Multiple souls

cyl said:
Thing is a dragon king is as powerful as a dragon blooded, and while there were few thousands of DB and over a thousand celestials, there were millions of Dragon Kings... they HAD to be destroyed not to return and fight as quickly as they can !
Actually, canon says there were millions of dragonblooded and 800 Celestials (350 Solars, 350 Lunars, 100 Sidereals)
Not that I want to be annoying, but I would like to have your reference on that, it really might be important to my solar campaign.

(the pcs just conquered Rathess and are rebuilding it and I'm trying to give them "updates" on the first Age and the Primordial Wars, since Rathess is one of the few city that somehow managed to survive with pieces of knowledge... so I would like the past to be as canon as possible :) )
Oh- ho- ho- hooo! So, we see our debate escalate. Let us see who has the highest Charisma/Manipulation + Socialise/Presence/Perform/whatever, then.

Safim said:
Thaumaturgy is: using creations principles to achieve something.
If you use that definition, then anything that anyone does, ever, is thaumaturgy. Creation's principles, after all, include:

  • - Rocks fall down
    - Trees grow towards the sun
    - Lions eat meat
    - Fire is hot
    - Sexual intercourse produces offspring
    - Being hit with a sword hurts
    - Sidereals smell

And you can't call someone a thaumaturge just for dropping a boulder on someone else. And yet you seem to be implying that this is so.

Safim said:
It has nothing inherently scientific or mathematical. It is just how the world works and the opening chapter on thaumaturgy of oadenol's codex makes that quite clear, too, or otherwise how should (to name an example) come mortal sciences (not thaumaturgical ones in the ritual-rules sense mind you) all come from/can be found in the great heavenly codex of thaumaturgy?
Because everything is recorded in Heaven. It's the bureaucracy of reality. If you made up a new thaumaturgy ritual? Bam, it appears on the books. Sorted.

Thaumaturgy is the profession of taking advantage of how the world works, yes. But it is implied and assumed that it is at a level higher than your average Joe McSwordswinger heating meat over a fire to feed to his pet lion.

My argument, you see, is that worship is natural to humans. Your argument, as far as I can tell, is that worship is thaumaturgy, and that thaumaturgy is natural to humans. So we're essentially saying the same thing, except that you say it's thaumaturgy, and I say it's not.

Safim said:
Yes, there are two definitions of thaumaturgy, yet the one you employ is totally irrelevant in this discussion.
My definition of thaumaturgy (Thaumaturgy: n. The profession or practise of using special knowledge of Creation's principles, particularly those relating to essence, to manipulate the world in a manner not normally possible for humans) is important because, if we use it, then worship is not thaumaturgy because worship was practised by humans before they recieved any special knowledge at all.

I am positing, essentially, that worship is as much part of humanity's purpose as is eating and reproducing and that doing it is no more thaumaturgy then either of those are.

Safim said:
Furthermore your reasoning is flawed in all of the following ways (though this is probably not the limit of the flaws):
1. There is no proof whatsoever that souls are what manipulate essence, especially not the higher one as there are quite a few predators and other critters around who have no higher soul (it is what defines a human after all) and still are quite capable of using essence.
Ghosts are made entirely out of soul, yet they clearly can manipulate Essence; they are, in fact, better at it than living humans. Therefore, souls manipulate essence.

Certainly there are other ways to manipulate essence; Wyld mutation, for example, which I'll bet is responsible for most of the critters you had in mind. Biological magitech is another, in which case the creature's body channels essence in the same way an Artifact or a Manse does. Human bodies aren't designed that way, oviosuly, or they'd all do it; so, the capability must come from utilising something else that they already have.

Safim said:
2. Awakening ones essence can be achieved through drugs, diet(!) and several other ways. "Eat more vegetables, children, it is good for your soul!" Come on, you can't be serious about that one.
Another method of awakening essence is to shove a huge amount of essence through you with thaumaturgy, so big that you can't help but notice it and, as a result, notice all the other essence around the place as well. Good eating could simply accomplish the same thing over a longer period, refining the body's essence to such purity that your soul manages to recognise it consciously. Your body is composed of what you eat, after all.

