morti amano [Inactive]


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SongsofShadows submitted a new role play:

morti amano - Death's love, The world thought you were dead, they were right in their own way.

NOTE: This is a Romance, Sci-fi, Action RP!
You were called to a war, long ago. Centuries ago to be exact, the world cheered for your sacrifice and watched you leave with tears. You were the last chance to save the world from the strange race that started to settle in the sea. This race took resources, and life's of many humans in order to take a piece of this planet to call home.

What you didn't know was once you stepped on the war plane you were put asleep with advanced technology. Opening...
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Air, it was so thin Eva thought. It felt thick and yet so little would enter her lungs. Closing her eyes tighter she tried to focus on breathing. Was this a side effect with the liquid the scientists used on her? What was going on? Where was the noise of the machines? The voices of the scientists? There was nothing, no noise at all. Empty, and dead silence. The silence nerved her but yet relaxed her, maybe they were testing out something before fully waking her up. Creakkkk.... Eva was jolted out of her relaxed state and eyes opened. A gasp escaped her throat then grew into a scream. She was emerged into water, the whole room was dark. Her heart raced as she felt the sound waves come back at her with a painful pull and thrust. She tried to pull her arms up to cover her ears, but they were pined down with straps. How was she alive? How long was she in this water?

Finishing that thought she held her breath and looked around. It was the same metal medical room as she remembered it a few hours ago, or she thought was a few hours ago. It was dark and square of a room, she saw the drawers open with needles, scissors and medical bottles floating in the water. Turning her head she saw a man next to her on a table similar to hers. She closed her eyes and tried to remember who he was, it came up blank. Who was he? She froze, wait was he dead? She looked to his chest and felt relief. His chest was going up and down. Eva struggled in her bindings, she needed to get out of here and fast. Looking at her bindings she saw they were tied underneath the table, she cursed loudly and felt her ears winced at her volume. What was wrong with her? Pulling up on her bindings they wouldn't budge. Fear rose up in her chest, she would die by drowning. Her lungs burned as she felt her air supply would run short soon. No! she cried, she was here for a reason. She felt that in her chest, wait...why was she here in the room in the first place? Who was she? All she could remember was he name was Eva and that she was put in this room a few hours ago. What was going on?!
Michael woke to the high pitched sound of a woman's screams, "Eva!" he thought immediately although he could not recall why, "who is Eva?" he puzzled as he opened his eyes and tried to look around. He sat bolt upright, or at least he tried to, as the restraints across his chest and arms secured him firmly in place, biting into his skin as he struggled. He turned his head anxiously, scanning the room, trying to take in his surroundings. To his left he noticed a girl writhing on a table the same as his, looking at him with panicked eyes, unable to free herself from her bonds. The room was a mess not to mention half flooded, surgical utensils scattered the floor, lab coats and clipboards floated, the ink running down their pages making the writing unrecognizable. "How did this happen?" he whispered softly, he had only gone under anesthesia a few hours ago for the operation... but what was the operation for again? He couldn't remember, but he knew that only a few hours ago this room had been intact. Now the place was flooded, LED lights hanging by their wiring from the ceiling, sparking dangerously, there was broken glass everywhere, the only thing that seemed to still be intact were the tables that he and Eva were held too. He tugged at his restraints, testing and heard a small ripping noise from the restraint on his left arm. Encouraged, he pulled with all his force against it, the strap digging into his skin, threatening to draw blood. He felt weak, really weak, but not just from the anesthesia, it felt like he was skinnier, his muscle significantly less defined than it had previously been. Despite this, after much effort he felt the restraint on his arm give way with a loud tear. "Don't worry Eva, I'll get you out of there, just try and stay quiet, in case whoever or...whatever did this is still around" he said, trying to reassure her. He fumbled to untie his other restraints with his left hand, sat upright and lifted himself from the table, his legs gave way beneath him as he tried to stand and he fell down into the knee deep water. He felt a sharp pain in his leg as he hit the ground and as he lifted himself back out of the water, steadying himself with a hand against the table, he noticed a cloud of red pooling in the water from a wound in his leg that had been opened by a large piece of glass. He winced and gritted his teeth as he pulled the shard from his leg and hobbled over to Eva. "Who was this girl?" he thought to himself "How do I know her?", his mind flailed, trying to piece the puzzle together but he just couldn't make any sense of it. None of that mattered now, he couldn't figure that out later he realized, he looked deep into her eyes, seeing the fear and uncertainty there. "Are you okay? are you hurt? you know who I am or what is going on?" He asked her as he went to untie her from her restraints.
Eva could only stare blankly at him for a moment or two, searching her head for any clue to who he was. "N-no." she replied. She couldn't even remember why she was in this room. It scared her, her mind felt foggy and empty, like something was ripped right out of her brain. It hurt to try and think of a possible past she had. There was nothing, all she could remember the scientists calling her Eva and putting her in this room. She remembered a painful prick of a needle in her arm and then the agonizing pain of thick liquid going into her body system. Then it was dark, she felt like she was floating in the dark for what felt like hours. Until she felt herself struggle for air in the room was when she woke.

