. Jay took his phone from his charger and replied to some messages he had, some from friends that are at different colleges other from girls he met at the club in the past two weeks. Jay slid his phone in the back pocket of his jeans and slung his black Spencers back pack around his shoulder then walked out of his dorm, locking the door behind him. He walked out of the guys dormitory and to the star bucks that was near study hall and the atrium. When he arrived there were a lot of people there, which was expected. Jay plugged his beats headphones into his phone and placed them on his ear, he played techno music into the headphones, not putting the volume on full blast like he would usually do because of his raging headache.
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Taryn was lying down on her couch in the dorm room. She was alone, and most certainly hyped out on her music. See, this is the number one problem about Taryn. She is capable of being responsible, but she never has the energy to do what she needs to do: Which is getting her ass off the couch and get some shoes on and get down to Starbucks. She moaned as she got up, and slithered into the bath room. Her hair was a mess from her sleep, and her mascara got all over her face. I know, I know, girls are supposed to remove mascara off of their faces before slumber. It is obvious.

Or, not?

Anyways, Taryn fixed her hair, cleaned her face up, grabbed her V-Moda headphones and stuck them in her bag. She wore some skinny jeans, a black and dark blue t-shirt that had small rips on the shoulders, and atop of that was a white pull-over jacket. The toastiest of jackets. She put on some red converse shoes, and walked out the door. It was a few minuets before she exited the girls dormatory, and made her way down to Starbucks. Her favorite coffee shop. But there were quite a few people around the place, unfortunately. She kept her bag zipped, hiding her expensive headphones and music software: Alienware Laptop.

(Headphone info:
Jay ha finally made it to the front of the line, finally! That was one thing Jay hated about mornings in college. Everyone goes to Star Bucks in the morning to get their boost for classes and the rest of the day I should go to the store and get a five hour energy because this is a pain sometimes.. Jay thought to himself, he turned down his music a bit more until it was a whisper and he ordered a caramel brulee latte, he mainly ordered that because of the caramel and the mountain of whip cream that came with it. Jay was handed his latte and told how much he had to pay, to lazy to pull his actual money out of his wallet Jay just handed the brown haired girl his credit card and watched her swipe it. When it was given back Jay gave his thank you and found a table that seated two and sat in the wooden chair I should have brought my laptop or something. I;m having a lot of 'I should have' situations right now.. Jay thought to himself with a yawn as he pulled out his phone, he turned his music up a little and changed the song to regular music, listening to 'Get Scared, God Damn Liar'. He dipped his tongue in the latte and scooped up some whip cream happily tasting the sweetness of whip cream.
Jayla rocked her head to the sound of music coming from her earphones as she sat down in the atrium with a thick notebook on her lap, her hand scribbled words that fit into a song while she completely ignore everything around her. She could tell that she would most likely need to make friends this year seeing as how she didn't want to live an adult life without having college friends... man it was probably going to be tough to find someone as awesome as her; with that thought Jay couldn't help but laugh at that, she was pretty awesome.

"Floating in the air," She hummed a small part of her song, testing it out in the air but not to loud as to disturb the others around her, she couldn't help but clap her hands happily when she realized that she was almost done with the song she'd been working on for two days.

"F*cking yes!" Jayla was pretty much giggling to herself before she remembered that she wasn't the only one around and turned her happiness into a few low coughs and closing her notebook.

Biting her bottom lip she felt as if she wanted to smoke a cigarette and truthfully she was a second away from just going outside and smoking one of her cigarettes in her purse but she rushed to snatch a strawberry lollipop out of her bra, unwrapping it she popped it into her mouth and began to concentrate on the sweet taste of the piece of candy in her mouth... man this is going to be tough, since Jayla is actually serious about this college thing she wanted to rake care of her lungs so she was trying to stop her habit of smoking cigarettes... crap.
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Fill my heart with song.

Let me sing forever more.

You are all I long for;

All I worship and adore...

Cadence smiled a cheery smile. She had walked into this particular coffeeshop at the crack of dawn, a few hours before her class even started. Unlike most people, it was very easy for her to wake up in the morning, especially with the promise of music. This Starbucks was a bit different in that it had a little stage in the corner. She had been asked to perform as background music, and she was perfectly fine with it. For the last few hours, she played on the piano, occasionally singing a song or two. Some people applauded, some went about their busy mornings, and it was alright with her. As long as there was one person tapping their feet; one person singing along; then she was happy. Unfortunately, she now had about 20 minutes before her class started. She grabbed a cup of tea that she had gotten earlier and took a sip of it. Still warm. She smiled at the few people who said 'Good-bye'. Slinging her bag over her shoulder and putting her headphones in, she made her way out the door to class, still humming to herself.
Taryn was relieved once she had reached the front of the line. As the woman asked for her order, she pulled out a few dollars as she made an order which was Pumpkin Spice. It had a great taste, and since the long line of at least 25 people didn't throw a fit, she got her iPhone cord, slid the money over to the woman, and sat down at a person-less table in which her expensive laptop was placed at. The iPhone cord was plugged in, as well as her headphones, soon enough, she had downloaded all of her songs onto her phone.Taryn then stuffed everything away, except for her phone... And headphones. She went on Instagram, YouTube, and played a few lame games she would play when she's bored. Her Pumpkin Spice was perfect while she computed a few things.

