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Fandom (MultI-Fandom RP) Smash Brotherhood

sgtmickey said:
The Guild of Xilas

Name: North

Gender: Male

Species: Sawk

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 32

Backstory: He's a hardened warrior who has lived up high in the mountains for much of his life, training for the day when someone might possibly need him on a Rescue Team. Then he founded the Guild of Xilas where he could finally bring his dream to life, he soon gained a disciple of each type and they aim to gain more over time.


Name: Aqua Alpheus

Type: Water

Gender: Male

Species: Squirtle

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 19

Backstory: The Squirtle of a certain famous trainer, he was a former member of the Squirtle Squad, he thought it was time for an early retirement so he could make some new friends and see the world outside of the small areas he and his crew protected. After a while of searching he caught word of this new movement called the guild of Xilas and intentions to create more guilds and organizations called Rescue teams to save pokemon from bondage of the pokeballs and the iron shackles of the trainers. They believe in working with humans without the need of keeping them stowed away in awful spheres. Now he travels around with the other members making sure they keep safe, they're trying to get support from legendary pokemon, no luck right now however but they're doing a good job given how few of them are out there.



Name: Kumba

Type: Normal

Gender: Male

Species: Snorlax

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 16

Backstory: Just a Snorlax, he's an overall friendly dude, some of the smaller weaker pokemon sleep, rest, or eat on his stomach while he lies down, Snorlax is happy to give them protection from any bully pokemon that seek to attack them. Sometimes a bigger pokemon will wrestle for him for fun, he's an undefeated champion, he's not quite as lazy as other Snorlax since he's constantly fighting with pokemon who want to attack the little guys under his custody. He acts as the safe haven where the other Xilas pokemon bring them to so he can keep them on his large stomach.



Name: Helios

Type: Fire

Gender: Male

Species: Rapidash

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 19

Backstory: Has an unnatural need for speed, does anything as long as it's fast. He often gives pokemon rides just so he has a chance to run somewhere. It goes without saying that he's a good runner because he's so eager to tell Pokemon about the revolution that he's an advocate for, he wants to rise up against the humans and start something that he and his fellow pokemon are calling rescue teams by joining guilds such as Xilas.



Name: Nuptup

Type: Poison

Gender: Male

Species: Vileplume

Sexuality: Straight

Age: As old as time itself....according to him

Backstory: This guy really likes to eat, or at the very least absorb whatever he comes across. He was released from his trainer to see the world, he had one of those psychotics who refused to take their pokemon back to the pokemon center after they fainted part of the new religion of Nuzlocke. He was the sole survivor of his trainer's Nuzlocke, being in the Pokemon Hall of Fame this little guy has quite the ego but being in a backpack full of unconcious pokemon messed him up quite a bit. He now puts on a persona of being a crazy powerful demon lord in disguise as an innocent Vileplume. It's a convincing act due to how strong he is but if your in his group of friends he'll act normal. He's a bit of a celebrity amongst a few routes and gyms for his ruthless battle tactics. Now that he's free he dedicates his time to the Xilas guild in hopes of protecting other pokemon from being captured, he dons a bit of a super hero persona when doing this as well.



Name: Neon

Type: Electric

Gender: Male

Species: Ampharos

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 22

Backstory: When he was a young Mareep he was walking with his herd at night, but in the midst of the darkness all of his friends and family were captured and taken away by team rocket...or was it plasma? Maybe it was Galactic... he was too traumatized to focus on what the logo was but all in all the bad guys stole away his life. When he heard about the movement of resisting captures and helping the other defenseless pokemon when he grew up into an Ampharos he had found what he'd like to do with his life. His role is keeping the pokemon safe at night with his glowing tail, he shows them across the safest parts of the routes and where they can be protected. He's not just some tour guide however, he can also hold his own in battle.



Name: Hathi

Type: Ground

Gender: Male

Species: Donphan

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 29

Backstory: This guy is the blacksmith/inventor of the group. He is one of the few pokemon to actually sport armor save for maybe a cubone or some others. Despite his already thick hide he believes in not being satisfied with mediocrity when you have the chance to do more. He makes weapons and other things for the pokemon to use while out gathering pokemon to protect, he makes a great bodyguard as well.



Name: Cleus

Type: Psychic

Gender: Male

Species: Duosion

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 12

Backstory: This little guy is just a small Duosion who had only evolved recently, he floats about providing support for the other more powerful members of the Guild of Xilas. He got involved with them because he looks up to the real powerful guys, they kind of use him as their mascot due to his lil' face. He hangs out with the pokemon they keep safe and acts as a sort of therapeutic squishy guy for them to converse with and get comforted by.



Name: Boulderbark

Type: Rock

Gender: Male

Species: Sudowoodo

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 27

Backstory: Raised by a very bratty child who would constantly water him thinking that he was a grass type pokemon, but seeing as how water hurts him he would always try to escape, his family was too neglectful to ever stop their child from doing this however so he'd have to run away as fast as he could from them while they sprayed him with a hose and kept him outside when it rained. In his early years he was small enough to hide under the roof of the house but as he grew up he was too thick to completely shield himself from water. One rainy day he faced his fears and ran into the soaked yard and began to dig and scrape at the dirt with his green orbs doing his best to crawl under the brick wall that separated him from the rest of the world. He squirmed his way out and ran and ran and never looked back. He then cursed his years as a Bonsly and his teens as a Sudowoodo, now was time for a change. He started to bust walls down and help pokemon escape their abusive owners for their cruel behavior toward them. He'd crush security cameras, sneak into houses, and other spy things all while pretending to be a tree. Because of this he's gained a lot of friends for his actions and very thankful smiles from whoever he saved. He's a master at sneaking about and is often seen standing out in the rain as a reminder of why he does what he does, it's also a kind of resistance training to water as well.



Name: Ralph

Type: Dragon

Gender: Male

Species: Tyrantrum

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 1200

Backstory: By far one of the heaviest hitters on the team, you'd better be glad that this guy is friendly because if someone crosses one of his buddies he shows no mercy. A veteran in the pokemon wars of old he was one of the few to survive, many prehistoric pokemon were reduced to mere bones. He was a mighty warrior but he didn't feel right fighting his fellow pokemon for another species, he served his master well however as it was a knight's duty. When his old master passed away he found it in himself to find a new calling. He found Dialga on the brink of death as Palkia was beating him to the floor, he wasn't quite ready to have time itself be destroyed because of their petty squabble so he used roar on Palkia and he knocked him unconcious in an epic battle, beating even Palkia without the orders of a trainer. He took Dialga to a cave for away from the battle grounds and fed him Oran berries until he was better, Dialga rewarded him with a gift of immortality. Ever since that day he roamed the world taking what he wanted and getting stronger each day. That was until he saw the invention that was the pokeballs, he saw pokemon after pokemon absorbed into it's cold clutches, he shuddered at the thought of it. He found a group of skilled pokemon helping out others in need and keeping them safe, he challenged the Snorlax to see if their cause was worth anything, and in all his years he was finally bested. He admitted defeat and vowed to help them out as they were obviously serious about their cause, he soon began to make a friendship with all of the pokemon on the team and soon became one of it's most valued members.



Name: Seti

Type: Ghost

Gender: Male

Species: Cofagrigus

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 39

Backstory: So this guy might seem a bit scary being a ghost type and all, but he does a good job in hiding pokemon in his body. He also stores plenty of stolen man made items as well as money. The thing with him is that he's the thief of the group and manages to take plenty of things from towns and backpacks, each day he'll return to the hideout with revives, potions, TM's, HM's and other things, stuff that would be impossible to find in the wild unless a trainer dropped it. If you run across him he'll be sure to have whatever you need if it's physical or something, being a master thief that also makes him skilled in the art of mugging so he can knock out hoardes of pokemon with ease and take their precious items.



Name: Styx

Type: Dark

Gender: Male

Species: Houndoom

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 20

Backstory: This houndoom is part of the body guard portion of the group, he goes out and keeps smaller pokemon safe from attacks and other things. In his early years he'd walk around towns to scavenge for food because unlike other Houndoom he's unable to digest meat which limits his diet to moo moo milk, berries, and poffins. Because of the lack of protein he was a bit weak as a Houndoor but when he evolved (late bloomer but he did eventually evolve) he still felt as if he was going to starve to death that was until a child on the street coming home from school saw him, he saw the Houndoom's thin frame and long horns and mistaked him for a monster causing him to run away in fear and leaving his lunch behind. He snacked on it and he started coming around at night more often and ghost stories were passed around about a zombie Houndoom. He was given the nickname Styx like the river that leads you to the underworld and tons of tall tales were made about him, he soon joined the Guild of Xilas as he needed the extra protection as he wasn't the strongest Houndoom out there but over time with training from some of the more tough pokemon he was soon able to commit to his job and use his powers of intimidation to help others instead of scaring kids.



Name: Fern

Type: Grass

Gender: Male

Species: Simisage

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 19

Backstory: This guy is real playful and fun, real friendly and approachable. When he was a young Pansage he met a very strong Sawk and his crew of other pokemon that protect smaller ones from being caught. He didn't want to be buckled down to a trainer and noticed that the Xilas didn't have a grass type as of yet so he volunteered to become a permanent member of the team. He works as a scouting agent as he travels to the farther regions and sees who needs help.



Name: Marco

Type: Flying

Gender: Male

Species: Staraptor

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 24

Backstory: As the resident flying type in the Xilas Guild he goes on a lot of missions in the air to see if there's any issues there, he often swoops in on unsuspecting trainers to scare them away from areas with his intimidating appearance. He even goes above criminal organization buildings to see what their up to so they know whether or not it's safe to raid depending how many people are in there. He was a former pokemon to the gym leader Falkner, this guy experienced many defeats and many victories from countless trainers, he was alright with Falkner, he was a kind trainer but he wanted to see what the world was like outside of the walls of Violet City. He made that expressly clear and Falkner with a tearful goodbye released him into the wild, Marco would visit from time to time but he dedicates his time to traveling the world and protecting the little guys. He became quick friends with Helios the Rapidash and challenges him to races, he's yet to win any but he's gotten close.



Name: Sir Stag

Type: Bug

Gender: Male

Species: Pinsir

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 38

Backstory: A Pinsir tied to his honor, he often recieves weapons and armor from Hathi as he gets into battle quite often. He might be a bit extreme in what he does but that might be due to how many times he's had pokeballs thrown at him as many trainers would want a Pinsir on their team. He does resistence training often so he can break out of pokeballs easier, he actually has the other Xilas members chuck ultra balls and great balls at him to see how many he can take, he gets better each day but he longs for the day he can break out of a master ball in case that day comes. His friends tell him not to worry as they usually only use those on legendaries but you never know.