Safim said:
3. Canon nowhere suggests that humans are soft or not resistant enough to death, quite the contrary, the dragon king souls got shattered instead of being reborn while the primodials were seemingly not able to do the same to humans (if they could, they would have done so, afterall humanity is the source of the exalted in a way), which suggest no inherent weakness, just being different. However, being different really doesn't fit into your theory.
The Dragon Kings were destroyed because they were a threat, and they were attacking. Vast though the primordial were, they couldn't simultaneously strike at all humanity; and assumedly, the Exalted shards were designed specifically to resist this form of damage. So while any humans killed would just have their Exaltation slip off to another, safely distant human, the Dragon Kings were unfortunately within arm/claw/tentacle/appendage's reach of the primordials and were destroyed for it.

Safim said:
4. You just try to find a justification for your two souls pet theory. Of course you can use that in your stories, it just doesn't change squat about canon and in canon two souls in one body are not going to happen.

Safim said:
Anyway, I really do not want to fight over this stupid thing, it is all in the books and the developer posts for everyone with half a brain or more to read. Of course you can still ignore it for your story, it just doesn't make any sense and is unneccessary.
If you like. But I'm still not convinced, and that means you haven't won the argument. :P
Mmm oki doki... I resisted well to the temptation of escalating... but I should not have... another did not ^^

HELL, that's a pretty good one... ! especially with the perfect fusion type of possession. Man, why didn't I think about it earlier...
cyl said:
Thing is a dragon king is as powerful as a dragon blooded, and while there were few thousands of DB and over a thousand celestials, there were millions of Dragon Kings... they HAD to be destroyed not to return and fight as quickly as they can !
Dragon King are certainly not as powerful as Dragonblooded. They have smaller essence pools, more specific and generally less powerful powers in their Paths, a lower maximum Essence, can only achieve the Root of the Perfected Lotus, and have to make a special effort beyond that of an Exalt to learn Sorcery. In many ways, in power they are more akin to a level between Mortal and Dragonblooded. Are they more powerful than normal mortals, even Enlightened mortals? Yes. However they are also not the source from which the Exalted rise. They, also, like Dragonblooded take years to train up to being battle ready, though for different reasons.
cyl said:
Thing is a dragon king is as powerful as a dragon blooded' date=' and while there were few thousands of DB and over a thousand celestials, there were millions of Dragon Kings... they HAD to be destroyed not to return and fight as quickly as they can ![/quote']Actually, canon says there were millions of dragonblooded and 800 Celestials (350 Solars, 350 Lunars, 100 Sidereals)
At the start of the Primordial War, the lower number is more correct. There were initially only 10,000 Dragonblooded (pg 50, MoEP: Dragonblooded). While that group did indeed have a large number of children individually, on average 30 in their lifetime, that is far, far less than millions...and the Primordial War certainly began before the end of their lifetimes.

Also, Canon does not state 350 Solars and Lunars, but instead 300 of each(pg 30-31, Core).
cyl said:
Not that I want to be annoying, but I would like to have your reference on that, it really might be important to my solar campaign.
(the pcs just conquered Rathess and are rebuilding it and I'm trying to give them "updates" on the first Age and the Primordial Wars, since Rathess is one of the few city that somehow managed to survive with pieces of knowledge... so I would like the past to be as canon as possible :) )
I don't have it with me, but I think all the numbers I mentioned are in the Core book. Check around the section on the Contagion/Fairfolk Invasion for the Dragonblooded numbers.
I'm as sure about the Celestial numbers, it may be mentioned in the section covering the Primordial War...I know the number of Solars is listed in the 1E Abyssals book (check the part about the Jade Prison). The Sidereals numbers are listed in both 1E and the 2E books, and the Lunars are covered in their own books too.

I personally think the canon numbers of Celestial Exalts are a bit low, but these are the numbers we've been given, though you can obviously change them to suit your game.

As a sidenote the numbers of Solars in the 2nd Age are 150, with 100 being turned into Abyssals and 50 going to the Yozis.
Dragon Kings DO kick asses, just have a look on their paths on PG 1st ed... and wake me up when a Dragon Blooded can open a sanctum or enter Yu Shan from scratch...

Of course, they are less powerful than a 300 years old Dragon Blooded... but still, they had the numbers with them.

Besides... they can be ridden by spirits easily, and become so much more powerful... but it's not the garden variety of dragon kings.

Anyway, being a solar with a full circle at 4-5 essence + lunar mates+ one or two sideral advisers, I'd rather have an army of dragon kings on my side when I'm facing a Deathlord and his army than let's say 50 or 100 dragon blooded leading mortals...

