Video Games Most disturbing moments in Video games you have played.


The lord of shipping
We all had those moments in Video games which honestly scared us or disturbed us. I would like to what experiences the people of the internet have had. Here I'll start.

Fire emblem fates: Every bit of backstory to Nohr I mean my god the idea that all of Garons wives and children tried to kill each other out of Jealousy. That's not even the end of it but I think if I mentioned everything this would be an Essay instead of a post.
Mmm, I'm a weak one. I don't play Fallout or anything, but there are a couple moments in Undertale that caught me off-guard. So, HUGE spoiler alert if you are planning on playing it sometime in the future.

From least to most disturbing, in my opinion -

4. When you go into Alphys's basement in the Pacifist Route. *Shudders*. The dark ambiance of the place, combined with the strange monster amalgamates down there just makes a very creepy moment in the game. Very unexpected. Especially when you encounter Endogeny - a dog made up of several other dogs. But with only an empty hole for a face. It vibrates the farther you get into the battle, as the music gets more intense. The music being strangely off-key barks in a choir of horror.

3. When you reach the end of the Neutral Route. The main villain, Flowey, obtains the six Human SOULs. Right after he does this, the game completely blacks out, crashing. After you reload the game, you are set in a completely black environment, in which you can only walk upwards towards a save point. When you inspect it, it reads 'Flowey. LV 9999, 9999:99. My World.'. His face proceeds to burst through, destroying the UI. There are a few lines of creepy dialogue, before he reveals his true self. I'm not going to describe this... Thing. Here it is, in all its horrendous glory.


2. Of course, the Genocide Route. There are a couple of points that just made me 'Nope' away from the computer. The first one being right after you get out of The Ruins, and to the snowy land outside. As you kill more and more monsters, the music slowly becomes more distorted, and lower pitched. When you finally enter Snowdin, the music is just... A deep echo. Nothing more. The entire place, deserted. Those cheery characters you've seen in the other routes? Gone.

1. And finally, at the end of the Genocide route. The very end. After the final battle. Flowey is killed off, and you're left with a blank screen. After a few moments, another character shows up. A child in a green-yellow striped shirt, red eyes, and a big smile with rosy cheeks. They give some creepy dialogue, and ask you if you wish to erase the world or not. If you pick 'erase', they say that you'll be together forever, and that you're a great partner. And if you choose not to, they tell you that you weren't the one in control of that decision, and proceed to jumpscare you. Either way, the game crashes right after, in a glitchy sort of way.

If you reload the game after that, it shows up blank. The sound of wind being the only sound you hear. Nothing happens. You can restart the game, still nothing. It doesn't even say 'Undertale' at the top of the window anymore. Nothing happens, at least until you wait about 5-10 minutes. After that little wait, some text pops up asking you questions about why you are still there, if you so badly wished to destroy the world of Undertale. And after a few moments, it makes a 'compromise'. You give the game your soul, and it returns back to normal. The only thing different being that at the end of the Pacifist Route, it gives you a... Friendly reminder of the horrible things you did in the Genocide Route.

Yep. This game has ways of getting to you. O.o

Sorry for the heavy spoilers!! You can hardly breathe on the game without being spoiled on some point or another.
I found Justine (side-story from Amnesia the Dark Descent) very disturbing when you start understanding the plot. Especially the ending. The main game had quite a lot of disturbing moments too.... Still, a good one!
Resident Evil.

I can handle the zombies and shit... it was the sharks. As someone with a phobia for these guys, realizing that they populated a section of the game pretty much had me panicking and losing my shit. I couldn't continue the game after that.

Also.. Banjo Kazooie with their version of the sharks. Fucked me up as a kid. No lie.
The Broodmother encounter in Dragon Age Origins.

The creepy chanting throughout the area builds tension and the final encounter really makes it one of those "This thing actually disgusts me and it should be bloody dead." moments.
Oh the Brood mothers. Wondering how terrifying it was for people who didn't know those existed at the time.
Oh, the final boss in Earthbound! I wasn't prepared for how creepy it is.