Name: Snowball

Type: Ice

Gender: Male

Species: Glalie

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 48

Backstory: This guy was a former nurse at a Pokemon Center, he doesn't look like the medical type but that was because a Chansey took him when he was just a baby mistaking him for an egg. Of course he would have to be pretty old to have evolved as Snorunts take a while longer to evolve than the average pokemon but he was very very much late born so he was one in a million chance he evolved before he even hatched. So when he was born he didn't have the big icicles coming out of the upper part of his body making him look like a lost exeggcute egg but with a lot of weird cracks. The Chansey that picked him up put him in her pouch and back to the Pokemon Center. The nurses did a DNA scan that identified it as a premature Glalie. So over time his mothers, Chansey and Nurse Joy trained him in the art of medical care which isn't common for a Glalie but he got the job done. When he got older he asked if he could go free into the wild and find his purpose, they gave him a mega stone as a gift and he keeps it stored somewhere (he won't quite tell) on him at all times just in case. He joined the Xilas guild in hopes of keeping pokeballs off of pokemon as he thinks that's what he wants to do as the Chansey's at the Pokemon center never had to put up with it and they get along with the nurses just fine so he feels like it's not a requirement to keep them bottled up. He's the only one on the team that has a mega stone and able to mega evolve, being a nurse that limited his time to train for fighting for much of his life so the mega evolution gives him a bit of something to fall back on when they get in a scuffle. His name however is the result of much ridicule, being raised by a Nurse Joy obviously meant getting quite the unfortunate name, he resents it but keeps it to respect his parents so he wears it with pride or at least as much pride as you can being named Snowball.



Name: Briar

Type: Steel

Gender: Male

Species: Ferrothorn

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 27

Backstory: This guy is the resident steel pokemon on the team, there aren't a lot of pure steel types out there let alone steel types in general so they took what they could get. But enough about that the way he got involved in the guild of the Xilas was when he was busy contemplating how he was a good design in any regard. He was busy wiggling his noodle-like arms and huge flails at the end of it trying to figure out what he could do with these odd limbs of his. He climbed up a wall with them and he sat down, he remembered the days when he used to be a Ferroseed and he could just roll about without a care but now he had these dangly weird appendages and they were a bit hard to maneuver because how thin they were. He then saw a mighty Tyrantrum and was very much jealous of his evolution. He skittered his way toward him and begged to be his student so he could know how to put his odd drumpy things to good use. That's how he became a member of Xilas but he never was interested in getting caught because alot of pokehipsters boycott places like the Unova region and even those who don't still don't catch many Ferrothorns anyway as they weren't the most popular pokemon out there so he can use his unattractiveness as an advantage as he can leave and go into cities without much of a problem.



Name: Kirby

Type: Fairy

Gender: Male

Species: Wigglytuff

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 26

Backstory: Often mistaken for a girl this Wigglytuff might look sweet but she's got a pretty crooked past. She used to belong to a Team Rocket grunt, no one particularly special just some guy. He was then passed on to Team Galactic and Plasma so needless to say, he's a bit of a gangster at heart but he wasn't about that life anymore. He busted out of the base and became a gangster pokemon on the streets, he became so tough he even formed a gang of Scrafty's that he'd go around flaunting and go fighting wild pokemon with. They'd get into fights with tons of Pokemon hoardes. Eventually he joined the Xilas as he thought of it as just another gang that he'd be able to actually help people with. He's a real tough nut so don't mess with him.


( Awwww yeeahhh xD
Character Name: Arisa (Ari for short)

World or origin: Pokemon (gijinka)

Personality: Sweet, lovable, caring, sympathetic, shy/sensitive/scared at first


(Before she changed)


(After she changed)


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Light

Powers/Special Abilities:

  • Cute Charm - If a Pokémon with Cute Charm is hit by a move that makes contact, there is a 30% chance the attacker will become infatuated. It will not infatuate Pokémon of the same gender, genderless Pokémon, nor those with the ability oblivious. Infatuated Pokémon have a 50% chance of being immobilized by love each turn and unable to attack
  • Disarming Voice - deals 20% damage leaving them unable to attack for 2 minutes
  • Skill Swap- Even though it doesn't deal damage, she can switch her abilities with another
  • Quick Attack - She charges at her opponents with quick speed, dealing 10% of damage to her enemies each

( Optional )

Backstory: Ari lived a happy life with her trainer, but one day her trainer became abusive and would always yell at her though all Arisa wanted was for her trainer to be happy. One night Ari ran away from home bearing the scars and bruises of her trainer's abusive, even when she suddenly became a gijinka. Ari still has the scars and memories of the torture she dealt through. When she got a letter about joining the brotherhood she didn't really know what to do or say, but remembering she was free from her trainer's abuse she took the job

Friends: The guild of Xilas (If you want cx) and Rayshin

Enemies: Her trainer since she still has nightmares

Species: Pokemon fairy type

Likes: Macarons, bouncy balls, parties, naturem

Dislikes: Her trainer

Other: Arisa doesn't remember how old she is, but she looks to be around the early 20's and she loves to cook

Final Smash: Fairy weeps - Letting out a battle cry, it held with rage and sorrow which could affect the enemy mentally dealing a lot of damage as well as a painful memory (eheh *shuffles into a corner* cx)

Character Name: Dae

World or origin: Pokemon Gijinka

Personality: Wise, calm, friendly, protective, never thinks he is above other pokemon or gijinkas, smart


(Before He changed)


(After He changed)


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Light

Powers/Special Abilities: Telepathy - Can communicate through his mind

  • Metal Claw - His right hand turns into a metal claw, he deals 10% damage though it varies depending on how strong his opponent is. Plus it raises his attack by 1%
  • Iron Tail - His opponents defense can't be used, dealing 6% damage
  • Flash Cannon - When his opponents use they're final smash, the damage decreases by 5% if it is used on him
  • Power Gem - Deals 13% damage, though he takes 7% damage

( Optional )

Backstory: Dae was happy with his life, being able to travel through time, checking on the pokemon from time to time to see how everything is going. All was well, he even goes to visit the other legendary pokemon if he gets bored. One day, he was just eating a few oran berries with a couple of pokemon until they suddenly get captured by humans. Dae felt responsible for the troubles his pokemon friends went through as he went through the same troubles, they turned them into poke-humans thinking it would be easier to control them. But Dae frees him and his friends, leaving no trace of where he hid them to keep them safe receiving an invitation to join the smash brother hood. He accepts it knowing he can do some good everywhere

Friends: Paul, any pokemon or gijinka, the super smash brotherhood

Enemies: Human scientists who use science for evil things

Species: Steel/Dragon packmen

Likes: All pokemon, his best friend, people who get along, teamwork though prefers to work alone

Dislikes: Humans who treat pokemon poorly, when someone bugs him when he tries to meditate, his best friend Paul (Palkia) at times when they get into ridiculous arguments

Other: Is as old as time itself

Final Smash: Roar of time - Deals 20% damage to every opponent who gets caught in this greenish blue light his gem creates

Character Name: Shay (Shalier is her real name though she goes by her nickname)

World or origin: Pokemon Gijinka

Personality: Daring, short tempered (her flames will grow bigger and brighter), sweet, scary, adventurous, mysterious


(Before she changed)


(After she changed)


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Neutral

Powers/Special Abilities: Flash Fire Grants immunity to Fire and increases Fire's power 50% when hit by a Fire move

  • Fire Blast - 9% damage, the fires that come out of her hands turn into fireballs and shoots a fire beam at the opponent(s)
  • Shadow Ball- 14% damage though is rarely used in battle where she turns herself into a ball collecting shadow's all around her and rolls at her opponent(s) in a quick speed
  • Energy Ball - same thing like shadow ball, but its the light she collects dealing with 10% damage
  • Trick/Memento - its a move that deals with both properties, though it only works if she is near or halfway towards her opponents. Trick/Memento is like Taunting, though it tricks the opponent making it deal 8% damage to itself

( Optional )

Backstory: As a litwick, she has been a troublesome pokemon for many who tried to capture her and would then let her go before even getting her to evolve. Shay had always had a thing against people for some reason, which was personal for her only to know. Though Dae was the only one who knows about why she hates people, Shay was rebellious and a thief stealing food whenever she could just to survive. It has been going on until she became a lampet which she realized something was missing with her life, so she became good and tried to help however she could happy to see people happy. Even letting at least two humans to capture her through her journey, though separated from humans again when she became a chandelure. She turned into a poke-human along with Dae and a few other pokemon, which brought her to hate humans again

Friends: Dae (somewhat...she's still deciding)

Enemies: Humans

Species: 56% pokemon and the rest human

Likes: Berries, battles, fire, showing her strength even though she is only 4'8, never backing down

Dislikes: Humans

Other: She is 11 years old with a strong willed attitude, people may say she is crazy taking on dangerous tasks but she feels like it's all part of an adventure with excitement

Final Smash: Substitue- When this move is unlocked, if someone tries to take an attack her way she switches places with a character or person she wants to switch it with so that they take the damage but she gets dizzy for 3 minutes
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Character Name:

Ashley "Tox" Ven

World or origin:

A world similar to Earth, but there are some outcasts known as the "Qatz" group. She is part of it.


Evil, criminal, and won't hesitate to kill you. She gets easily offended and is really persuasive. She isn't good, but she gets a little better once you get on her good side. She teases and jokes and sometimes gets too close for comfort and she gets less serious with you. No matter what, she acts more important than you and she is in a way.



Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): If a D&D alignment is needed, Neutral Evil

Powers/Special Abilities:

Fangs, once bitten she can inject a very lethal toxin into the bloodstream or anything that acts as such. Poison is produced in an organ that is the size of an eyeball in the back of her neck, it produces at the rate of 0.2 mL/second. She can sell this poison for a heavy price, as the natural ingredients are much harder to find. She recorded it to be a mixture of Cyanide, Arsenic, Mercury, and many other toxic chemicals to give it it's purple color. It is acidic outside of a host to contain it in and can melt aluminium.

The substance is also her life force, so she literally bleeds it when cut or scraped.

Tail, Tox has a pitch black, scaly tail with a sharp edge allowing her to cut like a knife. She doesn't use it often and hides it in her leggings. She uses it for self-defense only and to instill fear into others.

Immunity, Tox is immune to every chemical toxin. If she is poisoned, she can just add it to her own, making her's even more deadly. However, "magical" poisons can affect her like a curse or hex.

Her abilities are only in balance to help her inability to fight hand-to-hand.


Open, but don't count on it




I believe the term is Anthro


Herself, biological science, toxic substances, things like that


Gets offended easily, so you're on the list if you don't think carefully.



Final Smash:

Don't count on her releasing it.

I'll bring out whatever you wish, master @sgtmickey

Character Name:

Rayshin (Mega Rayquaza)

World or origin:

Pokémon (gijinka)


Rayshin is a calm, protective and relaxed guy. He acts like a big brother towards his friends, but if you meet him, he will act cold and emotionless. When he rages out...


