Music Music (or genres) you listen to while writing?

It usually depends on the scene. I listen to a lot of metal, sometimes jazz or blues. I also listen to Japanese string instrumentals depending on the mood and scene. I try to find music that fits what's happening so I can get a better feel for the atmosphere and flow.
It usually depends on the scene. I listen to a lot of metal, sometimes jazz or blues. I also listen to Japanese string instrumentals depending on the mood and scene. I try to find music that fits what's happening so I can get a better feel for the atmosphere and flow.
I can agree with this.
I wholeheartedly recommend making playlists for different emotions; I have several on my Spotify and it is SO helpful to find something quick and easily, plus you can always add any other music you find that fits whatever is happening. I even have a playlist full of Pop music I like to fit happy moods lol. It's super easy and nice!
I wholeheartedly recommend making playlists for different emotions; I have several on my Spotify and it is SO helpful to find something quick and easily, plus you can always add any other music you find that fits whatever is happening. I even have a playlist full of Pop music I like to fit happy moods lol. It's super easy and nice!
I never really thought about making a playlist of a certain type of music to fit the scene or emotion. I just have all music together but I'm going to rearrange it to try it your way rather than when I'm writing having to pick another song quickly(to keep the feeling going)after one has finished. Thanks for the tip :)
I never really thought about making a playlist of a certain type of music to fit the scene or emotion. I just have all music together but I'm going to rearrange it to try it your way rather than when I'm writing having to pick another song quickly(to keep the feeling going)after one has finished. Thanks for the tip :)
No worries! Obviously, whatever feels better for you is what you should def stick with. I just find that having playlists is a bit easier. But I have one folder full of music that's just totally rearranged and I use that from time to time too :closed eyes open smile:
I find that I end up with writer's block more often than not when listening to music with lyrics. As a result, I enjoy listening to compositions by Taylor Davis the violinist. My favorite work of hers would have to be "Wilderness". If I am in an upbeat mood and want to write that way no matter what, then Owl City, Ellie Goulding, and Sam Hunt are usually safe choices for me. Just don't ever have me listen to Rachel Platten right before I have a writing deadline though; my brain will be a million miles away (even though it'll think it's in a Better Place).
I'm with some of the other people that listen to what their characters listen to. It helps me get into their head more, and that's how I slowly started to rp more "punks" because I'd listen to rap when I would work on developing the character. Before you know it, they're hip hop heads and don't like authority figures
I use Seycara, the anime orchestra on YouTube. The stuff there is GORGEOUS. Perfect for writing music. My personal favorite is their 'Shelter' orchestral collection.
it depends on the setting and scene, honestly! i've got an 80s disco playlist, a fight scene playlist, romantic playlist, and so on and so forth. normally i make chatacter / pairing centric playlists, and have those playing in the background, but currently i've been on quite the elton john kick - so i'm currently listening to that.
When I'm writing which im working on a book currently I tend to listen to Celtic battle music and Norse war drum beats I find its the easiest to think while listening to and still be hyped up by it
Depends what I'm writing. I listen to death metal while writing apocalypse or revenge stories. I play dubstep when I write urban fantasy. Most of the time I write in silence, now that I think about it.

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