Cruel, but wise.
- One on One
- Off-site

Some things to know about me:
- I've been roleplaying for about 10 years! (This also means that I am 18+ and strongly prefer 18+ partners)
- I write in the range of literate to novella. I just like detailed writing!
- I have a strong preference for playing female and nb OCs, but I will definitely play a male character for you!
- LGBGTQIA friendly! I'm also open to poly ships and love triangles.
- I am AU friendly!
Info Hub!!
I will not reach out to you if you only react. If you want me to PM, just drop a comment!

-I have: a biomedical engineer OC.
-I'm looking for: AM (this does NOT need to be romantic, I just think that they’d have an interesting dynamic and I have OC brainrot rn), or Ellen my love

-I can play: I have the least amount of experience with Nimdok and the egos, so I’d prefer to play anyone else.
-Please be open to serious/dark concepts!

-I have: a mean technician/night guard OC.
-I'm looking for: Michael or William Afton (William is my bias. I know I know, boo me all you want but I speak my truth)
-I can play: really any character except for William.

-I have: an anthropologist OC.
-I'm looking for: Stanford Pines (HEAVVYYYY bias), Stanly Pines, Bill Cipher
-I can play: anyone!
-I'm open to any and all AUs on this one! If it's on Twitter/BSky, I've probably seen it! (Also, please forgive me because my lore is NOT accurate right now, I need to brush up on backstory)

-I have: a bounty hunter OC.
-I'm looking for: Arthur Morgan, perhaps John Marston.
-I can play: Anyone except Arthur.

-I have: just about any kind of character.
-I'm looking for: Any character of questionable morality and/or sanity. (I know myself.)
-I can play: Anyone!

I'm not actively seeking these guys out, but I'll definitely accept a roleplay with any of them. If you want to RP one of these, please understand that I will likely be slower to reply, but don't hesitate to ask. Listed loosely in order of preference!
Interview With The Vampire: Looking for an Armand, or Daniel... perhaps a Louis and/or Lestat.
The Band Ghost: Looking for a Copia or Terzo.
Adventure Time/Fionna & Cake: Looking for a Simon!!!!!
Ace Attorney: Looking for an Edgeworth or a Wright.
DC Universe: ESPECIALLY the animated Batman 2004 series - looking for a Batman
Our Flag Means Death: Kind of depends hcs for the characters, but would primarily look for a BlackBeard/Ed.
Avatar: The Last Airbender: Looking for a Zuko. Open to future/post-war AUs!
The Amazing Digital Circus: Looking for a Caine.
Danganronpa (primarily THH): Looking for a Byakuya.
My Hero Academia: Looking for an Aizawa primarily, but also a Hawks or a Rumi.
MLP: Looking for anyone, bias towards Luna, Celestia, RD, or AJ.
The Boys: Looking for hhhh??? Probably Homelander or Soldier Boy.
Probably more, just ask if it's not on the list!

Be warned that I haven't gotten into non fandom stuff in a while. I tend to be pickier about these!
- Mystery
- Horror
- Supernatural
- Fantasy
- Historical Fiction
- Mythology-Inspired
- Romance
- Just ask
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