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/mega_rayquaza_gijinka_by_adrianol_drawings-d81p2gq.jpg.916bc4e0f5f41417e60340e6341f4837.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131969" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/mega_rayquaza_gijinka_by_adrianol_drawings-d81p2gq.jpg.916bc4e0f5f41417e60340e6341f4837.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Powers/Special Abilities:

《Dragon Ascent (Alternate)》

Rayshin is very fast, but Dragon Ascent is his speed limit. He moves so fast, that he's able to fly. When he uses Dragon Ascent, you only see him as a Green Lightning. During he uses Dragon Ascent, he could crash against you or smash you away with his Spear.

《Emperor Dragon Pulse》

He charges his Spear with Energy and Shoots a Yellow-Orange Beam at his opponent.

《Daishin Dragon Spear》

He charges his Spear "Daishin" with Dragonic energy and smashes it into the ground, which causes the ground to break.




Every Pokémon


Everyone who hurts other pokémon


Dragon/Air Pokémon






His Armor is very heavy and slows Rayshin down. When he takes of his Armor, he's 4 times faster than before.

Final Smash:

《Delta Rage (Alternate Version of "Outrage")》

Rayshin releases his whole Anger. That causes a big Power boost and he's able to shot several normal Dragon Pulses at the same time. But he just attacks everything and everyone he sees



  • mega_rayquaza_gijinka_by_adrianol_drawings-d81p2gq.jpg
    487.3 KB · Views: 109
Character Name:Link


World or origin:Wind Waker

Personality:Childish, Naive, Curious, Innocent and stubborn.


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ):Light

Powers/Special Abilities:Conduction(Various songs) Sword-spin.
Character Name: Cell

World or origin: Dragonball Z

Personality: . Upon reaching perfection, Cell displays a number of traits shared by those whose cells he possesses; Piccolo's cunning, Goku's laid-back disposition, Frieza's smugness, and the Saiyan lust for battle. Upon reaching perfection, He is also shown to be calm and genuinely polite in this Perfect form. Perhaps Cell's most distinguishable trait in this form is his uninhibited vanity.

Cell and a Cell.Jr, also Cell normally has pink\red iris

Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Dark but can be Neutral depending on the scenario

Powers/Special Abilities:

  • Power Up – The ability to increase and surpress his power level.
  • Ki Sense – The ability to sense others' power levels.
  • Absorption – Cell's tail serves one special purpose: to absorb other beings into his body. Cell will gain all of the strength of the person he has absorbed, even if such strength cannot be sensed via the Ki Sensing technique. Cell has two methods of absorption. The first method is to stab the person with the sharp end of his tail. The tail will then suck up all of the organic matter of the victim, leaving the clothing behind. Cell has a second method of absorption, made for people who he wants every bit of strength from. Instead of stabbing the person and draining the person's life force, Cell will instead absorb the person whole. Cell will open up the pointy end of his stinger, and it will become a shape of a wide funnel. Cell will bring the "mouth" of the funnel down on the person, and then they will sucked through Cell's tail into his body. The person will be held unconscious in Cell's body. This method was made for Android 17 and 18, who, due to their powers not being organic, or possibly due their ability to dodge Cell's stinger, they had to be absorbed whole. This is Cell's preferred method, as it gives him full power. Even though Cell's tail retracted after becoming Perfect Cell, it is shown that Cell can still bring his stinger out and absorb other people using this technique. The tail can also be used for strangulation, which he had used on Android 16.
  • Zenkai – From his Saiyan cells, Cell has the ability to become more powerful after recovering from severe injuries. He also takes on many personality traits that are true to Saiyans, like the desire to fight and test his power. Even though Cell is not categorized as a Super Saiyan, his aura perfectly mimics that of a Super Saiyan; this is connected to his Saiyan heritage. This ability, combined with his regeneration power, makes him near invincible, and can only be defeated if his entire body (right down to the cell) is completely destroyed, otherwise he will just come back, stronger than ever.
  • Cell has acid inside his body that is shown when he regenerates his tail while in his first form in episode 152.
  • Cell has Frieza's capability of surviving in outer space, and to revert his form (demonstrated when he reverted to an egg and potentially by his evolving body). He also gained Frieza's ability to survive any injury. After Cell achieves his Super Perfect Form due to his brush with death when he self destructed, he explains that this is because each individual cell in his body has a life-force of their own. This could in part explain how Frieza can do this.
  • Flight – The ability to fly, taken from any of the cell samples.
  • Telekinesis – Cell can lift objects of large proportionate sizes into the air with his mind and controlling the use of his hand(s). Likely taken from Frieza.
  • Death Beam – A laser-like projectile which travels very quickly. Also known as Death Beam/Finger Beam. Taken from Frieza. He uses this attack to kill Future Trunks.
  • Ki Blast – The most basic form of energy wave.
  • Kamehameha – A blue-colored, powerful ki wave attack and trademark technique of the Dragon Ball series. Taken from Goku.
  • Regeneration – The Namekian ability to regenerate damage to the body. Cell can regenerate only if the core inside his head is not damaged. Taken from Piccolo.
  • Instant Transmission – The ability to instantly teleport virtually anywhere (by homing in on a Ki signature). Taken from Goku after Cell's self destruction.
  • Solar Flare – An extremely bright light which can temporarily blind opponents in near proximity. Taken from Tien.
  • Afterimage Strike – The ability to move extremely fast over short distances, leaving an image behind. Taken from Goku, never used in the manga.
  • Solar Kamehameha–Cell's Ultimate and Final attack. Cell stores a massive amount of energy and fires it in the form of a giant Kamehame (takes time to charge and requires focus)
  • Special Beam Cannon– An energy beam that can drill through opponents. Taken from Piccolo, never used in the manga.

    Bang Beam– The user puts his hand out with the index finger pointing forward and thumb raised and shoots a red blast. Cell used it by flicking his finger.

Homing Destructo Disk– A variant of the Destructo Disk, this energy disk can be controlled by the creator to change direction.

  • Destructo Disk – An energy disk that can cut through an opponent.
  • Tri-Beam – A blast of rectangle shaped energy. Taken from Tien (Anime only).
  • Multi form (12 Eyes) Technique - Used by Cell during the fight with Goku in the anime only, this technique is one of Tien's. The technique creates three fighting copies of the user with 1/4the of the user's power

[*]Perfect Barrier – An impenetrable shield Cell places around himself to protect him from attacks, as seen when he transforms between his Semi-Perfect and Perfect forms after absorbing Android 18. It was most likely taken from Android 17 after Cell absorbed him, though his special barrier could be a technique programmed directly by Dr. Gero. It can also cause damage to anyone unfortunate enough to collide with it and it is the ultimate move of his Perfect form.

Species: Bio-Android

Other: Can spawn Cell jr.s through tail, Can self destruct, and does not require sleep among other human needs.

Final Smash:

  • Perfect Combination – Cell delivers a barrage of punches and kicks to the oppoent before slapping them away and elbowing them into the ground and attacks in his Super Perfect form.
Character Name: Darth Sion

World or origin: Star Wars

Personality: From his very beginning, Darth Sion filled himself with hatred, ultimately giving him the power to overcome death. He chose to embody his pain rather than tolerate it as a normal part of existence, turning it into something far greater. Sion fed upon his pain for sustenance, and he sought to spread it to all Jedi across the galaxy. As the Force gave him his power, Sion felt it called on him to continue to fight; the Force was all he was, and the dark side was his identity. And yet, Sion also had a desire to heal; the galaxy, he felt, was fractured, and he could not understand those who had the power to fix it and did not, like Revan.

Sion was tenacious; when he cornered his prey on Peragus II, the Sith Lord would not let them go without bloodshed. He was cunning; though Jedi Master Lonna Vash considered him volatile and thought him an easily-influenced brute, Sion would ultimately trap and kill her. Ambitious and power-hungry as well, Sion would not forever bend to the will of his Sith Master, Darth Traya, and he and Darth Nihilus eventually turned on her, using Nihilus' special techniques in the Force to tear down her defenses and then beating her mercilessly. Sion and Nihilus differed from prior Sith in that the death of the Jedi Order was their sole objective; the manner in which they fought the Jedi differed too, lying in hiding and striking from darkness.

While Sion immersed himself in hate, he was still able to feel positive emotions, such as love and compassion, which he felt toward Surik. He came to feel her as beautiful, a feeling that reduced his hatred, and thus endangered his life.


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Dark

Powers/Special Abilities:

Sion was at Revan's Sith Academy on Korriban, and later learned of the ways of pain at Trayus Academy on Malachor V. With the dark side, he could hold together his decaying body. Though excruciatingly painful, and requiring endless concentration on the anger within him, it gave him his powers of immortality. When struck down, Sion could call upon his anger, hate, and pain to come alive again. In places strong in the dark side, like Korriban and Malachor V, the Force flowing through Sion made him nigh-undefeatable. Jedi Master Lonna Vash considered him "a perversion of the dark side."

Sion needed hatred to hold onto his power; he grew threatened when his feelings for Surik seemed to diminish this and erode his ability to hold onto life. Ultimately, she would convince him to give up his hatred and, in doing so, submit to death. The Sith Lord was glad when he could finally lay down his life.

Sion had a number of Force powers at his disposal: Telekinesis ranging from Force Whirlwind to Force Wound, Force Slow, Force rage, Force Immunity, and Force drain. He was immune the effects of fear-based Force attacks.

( Optional )


The Human who would become Darth Sion lived in the time of the Old Sith Wars, around 4000 BBY. Sion—which may have been his given name—was for a long time susceptible to infirmity and pain much the same as any other person. Combined together, they were intolerable to him, and he lived a life steeped in hatred. Rather than suffer in silence, Sion chose to embody his pain as his uniqueness, becoming Darth Sion, Lord of Pain.

In the Great Sith War of 3996 BBY, Sion served as a Sith Marauder in Exar Kun's Sith Empire. Seeking death, Sion went into battle against the Jedi but continued to survive the encounters. He became convinced he was immortal as he built up a greater and greater tolerance for pain. Eventually, Sion was struck down, but he did not die. Instead, the pain within him welled up to agonizing levels, driving Sion to rise once more and strike down his would-be killer with all his anger and hate. Sion found that he could hold his own decomposing body together with the dark side of the Force. Though this process brought him excruciating pain and forced him to continuously concentrate on his rage, Sion considered it a worthy price for immortality. Kun ultimately lost the war, but Sion survived the fall of Kun's Empire. In 3963 BBY, the Sith Acolyte Haazen prophesied that the Jedi Guardian Lucien Draay would teach Haazen's new Sith, suggesting "Darth Sion" as a possible name he could take; Haazen was later defeated and Draay turned away from the path of the Lord of Pain.