All she had to do is wait.
" Oh crap, I'm going to be late!" Alynna groaned, quickly pulling her blonde hair up into a messy bun. She'd accidentally hit the alarm clock when it rang and it smashed against the floor. It wasn't the first clock she broke either. It was until half an hour later when she woke up and discovered her two-month-old clock was murdered. She grabbed her navy blue sweater dress and white leggings, grateful when she didn't rip them when she pulled them on. Tripping over her black boots, she grabbed a cup of unfinished coffee from her table, popped a gum into her mouth and slung her bag over her shoulder. This was what a hectic morning looked like to her. She did a swift double-check, hoping she didn't miss anything. Satisfied that she didn't, she slammed the door behind her and rushed off to class.
Mauve stared up at the huge building in front of her. She couldn't believe they actually accepted her. She was dressed in her ACDC shirt and best blue jeans that had no holes in them. She was so excited for her first day. She walked inside and realized something, she had no idea where she was going. She started freaking out trying to see if anyone was around, but everyone was in their classes. She sat down against the wall and began to cry.
She ran into the school building, her coffee spilling over the edge of her paper cup. She tried her best, she sighed, but she was still late. Suddenly, she skidded to a halt. A brown-haired girl was crying, her back against a wall. " H-hey, don't cry." Alynna threw her cup into the trash and rushed over, crouching beside the girl. " What's wrong? Are you hurt?" She wasn't exactly the most sociable person in the world, in fact, she felt mildly awkward. She wasn't exactly used to comforting people.
Mauve looked up, sniffling. "I'm completely new here. I dont have a sceduele or anything and i have no clue where to go. And i couldnt think of anything so i freaked out." she said, wiping the tears away from her eyes. "Could you help me find where to go?" she asked the girl.
Naoki looked around at the large building in front of him. This was his new school and he was so excited to be here. Almost everyone who walked by was speaking in english to their friends which made him glad he had studied english a lot before coming here. he walked inside and looked around. It was just impressive inside as out. As he walked around he turned on his music and put on his headphones listening to Kyosei by Kiryu.

Jay went through his phone, looking at twitter post from friends, random followers and what not. He looked to the door and saw everyone was going in and out quickly. He went back to his phone and saw he had a text from one of his friends who came to the club he worked at every once in a while to come and party with him as he worked. He didn't go to the same college as Jay but he lived near by, probably two hours away or so, that not really near by though but whatever.. Dude that was totally awesome!! You need to invite me to your job more often! The text said, Jay laughed a bit, he didn't remember much of the night but he had slight glimpse of his friend getting absolutely wasted and dancing like a complete idiot Yeah, will do.. Jay replied before looking at the time on his phone. Now he knew why everyone was in such a rush, it was about nineteen minutes before classes start. Jay sighed and put his phone in his pocket, he stood up grabbing his latte and started to chug it down, it was warm enough so he didn't burn his throat as he did so. When he had finished the latte he licked the whip cream from around his mouth and tossed the up inside of a trash can. Jay grabbed his book bag and walked out of the Star Bucks turning up his headphones a bit. As Jay headed to his class he saw two girls with each other, one looking as if she was crying Nope Jay that's girl business.. Jay warned himself as he kept on walking toward his class.
Why is everything so cold? This is unusual for me. I have to get up or I'm going to be late! Iris slowly opened her closed eyelids, her eyelids stuck down like glue to her face. Looking down in front of her, she was on the floor. How did I fall on the floor?!,she thought to herself and pushed herself off the floor. Her phone, over on a little side table was blaring music. Every single night, no matter what, she has to have music to fall asleep to. It's like an addiction.

Groggily moving towards the bathroom, she remembered how it's bad to be late on your first day. Shaking her head, she picked up the pace and jumped in the shower. Finishing washing her hair, she jumped out of the shower. She had her hair up in a towel and started applying makeup. After applying her foundation, powder, blush and eyeliner. Huffing, she opened the door and ran to her closet, pulling out clothes left and right. Finally she came across a Flyleaf shirt. Throwing the towel and putting on undergarments, she pulled the top over her head and put on a pair of ripped black skinny jeans. She sat on the edge of her bed and pulled on her combat boots. Jumping up, she grabbed her bag, which had been packed the night before and her phone with her earbuds plugged in. She looked at the time, under fifteen minutes, a new record for me. She smiled to herself and ran out the dorm door to the main building where her first class was.
Taryn looked at the clock. Obviously time to go. She grabbed her bag, stuffed her phone away, and headed for her class. She didn't know exactly what she'd be doing there, since a new year is to be started, but it is worth knowing, right? Besides, making new friends is possible. And hopefully, these new friends won't be the kind of people that will not be there when she needs them, disrespect her actions, and correct her numerous times before she can even create a bond.

