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Fandom (MultI-Fandom RP) Smash Brotherhood


Two Thousand Club
- This is a super smash brothers role-play, but you're not limited to the characters in super smash bros, you pick any character you want! From any comic strip, book, series, video game, movie, TV show, cartoon, original character pretty much anything! ( Disney characters are very much encouraged! :D )

- If you decide to make an original character don't make them too overpowered. No specific limitations as of yet but try to use common sense to know if it's They should at least still be susceptible to pain.

- Villains and heroes can work together if you like. If you play a villain they can make them nice if they want and if they want a dark version of a good guy they can do that.

- When creating a character they can either be part of the smash brotherhood or the darkness, once in a group it is still possible to switch to another. More groups may be added later so if you'd like you may create your own group with your own team but take it up with me first ^^.

- All the good guys that are recruited into the " Smash Brotherhood " and are sent out to either recruit other characters and to destroy threats in other fictional worlds that either exist already or one that one of you have created yourselves.

- Original characters can live in a world that they've created or in an already existing fictional world as a random inhabitant for instance they could be Jokers's son or Mario's long lost brother or a random Zora from legend of zelda etc. etc.

- If you wish to role-play as a character that someone else is already roleplaying as, not to worry! There's lots of planets out there as well as multiple dimensions that are bound to have different versions of different characters! So feel free to role-play as whoever you like! I mean, who wouldn't want an army of Batmen walking around solving crime am I right? OwO

Them's the rules! :D

more may be created later but for now have TONS O' FUN!!!!


boy that was cheesy
@Trombone Geek @DemonGirl27

Across the multiverse, worlds lay divided, each with their own heroes and villains, planets to call their own, they're all there for a reason, playing their part in the pool that is reality, but sometimes there's a rift...and these worlds, collide~

Letters were delivered to the houses of all of the character's houses, it was a letter recruiting them into an organization called the Smash Brotherhood, when you signed your name on the dotted line, it would send you straight up to the Smash Brotherhood Base
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Pyro Freeze wrote her name on the dotted line, and soon finds herself at the base. She was frightened and yet curious about what's going on

Meta Knight had prepared him and Kirby for this moment, so when they signed up they knew they were ready to face any challenges that lies ahead
Lynx stared down at the letter she'd found laying at her side after waking up. She was a bit too unnerved at the moment to properly think. First of all, where the hell was she? Secondly, why couldn't she feel Kalamitat? Every trace of the demon was missing, and Lynx felt a tad empty.

Sighing, she focused on the letter again, trying to get her jumbled mind to understand the words written on it. Smash Brotherhood? So.. Did it succeed? The place certainly didn't look to different from the Homerealm, from what she could see. Lynx considered for a moment, and with a shrug moved to dig a pencil out of the bag by her side. Signing her name, Lynx almost screamed when she suddenly found herself transported to some random building.

"I gotta pull myself together.." she muttered, tucking the pencil behind her ear and rising to her feet. "Hello? Is anybody there?" she called, although she actually looked around the room soon after speaking. She caught sight of a few beings, two small and round--one was pink, the other was covered in dark armor--and one more human-looking, although the shifting color of the Chaos Drive reacted to the girl's aura of fire and ice. (Unless Lynx changed the element herself, which she does only in battle, she can use the Drive's reactions to gauge a person's magic type.)

"Um.. Hi?"

Kalamitat was practically dancing with joy. Already she'd run off and destroyed a few villages and even defeated a few heroes, watching them turn into a trophy before her eyes. She'd demanded one explain why this happened when they should've died, and he explained that Smashers were simply frozen in time when defeated. Kalamitat had then proceeded to kill him.

She was finally free! Lynx's mental state had always restricted the demon, even when she was in control of their shared body, and now that Kalamitat could feel the power coursing through her veins she felt invincible. Of course, she didn't let that convince her; she still knew she could be defeated.

"Lynx would throw such a FIT!" she announced to herself, practically giggling as she wandered the plainslands randomly. Before she could do much else, a letter fell from the sky, landing right into her hand.

