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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

"What something bad going to happen?" She asked recognizing the look on his face
He grabbed her and they ducked into an Alleyway. Peter put on his suit. They heard a voice and someone in a yellow padded suit with silver gauntlets stepped onto the street. He pointed his fists at an ATM and shot shockwaves from them exploding the ATMS causing money to fly around. "Heh. Makin' it rain." he said.

"Wait." Spider-Man said jumping from the Alley and landing on a traffic light stand. "Herman? Herman Shultz?" He asked. "Hey Spider. Been waiting to settle the score with you."

"What score you were a small time ATM robber. Clearly that hasn't changed. But that's some hardware you got there. Where'd you get it? Home Depot? Ace Hardware?" He asked.
He grabbed her and they ducked into an Alleyway. Peter put on his suit. They heard a voice and someone in a yellow padded suit with silver gauntlets stepped onto the street. He pointed his fists at an ATM and shot shockwaves from them exploding the ATMS causing money to fly around. "Heh. Makin' it rain." he said.

"Wait." Spider-Man said jumping from the Alley and landing on a traffic light stand. "Herman? Herman Shultz?" He asked. "Hey Spider. Been waiting to settle the score with you."

"What score you were a small time ATM robber. Clearly that hasn't changed. But that's some hardware you got there. Where'd you get it? Home Depot? Ace Hardware?" He asked.
She decided to watch from the alley.
She decided to watch from the alley.
"You talk too much." Herman said. "Some people might say that's part of my charm Herman." Peter quipped. He jumped at Herman who countered by hitting him with a beam of showaves. "Don't call me Herman. From now on you can call me... Shocker." He said. Peter hit the wall and slumped to the ground but quickly recovered. "Shocker? Come up with that yourself?"
"You talk too much." Herman said. "Some people might say that's part of my charm Herman." Peter quipped. He jumped at Herman who countered by hitting him with a beam of showaves. "Don't call me Herman. From now on you can call me... Shocker." He said. Peter hit the wall and slumped to the ground but quickly recovered. "Shocker? Come up with that yourself?"
Sage kept watching
Hearing that Sage made a shield appear around peter
Peter looked around. "Huh? Whaddya know? Looks I have a guardian mage? Hey Guardian Mage... That's sounds good." He said. Shocker shot at Peter again but it was blocked by the Shield. Peter jumped over to him and kicked him across the face. "Look Herman. You're not gonna beat me. This reminds me when we first met. You were sticking up a McDonald's. I was young and stupid, and you were... just stupid."
Peter looked around. "Huh? Whaddya know? Looks I have a guardian mage? Hey Guardian Mage... That's sounds good." He said. Shocker shot at Peter again but it was blocked by the Shield. Peter jumped over to him and kicked him across the face. "Look Herman. You're not gonna beat me. This reminds me when we first met. You were sticking up a McDonald's. I was young and stupid, and you were... just stupid."
Sage smiled and kept watching

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