Music Most Addictive Anime Opening Themes

Emperor Shadow IV

The Emperor of Shadows
So, I was curious to see what the community's response would be to their favorite and most addictive anime opening themes. Here's how this works - name your opening theme (or OP), the anime it's from, and post a link to it.

For me, there are a lot of fantastic OPs out there, filled with beauty, power, over-the-top cheesiness, killer riffs, and other epic stuff like that. However, if I were really to narrow it down to just one opening theme, I'd have to say it'd be Tank! from Cowboy Bebop. :D I just love the bass line in this song, and the jazzy horns are amazing. Both the TV cut and the full version of the song are fantastic.


My runner-up would have to be Sorairo no Days from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. This is one of those themes that just gets better as the series progresses, as more and more emotion becomes attached to it. The vocals really make this one though.


OPs away!

Mirai Nikki was my favorite anime for a while and I always thought the first opening was super cool and sounded great! :D
crystalmethod said:

Mirai Nikki was my favorite anime for a while and I always thought the first opening was super cool and sounded great! :D
That is a great opening, but man does that show give me the creeps. ^^'
DBZ Kai's 1st opening

Attack on Titan 1st theme

Fairy Tail 1st theme and ending credit theme
Tower Of Druaga , loved how it pretty much had little to do with the actual show so it really threw me off when first watching it for the first time after seeing trailers :o
[QUOTE="General Meow]Here's another awesome anime intro - Cowboy Bebop: The Movie.

Hell yeah.

Baccano! is another classic. It's a great brief introduction to all of the show's major characters too!


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Oooh, I'm glad this hasn't been posted yet. It doesn't fit the anime at all, but it's such a catchy opening.


Not exactly a series, but still an amazingly beautiful and catchy theme in an anime film:[media]

Some other anime themes that I love are "Ano hi Time Machine" from Natsume Yuujinchou, the Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun opening, the 1st Ranma 1/2 theme as well as "Zettai! Pt. 2", and the 1st opening of Nichijou (although the 2nd one is very enjoyable too).
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The first Attack on Titan opening is awesome too, as other people have said.
The Tokyo Ghoul opening is rather popular. I was also going to say Attack on Titan, but someone else already did! :P


I also remember my friend singing this waaaay to often in middle school


Since no one has mentioned it, AnoHana has a great OP


And I like Clannad:After Story's also



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