In time, the Mandalorian Wars fell across the galaxy as the clans of the Mandalorians invaded the Galactic Republic. Sion was shaped in these wars; when they ended and a new Sith Empire was formed by Darth Revan, the new Dark Lord of the Sith, and his apprentice Darth Malak, Sion became a Sith Lord of the Empire. Yet this one was not to last either; Sion was shocked, as Revan, redeemed by the Jedi Council, succumbed to what Sion saw as weakness and betrayed the Sith. Malak was killed by his old master and, with his death, the Empire came apart. Sion was at the Sith Academy on Korriban in its final days, and he watched as the Sith turned on each other. Sion survived this bout of backstabbing, though. With the disintegration of the Empire, a number of Sith Lords declared themselves to be warlords of their own domains, while other remnants fled for the Unknown Regions.

There were other Sith Lords at work in the galaxy with their own plans. One was Revan's former Jedi Master, Kreia, who had taken the name Darth Traya. Traya, searching for "wounds" in the Force, found Sion and another Sith Lord: Darth Nihilus, the Lord of Hunger. Sion, Traya, and Nihilus allied into the secretive Sith Triumvirate, based out of Malachor V, their goal was the annihilation of the Jedi Order and restoration of the Sith to power. Traya became the master of both Sith Lords, and Sion learned much from her. At Trayus Academy, a hidden Sith stronghold on Malachor V, Sion learned more of pain.

There was discontent among the Triumvirate, though. Sion and Nihilus had ambition beyond that of Traya, and their fragile alliance, united solely by a hatred of the Jedi, grew strained. Sion, furthermore, grew tired of Traya's instruction, the abstractness of her teachings and the way her words seemed to echo in his skull. Eventually he and Nihilus conspired to remove her. While Traya meditated in the academy's core, Sion and Nihilus closed in on her. Sion beat her mercilessly, the two sapped her energy before Nihilus stripped her of the Force, and Traya was cast out.

Now in sole command, Sion and Nihilus continued their work. Relying heavily on the Malachor-based Sith assassins, originally founded by Revan, Sion went on a spree of Jedi assassination. He was killed a number of times over the course of it, but he continued to rise again and slaughter many Jedi in return. By the end of Sion's campaign, the Jedi were almost entirely extinct. In 3954 BBY, Sion and Nihilus united the majority of the Sith Empire remnants, becoming the most unified force of Sith in their time. In 3952 BBY Nihilus attacked a Jedi conclave on Katarr, killing many of the surviving Jedi. The Order publicly disbanded, the remaining Jedi going underground to escape Sion's assassins. Lonna Vash, a Master of the Jedi Council, came to Korriban in search of Sion, but she fell into a trap of his and was captured. Sion imprisoned Vash in the abandoned Sith Academy. As the Jedi fell, one remained outside known space, a Knight named Meetra Surik who had been cast out of the Order and exiled for following Revan in the Mandalorian Wars. Atris, a surviving Jedi Master, sought to draw the Sith out of hiding, and so she arranged for Surik to return to the known galaxy, while at the same time leaking information of Surik's past. Rumor that Surik was the last of the Jedi was enough to draw the Sith out of hiding; Sion studied her, where she had gone in her exile, and the battles she had fought in the war. When Surik returned from the Outer Rim, she had transportation secured for her aboard the Republic vessel Harbinger, and Sion and his assassins came after her in a Sith warship. But he was not the only one; Kreia, now in possession of Revan's former ship, the Ebon Hawk, was also heading to recover Surik. Sion's warship intercepted the Hawk and opened fire on it, but the Hawk managed to send out a distress signal. The Harbinger picked up the signal and arrived to engage Sion. The warship, however, played dead, and the Harbinger connected an umbilical to it. The crew found Sion's body, and believing him to be a corpse, took him back to their vessel. Meanwhile, Sion's cloaked assassins infiltrated their way into the Harbinger.

Sion was taken to the medical bay, where the medical officer studied him. Seeing the innumerable fractures and scars that covered him, she was unable to determine if he was alive or dead and placed him in a kolto tank. As this was taking place, Sion's assassins were moving throughout the ship, secretly eliminating some crew members and watching the others. Sion at last awoke and, after tormenting the mind of a passing crew member, burst from his kolto tank and announced that he had come for Surik. His assassins materialized around him, and they quickly killed the security team sent to medbay. Sion set off to find the rest of the crew. He would not get Surik, though. Kreia reached her first, took her aboard the Hawk, and escaped. Sion at last seized control of the ship, which due to the sabotage of one of its passengers was experiencing a system failure, and opened fire on the Hawk as it fled, hitting it as it leapt into hyperspace.

Sion followed them to the mining world of Peragus II, controlling the Harbinger from a meditative pose on its bridge. He would not let those who had escaped him do so again without blood being shed. The Harbinger docked with the Peragus Mining Facility, and some of his assassins moved into the facility to watch their prey. Kreia, Surik, and Atton Rand, a prisoner they had found in the facility, came aboard the Harbinger in their search for an escape route, and Sion caught up with them in the vessel's stern. Brandishing a sword, Kreia moved to fight him as her companions fled. Sion was surprised she was still alive, and mocked her belief that a Jedi could stop the Sith from achieving dominion. Kreia, hiding, leapt out to attack, and Sion wheeled on her and cut off her hand. She escaped him and rejoined Surik and Rand aboard the Ebon Hawk, which proceeded to take off. Sion pursued in the Harbinger, and the ensuing firefight set off the volatile asteroids around Peragus, consuming the Harbinger in an explosion. Sion survived.

Enraged that Kreia would sacrifice herself for Surik when she was so much weaker than himself, Sion grew determined to destroy all Kreia held dear, including Surik. He got his chance to catch her when she came to Korriban in search of Lonna Vash. Shortly after Surik arrived on Korriban, Sion killed the imprisoned Jedi Master. Within the hour, Surik had entered the ruins of the Sith Academy; Sion sensed her arrival and had the doors to the Academy sealed behind her, as he sent his assassins in pursuit of her and her companions. Eventually Surik's party found Vash and unlocked the Academy entrance, but Sion moved to block their escape, at last coming face to face with her.
Friends: -

Enemies: Darth Kreia, Meetra Surik, The Republic, The Jedi, Darth Nihilus

Species: Human




Final Smash:

Theme: [media]

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Origin:Skyward Sword, Twilight Princess or Hyrule warriors

Personality:Caring, brave and selfless.


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/download.jpg.0a4178fd10a344654f8ef19522dd187c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135509" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/download.jpg.0a4178fd10a344654f8ef19522dd187c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers/Abilities:Ocarina magic, sword-beam, sword spin and archery.



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Name:Dark Link

Origin:Ocarina of Time

Personality:Cold, calculating and cruel.


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caedd2559_download(1).jpg.883eecf69e57085aec2496bed49727b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135508" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caedd2559_download(1).jpg.883eecf69e57085aec2496bed49727b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Character Name: Corrin

World or origin: Fire Emblem: Fates

Personality: Corrin is a very positive and kind individual, helping anyone to the best of her ability if they need it. Although sheltered from the outside world for so long, she somehow is a very sociable and outgoing person, most likely due to not wanting to feel alone anymore.

She is very quick to trust others, even her own enemies, which also makes her highly trusted by the people of her army. This bond of trust she forms with an enemy can even get to the point that she convinces them to join her cause, showing just how good she is with people.

Corrin's the type to lend an ear to other's problems, offering advice and helping them to get past this problem. She may even go to great lengths just to solve this.

Unlike her male counterpart, she is a bit more peppier and teasing with others as well.



Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Revelations-wise, neutral. Goal-wise, light

Powers/Special Abilities:

Corrin wields the omega yato, given to her at the end of the Revelations route (or smash, since she went neutral here as well). The original yato is a legendary sword all on its own, but combined with the other 4 legendary weapons, it became strong enough to take down Anankos, the strongest monster of their realm who was destroying the two kingdoms.

This weapon grants +4 to her strength, defense, speed, and resistance when being used.

Corrin can also transform into a dragon and is used during her final smash, when grabbing opponents, countering, or flying upwards.

  • Standard Special Move - Dragon Fang Shot

  • Side Special Move - Dragon Lunge

  • Up Special Move - Dragon Ascent

  • Down Special Move - Counter Surge


Before Corrin was born, her mother, Mikoto, was the queen of Valla, married to King of Valla. However, due to the slow corruption of the Vallian King, Mikoto fled from the realm, escaping to Hoshido. This is where she met Sumeragi, the King of Hoshido, the two getting married after the first queen's death, soon followed by the birth of Corrin. These events made her a Vallian as well as Hoshidan princess.

However, when she was around the age of 5, she and her father went to Cheve to discuss the war of Hoshido and Nohr with Garon, the King of Nohr. Here, the Hoshidan king was killed by an ambush, foolishly coming to the meeting alone with his stepchild. As he died in front of Corrin, Garon kidnapped the princess, keeping her in isolation (apart from maids and the royal family) for decades in his own kingdom. Here, she somehow lost her memory of her previous family, being led to believe that she was a princess of Nohr. This is how she became close to the royal family that knew of her past, soon growing up to be a Nohrian princess.

Around the age of 21, she was finally released from her captivity (not knowing why she was there for so long but not questioning it) and brought to Garon, who immediately gave her a sword and ordered her to kill Hoshidan spies. However, due to her kind and loving nature, she could only fight, but not kill the people. Her "siblings" then pretended to kill them for her instead in front of the King, so that he would not kill Corrin himself for disobeying an order.

She was then sent into battle, not knowing anything of the world around her apart from the books that she had read. Garon sent her on very difficult quests, in which she was continuously succeeding, until she was captured by a Flamestribeman from Hoshido. This was when she was finally brought back to her family, the very family that her memories were wiped clean of.

She denied it in the beginning, believing it to be utter nonsense, but she eventually accepted it by the time her mother, Mikoto, died protecting Corrin from a "Nohrian" (figured out to be a Vallian in Revelations) attack, making her first transformation into a dragon, all out of anger. She attacked loved ones and innocent people out of rage, unable to control herself, until she was finally calmed down by a songstress.

After this incident, Hoshido declared full-out war with Nohr for killing the beloved queen and attacking the capital, and this is when she met with her Nohrian siblings again, who were telling her to come join them again. Her Hoshidan siblings were telling her not to buy into it and stay with her "blood" family that had been looking for her for years.

This is where Corrin decides which path she takes, and, in this case, she chose to SMASH!


Everyone in the army lol

Basically, for revelations, there were two main people who ran off and supported her decision-

Jakob: Corrin's trusted butler and retainer, who has claimed himself to Corrin and be there whenever she needs him. She has a close bond with him, considering that he took care of her for so many years, but thinks he should take a oad off every once in a while.

Azura: Corrin's adopted sibling, who is also the adopted princess of Hoshido as well as the princess of Nohr and Valla (Her mother was a queen of both). Though they barely new each other in the beginning, they felt as though they could trust each other, and Azura followed and supported Corrin with her choice of neutrality.

