Multum the Mecha Planet


Time to murder the English language.
To make this easier

1.fill out the sheet with character info.

2. you get 150 points to put where you want them. You can spend 20 point to be dual proficient, 40 points to get a higher c class mech(one with extra armaments), 80 to get a b rank mech. You can also change points into money 1 point equals 100 credits

3. choose a low rank mech ( moogle,command wolf, zaku, long dagger, ball) it should be a base unit without a lot of weapons and shields. I will set the skill points for your mech to make your life easier.




Team:(For if you form a team to fight with in tournaments)

Mech proficiency:(what type of mech you are good at piloting animal or humanoid. Your combat skills are cut in half if you are not in a mech you are proficient in.)

Skills: 150 points to spent (ten points means your competent)

Close combat:(skill at melee fighting)

Ranged combat:(skill with ranged combat)

Control:(how well you can maneuver your mech)

Tactics:( how well you can craft battlefield plans and out smart opponents)

Engineering: (needed to repair and upgrade mechs yourself)

Hacking: (your ability to into computer systems, used for stealing mechs)

Haggling/ communication: (used to get lower prices at shops and tame wild mechs)

Money: Starting is 2000 (the price to enter a low level tournament)

Mech info








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Name: Leonardo DiAngelo (Leon)

Age: 22


Bio: Leon was raised the son of a small time mechanic on Multum. Oil, nuts, and bolts was his entire life until his father was asked to fix a mech when all the other shops were full. Leon fell in love and he knew that he had to have one. He spent the money he earned on parts and after a few years of work he had made his own mech. He now has set out to see what he can do, not only as a mechanic but also as a pilot. He his smart and hardworking, he doesn't care about being the best just about being able to uses his mech to the fullest.


Mech proficiency:Animal mech

Skills: 150/150 points to spent

Close combat:45

Ranged combat:0



Engineering: 35

Hacking: 0

Haggling/ communication: 0

Money: 2000 credits

Mech info

Name: Hellcat







Weapons/equipment:Claws and fangs

Abilities: strike laser claw(puts energy into his claw to double it's cutting power for one hit)
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Name: Travis "Spike" Spisaere



Bio: Spike is a rascal of sorts. He was sent to the military academy at a young age and then made his living serving the North Osatia Air Force. His passion was racing motorcycles for cash . He did not become fascinated with mechs until he saw how technology saved his wife from certain death. Spike left the military and abandoned his fame in racing to become a mech pilot. With a bit of engineering knowledge himself from a life working on fast bikes and aircraft, Spike was able to create his own Vehicular Evasive Specific Personnel Automaton. He christened the Mech
VESPA after the Italian word for Wasp. He will begin fighting in tournaments on Zafir with his wife. Team Spisaere will soar to victory.

Team: Team Spisaere

Mech Proficiency: Animal Mech

Skills: 150 Points Spent

Close Combat:0

Ranged Combat: 20

Control: 40


Engineering: 25

Hacking: 40

Haggling/ Communication: 0

Money: 2000 Credits

Mech info

Name: Vespa



Attack: 10/100

Defense: 5/100

Mobility: 40/100

Radar: 25/100

Weapons/Equipment: Stinger Cannon, Drones



- Drone Swarm- Current level can only support 2 drones for hacking/jamming.

- Drone Stats

Attack: 0/100

Defense: 0/100

Mobility: 30/100

Radar: 10/100
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Name: Serena Spisaere

Age: 22



Bio: Serena was born and raised on Multum in the North Osatia region. She grew up in the noble family of Verné, which was one of the first to immigrate to Multum and since has become well established . Being of high class society Serena was often sheltered from the truly competitive mech battles but practiced the more sport-like skill and precision that was found for enjoyment among the more wealthy. She was one of the top students in her classes for piloting animal style ground mechs by age sixteen she was offered numerous scholarships to academies across Multum. Serena decided against her parent's wishes to stay in North Osatia and join the North Osatia military academy.

That was when the accident happened...

In a small skirmish dealing with outlanders Serena's mech was shot down by an enemy's flame cannon. As the flames began to engulf Serena's cockpit a young man pulled her to safety from the burning mech. However, Serena retained grave injuries from that day. Her limbs had to be salvaged using the technology that Multum had gained from the mechs themselves. Over three months passed and the man that had saved her never left her side. When she awoke her body had become unfamiliar and took time to adjust to of which the man helped her every step of the way. The relationship that kindled between grew over the time they spent together and eventually the two were married.

It has been three years since Serena had her accident but now she has grown very well adjusted to her new body. In fact she has found that it has increased her skills as a pilot and now with her husband they plan to take on the tournaments in Zafir.

Team: Team Spisaere

Mech Proficiency: Animal Mech

Skills: 150 Points Spent

Close Combat: 30

Ranged Combat: 0

Control:60 [Note: Her cybernetic limbs receive a direct signal from her mind via the head band giving her an extremely fast reaction time. If her headband is ripped from her skull; which it would have to be due to it being screwed in, she would be unable to move her limbs.]

Tactics: 30

Engineering: 5

Hacking: 0

Haggling/Communication: 25 Points

Money: 2000 Credits

Mech Info

Name: Blink-Cat



Attack: 15/100

Defense: 10/100

Mobility: 35/100

Radar: 5/100

Weapons/equipment: Claws and Fangs


- Blink Salvo: The spots on the blink-cat emitt a bright light temporarily blinding the enemy unless speacialty optics are equipped.
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Name: Aris "Zero" Malthos

Age: 26

Bio: Aris is a loner, living alone, and tends to not have many friends other then people who know of him. He spends his time usually alone, upgrading and cleaning his mechs. Aris lost his family in a rogue mech attack, he vows he will get revenge someday.

Team: Aris doesn't really have a team, but he has his own one man team, calling himself "The Lone Wolf."

Mech Proficiency: Humanoid

Skills: 150 skill points

Close Combat - 30

Ranged Combat - 30

Control - 20

Tactics - 20

Engineering - 20

Hacking - 20

Haggling - 10

Money: 2,000 Credits

Mech Info:

Name: The Lone

Appearance: Steel Meteorite Black, covered in battle scars and dents (as in picture, but different color)

Attack: 30/100

Defense: 10/100

Mobility: 40/100

Radar: 20/100

Weapons/Equipment: A small machine gun it can carry; A rectangular shield and a beam saber for close range fighting

Abilities: None other abilities then booster abilities that increase speed and a very VERY limited capability of flight<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/e1efe6b59f7a7b5738351881bd47edbd.jpg.9335069f414faba662f6f9ce65b93eeb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33613" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/e1efe6b59f7a7b5738351881bd47edbd.jpg.9335069f414faba662f6f9ce65b93eeb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/zaku.jpg.be0b1e449e038beee0e336a9b1c688ac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33614" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/zaku.jpg.be0b1e449e038beee0e336a9b1c688ac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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All good. I would limit your mech a bit but since it is just the two of us most likely I won't. Let me know if there is a special mech you want so I can add it as an event at some point.

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