"The heck is this..?" Kalamitat mused, reading the letter before snorting. Join the good guys, after fighting for them for so long? Nope! Instead, she burned the letter to ashes and continued wandering. Although she did feel a shred of guilt over abandoning Lynx, she was quick to stomp out such a human emotion.

is a detailed roleplay, or at least casual. I know I'm not the host, but a bit more that one-liners would be nice. Gives the other people in the roleplay something to work with.))
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Lynx stared down at the letter she'd found laying at her side after waking up. She was a bit too unnerved at the moment to properly think. First of all, where the hell was she? Secondly, why couldn't she feel Kalamitat? Every trace of the demon was missing, and Lynx felt a tad empty.
Sighing, she focused on the letter again, trying to get her jumbled mind to understand the words written on it. Smash Brotherhood? So.. Did it succeed? The place certainly didn't look to different from the Homerealm, from what she could see. Lynx considered for a moment, and with a shrug moved to dig a pencil out of the bag by her side. Signing her name, Lynx almost screamed when she suddenly found herself transported to some random building.

"I gotta pull myself together.." she muttered, tucking the pencil behind her ear and rising to her feet. "Hello? Is anybody there?" she called, although she actually looked around the room soon after speaking. She caught sight of a few beings, two small and round--one was pink, the other was covered in dark armor--and one more human-looking, although the shifting color of the Chaos Drive reacted to the girl's aura of fire and ice. (Unless Lynx changed the element herself, which she does only in battle, she can use the Drive's reactions to gauge a person's magic type.)

"Um.. Hi?"

Kalamitat was practically dancing with joy. Already she'd run off and destroyed a few villages and even defeated a few heroes, watching them turn into a trophy before her eyes. She'd demanded one explain why this happened when they should've died, and he explained that Smashers were simply frozen in time when defeated. Kalamitat had then proceeded to kill him.

She was finally free! Lynx's mental state had always restricted the demon, even when she was in control of their shared body, and now that Kalamitat could feel the power coursing through her veins she felt invincible. Of course, she didn't let that convince her; she still knew she could be defeated.

"Lynx would throw such a FIT!" she announced to herself, practically giggling as she wandered the plainslands randomly. Before she could do much else, a letter fell from the sky, landing right into her hand.

"The heck is this..?" Kalamitat mused, reading the letter before snorting. Join the good guys, after fighting for them for so long? Nope! Instead, she burned the letter to ashes and continued wandering. Although she did feel a shred of guilt over abandoning Lynx, she was quick to stomp out such a human emotion.

is a detailed roleplay, or at least casual. I know I'm not the host, but a bit more that one-liners would be nice. Gives the other people in the roleplay something to work with.))

Pyro Freeze looks over as well as Meta Knight and Kirby, Kirby was the first to greet her as he ran over happily with delight and waves his little arms around in a joyfull manner. He looks up at her and tilts his head a bit, "Poyo?" He asks. Meta Knight joins him and pats his head before looking at her, "Hello.....I see your new here to? I'm Meta Knight and this pink ball of happiness is Kirby." Kirby waved his small arms around happily. Pyro didn't know if she should join but shuffles over anyways, and looks at the three fidgeting softly "I-'m Py-ro Fr-e-e-ze..." she stutters out her name not use to meeting new people. She looks around a bit wondering where they could be, but she just decided to wait on asking such a question
DemonGirl27 said:
Pyro Freeze looks over as well as Meta Knight and Kirby, Kirby was the first to greet her as he ran over happily with delight and waves his little arms around in a joyfull manner. He looks up at her and tilts his head a bit, "Poyo?" He asks. Meta Knight joins him and pats his head before looking at her, "Hello.....I see your new here to? I'm Meta Knight and this pink ball of happiness is Kirby." Kirby waved his small arms around happily. Pyro didn't know if she should join but shuffles over anyways, and looks at the three fidgeting softly "I-'m Py-ro Fr-e-e-ze..." she stutters out her name not use to meeting new people. She looks around a bit wondering where they could be, but she just decided to wait on asking such a question
Soon some doors opened up and Pac-Man walked out with a smile on his face, " Kirby! Aww how long's it been? About a year? I missed you buddy! " He then walked over to Meta Knight and nodded at him, " Man, the roundies are back together! The circular trio us guys~! " he smiled up at Pyro Freeze and Lynx, " Oh good, we got a newbie! Hey, Robbie! Round up the boys would ya? Fill them in on why they're all here! "