And, of course, her families in Nohr and Hoshido, but most of them grew a grudge against her in the beginning when attacking both of their armies and going neutral.


Valla: The place whose name can not be spoken outside of the realm. If it is, you will cease to exist anymore, the spell making you vanish from the world.

In revelations, Corrin figures out about the place through Azura, and she explained to her how Valla is the true enemy of Hoshido and Nohr. Throughout the whole game, Corrin tries to unite both kingdoms to take down this invisible enemy that she can not speak of.

Garon: The King of Nohr, according to her Nohrian siblings, was never this mad with power. In fact, he used to love all of his children, but now only sees them as pawns in his game.

This is due to Garon coming under Vallian control, his body an empty shell that orders attacks onto Hoshido to keep the war going.

Species: Dragon/Human

Likes: Animals, helping others, peace

Dislikes: killing, tension, not being useful


Final Smash:

"Final Torrent"

With this move, Corrin transforms into a dragon and creates a huge torrent, catching fighters in it and washing them away in the fast-moving waters.​
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Character Name: Raiden

World or origin: Earth 2018 (Metal Gear Solid)

Personality: Focused, Driven, No-nonsense. Raiden fights to protect the innocent. "My sword is a tool of justice." "I am lightning...the rain transformed."



Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Light

Powers/Special Abilities:

-Blade Mode: The world slows down to about 10% its normal speed, allowing Raiden to make dozens of very accurate swings with his High-Frequency blade. If performed on another cyborg, he can tear out their spinal columns and absorb their power cells, healing him, and refilling his ability meter. [media]

-Can perform a ninja run, which lets him automatically dodge any obstacles in his path.

-Super strong (lifted a Metal Gear RAY, weighing upwards of 500+ metric tons up over his head and hurled it about 100 yards!)

-Super speed (can strike with his sword about 2 to 3 dozen times in a span of 3 seconds.)

-Stealthy (hiding under a cardboard box)

Final Smash: Ripper Mode (Turns off his pain inhibitors, and unleashes the devil inside: Jack the Ripper!)[media]

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Character Name

World or origin:Pokemon Region-Kalos

Personality:Quiet, kind, reserved loyal and protective.

Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ):Neutral

Powers/Special Abilities:Aura

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/pokemon-umbreon-Favim.com-2995637.jpg.ebadbd61f0ad91312e0e7a0c6092ff0c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139614" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/pokemon-umbreon-Favim.com-2995637.jpg.ebadbd61f0ad91312e0e7a0c6092ff0c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Character Name

World or origin:Pokemon Region-Kalos

Personality:Calm collected and kind

Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ):Light

Powers/Special Abilities:Physic

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/images.jpg.9ae3d59fdc0032930d17dc466b4d9427.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139615" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/images.jpg.9ae3d59fdc0032930d17dc466b4d9427.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Character Name:Lily

World or origin:Pokemon Region-Kalos

Personality:Sweet, naive and childish

Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ):Light

Powers/Special Abilities: ???

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb5e38a20_download(3).jpg.646bde342c04105c366278a7d23ceacc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139616" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb5e38a20_download(3).jpg.646bde342c04105c366278a7d23ceacc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Character Name:Levin

World or origin:Pokemon Region-Kalos

Personality:Brave, Loyal high-spirited

Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ):Light

Powers/Special Abilities: Extreme Speed

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Character Name:Kira

World or origin:Pokemon Region-Kalos

Personality:Quiet, Shy, caring

Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ):Light

Powers/Special Abilities:Teleport

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb5e41316_download(2).jpg.65ab4040baed5b8ae071cf89cc54cd16.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139618" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb5e41316_download(2).jpg.65ab4040baed5b8ae071cf89cc54cd16.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Character Name:Rina(ree-nah)

World or origin:Pokemon Region-Kalos

Personality:stubborn, blunt, loyal

Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ):Light

Powers/Special Abilities: Physic

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb5e42e9f_download(1).jpg.49906a1cfa8baf88233919d89a8fdc21.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139619" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb5e42e9f_download(1).jpg.49906a1cfa8baf88233919d89a8fdc21.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Character Name:Sparkz

World or origin:Pokemon Region-Kalos

Personality:Energetic, optimistic, brave

Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ):Light

Powers/Special Abilities:Lightning Rod

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb5e44970_images(1).jpg.1b9467b6e499aca087c244f7b03d0a69.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139620" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb5e44970_images(1).jpg.1b9467b6e499aca087c244f7b03d0a69.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Character Name:Leon

World or origin:Pokemon Region-Kalos

Personality:Quiet, reserved brave and shy

Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ):Light

Powers/Special Abilities:Disaster Prediction



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Character Name: Mission Vao

World or origin: Taris


Despite her harsh upbringing and abandonment, Mission was a sunny and optimistic girl. She believed the best of people most of the time, and was the first to rally to Revan's defense after he was revealed as the former Dark Lord of the Sith in the skirmish aboard the Leviathan, as she had been convinced by Revan's actions over the course of their mission that he was a true friend. She was initially at a loss for words, much like the rest of the crew of the Ebon Hawk, but seeing how he didn't remember anything about being the Dark lord she concluded that it didn't really matter anymore, much to the frustration of the paranoid and distrustful Carth.

As a child, Mission was very curious, spying on her brother and often playing with the personal effects of Gadon's bodyguard Zaerdra, who would get mad at her elder brother for not keeping Mission away from her stuff. One trait she shared with her brother Griff was smooth talking, and she was known to be forward with boys she considered attractive, such as Zayne Carrick.

She had a strong sense of fairness, as evidenced by her anger with Wookiee Chieftain Chuundar and Czerka and their treatment of the Wookiees, and by her loyalty to the Hidden Beks after Brejik's betrayal. She was easily influenced, however, and not only by Revan. She would let Kandon Ark twist her mind and seed animosity between her and Gadon, and there was little that Revan could not talk her into. She was also courageous and impulsive, charging three Vulkars by herself to try and save Zaalbar, or mouthing off at – and trying to bite – armed Sith troopers. Her chief annoyance, however, was when people dismissed her on the basis of age. This earned her several arguments with Carth and Bastila – the former of whom Mission made up with, and the latter using the Force to trip her when she retorted to a crack about her age. She also constantly teased Zaalbar like a bratty little sister, suggesting he take a bath, brush his teeth, dye his hair, or even wear a suit.


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Neutral/Light

Powers/Special Abilities:

After Mission joined Revan's fellowship, she had the chance to apply her knowledge and skills to different ends from what she was used to in the streets of Taris. Her fine sleight of hand gained Revan entrance to the Black Vulkar Base from the sewers of the Undercity, for which she had picked the codes off the pocket of a Black Vulkar.

She was a good slicer and was proficient with Stealth field generators. When the Leviathan captured the Ebon Hawk, and Revan had to choose a member of the crew for a rescue mission, she volunteered her skills with security systems, claiming she could slice her way out of any security cell. She could speak Basic and understand Shyriiwook, Rodese, and possibly other languages she may have grown accustomed to during her time on the Coruscant of the Outer Rim. She could also play Pazaak.

( Optional )


Mission grew up as an orphan, having never known her parents, with just her elder brother Griff to look after her. Griff was a scam artist, a gambler, and a drinker, always borrowing credits for his schemes of easy riches which regularly failed, leaving him in debt and on the run. Mission was only five years old when they escaped to Taris, smuggling themselves inside a packing crate in a star freighter's cargo hold, barely having enough supplies to make the trip.

On Taris, Griff and Mission had to live in the Lower City due to the alien ban that restricted access to the Upper City. Around 3963 BBY, her brother Griff was a member of one of the Lower City's swoop gangs known as the Hidden Beks. People were still reeling from the consequences of the murders of the four Jedi Padawans that were to help rim-worlds such as Taris maintain law and order, when the Mandalorians invaded. Zayne Carrick, who had been framed for the murders, came back to Taris to try to help the resistance against the invading Mandalorians, and found the Hidden Beks' secret hideout.

Mission introduced herself to Zayne after he was through talking to Marn Hierogryph, and developed a crush on him, despite her brother's warning to stay away from the accused murderer. She then told him that she "knew a secret" and brought Zayne to see her brother's pet, which she thought was what Griff was feeding in secret. While they were spying on him, Gryph found them and inadvertently gave away their position to Griff.

Meanwhile, Brejik attempted to kill Zayne with a vibroblade. Zayne was struggling to disarm Brejik when Mission bit his leg, causing Brejik to drop the blade. When he did, Griff came up behind her and pulled her away from the fight. Brejik then pulled out a blaster pistol, telling Zayne that he would tell everybody that he was killed "trying to escape".

Del Moomo then appeared from behind and pinned Brejik to a wall before he was able to kill Zayne. Mission, Zayne, and Gryph then discovered that the "pet" was not a pet at all; inside the container where Griff dropped the food were the missing children of Constable Noana Sowrs. After they got the two children out of there, they brought them back to the Hidden Beks' leader, Gadon Thek. Mission then helped feed the two children. While Gadon was enraged at Griff and Brejik for kidnapping the children, it gave the Hidden Beks an opportunity to open up negotiations with the "True" Resistance, and then eventually join them.

Griff and Mission were regulars of the Lower City cantina when Griff met Lena, a Twi'lek dancing girl, and started dating her. Lena, however, used to date Tarisian nobles, and Griff could never give her the kind of lifestyle she was used to. Eventually, he had to leave Taris, escaping his debts once again, this time together with Lena, and he left his twelve-year-old sister behind. He told Mission that Lena didn't want his little sister tagging along, but promised he would return as soon as they earned enough credits, and that then they would all live like royalty. Believing she made her brother forget about her, Mission hated Lena, and thought of her as a "busty, credit-grubbing cantina rat." She had no doubt their relationship wouldn't last long.

After her brother Griff deserted her on Taris, Mission got by on her own, until one day she made friends with Zaalbar, a Wookiee outcast from Kashyyyk. Zaalbar was being hassled by members of the Black Vulkars, a major Lower City swoop gang, when he attracted her attention. The sight of thugs picking on a lone Wookiee overwhelmed by a strange environment made her lose her temper, and she charged at them. She was smacked down by one of the Vulkars, but then the Wookiee got angry and yanked him a meter up off the ground, scaring the others away.

Despite such unusual circumstances of their meeting—or perhaps because of them—Mission and Zaalbar stuck together from then on, looking out for each other in their own way. She nicknamed Zaalbar "Big Z". For two years they got by in the Lower City, never hearing anything from or about Griff, and often seeking adventure in dangerous spots like the sewers of the Undercity, where Gadon used to tell her not to go. Mission never asked Zaalbar too much about his past, because he didn't like to talk about it, and she accepted that, dismissing the matter with the conclusion that he was the strong, silent type. The Wookiee would still talk a bit about his homeworld, about the big Wroshyr trees, and how he had "seen paradise destroyed by the greed of outsiders," which though Mission didn't understand at first, referred to Czerka Corporation and their slaving operations on Kashyyyk.

