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Multiple Settings Mors' Search for Active and Literate Partners (Fandoms and Originals)


looks may be deceiving
A Bit About Me

Hello! My name is Mors Ocsula, and you can call me Mors, Oscar, Oscula, or whatever your heart desires! I am twenty years old, twenty one, in November (if that matters) and am looking for partners 17+. I am a female although I play either genders. I am in currently in Central Daylight Time and am very active! I respond at least once a day, within a couple hours of my partner though I usually can respond much more depending on what is given to me! I rp third person, present tense, and I also a literate partner. My responses range from 2-9 paragraphs each, with at least 12 well written sentences in each paragraph, meaning I write about 300 - 3k words per response although I do try to mirror my partner. English is my first language, and I have a great grasp on the language and its grammar. This doesn't mean that my writing it perfect, but it's uncommon to find mistakes. I am more than willing to write with multiple characters also, whether it be doubling, or having more characters for fun! Thanks for learning a bit about me, now let's keep moving on!

What I Am Looking For

* An Active Partner (at least one response every other day or four a week)
* Someone Literate (at least 2 paragraphs per response and 600 words although I welcome more!)
* Someone who contributes ideas (I don't like to think of everything myself and am more than willing to hear some of your ideas)
* Someone who doesn't mind me dropping a meme or joke and OOC chatter every once in a while (not necessary, but I like to get to know my partners)
* Someone who reads these rules and puts 'cheese' somewhere in their message when they contact me (yeah, the rules aren't fun, but they are important)
* Someone who writes third person, present tense (I will make exceptions for past tense)

Fandoms I Like
(the more ! the more I like it)


* Ouran High School Host Club
* Vampire Knight !!
* Diabolik Lovers !!!!!
* Brother's Conflict !!!!!
* Uta No Prince Sama
* Dance with Devils !!
* Amnesia !
* Kamigami No Asobi !!!


* Boys Over Flowers !!!!!
* W !!!
* I Need Romance 1/2/3 !!!
* Good Morning Call !!!!!
* Heirs !!!!!
* Legend of the Blue Sea !
* Oh My Ghost !!!!
Mischevious/Playful Kiss !!!!

TV Shows

* Arrow !!!
* Flash !!!
* Vampire Diaries !!!!
* Outlander !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Game of Thrones !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (would love to create an entirely new OC universe as well as using the fandom, either or)
* Heartland !!
* Glee !!!!
* The Fosters !!!


* MCU !!!!! (would love to either create an entirely new OC universe or use the fandom)
* A Quiet Place !!!!!!
* Jurassic Park/World !!
* The Spectacular Now !
* To All The Boys I've Loved Before !!!!
* The Kissing Booth !
* Twilight !!
* Baywatch !!!!
* ANY Nicholas Sparks !!!!!!!!!
* The Maze Runner (solely based on first book) !!
*Percy Jackson !!!! (another one where we could create an entirely new OC universe or use Fandom)



* Fan/Celebrity
* Celebrity/ Celebrity
*Step Siblings
* Best Friend/ Best Friend's Boyfriend
* Best Friend/ Best Friend's Brother
*Sibling/ Older Sibling's Best Friend
* Betrothal/ Arranged Marriage
* Hunter/ Hunted
* Princess/ Prince
* Abusive Relationship
* Supernatural (vampire/demon/shifter) x Human
* Superhero x Superhero
* Superhero x Human
* Fake Relationship to Real
* Caretaker x Person in Need of Care
* Trainer x Trainee
* CEO x Secretary
* Best Friend
* Next Door Neighbors

One Line Plots
(Based on quotes, song lyrics, etc)

* "Say you hate me, just say anything"
* "I'm just an embarrassment to you! Nothing I do or say will ever be enough!"
* "The do it, pull the trigger and pretend like nothing we had ever mattered."
* "When I first met you, I was going to kill you."
* "If I stay here, I'm going to die. If I jump, I'm probably going to die. Damn, what did you get me into?"
* "With everything happening lately, I can't tell if you're real or not."
* "I hate you! I hate you for lying to me. I hate you for destroying our relationship! I hate you for what you did to me, and I hate you because I love you."
* "While looking into the face of death itself, I couldn't help but to grin."
* "If I die tonight, just know, that you're the one who brought me here."
* "Do you think that this is a joke because I don't. Life is not a joke."
* "I only want sympathy in the form of you crawling into bed with me."
* "No, you can't be real, there's no way. I created you."
* "I don't blame you for being you, but you can't blame me for hating it."
* "Keep smirking at me like that, and I'll shoot you. I'm not kidding, I really will."
* "I hate everything about you! Your hair, your eyes, your muscles, it all makes me want to vomit."
* "Don't be a dumbass. Hand over the sword before someone gets hurt."
* "Just because I've known you all my life doesn't mean I love you. I barely like you."
* "When they return, we'll be nothing but flesh and bone. Right now, I want to feel your flesh against mine."
* "The only abuse I go through is the fire you ignite in me."
* "You say you never want to see me hurt or in pain, but you cause more abuse than anything or anyone else in my life."
* "It's time to let me go and move on. If you love me, you'll do me this last favor."