Breaking out of her thoughts she looked at the boy who was removing her restraints, he had a strong jaw and chin, wide shoulders and good body structure. She felt herself blushing as she stared at this attractive blond young man. She tore her eyes away before he would notice her staring at him. As she averted her eyes, she caught a hint of dark red in the water. Looking there she saw blood seeping out of a wound on his leg. "You're...hurt."
"Don't worry about that, we have to get out of here, not that I know where 'here' is..." he said to her dismissively, he finished untying her restraints and stood back up straight, standing over her. He placed his right hand on her cheek, almost instinctively as he looked into her blue eyes, brushing her fiery red hair behind her ear, she was so beautiful and he desperately wanted to reassure her, to tell her that everything would be okay, to fill in the gaps, but he couldn't. "It's going to be okay, we will figure this out" he said to her as reassuringly as he could muster through the nervous wavering of his voice "My name is Michael... and you are Eva, that's all I can remember...", he let out a frustrated yet stifled yell as he struggled against the confines of his mind to recapture who he was, what was going on and how he got here, but his efforts proved futile. His eyes scanned her fragile frame, taking in it's beauty, before realizing that he was being inappropriate, this girl had just woken up, had no idea who he was, was clearly frightened and here he was, completely stunned by her physique. "I'm..I'm sorry" He stammered, "it just feels like I know you... your important... I know that much, but it's like I haven't seen you for a life time"
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Feeling heat rise on her cheeks as she felt his eyes take in her body, for an odd reason it didn't bother her like it would if any other man would stare. Sitting up, she winced as her back complained as it stretched. It felt like it was laying on the cold metal table for days. "No, its..." Her voice came out weakly, her body still trembling from the earlier predicament that frightened her. "Its fine, Thank you for getting the restraints off me." Rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand, she wished in ways this was just a dream. The only good part of the dream was the handsome man in front of her, again looking up she put on a weak smile. She felt like she should know who this young man was, it ate at her. Surely she wouldn't forget a face, or a body structure like his in front of her. Draping her feet on the other side of the table, she let her bare feet touch the cold water. Shivering at the sudden chill running down her spine she pushed herself off the table and let her feet and legs into the water. A gasp escaped her soft pale lips as the water chilled her to the bone. The edges of her vision started to fade and she felt herself lean forward, she had gotten up too fast. Reaching forward she gripped Michael's shirt with both of her hands. Her hands rested right on his chest, heat rose on her cheeks as she felt the toned muscle underneath his shirt. "S-sorry." she stammered out. "I got up too fast." taking a step back she let go his shirt and looked around for an exit. "The door there..." she pointed to the large metal door to the left of the room. "Do you think its locked?" she asked and carefully made her way over. Looking down at her feet she made sure not to step on any broken glass. Once she got to the door she tried tugging and pushing on it. It wouldn't budge. Letting out a curse she bent down to look at the lock. She might be able to pick it, if she could find the right materials. "Hey...see anything to pick this lock with?" she asked still intently staring at the lock, as if it would just unlock itself with her stare.
Michael stared around room for anything that might help her. But what did you use to pick a lock? He had no idea, for that matter, how did she? He noticed some surgical implements scattered in the ground next to one of the tables, he went over to them, and upon picking through them found two long, thin, sturdy wire implements that looked like they might work. "will these do?" he asked looking up at her, it was strange to him that he couldn't stop staring at her... Here he was unaware of where he was or what the hell was going on, trapped in some sort of lab that he had woken up in, restrained, and he kept getting distracted staring at this beautiful woman and her equally stunning figure.