At certain points it seems to be begging you not to kill it (or to put it out of its misery?). Also, it looks like a creepy face in a fetus and was apparently inspired by the creator witnessing what he thought was a rape scene in a movie as a child.
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I think the most disturbing moment for me was the Halo CE with the Flood. Anyone who has played the game knows what part I'm talking about.

When Chief walks in the room after all this build up to the moment only to find an empty in. With quiet, tension filled music before suddenly you have hundreds of them coming towards you. Damn scary.
That and one of the endings of Undertale.
The whole ending of Inside the plot itself once you put two and two together. Life will never be the same ;-;
Honestly don't know how Undertale spooks people out.

I've seen some down right messed up stuff in video games, but almost nothing tops the flat-out jaw-dropping revolting/insane/ridiculousness of this scene from Konami's Silent Hill 3. The heroine Heather, in a refusal to end the world, pukes up a fetus of a god. The villain, Claudia, snatches the bloody, quivering abomination and shoves it into her mouth, swallowing it whole. Nice going Claudia. The damn monster was just repelled from its original host with an anti-demon solution and you decide you can give birth to it by eating it. Sure enough, the birth process doesn't go particularly well.
Dark souls 3

STABBING HER/HIM (depends on your char's gender) IN THE HEAD FOR THE EVIL ENDING!!!
Going through various Fallouts (Mostly 4's terrible Automatron addon) and reading about the creation of the Robobrains.

A lot of times, it was people freaking out that they couldn't see, or feel, but still kind of messed up to read.

Actually, a lot of notes saved on terminals are pretty screwed up like that.
Most disturbing part in any game I've ever played would probably be in Spec Ops The Line. I'll spare the details as I don't want to spoil the story. But it's the Refugee Camp scene. Those who have played it know what I'm talking about. Great game.
SOMA was disturbing horribly.It's and horror game base on how the humanity fail because of a technology call "WAU" as Simon Jarets objective is to launch the last members of the humanity into space.

It show that in reality,we can only create a copy of yourself.Which means each copy of us are exactly like before,but we just are a clone leaving the old one behind to keep moving (In a scene in the game,the "old" us is keep lock in a room.You can eitheir decide to kill "Yourself" before he wake up or run...) This scene disturb me the most.
Onomatopoeia said:
Most disturbing part in any game I've ever played would probably be in Spec Ops The Line. I'll spare the details as I don't want to spoil the story. But it's the Refugee Camp scene. Those who have played it know what I'm talking about. Great game.
I don't know about that scene, since I only played the demo of the game, but it was quite disturbing to watch the city buried in sand.
Also, another game that I wanted to add is Crysis 2, where in one of the levels you can find random "dots" on the Tactical Mode that are actually dead civilians, telling you how they died.

And also that level where you're in the metro station, with the infected civs and a lot of Cephs.
Syra said:
The whole ending of Inside the plot itself once you put two and two together. Life will never be the same ;-;
Honestly felt like I'd experienced something profound once I'd finished it. Superb game.

As for disturbing: Silent Hill's mirror room.

I still...I...fuck that game.
For anyone here who's played 999, (ZE fans? No?) how about that Safe Ending? I played that game two years ago, and it still gives me chills.
Since I just got Spec Ops: The Line, I have two words:

White phosphorus.
That was an extremely unsettling experience.
Hey back for another. I just experienced this so this really fresh in my head. The haunted mansion from Dust an Elysian Tail. The music is unsettling with sounds such as the floor creaking and footsteps being heard time to time. It's one of those cases where you wish some sort of scare would happen just to fill the void.
Keeping it Bioware in here the Dead Reaper in ME2 is downright spooky.

The logs scattered around document the indoctrination of the research crew by a being that no longer has the will to direct them, instead the people simply lie down on the 'Dragon's Teeth' and allow themselves to be turned into the Husks that rush you throughout the mission.

That and it makes you fight two Scions at once. That was just a dick move.
Goatman said:
Oh, and the infamous Sonic drowning. That music still creeps me out.
That was the reason why I never got past the stages with water when I was little, because I was afraid that I would be discouraged and/or frustrated by the drowning music.

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