A cute robot chugged out of the doors, " Sorry we could not greet you sooner, we're kind of in a tough spot you see. The reason we're making the Smash Initiative once again is because of the most recent villain breakout. Not your everyday villain, I mean we can deal with maybe one all powerful deity but imagine all the most powerful final bosses coming together and conspiring against us. That's what this is... Hopefully all of our old members return to the force as well as any new guys who we pray join us. Mario's dealing with some serious business down in his universe, but we sent Megaman and Dog and Duck to the scene to help him out or not. "

It wasn't long before Mickey Mouse walked into the room, " Hello, thank you ROB for briefing them on the situation, so you're probably wondering what you're here to do. Well we got two types of missions here, we got Purification missions and Recruitment missions. Purification missions are for traveling to other worlds and getting rid of the bad element, and the Recruitment missions are for getting new people to join the Brotherhood. "
sgtmickey said:
Soon some doors opened up and Pac-Man walked out with a smile on his face, " Kirby! Aww how long's it been? About a year? I missed you buddy! " He then walked over to Meta Knight and nodded at him, " Man, the roundies are back together! The circular trio us guys~! " he smiled up at Pyro Freeze and Lynx, " Oh good, we got a newbie! Hey, Robbie! Round up the boys would ya? Fill them in on why they're all here! "
A cute robot chugged out of the doors, " Sorry we could not greet you sooner, we're kind of in a tough spot you see. The reason we're making the Smash Initiative once again is because of the most recent villain breakout. Not your everyday villain, I mean we can deal with maybe one all powerful deity but imagine all the most powerful final bosses coming together and conspiring against us. That's what this is... Hopefully all of our old members return to the force as well as any new guys who we pray join us. Mario's dealing with some serious business down in his universe, but we sent Megaman and Dog and Duck to the scene to help him out or not. "

It wasn't long before Mickey Mouse walked into the room, " Hello, thank you ROB for briefing them on the situation, so you're probably wondering what you're here to do. Well we got two types of missions here, we got Purification missions and Recruitment missions. Purification missions are for traveling to other worlds and getting rid of the bad element, and the Recruitment missions are for getting new people to join the Brotherhood. "
Kirby squeals with delight and hugs Pac Man happily, "Poyo Poyo!" He smiles happily glad to see his old friend again before seeing R.O.B and Mickey Mouse. He runs over to R.O.B and hugs the robot glad to see him again smiling to see all his friends before looking at Mickey Mouse and tilts his head not remembering him before.

Meta Knight chuckles watching Kirby before nodding at the robot and Pac Man, "I see....what are we up against this time? Though whatever it is......I bet its stronger than the last villian we have ever faced..." He rubs the back of his head sighing "But of course me and Kirby are up to saving the day again, huh.." Kirby nods.

Pyro Freeze smiles and nods, "I...may not know much about the last villian.....but........I am happy to help however I can. I knew something must of been happening when I recieved the letter, but I am up for whatever challenge there may be." She said cofidentely, not wanting to let her teammates down
DemonGirl27 said:
Kirby squeals with delight and hugs Pac Man happily, "Poyo Poyo!" He smiles happily glad to see his old friend again before seeing R.O.B and Mickey Mouse. He runs over to R.O.B and hugs the robot glad to see him again smiling to see all his friends before looking at Mickey Mouse and tilts his head not remembering him before.
Meta Knight chuckles watching Kirby before nodding at the robot and Pac Man, "I see....what are we up against this time? Though whatever it is......I bet its stronger than the last villian we have ever faced..." He rubs the back of his head sighing "But of course me and Kirby are up to saving the day again, huh.." Kirby nods.

Pyro Freeze smiles and nods, "I...may not know much about the last villian.....but........I am happy to help however I can. I knew something must of been happening when I recieved the letter, but I am up for whatever challenge there may be." She said cofidentely, not wanting to let her teammates down
Pac-Man glanced at Mickey and smiled back down at Kirby, " Oh that's right, you might not remember him, but he was the leader of another powerful organization, he's like our Mario! They got together a few months after we had split up when the U-prising ended. Mario had assigned ROB, Game & Watch, and Duck and Dog to watch over the base and be the Smash Brotherhood while everyone else returned to their home. I volunteered to stick around as well as I don't have a very interesting world to be honest. Pitch black with glowing blue mazes, and ghosts that chase you aren't very good company. Too bad I don't live in that new dimension we found on my radar, there I think I'm a teenager and Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde are my friends. It's a lot more detailed than my place I can tell you that. Anyway so Megaman and I were the only other two to volunteer so the six of us would drive around and get rid of smaller villains in the cosmos, we've gotten into a few scrapes but nothing too intense that we couldn't handle with just us around. A few months ago Mario told us that he was doing some interdimensional diplomat work and he became friends with Mickey over here. Mickey has a similar thing going on in his dimension, he has his own army of fighters like us too. So now we had to watch over his place as well but with his help things were going smoothly. That was until we came across Dimension M part of Mickey's half of the place, Megaman had mentioned it once or twice but what we saw was pretty crazy. That place is full of villains, some of them small time and others pretty intimidating but the biggest baddest one is named... "

