Multum the Mecha Planet

@Shua your mech is only c rank it can't really fly like I think your planning for it to. A full flying unit is BS rank and above. Your mech can more so hover, it would have a operation range of 80ft. Any higher would require a different mech or better equipment.
Not a problem Enolx. I am wanting my mech to be a support type and with you and Serena being offensive mechs i thought that radar jamming and hacking would be my forte. How would i need to reconstruct my mech stats to be able to be a support mech that can fly very high? i am looking forward to leveling up my hacking and jamming abilities by eventually adding more and more drones to my mech. this would eventually create a swarm effect that can let you guys get the work done. Let me know what adjustments on the mech in stats need to be fixed with your suggested stat allocation on VESPA so that these things can happen. I will refrain from posting further in the story until this is addressed. thanks
it's not you mech's stats but the mech in general. You just have to buy new parts and upgrade it. Think of it like this, you want your phone to surf the internet but your using a pager. The capabilities your wanting just aren't built into the mech, so you must get money by parts and build them in. As you add better parts and equipment your mech will get better stats and different capabilities like flying higher.

that answer everything?
Yeah it pretty much tells me what i need to know. I want my mech to fly, but I really have a crappy mech that can not do anything that i want it to at the lower levels. so instead of being a pilot in the airforce i should have been a mechanic trying to scrape by in terms of income. and instead of being smart to engineer these things, i need to have just learned to read. And instead of Serena being wealthy and from royalty, she shouls have just read a story about a princess one time. and instead of me knowing how to pilot a plane, i took a ride on a hot air balloon one time. and instead of Serena losing her limbs to be cybernetic connect to her mech, she tripped in the playground as a child and has a scar on her knee. and instead of us making our own stories and you creating a story with us, we need to nerf every bit of our imagination to let you be the star. No need for response. Have fun with your biased and ego driven role play that is about to have two less competitors. hopefully you can win that 3v3 tournament on your own. Its your roleplay man, we were just living in it.
You ego seems to be in the way more than mine. I said at the beginning that you would start off with a crappy mech unless you spent points to get a better one. I'm sorry I should have been more clear about the fact that you don't start off the very best and that you must work your way up to get what you desire. Regardless thanks for your time.

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