Kabochamp OSWonder @Matt l ttaM HighSanguinaryPriest @revior NewAgeBlack @Feyrie
Hello! So... it seems the RP has caught the dreaded RP Bug! Whoops! I appreciate those of you who have managed to keep up thus far but it seems we have slowed down to a dead stop. As it almost seems like an inevitability for all RP's I'm going to be pretty relaxed about it. But I do want to know who here would still like to be committed to the RP so we don't have to stick around and waste time waiting? As mentioned, I don't need a solid reason for a stop, just a notification for it. So yeah, please do let me know if you're staying on, or think you no longer have the inspiration to carry the story on. There will be no hard feelings, I just don't like to be kept waiting for no reason.
Sorry! Still here also! I'll try to get something up either today or tomorrow!