ROB rolled up to a giant screen " Galactus...he's massive, he eats planets just for fun! The dimension is full of heroes as well, but we need some help recruiting them all you know? "
Kirby listens to them as they explain it to him, but he just tilts his head with an arm rubbing the back of his head "Poyo?" he didn't seem to grasp the concept yet. But went with it anyways and he hugs Pac Man again and squeals happily glad that he is okay.

Meta Knight chuckles, "Don't worry Kirby....you will understand sooner or later." He was amused at the little guy, before looking at the screen and walks up besides ROB reading Galactus's information. "Hmm....I feel like the villians back in mine and kirby's world..will soon join in, and even more stronger forces will be at work. How many heroes have been recruited so far?" He asks looking at ROB.
DemonGirl27 said:
Kirby listens to them as they explain it to him, but he just tilts his head with an arm rubbing the back of his head "Poyo?" he didn't seem to grasp the concept yet. But went with it anyways and he hugs Pac Man again and squeals happily glad that he is okay.
Meta Knight chuckles, "Don't worry Kirby....you will understand sooner or later." He was amused at the little guy, before looking at the screen and walks up besides ROB reading Galactus's information. "Hmm....I feel like the villians back in mine and kirby's world..will soon join in, and even more stronger forces will be at work. How many heroes have been recruited so far?" He asks looking at ROB.
Mickey puts his gloved hands in his pockets as he sighed, " Well, all my guys are busy dealing with stuff on their planets so either we go to help them solve their problems faster or we just take we have now and stop villains in empty worlds or worlds without warriors. So far we're branching out to a universe with other heroes and villains of it's own but while observing that world we managed to find one of their villains stowing away in our furnaces, some kind of clown or something, Game & Watch is downstairs doing some therapy on the guy, he's real powerful despite not having any real super powers, he's so crazy, Mr.Game & Watch is the only one he can relate with for some reason. "

Meanwhile downstairs buzzes and beeps sounded out as Game & Watch reasoned with the guy, a raspy voice and a very haunting laugh sounded out and echoed through the halls. " He's a real piece of work that guy but if we can convince him to work with us then we'd have made a powerful ally "

Pac-Man bent down and began to rub his cheek against Kirby with a big smile on his face, " Aww! You wanna pair up with me little buddy? I'm on my way down to one of the different universes! It takes quite a bit of juice to go to the worlds farther out there so we might need to go on power missions and get a source of energy for our base to move us from place to place, for now I think we can go on a recruitment mission! It's a real quirky world like yours Kirb~ Wanna come with? Meta Knight what about you? "
Kirby squeals with delight rubbing his cheek against his back and nods happy to join him, nodding happily "Poyo! Poyo!" He speaks jumping up and down excitedly waving his little arms around Meta Knight shakes his head, "Not this time old friend....I will stay here in case any new members show up. Though do keep an eye out for Kirby will ya? Currently he has a tendency to run off...." He chuckles
DemonGirl27 said:
Kirby squeals with delight rubbing his cheek against his back and nods happy to join him, nodding happily "Poyo! Poyo!" He speaks jumping up and down excitedly waving his little arms around Meta Knight shakes his head, "Not this time old friend....I will stay here in case any new members show up. Though do keep an eye out for Kirby will ya? Currently he has a tendency to run off...." He chuckles
Pac-Man gave a hearty thumbs up, " Don't worry about a thing my masked bro! I'll make sure me and Kirb stick closer than a big yellow pizza and a pink marshmellow! " he took Kirby's stubby arm and guided him to a teleporter, it wasn't long before a beam of light warped them to another world.

