Saiyan Princess
Always unhappy
Christine's mind was whirring. She never once thought that her husband's evil side would rear his ugly head again. Yes, ugly, that's what she truly believed the Phantom of the Opera was. He was lovesick and twisted in every way, fooling a young child into believing that her father had somehow conquered death and would sing her to sleep every night. And, oh, the haunting tunes. The hypnotic melody of Gustav's violin playing post mortem was agonizing to her! Still, she breathed deeply, moaning when her husband had kissed her so delicately, with care! Still, she went along with this rather unfortunate situation. "Just two things: kick and scream." She did just as she promised. "No! I won't go back with you!" She loved this game. "I want freedom!" She couldn't really make any progress with the kicking. "Leave me alone!"