In 3956 BBY, near the end of the Jedi Civil War, decorated war hero and legendarysoldier Carth Onasi was stranded on Taris with an amnesiac Revan following theattack on the Endar Spire, a Republic warship under the command of the JediBastila Shan. The entire war effort against the Sith relied on her skill with battle meditation, making her the Republic's only hope, so as soon as possible Carth and Revan made for the Undercity, where her escape pod had crashed. They passed by Javyar's Cantina where they found an unusual pair—a Wookiee, and a fourteen-year-old Twi'lek girl who preferred speaking Galactic Basic Standardrather than her people's native language. Revan watched as Zaalbar scared away some Black Vulkars picking on Mission.

Seeing that Revan was a newcomer in the Lower City, Mission provided him with information about the city, the swoop gangs, local Exchange boss Davik Kang, and the bounty hunter Calo Nord, who had just walked out of the cantina, leaving a few corpses behind. She also spoke of the Hidden Beks as a more honest and reliable gang than the Black Vulkars, which were now led by Brejik, and she mentioned that Davik had recently acquired a new ship for his smuggling operations, the Ebon Hawk, which he supposedly kept in his estate. Mission and Zaalbar then left the cantina to seek more adventures in the Undercity.

At the Hidden Bek Base, the leader of the gang Gadon Thek made a deal with Revan, agreeing to provide sponsorship in the Tarisian Season Opener in exchange for the retrieval of a prototype accelerator that was stolen from him by the Vulkars. Revan was to break into the Vulkar base, where the swoop upgrade was being kept, and Gadon suggested that Mission could be able to get him in the back way. He then gave Revan authorization papers needed to get past the Sith guard at the elevator to the Undercity in exchange for the Sith uniforms he had used before as a disguise, and promised to let Revan use the accelerator to win the race and get Bastila back, who was being offered as a prize by Brejik, in his game to take over the Lower City. Once off the gates of the Outcast village of the Undercity, Revan ran into a very distressed Mission. She explained that her friend Zaalbar had been caught by Gamorrean slavers in the sewers and agreed to show Revan a secret entrance into the Vulkar Base if he helped her free the captive Wookiee.[1]

Revan saved Zaalbar from the slavers, and as customary to his people, the Wookiee swore a life debt to him. Mission was not about to part ways with the only family she had since her brother left, so she too joined Revan. They followed him aboard the Ebon Hawk, which Revan stole from Davik, just in time to escape the destruction of Taris. Although Mission was shocked to see her homeworld destroyed before her eyes, she told Revan she would find a way to deal with it, and that whatever help she could offer him against Darth Malak and the Sith she would. Because of her age, Mission was often looked down upon by Revan's other companions. Carth Onasi was particularly disgusted at first about a fourteen-year-old living by herself in a dangerous area and occasionally the two found themselves at odds in a father-daughter fashion.

After the destruction of Taris, Mission accompanied Revan and his companions aboard the Ebon Hawk and assisted Revan in his journey to destroy the Star Forge.

During these travels with Revan, Mission encountered Lena, who explained what had happened after she and Griff left Taris. She had dumped Griff, leaving him on Tatooine, where he was working for Czerka Corporation. She also said that she had actually wanted Mission to come with them, and even offered to pay for her ticket, but Griff told Lena that Mission wouldn't leave Taris. In reality, Griff had lied to them both and even though Mission wouldn't believe Lena at first, she realized that she had been misguidedly idolizing her brother.

Mission still questioned the validity of Lena's statements and when Revan took the Ebon Hawk for a landing on Tatooine in search of the Star Map, they found Griff had been taken prisoner by Tusken Raiders. In the enclave where he was being kept, a conversation ensued that allowed Mission to realize the truth in Lena's words. Even after his liberation, Griff didn't give up his half-baked business projects—his latest one, in which he tried to use tach glands collected by Revan to brew Tarisian ale, also failed, and he also got himself into trouble with the Exchange.

Mission was angry with Griff, especially after witnessing him continue his get-rich-quick schemes. Eventually she realized, though nobody was perfect, her brother was a little less perfect than most for he never learned from his own mistakes; therefore instead of fruitlessly trying to "improve" her brother, she learned to accept him as he was. Mission was happy that her brother was alive, but now she didn't feel as though she owed him anything anymore.[1]

After escaping the Leviathan, Revan revealed his former identity to the crew. Though shaken, Mission found that he was now a completely different person, and therefore stood by him. She followed Revan to the end of his quest, even to the monstrous Star Forge. She was present at the celebration of the Star Forge's destruction and the Republic's victory over the Sith, where Revan's companions were proclaimed as saviors of the Republic and Revan was awarded the Cross of Glory.[1] When Revan departed for the Unknown Regions, Mission did not accompany him.

Friends: Zalbaar, Revan, Bastila Shan, Carth Onasi.

Enemies: Malak's Sith Empire

Species: Twi'lek


Dislikes: Being judged purely on her age.


Final Smash:

Character Name: Zalbaar (or Big Z by Mission)

World or origin: Kashyyyk


Zaalbar was a shy Wookiee of few words, preferring to let the street-smart Mission Vao do most of the talking. He was very protective of the young Twi'lek, and would sacrifice himself for her without hesitation. Still, even as he trusted her, and trusted Revan, he found it difficult to express certain aspects of himself and of his culture, feeling they were private and not for outsiders to know. An important trait of Zaalbar’s was his loyalty, and a strong sense of Wookiee honor and tradition, as shown by his dedication to his life debt.[2] Zaalbar also maintained keeping his past life secret from even those he trusted most, as he found it painful to discuss and share it.[1]

Zaalbar also appeared to have a low opinion of himself. When asked by Revan if he could help him with a problem, Zaalbar expressed his belief that he would be of little use – unless, of course, he needed someone threatened or a door bashed open.[2]

Zaalbar also took care of his appetite. During his capture on Taris, he was so hungry that he even tried to bite off a Gamorrean guard's arm. When the Ebon Hawk''s food supply started getting low, he was the first one to notice it. Revan might have suspected him at first, of stealing and eating the supplies, but it turned out to be a young girl who had sneaked aboard. Vao was also constantly teasing Zaalbar about his bad breath and appearance.[2]

When Zaalbar discovered that his companion was in fact Revan, he showed indifference to who Revan had once been and pledged to continue his life debt, believing Revan to be a changed man.


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ):

Powers/Special Abilities:

Zaalbar's skills lay in physical combat, and a strong constitution. Zaalbar was a dedicated warrior and fighter, able to wield a number of weapons including melee weapons, such as vibroblades, to the weapon called the bowcaster, which was favored by Wookiees. Dangerous when angered, this was demonstrated by Zaalbar’s choice to tear a chunk out of the arm of a Gamorrean slaver who was keeping him prisoner with his bare teeth.[2] Zaalbar was also a strong guardian, protecting the young Mission Vao in the Undercity of Taris. Zaalbar's strength was also evident from his ability to easily pick up foes, as he did with those who were attacking him when he first met Mission. He was also able to do this on Tatooine, where he was able to pick up Tusken Raiders.

In terms of abilities of construction, Zaalbar was capable of making grenades for Revan and his party, doing so on numerous occasions. His personal possessions included a custom-crafted bowcaster and later, the sacred Bacca's Ceremonial Blade after the Wookiee rebellion on Kashyyyk. In terms of linguistic skills, Zaalbar was able to understand the languages of Basic, Twi'leki, Huttese, Ithorese, and Shyriiwook, though only able to speak the latter due to the limitations of Wookiee vocal capabilities.

( Optional )


A son of the Wookiee Chieftain Freyyr, Zaalbar was born on the Wookiee home planet of Kashyyyk prior to the Jedi Civil War. Zaalbar's tribe came under the attention of numerous slaving organizations across the galaxy, such as the unscrupulous Czerka Corporation. After Zaalbar discovered that his brother, Chuundar, was making deals with slavers to sell Wookiees to them, he went mad with rage and attacked Chuundar. During the fight, Zaalbar broke an important Wookiee code and used his claws as weapons. Though Chuundar survived the attack, Zaalbar was consequently branded a madclaw and exiled from his village, Rwookrrorro, and Kashyyyk as a whole.

During his exile, Zaalbar traveled to the planet Taris. Upon his arrival, the Wookiee got into trouble in Taris' Lower City; a few gang members of the Black Vulkars, a swoop gang of Taris, began trying to fight the lone Wookiee. Although Zaalbar did not allow himself to be goaded into fighting, a young Twi'lek orphan, Mission Vao, who was observing the altercation, believed Zaalbar to be in danger. Vao attacked one of the Vulkars, but he knocked her down. Big Z retaliated by grabbing the Vulkar who had done so by the throat, scaring the others off. After that, Zaalbar and Vao became inseparable, traveling everywhere together. Zaalbar's strength allowed Vao to gain physical protection against swoop gangs and local thugs, while Mission's abilities to break open locks, as taught to her by her brother Griff, were able to benefit the Wookiee. Zaalbar and Vao then affiliated themselves with the Hidden Beks, a gang based around the swoop racing sport popular on Taris at the time.

When the amnesiac Jedi Knight and former Sith Lord Revan served on the Republic ship Endar Spire, the ship came under attack by the forces of Darth Malak, the Dark Lord of the Sith. After the Sith forces overpowered the Endar Spire, and the Republic was forced to call an evacuation order, a multitude of Republic escape pods fled to the planet's surface. One of the pods contained Revan and Republic soldier Carth Onasi. Upon landing, they searched the planet for Jedi Knight Bastila Shan. Shan was another refugee from the Endar Spire, and Shan was considered an important asset for the Republic in battles, due to her ability to use the Force power battle meditation. Zaalbar encountered Revan and his companion when Zaalbar was part of the Hidden Beks. Zaalbar and Vao first saw Revan in Javyar's Cantina. In the cantina, Zaalbar was scaring off a group of Black Vulkars who were harassing Vao.

Zaalbar and Vao briefly spoke with Revan upon first meeting him and his companion. Later, however, Zaalbar was captured by Gamorrean slavers, and taken to the Undercity sewers on his way to be sold on as a slave. Vao enlisted Revan's help to rescue Zaalbar from the Undercity sewers where he was being held. Revan proceeded to enter the sewers and subsequently attack and kill a number of the Gamorrean slavers, liberating Zaalbar from his confines. Zaalbar, during his imprisonment, had not been fed, and the only nutrition had received was when he had bitten a piece out of one of the arms of one of his Gamorrean oppressors. In the wake of his rescue by Revan, Zaalbar swore a life debt to the former Sith Lord, a Wookiee vow which meant he pledged his life to the protection of Revan. As a result, Zaalbar became a member of Revan's crew and joined him in his quest to find the Star Maps, maps that would lead to the superweapon called the Star Forge. Wherever Zaalbar went, Vao swore she would follow, so she joined Revan's party as well.