Pac-Man opened his eyes with his big ol' smile on his big golden mug, " Yo Kirb! Wanna ride on ol' Pac's back? As my cute lil' Back Pac? " he bent down and allowed Kirby to climb on, he stood back up as he rubbed his chin, " There's a few noteable heroes we need to grab here Kirby. " The world around them looked very colorful and strange but the most noteable thing was the giant buildings made out of candy. Pac-Man's eyes got real big and shiny as he gazed upon the glory that was the candy village, " H-Hey Kirb, wh-what do you say we stop by there, any self respecting hero would be there. You know what I'm saying? There is th-the place where the there people are! There is There! Let's there to the th-the the there! " he said as he began to tug on Kirby's arms a bit so he could hold on better, he picked up the pace toward the kingdom, " Just a bite wouldn't hurt right? " He saw some litter and kicked it up into his glove, " A stray piece of paper? " he chucked it in his mouth and he looked toward Kirby, " K-Kirb! The trash is also candy, this is made of sugar!!! " He found a crushed can, he ate that and he laughed giddily, " That tasted like pop rocks! " he opens a trash lid and saw tons of chocolate, vanilla, and cakes. " Where's my manners, here I am hogging all the food when my pink compadre is up here starving! Dig in bro! " he gently picked him up and placed him in the trash can, " Yeah, how is it? " It wasn't long before a kid with some strange headwear and his dog companion walked across the street. " Hey Jake, who's the new guy? And why is he dumping his baby in the trash? " Pac-Man looked up, " Oh! It's the heroes we're looking for!!! " the boy raised his hand, " That's me. "
Kirby held on as best he could looking around at the oh so colorful and lovable place, he squeals when he was put down and started to enjoy the taste of candy sucking it in with delight enjoying the sweet taste of candy. He started to smell something so declicious, his mouth waters wanting to get a taste as he squabbles off to go follow the smell squealing waving his stubby little arms around happily going away from Pac Man and the kid
DemonGirl27 said:
Kirby held on as best he could looking around at the oh so colorful and lovable place, he squeals when he was put down and started to enjoy the taste of candy sucking it in with delight enjoying the sweet taste of candy. He started to smell something so declicious, his mouth waters wanting to get a taste as he squabbles off to go follow the smell squealing waving his stubby little arms around happily going away from Pac Man and the kid
The orange dog's arms stretch out towards Kirby's direction, " Woah man! That gumball toddler is running away! " Pac-Man turned around and morphed into his basic pizza form and sped through the city following Kirby before catching up with him and poofing back into his smaller anthropomorphic and landed down by Kirby. He snatched him up and looked at him with concerned eyes, " Wo-o-o-o-oah~ Little dude don't go wandering around without me Kirb! " an orange foot stretched over a couple candy buildings and the body attached to it slid down and it turned out to be the dog, " Yo man, you shouldn't be losin' your children all willy nilly like that! Marshmellow kids are especially sensitive to the elements. " Pac-Man blinked and placed Kirby back on top of his head to sit down, " O-Oh no, I'm not a candy person, or a gumball or anything! I'm a hero like you guys and this little ball of fun is Kirby! We're adventurers like you who are on the side of justice! " Pac-Man's nose shivered, " hmmm....hey lil' guy! Leave it to the guy with an actual nose to scope out the food ;3 I've been in the eating business since the 80's let the old timer take the lead! Hey you guys, why don't you come with us? We get in some pretty crazy adventures me and him! "
Kirby squeals continuing to follow the smell before stopping to see Pac Man stop him, he squeals as his little feet wiggle around in excitement as he sat on his head. Though he was still hungry, as his stomach growls softly while he listens in they're conversation. He watches holding on, smiling happily like nothing happened. Kirby soon sees something in smoke and goes to follow the smoke, "Poyo! Poyo!" he says running off to go check it out
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Lynx grinned, waving back at Kirby. "I'm Kenzi, but you can call me Lynx," she replied; with her own introductions out of the way, she immediately turned to Pyro Freeze. "Nice to meet you, Pyro! Is it okay if I call you that? I hope you don't mind!" She stepped to the sidelines and watched as Pac-Man and R.O.B. entered the room, and the latter briefed them on the situation. All of the villains..?

A worried frown crossed her face. Zacharias, one of the many antagonists in her universe, hadn't exactly died, after all.. His spirit lingered, and had driven the previous High General of the Shadow Realm crazy. Would he turn out here? She hoped not; someone with his level of manipulative power would be a bad match to the
adorable members of the Smash-verse.

