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Murder in the City of Devils New


New Member
A RP for anyone interested in participating in a horror/mystery setting within a fictional Los Angeles referred to as: Los Noctis, the city of Devils.

Recently, there has been an upsurge of supernatural sympathizers who have chosen to accept arcane beings into their communities as rightful citizens. Before this, they’d been treated poorly. The arcane were offered a fraction of the pay their mortal coworkers received. Many if not most experienced prejudice regularly.

Laws written to protect those with magically inclined heritage known as “The Mythic Mandate,” have been put into action in several large cities all over the country. Causing beings of all kinds to flood into the newly proclaimed cities of “acceptance”. Through the acceptance of magical beings, the entertainment industry of Bloodywood (AKA: Los Noctis City) has been booming. Many supernaturally gifted talents have risen to stardom. From the outside Los Noctis looks like a place where dreams come true. But if you dig a little deeper, the roots of it are poison.

Still, there are those who think the worst of arcane species. A strange shadowy group of extremists referred to as: “Vindicators.” With the Mythical Mandate came also a new branch of the Los Noctis Police Department known as: “The Arcanic Investigations Unit” or the AIU. Dedicated to investigating crimes with any sort of otherworldly involvement; which includes police officers and detectives of supernatural origins themselves- the first department of its kind. Their ultimate duty is to uphold justice, but how can you do that when the system is rigged against you and there seem to be dark forces trying to get in your way?

If you want a story with glamor, magic, and a big scoop of horror thrown in the mix, this is the RP for you. Looking for a few different species. The point of the RP will be to create an OC. Essentially though the story is based around beings of magical origin who up ‘till now have been treated as secondary citizens.

Professional roles available:
Celebrities- Actors/actresses, musical artists, internet personalities, models, artists of any kind, comedians, performers of any kind, philanthropists, and star athletes. Looking for at least four.
AIU Detectives- At least two, at most four.
Talent Managers
Other professions not mentioned- (Be creative as you like with these, if you have a different professional role you’d like to go with let me know and we can work it out.)
Hunters- Usually humans but can be supernatural with the proper backstory. Will be used as villains in this story.

List of available species:
Vampires- drinks blood human or animal to survive. Daywalkers accepted if half human.
Werewolves- full moon effects them.
Faefolk- Dryads, Sylphs, Nymphs, etc.
Merfolk- Sirens, Selkie, etc.
Shapeshifters- Shifting into animals is much easier than humans. If human shifting is attempted it cannot be a perfect match, but near to it if someone is say- a shapeshifting sculptor or plastic surgeon. Only capable of shifting into things similar in size- no dino shifting unless it's like a relatively smaller dino, then it'd be okay.
Banshees- Able to predict death, sees the dead, and gets premonitions of future tragedies through dreams and strange signs in the world around them.
Ghouls- Raised from the dead by magic users, must feed off the human flesh to survive.
Wizards: Mortals that learn arcane knowledge through their studies.
Hybrids/Sorcerers- Part human, part otherworldly, born with magical abilities that awaken at some point in life because of arcane heritage.
Humans- Looking for one to two willing to be humans with some mystery to their backgrounds such as- adopted, amnesia of childhood, etc.

Willing to be flexible on pick of species be as creative as you want :)

For instance- A werewolf that has the ability to manipulate winds through its howl, could also have aerokinesis while in human form. You can choose elemental affiliations or special abilities (one to two per character, or more if you PM to discuss it before hand) for your species, as long as they make sense to their backstory.

For example: if you want to be a shapeshifter with the arcane ability to heal (seeing as they can manipulate manipulate organic material to a molecular level). This would be allowed, but only if you could explain where the knowledge of said ability came from, maybe they're a hybrid shifter who unknowingly had a witch mother? Or were orphaned and raised by a wizard who taught them to expand on their arcane knowledge.

Try not to pick abilities that interfere with plot such as extremely OP and invasive telepath or someone with OP mind control. These ARE allowed, as long as they are used tastefully and with restraint, meaning they come with a weakness. Such as a faerie gifted with a silver tongue- able to persuade people but not force them. If a target doesn’t want to do something they absolutely won’t. Telepathy can be done by reading facial expressions or detecting heartbeats to see if someone tells you the truth- heightened senses. Basically, just be lenient with me and let plot devices do their job.