When Revan and his companions arrived on Kashyyyk—where Zaalbar's brother Chuundar had seized power from their father—Zaalbar was imprisoned by his brother for not honoring his exile as a madclaw. Revan learned that Chuundar had sold a number of his fellow Wookiees as slaves to Czerka Corporation, but only a few in the tribe knew this fact; the rest saw Chuundar as a great hero. Chuundar asked Revan to kill another madclaw Wookiee exile who had taken up residence in the Shadowlands, the dangerous area beneath the planet's trees, in order for them to be allowed to leave with Zaalbar. Revan, having seen in a vision the location of the Star Map on the forest floor, agreed, as he felt he would be able to search for the Star Map at the same time. After journeying to the Shadowlands, Revan and his companions discovered that the exile was Freyyr, father of Zaalbar and Chuundar.

Instead of killing Freyyr, Revan helped the old Wookiee retrieve Bacca's Ceremonial Blade, a vibrosword of great importance to the Wookiees, which had been embedded in the skin of a terentatek beast. Freyyr then led a revolt against Chuundar and Czerka Corporation, resulting in Chuundar being killed. In the wake of Chuundar's death, Freyyr resumed his position as chieftain of the tribe, giving Bacca's Ceremonial Blade to his son, Zaalbar. This indicated, in Wookiee culture, that his son would succeed him as chieftain. Zaalbar accepted this gift, but told his father that he had to honor his life debt to Revan, and follow him on his quest around the galaxy. Zaalbar told his father that he would return to Kashyyyk when their quest to find the Star Maps was complete, and the Star Forge destroyed.

After the Star Maps led them to the uncharted planet Lehon, Carth Onasi was able to give the location of the Star Forge to Republic Admiral Forn Dodonna. Dodonna brought her ships to Lehon, triggering the Battle of Rakata Prime. Zaalbar, Revan, and the rest of Revan's companions had been led to Lehon after finding Star Maps on the planets of Dantooine,Tatooine, Manaan, Korriban and Kashyyyk, with the maps directing them toward Lehon in order to find the Star Forge. A team of Jedi alongside Revan and his companions, including Zaalbar, boarded the Star Forge. Under Sith resistance, including that of the captured Bastila Shan, who had turned to the dark side and was aiding Malak, Revan's party eventually reached Shan and redeemed her. Subsequently, Revan defeated and killed Malak, before destroying the Star Forge. Following the destruction of the Star Forge, Zaalbar attended a ceremony on Lehon were Revan was awarded the Cross of Glory by the commanding Republic officer Admiral Forn Dodonna.

Friends: Mission Vao, Revan, Bastila Shan, Carth Onasi

Enemies: Malak's Sith Empire, Czerka Corporations

Species: Wookie




Final Smash:
Character Name: scott pilgrim

World or origin: scott pilgrim vs the world

Personality: funny, friendly, tought fighter

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Pilgrim-_Scott_Colours_by_Zubby.jpg.993f60f16048c059e438d0452bbe7f35.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140703" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Pilgrim-_Scott_Colours_by_Zubby.jpg.993f60f16048c059e438d0452bbe7f35.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): light

Powers/Special Abilities:

Defult b: spin kick (basciky does a ryu hurican kick)

Side b: summon power of love(summons the sword the lies within him and chages his basic combo i to using the sword and hitting side b again throes the sword, and the dueflt b changes to a energy slash)

Down b: gutair shock wav(plays his gutiar making a shock wave)

Up b: flying upercut (bascily looks like marios up b)

( Optional )


Friends: symbiot samus (tag partner 1), ken masters (tag partner 2)

Enemies: any one who is in the dark side


Likes: rocking kn his gutiar, hangingwith romna flowers (girlfriend)

Dislikes: evil exes


Final Smash: green yeti (summons a giant yeti that slides across the screen knocking foes off the ring)

Character Name
: symbiot samus

World or origin: marvel comic/metriod

Personality: pretty much the same as normal samus, can be a little insane sometimes

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb7be4a17_Comm_SamusxSymbiote2_by_upshdragoon.png.147bb9a66c8d2b36eb6cdf2958a479d9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140708" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb7be4a17_Comm_SamusxSymbiote2_by_upshdragoon.png.147bb9a66c8d2b36eb6cdf2958a479d9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): light

Powers/Special Abilities:(

Deefult b: head wip (whips the tendril thing on the back of her head and kocks her foe back

Side b:web shot (shots a wbe thst sill stun the oppenet)

Down b dive kick*will slide kick or dive when in air)

Up b: web line*will shoot a web and is Ble to climb it to recover*

( Optional )

Backstory: just samus with a symbiot

Friends: scott, ken masters

Enemies: any dark side characters

Species:symbiot and human

Likes: fighting, hanging upside down, wall crawling

Dislikes: evil symbiots, dark side people


Final Smash: symbiot wave(bascily thst move were venom suit sumons parts of the suit but with lots of teeth*

Character Name: ken masters

World or origin: street fighter

Personality: upbeat and serious

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Kenclean.png.649fcdac90514b2a8643e6ef88496ace.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140710" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Kenclean.png.649fcdac90514b2a8643e6ef88496ace.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): light

Powers/Special Abilities:


Up : shoryukun

Down: fire kick

Side: tatusmaki senputiuk

( Optional )


Friends: scott, symbiot samjs

Enemies: dark side

Species: human

Likes: fighting hanging with friends

Dislikes: losing, geting beat by an evildoers


Final Smash: strert fighter 5 critcal arts (i forft the name)

I hope its ok i rp as 3 characters



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Character Name:

Shu Saura

World or origin:

Earth (destroyed)


Shu is acting like a big brother. He tries to protect everyone, even if it means he could die, but doesn't want that others give their lives to save him. He can get angry easily, but doesn't shows it. Even if he seems to be nice, he's a sadist when he loses control. He tries to don't kill the enemy when he notices that he could change the side, but mercilessly kills when he knows that the enemy can't turn good.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/17238.jpg.5d6fdccaff1a4d1259475a01c5121c54.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145551" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/17238.jpg.5d6fdccaff1a4d1259475a01c5121c54.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Powers/Special Abilities:

《¤××××[Lord's Might\\\\\\\》

Shu is very strong. He can damage Steel with his fist. But this power takes the ability to manipulate Mana. That's one of the rules of the Lords.

《¤××××[Moon Burst\\\\\\\》

Air obtains Mana and Anti-Mana. When you concentrate on one Mana or Anti-Mana particle, you would be able to charge energy into this place. Mages are able to charge this Mana without concentrating. But Shu can't use Mana, even if he's a Mage. He's able to use the Anti-Mana in the air and charges it into his sword. His Sword starts to glow Red when it's fully charged. When it's fully charged, he can blast a Blood Red, Crescent like Energy Blast at his enemy. Very destructive.

《¤××××[Emperor's Blow\\\\\\\》

A forbidden move of the Lord of Darkness. Shu obtained this move after obtaining the Power of the Lord. Shu charges his Stigma (Life Force) and charges it into his sword. His Sword is surrounded by Black Flames when it's fully charged. After it's fully charged, he only needs to move his sword and a great blast of Black Flames crashes into anything towards him. As said before, he needs stigma. With every use, he shortens his life (1 year per use). The Flames can reach a heat of 750 degrees.

《¤××××[Anti-Mana Manipulation\\\\\\\》

《(Dark Magic)》

After Shu lost the ability to Manipulate Mana, he soon found out that he's able to manipulate Anti-Mana. He started to train and is now able to use Grey Fire, which is able to poison the enemy, and Black Lightnings, which aren't as strong as normal Lightnings, but several times faster.




His Sister


A Group named "Kobayashi" and Pleiades: a Sword Fighter who uses Anti-Mana and normal Mana


Embodiment of Darkness and Might/Human


His Sister, friendly people


to kill without any reason, Ice Cream


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/K-1840.jpeg.db1235df8b6ae27986064e4bb6368f19.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145554" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/K-1840.jpeg.db1235df8b6ae27986064e4bb6368f19.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Final Smash:

《<>====[][Release of Damokles\\\\\》

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/latest.png.1453ceed03873bd6c5078710458474c7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145555" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/latest.png.1453ceed03873bd6c5078710458474c7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

When Shu rages out, Mana around him turns into Anti-Mana and he transforms, revealing his power given by the Lord of Darkness and Might, Damokles. In this Form, he's able to create Gigantic Arms out of Black Flames and he's able create nearly everything out of Black Flames. But he needs a enormous amount of Anti-Mana to stay in this mode. That's why he uses Stigma to transform Mana into Anti-Mana. He stays in this mode as long as he's awake. You need to knock him out.



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Character Name:light brown

World or origin:earth (105) (death note)


Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-26_22-34-53.jpeg.98162762ec5a3df228a144e851175933.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145743" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-26_22-34-53.jpeg.98162762ec5a3df228a144e851175933.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ):other

Powers/Special Abilities:(death note)(cannot die)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-26_22-31-59.png.2a2043dd25655635965a476ad9326d3c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145742" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-26_22-31-59.png.2a2043dd25655635965a476ad9326d3c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>-how the death note will work

if you write a character name in the death note they will die

-you will need to know how to spell there name right

-what that character version will look like (so they will not kill all versions of batman)

-(you can also write how they will die, what actions they do before they die)

can write when they die as long as it cannot past there normal lifespan

-if they write a death that cannot happen they will die of heart attack

-if your character survive me writing there name in the death note(cause of deaths will not kill them)

they are now immune to the death note

you can rip page out of the death note and the page will still work(the death note will never run of paper)

-write his own name in the death note will die in the year 2096

by heart attack

basically my person cannot be killed

he can still be captured,hurt,feel pain, thrown into a pocket world,etc

(the reason why if your name is written in the death note you cannot die any other way)

-other then what i written above my person is normal human

( Optional )

Backstory:none yet,


Enemies:L(L Lawiet)


Likes:killing corruption,green apples,

Dislikes:L,corrupt people,


Final Smash:none he is a normal guy



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dwarfking1999 said:
Character Name:light brown
World or origin:earth (105) (death note)


Appearance:View attachment 322782

Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ):other

Powers/Special Abilities:(death note)(cannot die)

View attachment 322781-how the death note will work

if you write a character name in the death note they will die

-you will need to know how to spell there name right

-what that character version will look like (so they will not kill all versions of batman)

-(you can also write how they will die, what actions they do before they die)

can write when they die as long as it cannot past there normal lifespan

-if they write a death that cannot happen they will die of heart attack

-if your character survive me writing there name in the death note(cause of deaths will not kill them)

they are now immune to the death note

you can rip page out of the death note and the page will still work(the death note will never run of paper)

-write his own name in the death note will die in the year 2096

by heart attack

basically my person cannot be killed

he can still be captured,hurt,feel pain, thrown into a pocket world,etc

(the reason why if your name is written in the death note you cannot die any other way)

-other then what i written above my person is normal human

( Optional )

Backstory:none yet,


Enemies:L(L Lawiet)


Likes:killing corruption,green apples,

Dislikes:L,corrupt people,


Final Smash:none he is a normal guy
(Imagine writing link and his basic description. All the timelines collapse xD )
"I am the man..... who's gonna be the Pirate King! Shishishishishi.."