She listened quietly about the villain Galactus, but was privately distracted by her own thoughts.

"Is there anything I'm needed for?" Lynx finally asked, after the area had grown quiet.
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[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Lynx grinned, waving back at Kirby. "I'm Kenzi, but you can call me Lynx," she replied; with her own introductions out of the way, she immediately turned to Pyro Freeze. "Nice to meet you, Pyro! Is it okay if I call you that? I hope you don't mind!" She stepped to the sidelines and watched as Pac-Man and R.O.B. entered the room, and the latter briefed them on the situation. All of the villains..?
A worried frown crossed her face. Zacharias, one of the many antagonists in her universe, hadn't exactly died, after all.. His spirit lingered, and had driven the previous High General of the Shadow Realm crazy. Would he turn out here? She hoped not; someone with his level of manipulative power would be a bad match to the
adorable members of the Smash-verse.

She listened quietly about the villain Galactus, but was privately distracted by her own thoughts. As the pink ball that had been introduced as Kirby ran off, Lynx was quick to notice the smoke. Cautiously, with the originally shifting colors on her Chaos Drive turning a red, flame-like color, she followed.

( Kirby and Pac Man are in a different universe now btw but great post
[QUOTE="Trombone Geek]Lynx grinned, waving back at Kirby. "I'm Kenzi, but you can call me Lynx," she replied; with her own introductions out of the way, she immediately turned to Pyro Freeze. "Nice to meet you, Pyro! Is it okay if I call you that? I hope you don't mind!" She stepped to the sidelines and watched as Pac-Man and R.O.B. entered the room, and the latter briefed them on the situation. All of the villains..?
A worried frown crossed her face. Zacharias, one of the many antagonists in her universe, hadn't exactly died, after all.. His spirit lingered, and had driven the previous High General of the Shadow Realm crazy. Would he turn out here? She hoped not; someone with his level of manipulative power would be a bad match to the
adorable members of the Smash-verse.

She listened quietly about the villain Galactus, but was privately distracted by her own thoughts.

"Is there anything I'm needed for?" Lynx finally asked, after the area had grown quiet.

At the Smash Base...

ROB rolled and whirred up to Lynx, " You seem troubled...if there is a problem you should tell us now so it doesn't bite us later. " It was then that Mr.Game & Watch slid his way up the stairs making soft beeping and buzzing sounds as he did. The 2-dimensional creature had a bulletin board in his hands with many papers covered in notes. Mickey turned to the robot, " How's he doing? " Game & Watch shrugged and made a ringing sound.

Back at the alternate dimension

Pac-Man raised his arms in the air as he took off chasing Kirby again, " Aww come on, you gotta work with me here! " the weird hat wearing boy pointed at Kirby, " After that marshmallow boy Jake! " The dog's arm stretched out and onto Kirby's head, the rest of his body followed but his tail was still planted in the spot where he came from. " Hey guys, let's not put a leash on this guy, let's try it reverse style! " his tail tied itself into a lasso and split up and harnessed both Pac-Man and the kid. They began running with Kirby instead of chasing him. " Let's follow Kirby, I wanna see where he takes us! Ya hear that Kirby? You're the leader :D "
Kirby gave a small childish salute before leading them towards the smoke, as they could see it clearly. When they arrived, he noticed destruction was happening everywhere where the smokes lead. He looks at them with a serious face as if saying they should split up into groups and take them down as it covers more ground like that then having his childish smile again.

Meta Knight watches and sighs, he looks back at the screen with a thoughtfull look 'Where have I seen that name or heard of it before? This is starting to not make sense..' he thought as a hand rested on his sword's handle. The sword could sense his confusion, but didn't want to act out on it just yet
Lynx shrugged. "There's a chance a really bad guy could make an appearance. Even more powerful than Galactus, in some ways.. He's a master of manipulation and could have the enemy under his thumb in a moment's notice.. He almost destroyed my home world, and even drove one of the most powerful soldiers mad." She didn't mention his name, feeling as if saying it could summon him here in an instant.

A dark mist surged into the room, swirling into a single, tall figure standing just behind Lynx. "No need to call so loudly. I'm already here." Lynx barely held back a scream as she leaped away, whirling to face him. She had been one of the few human Heroes called up to face him, and even then she'd almost died.

