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Fandom Murder Series: Far Away Lights

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Either way im still going to be Deadpool and if its Half-Life then a different hat every update muthaa fuckaaaaas
[QUOTE="La Muerte]Either way im still going to be Deadpool and if its Half-Life then a different hat every update muthaa fuckaaaaas

What's up with the fookin hats? >.>
[QUOTE="La Muerte]Half-Life = Hats

Here's a nice hat:

Whoaaa... Batman? I believe this calls for:




((But who knows, I may use an entirely different character or stick with Gohan.))

Sent from... Eh, why bother?
instead of Colossi helping Bane, we could have Magneto and his minion mutants helping? just an idea hue
Ok guys, when the next one is up, I'm joining as a different character than Gohan, but can I play a bad guy, but make him good. Like some of the Insurgents in Injustice?

Sent from... Eh, why bother?
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