Character Name
: Monkey D. Luffy

World or origin: One Piece

Personality: Luffy has a very bubbly and friendly attitude, that usually earns him many allies. He will go to extreme lengths to protect those who he considers friends. However, when he gets serious, he is a master battle strategist, with prodigious skill in battle. Outside of battles however, he is very stupid, as he never received a formal education. He does not believe himself to be a hero, because heroes have to share meat. Speaking of meat, he LOVES it.

Appearance: (Look up)

Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Neutral Good

Powers/Special Abilities: He has a body that can stretch like rubber due to his Devil Fruit, Gomu Gomu No Mi, which he uses for a variety of different attacks.

As he has so many attacks, only their names will be written:

  • Gomu Gomu No Pistol
  • Gomu Gomu No Rocket
  • Gomu Gomu No Gatling
  • Gomu Gomu No Rifle
  • Gomu Gomu No Bazooka
  • Gomu Gomu No Stamp
  • Gomu Gomu No Axe
  • Gomu Gomu No Spear
  • Gomu Gomu No Whip
  • Gomu Gomu, No Storm

Gear 2

Luffy increases his speed exponentially by stretching his heart muscles and blood vessels. His body begins steaming while using this Gear.

  • Gomu Gomu No Jet Pistol
  • Gomu Gomu No Jet Bazooka
  • Gomu Gomu No Jet Rifle
  • Gomu Gomu No Jet Gatling
  • Gomu Gomu No Jet Stamp
  • Gomu Gomu No Hawk Gatling
  • Gomu Gomu No Hawk Pistol
  • Gomu Gomu No Hawk Rifle
  • Gomu Gomu No Red Hawk

Gear 3

Luffy blows air into his arm to enlarge his limbs, which he uses to cause massive damage.

  • Gomu Gomu No Gigant Pistol
  • Gomu Gomu No Gigant Bazooka
  • Gomu Gomu No Gigant Rifle
  • Gomu Gomu No Gigant Thor Axe
  • Gomu Gomu No Elephant Gun
  • Gomu Gomu No Elephant Gatling Gun
  • Gomu Gomu No Grizzly Magnum
  • Gomu Gomu No Thor Elephant Gun.

Gear 4

Luffy coats his body with Haki, and then enlarges his body by blowing air into his muscles. This form is immensely fast and incredibly strong. Its rubberness makes it near immune to both blunt attacks and sharp attacks.

  • Gomu Gomu no Kong Gun
  • Gomu Gomu no Rhino Schneider
  • Gomu Gomu no Culverin
  • Gomu Gomu no Double Culverin
  • Gomu Gomu no Leo Bazooka
  • Gomu Gomu no Kin Kong Gun

Busoshoku Haki

Busoshoku Haki allows the user to use their spirit life force to create an essense of an invisible armor around themselves.Similar to Tekkai, this Haki allows the user to defend against attacks that would otherwise cause them harm. Significant physical force can still overcome this defense; for example, Luffy struck Boa Marigold hard enough with Gear Secondtechniques that it sent her reeling.

Kenbonshoku Haki

Kenbunshoku Haki, also known as Mantra (????????Mantora?, literally meaning "Mind Rope") on Skypiea, is a form ofHaki that allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally.

Haoshoku Haki

Haoshoku Haki is a rare form of Haki that cannot be attained through training. Only one in several million people have this ability. This type of Haki allows the user to exert their willpower over others. It is said that whoever possesses this type of Haki has the qualities of a king.

Final Smash: King Kong Gun!

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Character Name: Miles Edgeworth

World or origin
: Earth

: Cold hearted, terrifying, deadly, logical and calculative...

but underneath that.... a man lost in his own past self, who is loyal in his own beliefs and friends



Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other )
: Lawful Neutral

Powers/Special Abilities
: "Chess logic" Set moves, "courtroom" set moves

"Chess Logic" Set moves:

-the queen

takes most of his energy away but is his most powerful attack other than the final smash. summons a queen chess piece which attack relentlessly at the enemy for 10 seconds before disappearing

-the bishop and the rook

takes less energy, spawns a rook and a bishop which appears far away but suddenly rams each other to the opponent, considered a sneak attack per say

-the knight

takes considerable energy, a guard move which protects miles as two knights stand beside him. knights will sacrifice themselves to protect miles from harm from all sides

-the pawn

takes little energy, spawns a weak but multifunctional pawn which either can defend miles from one hit or attack the enemy landing one hit, only lasts 5 seconds before disappearing



miles takes a stance and has invincibility for 10 seconds but is unable to attack, vulnerable for 3 seconds after it ends to any attack


miles opens his palm to the direction of the opponent as a translucent red shield appears, lasts for 10 seconds


miles shows a paper from his suit as a huge burst of wind goes too the opponent, knocks down the opponent but does no damage

-updated information

all attacks from the enemy is repelled for 1 second, doesnt work on final smash

-judge slam

a gigantic silhouette of the judge appears and shouts with a booming voice "PENALTY" while slamming down his gavel, knocks down both miles and the opponent but only affects the opponent in damage

Backstory:Miles Edgeworth

: Phoenix wright, Larry butz, kay faraday, dick gumshoe, not much anyone else unless you can get used and through his cold stare

: many, very uncountable

: Human

: tea, chess, logical thinking, perfection, friends and of course.... the law itself

: enthusiasm, excitement, earthquakes, pollen, coffee

: ... meh

Final Smash


Miles points his finger and shouts "OBJECTION!", an explosion towards the direction of his pointing his finger would happen next destroying anything in it's path. well almost everything. the attack will drain all of his energy meaning he only uses this as a last resort. the damage would be massive, being able to destroy even gigantic buildings.


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Character Name: Seth Chama Shield

World or origin: Silver City (Universe I created... originated from several roleplays). The creation of the character used aspects of Undertale (Represents the soul of Peservenence), Final Fantasy (Theme), Super Smash Bros for Wii U (Bits and pieces... crashed into Final Fantasy VII's battle theme), Dungeons and Dragons (Attack), and Fire Emblem Fates(Theme),

Personality: Talkative, charismatic, and kind. If you ask way too much about his past, though, he becomes very quiet and gruff


Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): Neutral

Powers/Special Abilities:

  • Elemental swirl: Spinning like a vortex (kinda like ROB's side special/spamming Falco's standard attack in SSBB), he creates a real vortex of his height made of white fire and white lightning with him in the center, which he can control for a short period of time. Deals low but continuous damage at all angles. This vortex can traverse through air (As in this is his attack to get back on to the arena).
  • Air punch: The longer Seth builds this up, the more powerful the shot becomes. It sends this large translucent fist thing that moves in a straight line and juggles anyone hit (knocks them back enough for the fist to hit the person again, which knocks them back and makes them get hit again). Each person it attacks can be juggled four times. The longer Seth builds this up, the more damage it does. Large knockback.
  • Soulknife: Seth creates two mindblades from his mind, which act as a held weapon. The mindblade looks like a shortsword and is the same size as a shortsword, other than the fact that it is a blazing transparent red sword. While holding this, Seth gets different attacks. If he ever wants to revert back, all he has to do is drop the blade. The blade will automatically disappear upon being let go. If someone is in the way on top of Seth when this attack is used, they will be knocked back with a set knockback (medium, recoverable type)
    Thundering slash: Seth uses the mindblade to stab hard and fast at the enemy. If he misses, he gets off balance. If he hits, it does massive damage and large knockback.
  • Rapid Slashing Charge: Seth charges forward, slashing like a maniac, and enhancing his strokes with white fire and lightning, doing continuous medium damage.
  • Uppercut: Seth does an uppercut, which makes him go a bit in the air. Medium damage to enemies, small knockback.
  • Offensive defense slide: Seth slides forward under the enemy's attack and deals medium damage. If the enemy isn't attacking, this does light damage. This also can be used to dodge ranged attacks, including up to Zelda's final smash if calculated correctly

[*]Trip: If successful, the enemy misses his or her attack and falls down momentarily. Using trip again deals very light damage.

( Optional )

Friends: Professors of the Circle (Go ahead and check them out in my signature. I assure you it is a Google Doc and not some buggy site)

Enemies: None, currently

Species: Human

Theme: Very tentative [media]

Other: "Chama" in Portuguese means fire... I don't know why I did that as his middle name

Final Smash: Seth opens out his arms to signal power, and his skin crackles with white electricity. His attack power, movement speed, and resistance to damage increases
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Character Name: Protoman

World or origin: Megaman Classic

Personality: Rebellious Independent Quiet Calm Collected

Group: Neutral

Powers/Special Abilities: Buster (including different kinds of shots) Shield (withstands most attacks, can transform into other utencils) dashing

Backstory: The first robot created by Doctor light that is capable of it's own choices. The older brother to Megaman.

Species: A Robot

---- 1/3 characters ----
Character Name: Miro

World or origin: Pokemon [Game: X/Y]

Personality: Mysterious | Cunning | loyal | Mature

Group: Light

Powers/Special Abilities: Same as greninja from the game.

Species: Greninja

also my artwork. Unable to link it as I'm a new member. just my deviantart account.
Emiya Shirou

People die if they are killed...
Emiya Shirou

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/668352_emiya_shirou_full_553894_by_lady_n_gentlema_by_yellowflash1234-d8xygn3.jpg.5c4d463cccef8b6c627c044e78b7560f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147001" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/668352_emiya_shirou_full_553894_by_lady_n_gentlema_by_yellowflash1234-d8xygn3.jpg.5c4d463cccef8b6c627c044e78b7560f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

World or origin: Fate

Personality: Due to the trauma he suffered during his childhood, Shirou has a constant emptiness in his personality and suffers from tremendous survivor's guilt. He feels that, as the only survivor, it is unfair to the deceased to prioritize his own needs before those of others. He has a distorted sense of values where he only finds self-worth from helping people without any compensation, feeling that the very act “helping people” is its own reward. He believes it is highly unfair that some people survive and others do not.

Group ( Light/Dark/Neutral/other ): True Neutral

Powers/Special Abilities:

-Magecrafting : Summons Dagger and Swords in his hands,he can copy his opponents weapons.The better the weapons is,the harder Emiya will have to copy it.

-Raias : Summons a shield around him.


Final Smash: Unlimited Blade works : Allow Emiya Shirou to throw 5 huge swords at his opponents,dealing a extra electric shock waves.



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