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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

Erza stood up. "Very impressive. You and you're friends may stay. Although being that you are very powerful and Sage is imdeed a wizard. Pehapse you'd like to become members of our guild?"
"Join a guild? I don't know I'm only an apprentice. " sage said unsure about it. Lucy smiled. "You should totally join."
"Well." He looked at Sage. "I think we'll need some time to think." He said. The two Link's asked to stay with Lucy
"Sure guys, you can stay. Sage, peter to ahead and talk with people. Natsu can introduce you." Lucy said leaving.
(It's cool) "Yeah he did say hi Happy." Natsu said. "Aye!" "Well would you look at that the losers are back and the brought friends." So!some saod from. The floor above them.
"Hi" sage said to the blue cat. She glanced up to see who spoke
"Hi" sage said to the blue cat. She glanced up to see who spoke
A large man with blond hair and a scar looked at Natsu with a mixture of pity and amusement. "Laxus! Fight me!" Natsu jumped up and tried to hit him. He was stopped by an old man on the counter. "You aren't allowed on the upper floor Natsu."

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