Zacharias was smiling, with a menacing look in his eyes, but suddenly it vanished to be replaced with a friendly grin. "No need to act like I'm some evil guy, Lynx! But, thanks for helping me keep up appearances. How've you been?"

A mist clouded over Lynx's mind. She remembered this; it was the same terrifying feel Kalamitat had once described, although then it was simply the aura radiating from Nikki's mind when she was going insane. Instead of reacting with hostility like she wanted to, she found herself smiling as well. "No problem, Zach," she replied amiably, against her will. There was no difference about her from before. "And I've been pretty good myself. Just joined up with these people here, called the Smash Brotherhood." She cast a glance at R.O.B. "Think he could join us, too?"

"That'd be great! If it's all okay with you, of course," Zacharias added, his gaze dropping to the floor as if he was embarrassed with his outburst.

(Note that Zacharias can only do this mind control stuff with people from the Home Realm, because their souls are linked there just like his.)
DemonGirl27 said:
Kirby gave a small childish salute before leading them towards the smoke, as they could see it clearly. When they arrived, he noticed destruction was happening everywhere where the smokes lead. He looks at them with a serious face as if saying they should split up into groups and take them down as it covers more ground like that then having his childish smile again.

Meta Knight watches and sighs, he looks back at the screen with a thoughtfull look 'Where have I seen that name or heard of it before? This is starting to not make sense..' he thought as a hand rested on his sword's handle. The sword could sense his confusion, but didn't want to act out on it just yet
The boy nodded, " I'll go with Jake! " the dog shook his head as he slumped over Kirby, his soft fur pressing against him, " Nah bro, I'm going with this pink little psycho right here! Squishy bros! " he pat your head and shrunk down as he turned into a small little dog, " Go! "

The boy and Pac-Man started off to the sides of the town until it got so blurry you couldn't see them anymore. Jake pat Kirby's head, " You sure are squishy! "
Bandanna Dee was in quite a bit of a sticky situation at the moment. He'd just been walking around Cookie Country, minding his own business and thinking about a letter he had received earlier, when all of a sudden he had begun being chased by a quite angry horde of Waddle Doos! He had no idea why they were angry, all he did know is that there were a lot of them and they kept zapping him with their beam every time they got close enough! Making a quick on the spot decision Bandanna Dee dove into a bush, watching the Waddle Doos charge straight past him without even noticing that he was no longer straight in front of them. Now seemed like as good a time as any to sign his name on that letter! Good thing he'd brought it with him! He quickly signed his name on the dotted line just as the Waddle Doo horde turned back to look for him, and was gone in a flash. Wait, where even was he now? This place didn't look like anywhere else on Popstar... Bandanna Dee was actually quite scared at the moment, and wondered what in the world he'd gotten himself into.
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sgtmickey said:
The boy nodded, " I'll go with Jake! " the dog shook his head as he slumped over Kirby, his soft fur pressing against him, " Nah bro, I'm going with this pink little psycho right here! Squishy bros! " he pat your head and shrunk down as he turned into a small little dog, " Go! "
The boy and Pac-Man started off to the sides of the town until it got so blurry you couldn't see them anymore. Jake pat Kirby's head, " You sure are squishy! "
"Poyo!" Kirby exclaimed happily with the choices, walking with Jake. When Jake squishes Kirby, he flailed his little hands as he looks at Jake with a small childish smile though he felt a bit uncomfortable with other people patting his head than Pac Man and Meta Knight

Meta Knight sees the villian before at the new comrades, he was surprised to see Bandanna Dee here but then thought about the dee's that King Dedede use....he shakes his head before walking up two the new people and introduced himself. "Hello you two...Welcome to the Smash Brotherhood Base. ROB will fill you both in on the accuring events, currently two of the smash brothers are on a recruiting mission at the moment but we haven't heard any progress recently. And if you both need to know, my name is Meta Knight and this is my sword Galaxia.." He shows the two his sword before putting it away
Bandanna Dee silently stares at Meta Knight with a confused expression on his face. Why had Meta Knight reintroduced himself to him? Bandanna Dee already knew Meta Knight. Had Meta Knight forgotten about the Magolor incident, or was he just introducing himself for the other person's convenience? Oh who cared. Bandanna Dee wandered away, intent on exploring this strange new location.

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