Mainly because THEY don't leave ghosts after they die, and they like dead... dead :D

But that's not the point...
I don't have enough source material to work out cannon on this, but if the soul is just a vehicle to carry memories and personality before its wiped then souls are a bit lame.

The soul should be as different from the mind as the mind is from the body. The idea that an Exalted shard infuses a mortals soul with power points to this. It is not just a DVD with memories on it.

Possession is the replacement or repression of a soul’s mind by the one doing the possessing. Still only one soul for one body.
Possession is the replacement or repression of a soul’s mind by the one doing the possessing. Still only one soul for one body.
uh huh... total perfect fusion exists... but... I actually don't know if this results in one new soul composed of the two joined souls.
But I do know that when the dragon dies, the spirit dies with him...
cyl said:
Dragon Kings DO kick asses, just have a look on their paths on PG 1st ed... and wake me up when a Dragon Blooded can open a sanctum or enter Yu Shan from scratch...
Of course, they are less powerful than a 300 years old Dragon Blooded... but still, they had the numbers with them.

Besides... they can be ridden by spirits easily, and become so much more powerful... but it's not the garden variety of dragon kings.

Anyway, being a solar with a full circle at 4-5 essence + lunar mates+ one or two sideral advisers, I'd rather have an army of dragon kings on my side when I'm facing a Deathlord and his army than let's say 50 or 100 dragon blooded leading mortals...

Mainly because THEY don't leave ghosts after they die, and they like dead... dead :D

But that's not the point...
Well, a Dragonblooded CAN learn the spell to enter a Sanctum. It's a Terrestrial spell...and they learn Sorcery more easilly than Dragon Kings. Yu-Shan, not so much. They also have a much larger breadth of charms, and many of their charms are more powerful than the Dragon King's Paths. Further, they have leadership and troop aiding charms, something Dragon Kings lack entirelly. They are officers, Dragon Kings are not. Now, an army of Dragon Kings with Dragonblooded officers and a Dawn commander fighting alongside a Lunar mate and so forth...that would be something more frightening than a mortal army with the same leadership, certainly. The only mortal force that might compete would be a force of Enlightened Gunzosha under similar leadership...and even that would be weaker. But your belief that Dragonblooded are not superior officers to Dragon Kings, and not more powerful as individuals than Dragon Kings is incorrect.

Jukashi is right that they make some good artifacts, certainly. They are interesting, and have a curious role in Creation. However, that does not make them the equals of Exalted in power.
It's a curious question. Dragon Kings begin powerful but progress slowly; a starting Elder Dragon King, if we go by 1st Ed. rules, is more powerful than a starting Outcaste and equal in power to a starting Dynast/Lookshian, but as time goes by, the Exalts become more powerful because they have more options.

However, a Dragon King can still make themselves useful, even when Dragon-Blooded are around. The number of Path Powers is limited, but most of them are quite powerful and nearly all of them are very versatile; they can do stuff like teleport to any place they can see, bring a tree to life to fight for them or dematerialise like an elemental. All things that Dragon-Blooded, whose Charms are based around their Abilities, find it much more difficult to do.

And of course they make cool stuff.
Sorry, my mistake. Got the terms mixed up. I meant "starting Ancient Dragon King". As opposed to a Modern Dragon King.
Sorry for not answering a few days.


Ahem... you saying that ghosts being souls and being able to channel essence means that you are right...

That is a rather strange kind of thought and it eerily sounds like deathlord propaganda ^^
Actually it's always been my perspective, too.

The lower soul animates the body and grants base urges and emotions, things ghosts lack without special effort or magic.

The lower soul also (we can assume) is responsible for collecting essence, because without it the Higher Soul (ghosts) must depend on sacrifice and prayer.

The two-souls-for-worship model then seems rather plausible. Imagine if the Primordials created creation as a haven from the Wyld, but found that the lack of pure essence in their stable island was unsatisfying? They separate themselves by several layers from the wyld, with Creation first then Yu-Shan, and then establish systems to maintain their world. Then, they create a filter system where essence is allowed into Creation under controlled conditions (The Loom) and then collected and directed to them in a distributed, robust fashion (Mortals et al). They were then free to ignore management and play games.