Number of spots available:
2-4 Detectives or cops in the AIU can be any species arcane or mortal.
1-2 Hunters
1-2 humans of ambiguous origins
2-4 others that can be species of any kind, more if enough people are interested.
At least 3 celebrities, species up to your preference.
Celebs cannot also be detectives. But other than that you could be a mix of multiple of the above, just reach out so I can work it into plot accordingly.

This RP is meant for those willing to write at least a couple paragraphs if the situation calls for it. Characters eighteen or older preferred.

Let me know what you're thinking here and to apply with CS go to this link-second thread

‘Nother link this is a thread for out of character discussions, further plotting with fellow RPers, and story plotting.

Lore is available right here
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Hey, this sounds like a lot of fun! Would you be open to me playing two characters? Can I DM you the details?
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hi can i be a shapeshifter internet "celeb"? i have some ideas for a character if you want to pm
What slots are currently taken via the roles you are going for? anything you'd prefer to be funneled into? Im pretty flexible since I have a good smattering of different characters!
What slots are currently taken via the roles you are going for? anything you'd prefer to be funneled into? Im pretty flexible since I have a good smattering of different characters!
Well, currently every position is still open. But would love another detective, celeb, and or “assumed human at birth” so someone very human looking could do.

Oh! We have no Hunters yet, they can be solely villains that are apart of an ancient practice passed down in their family. Or one of your characters who is arcane but has a dark past and is secretly working with them for their own purposes.
Now I am a lover of a good villain (I'd like to think I have a few of my own) so that interests me with the character I am thinking of, how are you handling the villain role? What'd that entail?
I’m seeing some pretty cool characters thus far so this is just something to draw a little interest.
Some cool species/roles I’m interested in seeing right now:

Hybrids who appear human questioning their heritage
Ghouls of any vocation
Banshees of any vocation
Any sort of faefolk celebrity
werewolf celeb or detective
Detectives/cops in general
Hunters human or otherworldly (villains with the eventual option to choose a different side if you wish.)
merfolk celeb or detective
Witch/warlock celeb
sorcerer celeb

Witches/warlocks- power gained from making a deal with faefolk- pixies, elves, dwarves, and goblins. These can also be nymphs, dryads, and sylphs.
- Extremely powerful necromancy sorcerers can also make deals with mortals turning them into witches/warlocks.
- Sorcerers are usually hybrids who are at least 1/2 or 1/4 arcane though there have been some with distant ancestors of arcane blood
Now I am a lover of a good villain (I'd like to think I have a few of my own) so that interests me with the character I am thinking of, how are you handling the villain role? What'd that entail?
Villain roles would entail someone who either; is a human and their family are practicing hunters in a secretive faction. Or an arcane species with a deeply sewed hatred towards themselves or other otherworldlies. They could hold a grudge because of murder in the family or just be traditional anti-arcanists (those who believe magical beings should be segregated from humanity)

One major note on the traditional villain route- most are Hunters because of a religious prophecy from long ago predicting the end times. Think of traditional Hunters as cultists with unrelenting faith in their idol who is going to cleanse the world so they can make it new. More on this when I post the lore thread in a day or two.

You could also be a Hunter who is more neutral and sort of a vigilante role- perhaps a human or otherworldly that doesn’t hunt all species just ones that are out of control or committing terrible crimes. They would still be considered villains in a way to this story solely because vigilantism is outlawed in Los Noctis.

I am still looking for:
Hunters-humans or otherwise is fine as long as it works with backstory. PM me if you plan to do a Hunter.
Talent management of any species
Detectives of any species other than vampire.
Make up artists of any species.
Stylists of any species.
Designers of any species.

I am still looking for:
Hunters-humans or otherwise is fine as long as it works with backstory. PM me if you plan to do a Hunter.
Talent management of any species
Detectives of any species other than vampire.
Make up artists of any species.
Stylists of any species.
Designers of any species.
I've got a celebrity witch charrie coming up!
Can’t wait to see it!

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