Most Exalted moments in movies.


Ten Thousand Club
A buddy of mine brought up a scene from a movie the other day that really hit me as a wonderdul bit of Exalted type badassery.

Sub par movie, great scene: Chronicles of Riddick.

The scene is in the supermax prison (cant remember the name), and Riddick kills a guy with his metal tea cup. I just thought, wow. Dawn Caste.

Anything that got you guys thinking Exalt?
V for Vendetta. When V faces off with bag guy...but yeah, freaking sweet. "My turn."
The original StarGate movie when the old man whose name escapes me raises his staff and suddenly the dunes are lined with very angry people. Yeah it wasn't a moment of Exalted power, but a lone man raising an army to cast down those that would play as gods is very Exalted.
Very end of Kung Fu Hustle where the protagonist did the Buddhist Palm Descending From Heaven attack - if you ask me I think you could say he Exalted somewhere towards the end of that fight, and since he was trying to be a Heroic Mortal he didn't know how to channel the Essence required for the attack, even though he'd been "trying" to learn it for some time.

Of course lets not leave out some of the really good fight scenes throughout the movie.
K: "Okay, I want to combine our warstriders. I pick up the smaller one and jam it on top of mine."

ST: "... You know what fine, roll your Essence, I know there's no way your Int+Craft:First Age is higher than that. Take some bonus dice for sheer audacity."

S: "Shouldn't I get to help? I am part of the combination."

ST: "FINE, roll the same."

K: "I'm gonna channel my Valor to boost my dice."

ST: "Sure, whatever."


ST: "I... but..."

Either that or "I'll rush with the giant mech, launch out the moon sized one when I get stopped, then launch the normal one, which subsequently throws its head at the BBEG". TTGL is my favorite. :lol:

Er, wait, you said movies, didn't you...

Then probably that one interrogation scene from Batman Begins.


Excalubur, 1982.

arthur is skewered by evil son with a spear. He procedes to use the spear to pull himself towards his mortal enemy (pulling the spear further through his body) and stabs the guy with his sword. Effing awesome.

Oh and Patrick Stewart is always cool.
Kingdom of Heaven examples:

Guy, fucker that he may be, was a fine manipulator, note his power play to get into the Kingship from Sibylla. Especially in the extended version.

Tiberius' awesome presence powers in court.

Balian's knighting of the Men at Arms, total Presence and Performance. Then his calvary charge with his few men toward the Muslim calvary.

Saladin...well, 'nuff said.

Also, the King of Jerusalem. His whole role.
Agreed, that was a very epic and Exalted movie.

Very much agreed on the King of Jerusalem. 'So what if I've screwed my con, and have a horrible wasting disease, I am still the King, and you are going to follow...or step out of my way.'
Wolveine butchering Magneto's mutant followers in the forest in X3: When the guy based on Marrow from the commics stabs him with both bone spikes, causing wolvie to get even more pissed off and well, 'nuf said. Dead mutie.
Seven Swords is full of all sorts of Exaltedness. But I have a particular soft spot for the shield wielding Abyssal look alike. The blades, the throwing, the decapitation - just screams Abyssal. As do all the bad guys. And all the good guys. Yeah. Seven Swords. The whole movie is Exalted.
How could I have forgotten the movie Hero starring Jet Li?! That movie is packed from beginning to end and dripping with Exalted goodness; hell even the storytelling to the emperor was Exalted.
- Most of the Matrix trilogy combat scenes (but Burly Brawl on top !)

- The whole Forbidden Kingdom movie

- the final battle from the 13th warrior

- the big fight between wolvy and Striker's men in the beginning of X2 (as well as the opening scene with Nightcrawler).

- the king in Curse of the Golden Flowers (that man screams Zenith).
OMG, the 13th Warrior. An entire cast of guys who make Antonio Banderas look like a short, scrawny, weakling. ^_^ om nom nom nom beefcake.

I'll be mocked for this, but - Reign of Fire. Specifically where Van Zan and his badass axes jump onto the Dragon's back.

Actually, that whole movie was awesome. Silly, but awesome. Also, while we're on the subject of Christian Bale, Equilibrium. All the fight scenes in that movie were gorgeous. Gun-Katas!
I thought I was the only person that enjoyed Equilibrium. :)

The Swordsman series staring the man himself, Jet Li. He uses every different asian sword style through the course of the movies, from the nodachi to the chinese straight sword.
jademonkeytechnique said:
I thought I was the only person that enjoyed Equilibrium. :)
The Swordsman series staring the man himself, Jet Li. He uses every different asian sword style through the course of the movies, from the nodachi to the chinese straight sword.
I can't believe I forgot about Equilibrium and it's shear awesomeness.
I'll take you up on Swordman.
Nor I. Equilibrium is pure, concentrated awesome. Only person to enjoy that film? PFAH! I say....

jademonkeytechnique said:
I thought I was the only person that enjoyed Equilibrium. :)
The Swordsman series staring the man himself, Jet Li. He uses every different asian sword style through the course of the movies, from the nodachi to the chinese straight sword.
I can't believe I forgot about Equilibrium and it's shear awesomeness.
I'll take you up on Swordman.
Ok, I mistyped. There is Swordsman 2 or The Legend of the Swordsman (english video title) staring Jet LI *as Ling Wu Chang, 1992* I think this movie is often lumped into the ONCE UPON A TIME IN CHINA series, which is completely seperate, but has some of the same actors. In Once upon a time in China, Li's character is Wong Fei Hung, which is also the Chinese title of the movie.

Anyone who plays exalted (or just loves wuxieu movies) that hasn't seen the Once Upon a Time in China trillogy should go to a video rental place worth its salt or look it up on netflix and rent these movies NOW.

Go IMDB!!!! I can't believe how much of my martial arts movie lore has failed me.
I liked Kill Bill, for the most part, except there was SO MUCH TALKING. The fight scenes were amazing. The dialogue was witty, but there was waaaay too much of it. This was especially true in ep two.

Maybe I just have a typical American attention span, but for chrissakes, you don't need a long, detailed soliloquy EVERY GODDAMN TIME Mrs. Kiddo locks eyes with some random gangster.

:roll: Maybe every other time.

But, aside from that, excellent movies for sure.
If you have that complaint about Kill Bill I expect you're not much of a Tarantino fan, because all of his movies share that quality.

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