The notion that Mortals can learn to harness their essence due to this essence flow makes sense by definition; mortals have essence and can clearly direct it through prayer, and several means exist for them to consciously learn to direct it to other ends. If they don't have these conscious means they can still channel essence through short-cuts like blood magic (Thaumaturgy allows blood sacrifice from the user or another, for example), or through parasitism on magical items or locations.

What has constantly confused me is how the mortal power level actually increases when they die. I can understand mortal souls gaining the knowledge to use their essence consciously by default upon becoming a being of pure essence (A ghost), but Ghosts can have a higher tier of martial arts (Up to a celestial form), have larger essence pools and have access to arcanoi?

Sure, they can't learn sorcery and they can't naturally respire essence, but the Arcanoi alone make up for this deficit in my eyes.

I'd consider a house-rule that dedicated mortals could learn very, very basic charms, such as ability-capped excellencies at 1m/d or subtle social effects, simply to balance the theme of the essence-channelling mortal soul, rather than to solve some perceived play-balance issue.

Oh, and Thaumaturgy is the learned art of manipulating reality through knowledge of natural phenomena. Those phenomena alone are not Thaumaturgy. Sorry.
Coming back to the two-souls/past-lives malarky a moment, I also felt I should add that I've been interested for a long time in a mortal character with detailed memories of being a devout Immaculate Monk in a past life. Consider the ramifications if it emerged that a dedicated servant of the Dragons was derailed from the Path to Enlightenment, when the Immaculate Order teaches that Dragonbloods are already too enlightened to do wrong?

Just an interesting concept is all.
In creation, perhaps you have to challenge the essence through your body, limiting the things you can do? You have to channel it -through- something, after all.

And remember, ghosts were not initially meant to be, were they? When the primordials created all the mortals etc, ghosts weren't thought of, so they could have ended up outside the realm of normality..

Just tossing some thoughts out there :)
Yea, I kinda thought along those lines as well. I figured that perhaps there's a cache of essence tied up in the connection between the souls and the body that is released when the soul is liberated..
Samiel said:
Coming back to the two-souls/past-lives malarky a moment, I also felt I should add that I've been interested for a long time in a mortal character with detailed memories of being a devout Immaculate Monk in a past life. Consider the ramifications if it emerged that a dedicated servant of the Dragons was derailed from the Path to Enlightenment, when the Immaculate Order teaches that Dragonbloods are already too enlightened to do wrong?
Just an interesting concept is all.
That's incorrect though. The Immaculate Philosophy teaches that a mortal cannot be lead astray by obeying the Dragonblooded. Dragonblooded can indeed screw up. Read the section on the Immaculate Philosophy in the Blessed Isle book. However, most mortals aren't necessarilly taught that little detail...though an actual monk would certainly understand such.
I thought some more on the ghost thing. Spinning on my notes above about "ghosts weren't planned" etc, it could be that as mortals and inhabitants of normal creation, a lot of the essence is used to keep them going - blood is a powerful essence after all, and it's clearly needed -inside- a mortal for the most part. Same with the rest of him or her. He's a dynamic creature that changes and that needs essence.

When he dies, that connection to the body is severed, he has no path of channeling essence ( knowing or unknowingly ) into the world. In fact, he's no longer dynamic at all, he's basically just a shadow of an essence battery. Still tied to it spiritually but no longer in a direct fashion. So now he has great potential - he can learn to use the essence without spending it unknowingly on making his body work, but on the other hand, without his body working, there is no natural storage and regaining essence like every other living being does ( blood is a proof of this ), so he has to be filled with essence through another mortal ( or exalted ) who willingly sends essence through to the underworld through sacrifices etc. Sacrifices is one of the ways that mortals "channel" essence without knowing just how. They channel essence into the deceased that eagerly gobble it up.

How does that sound?
"ghosts weren't planned" etc,
You could revise your notes then, hungry ghosts always existed since there were mortals, and they too had the ability to drain essence from the living (and their blood) and use it to haunt the living.
Mortal lower soul leftovers always took (on certain conditions) the shape of a hungry ghost.

Your point on the ghost regaining is very accurate, and more on this, hungry ghosts do not regain essence when in Creation, though they are "natural" (ie expected to happen) phenomenons.

All that makes me wonder if mortal souls are THAT natural, or if their design contained certain parts of hazards... Other creatures did not leave traces of their frustrated soul feelings over death... so why humans do ?

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