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Eyes lighting up as she stared at what he found. "Those will do just fine. Good eye." Standing, she made her away over to him. Her clothes now soaked from bending down to look at the lock that was emerged in the water, her figure even more noticeable as her clothes stuck to her skin. She reached out for his hand to take the items, then she noticed him staring at her still. "Is there something on me? Am I growing an extra limb out of my back or chest?" she asked, teasing him a little. A smirk played on her lips, clearly finding it funny and strange. She never felt a man stare at her like this for so long.
"I'm sorry" he said to her, confused and shocked by his inability to control himself, but looking at her gave him the feeling of something falling into place... Like he had been empty for such a long time but only realised now that he was full again. And the way her wet clothes clung to her body... Showing her figure and a tinge of the soft pink skin underneath enticed him. He pulled his gaze away from her, looking around the room as she presumably attempted to pick the lock on the door. All of a sudden, a memory burst forth from the locked tombs that were his mind and he used the wall to hold himself up, clearly staggered. He was in a large king bed with soft sheets, in a relatively large bedroom with faun walls and wooden furniture. Rolling over he noticed the figure lying next to him, a woman with red hair, and beautiful soft pale skin. He admired the curves of her body and hips, wearing nothing other than the sheet that draped her body accenuating her physique, he went to touch her, to run his fingers gently down the arch of her back, to pull her towards him, but the room began to shake, the walls to crumble, knocking photographs from shelves, objects tumbling everywhere. He heard a high shrill scream and then everything was black, he regained conciousness lying on the ground, half submerged in the water of the lab, with sweat on his brow and his heart racing furiously the world spinning in front of his blurry vision

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Eva turned her attention away as she heard Michael move strangely, She looked as she saw him falling forward. "Michael!!" she cried out, and scrambled to get to him before he would fall. Wincing as she felt something sharp lodge into her foot, she pushed the pain to the side as she went to Michael. She cursed as she didn't quite catch him perfectly. She did the best to hold him up, her hands underneath his arms she looked into his face, worry creased her brow. What happened to him? She eyed his wound on his leg, was he losing to much blood? "Michael," she called. Biting her lip she removed one of her small hands from his arm and felt his forehead. "Michael. Hey, you there? Stay together, I need you here." Her face was close to his, she shook under his weight, she wasn't one who was strong and could hold someone up if they were limp. Especially one with height and muscle, like him. "Shit, Michael seriously you need to lose weight you fatty." The words flew out of her mouth as if they were something she would say to him all the time. But, she didn't know him...did she?
He came too on a rather peculiar angle, slumped on the floor, he opened his eyes to see himself staring into Eva's. "what happened?" he asked as he regained control of his arms and took some of his weight off of the much smaller girl who was clearly struggling with his weight. "did you call me fat?" He asked giggling a little, unsure of why he found it so amusing.

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He thought back to what he had just seen, his mind straining to claw back the memories as they slipped back into the dark recesses of his mind. He sighed, pulling himself into a more comfortable position, resting his head against the wall. He had a huge head ache, it felt like his mind was throbbing against the inside of his skull. What were we going to do? He thought to himself. What can we do when we remember so little about who we even are?

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Eva watched as something was eating Michael inside out, worry reflected in her soft eyes. She knelt down to his level, wincing slightly as the motion of putting more weight on her wound. "Michael...." She said softly. "I have no idea why I called you fat, but it felt natural." A soft smile on her lips as she looked into his eyes. "Don't worry about the past, We need to worry about where we are and how to get out." She leaned forward and placed her hand softly on his cheek. She felt like she done something like this often, with this man. Getting up she went back, and started to pick the lock on the door. "I think I almost have it."
Michael pulled himself back to his feet, still slightly shaken from his vision. He shuffled over the door where Eva stood, fumbling deftly with the lock. "where do you think we are?" he asked her, looking around the room, trying to locate some sort of clue or hint to there whereabouts. He noticed an emergency evacuation plan hanging skewed on one of the walls and walked over to get a better look. He imagined that the highly detailed map would have been very helpful if he had the faintest idea if where he was located on it. Down in the bottom corner he noticed a small spherical symbol that he didn't recognised, with the acronym A.M.I written underneath. "American Military Institute: Genetic Enhancement Division" he murmured softly. He didn't have high hopes considering the circumstances in which he had woken up, but he didn't like the implications of that simple acronym... This was a government institute sure, but it was an experimental and secret arm of the operation that the general public weren't aware of, and there presence his here could only mean one thing. But what had they done to him? And what had happened while they were out that had caused the damage that surrounded them.

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Concentrating Eva worked on the lock, how in the world did she know how to pick on a lock but didn't remember anything about herself? Who was she if she could pick locks? Was she someone who picked them all the time? She hoped she wasn't a criminal and this was some strange cell they put in to test her. Deep in her thoughts she felt the click of the lock being turned. "I got it!" she exclaimed. She stood to her full height, soaked to the bone from shoulders down she shivered. "Shall we find out where we are, Michael?" she asked with an eyebrow raised in question with a light smile on her face.
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