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One x One Murder in a Small Town

@Zediah47 I think we should give a name to their parents and close families.. I'll just name their (late) father Jeffrey and their mother Agatha. What are Louis' ex-wife's and daughter's names? And how old is his daughter?
His ex-wife was named Lakshmi Arya and their daughter was named Karma. Lakshmi is the same age Louis is, and Karma passed away only a few months after birth. So their mother is alive? :D
No I think I wrote in the premise that their mother also died in an accident when they were still children, that could potentially be expanded upon later :P I'll copy and paste that plot into the first post. What does Louis do for a living by the way?
I wanted him to own a little shop that sells fruits, candies, etc.(like a mom and pop store). It's supposed to be more of a side project since the family is obviously loaded.
That sounds nice, though I think the siblings shouldn't know about the actual expanse of their father's wealth, so it'll be very surprising to them when the lawyer announced it. Hmm, I think I'll find some pics for the scenery and houses and post them later.
I realized while typing out my part that I actually have no idea how the area in the RP looks (nature wise and junk) so I just had fun with it. Tell me if I’m wrong :D
That's fine, have fun with the small town :D Also, feel free to move around NPCs whenever the characters are around other people to make the scenes feel real.
Do you have any suggestions about NPCs for their relatives and/or townsfolk who are going to show up at the goods splitting later?

I have only thought of one I think should be nice to toss in: Morgan's father who's in the town council, and is very eager to turn the lake into a tourist spot. It'll make it harder for the siblings to tell Morgan that they think their father was murdered, since they think Morgan's father would be one of the prime suspects.
I have an idea for some of their family (maybe an aunt or cousin), but besides that, I can't think of any for the "goods splitting" lol
I don't know what that's actually supposed to be called lol

How about each of us toss a few people in later in that scene to make it livelier, so we have some kind of initial pool of suspects?

I think after looking around Louis' apartment later I'll have Ava sleep, and then skip a few hours so they're a bit late to the dinner to move things along. Is that okay with you?
Sorry I haven't posted. I had to get my classes together for the semester. I'll post tomorrow (today?). lol
That's okay, I'm interning and my boss is barely meeting deadlines for his report. Sorry if I go poofy.
No problems :3 By the way, will Laura get anything from their father's will? I think Morgan Jr. won't get anything, but Sr. will get a boat and some funds for the town council.
Laura gets some money and a deed to a small plot of land (who knows, maybe she was one of his favorite nieces? lol)

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