Ahh.. But anyways, she walked around the lower floors before going to the outside doors and walking through the plaza and into the B Wing of campus. Her first classes were amazing, and she learnt so much in just a few weeks. Entering, she sat in the back left corner of the room where she sat.
" Sure, come on," She smiled, reaching out to help Mauve up. " I'm Alynna by the way, since you don't have a schedule, we'll take you to the office first." She walked down the long hallway, it didn't matter any more that she was going to be late, she had to help Mauve. Through the clear glass of the windows, sunlight streamed through and spilled onto the floors, brightening up the place. Alynna had only been here a couple of weeks and she had to admit, the school itself was beautiful.
Cadence arrived in her classroom a few minutes early. She was still dressed from her gig earlier in the coffeeshop, but she was fine with that. She loved classy clothing, so she often went out in public wearing long dresses or nice white dress shirts and pencil skirts. Today, she had a dress shirt and skirt with some average black pumps. She sat all the way to the left, close enough to the front to pay attention, but not so close that the teacher would constantly ask her questions. Students were still shuffling into the classroom, so she got out her notebook of staff paper and began to think of several solo options for a new song she was working on, occasionally singing a few bars softly to hear how it sounded.
Once the clock said that only ten minutes remained, Drake headed to the lecture hall that his first class of the day took place in. Luckily, he had only picked a few classes for the semester, one of which was for boosting his credits. A few people were still milling around, but others were probably headed to their classes. Luckily, he didn't bump into many people on his way to his class. Once he got there, he took a seat towards the left, where another girl was sitting. Drake pulled his MacBook out of his backpack and pulled up a note-taking program and tumblr. Having free wifi in the school was absolutely great, especially for when he got bored during the lectures.

//I'm assuming that mostly everyone is headed to the same class here. If I'm wrong, just let me know :) //
Maybe if I just made this last a few measures longer. Or maybe bring this part of the run up an octave. Cadence had a general outline of what she wanted, but she knew she wouldn't stick to it. It was just an outline; nothing more. She would add in other embellishments when she actually played it. Cadence looked up past her brown hair that veiled her eyes. Someone was sitting near her. She considered ignoring them, like she usually did, but she had made a promise to herself. She was going to be more outgoing and meet new people. Her heart raced just thinking about it, but eventually, she worked up the nerve to say something. "Hey." Well that was stupid...but I guess I have to roll with it now. "My name's Cadence."
When Jay made it to his classroom he took the black beats off of his ears and wrapped it around its neck, music still playing through them but a tad bit loud but its not like anyone cared or would care. Jay made his way too the back of the classroom near a girl with black hair and sat down, he liked sitting in the back mainly because he could see everything from the back so he thought it was fun, it was a childish reason but that's just Jay. Jay kept the music playing then unlocked his phone, deciding to play candy crush.

((Sorry for this shortie.. ))
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Drake started to zone out as he scrolled down his tumblr dashboard, not caring if anyone else saw. Without warning, the girl next to him said something, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"I'm Drake," he said in response. Yeah...I'm not the most social person out there, he thought to himself. I should've worked on that earlier this year. Drake swept his choppy black bangs out of his eyes and nearly went back to using his laptop. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a piece of paper on the girl's desk. "What'cha got there?" Drake asked her, wondering what kind of song it was.
Cadence cringed on the inside. She caught him off guard. Great. He probably thought she was just another weirdo. She checked the time on her phone. Class was going to start soon, but the professor was nowhere in sight. "Nice to meet you, Drake." She looked down at her sheet music and shuffled a few of the papers around. "Just a few solo outlines for a jazz piece I'm working on. I haven't decided on the full instrumentation, but I was thinking all woodwind. Something new, you know?" Cadence blushed when she realized she just rambled. "Sorry. I tend to ramble when it comes to music."
Mauve walked quietly next to the girl. When they arrived to the office she turned to her. " Thanks by the way. I'm Mauve. Its very nice to meet you Alynna. I dont know how to repay you." she said. She looked at the girl's eyes. They were shiny and very pretty. She smiled and felt warm.
" No need to repay me, Mauve." Alynna laughed, waving her hand, " It's totally fine." The late bell rang and Alynna jumped, dropping her books. " Damn," she muttered and scurried to pick up her books, scurrying to pick them up again. When she finally picked them all up, she righted herself and started to hurry off, " Sorry, I've got to go! Bye, Mauve! Catch you later!" With that last sentence she sped into a sprint and headed to her classroom.
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