Actual Plots

Returning Home
When a soldier returns home from active duty, he shares a joyful reunion with his significant other. Romance rekindles the moment the pair sets eyes on each other; for a time, it’s as if they never spent a minute apart, though it’s been several years since they’ve had more than a video chat to hold them over. The lovers are finally able to start building a life together and plan their fairy-tale wedding. Only, it doesn’t take but a few weeks for the soldier’s experiences abroad to start impeding their efforts. Gradually, he becomes listless and quiet. Sometimes, he’s eerily distant and angry without provocation. Saying that the adjustment to civilian living is more challenging than he first assumed it would be is an understatement. But the couple’s love is strong and neither is willing to give up just because there’s a few demons to fight.

Find Lost Love
P1 is annoyed when someone rings their doorbell late at night. When they answer the door, they’re even more annoyed to come face-to-face with their ex, P2. P2, typically smug and rude, looks panicked and makes a plea for P1's help. Bitter about the sour ending of their relationship by P2's fault, P1 is poised to slam the door shut in P2's face. Just before they can, a pint-sized kid peers out from behind P2's legs and asks to use the bathroom. P1 may loathe P2 but they aren’t heartless, so they let the child in and begrudgingly also P2. While the child is in the bathroom, P1 demands an explanation from their ex. P2 breaks down and explains that the child is theirs but they only recently found out. The kid was left at their door by their other parent and they’re freaking out because they have no idea how to raise the child, especially not alone. P2 came to P1 for help because they have no one else to turn to. P1 is sympathetic, mainly for the child, and only because of this does P1 agree to help.

Looking For Trouble
P1 is young and naïve, always looking for trouble. They finally find it with P2, an older, cooler type that they encounter somewhere they have no business being with their fake ID. P2 is attracted to P1 on a physical level, but once P1's age reveals itself, P2 lays down the harsh truth: they’re not interested in anything beyond a one night stand and they’re definitely not what P1 needs (and vice versa). Reluctant to let the opportunity to be with P2 slip away, P1 convinces P2 to take them home. Lust clouds P2's judgment and they let P1 spend the night. In the heat of the moment, when the chemistry is so obviously there, P2 says all the things P1 wants to hear. Once it’s all over, however, P2's attitude toward P1 hasn’t changed–but P1 doesn’t believe it’s a hopeless cause. Much to P2's dismay, P1 starts coming around to their place, hanging with their friends, finding little ways to push into their life in the hopes of showing P2 how good they’d be together despite their difference in age. P2 insists that their relationship will never be; yet P2 can’t help sending mixed signals when they continue to fall into bed with P1.

Taking You
He lived in the mansion right up the road and has lived there for over a hundred years. Everyone in the village knows that he isn't human. He's a demon from hell, a monster. A vampire. And every year, he requires that a woman, between the ages of sixteen and nineteen, be sent to live with him. If this requirement isn't met, he has no problem wrecking the town and destroying everything with fire as he has already done twice before. Nobody knows what he does with these women, but they know it isn't good because they are never seen again afterwards. To be summoned to live with him may as well be putting yourself to death. And now, it's her turn to protect those she loves even if it means sacrificing herself.

Only Choice
He was a vampire, a man who took pleasure in the killing of others. And he's learned to hide himself among the human world, changing and evolving as they did, leaving none of them wiser. He's lived several different lives, each differing greatly from the last, but his life now is by all means, his favorite. He's a very successful CEO of a business. He controls the world in his hands, and when a man owes him money, seriously in debt, the vampire, for once in his life, shows the man mercy and gives him two choices. He can go bankrupt and destroy his company, or he can give him his daughter. Once the choice is made, there is no going back.

Falling in Love with a Hero
He was basically the boy next door. He was sweet and kind and very generous and did whatever he could to help others. Despite his mother dying when he was young, he has always been a very happy boy. And he's always had a crush on his best friend. They've known each for years, and he knew from a young age that he was in love with her though he never voiced it. And then an accident happens, leaving him and other with powers. And he finds himself trying to balance saving the world and his best friend who has an interest in the hero he is.

Figuring You Out
Her village was at the complete worst it could be. Everyone was barely getting by, not able to enjoy life as they should be able to. Instead, they focused too much on getting through one day at a time. They barely have enough food, enough water, things to get them through the winter. How long would it be until their city collapsed? It was illegal to hunt on the king's land, but what choice did she have? She had to save her family and those she loves. When she gets caught, she runs into a man, whom she doesn't know is the prince. And they agree to meet up more, but what happens when she learns the truth of him?

Servant to the Prince
Her family was so far into debt, she found herself fearing that the king would have no choice other than to kill her father unless the debt be repaid. And she knows that she has to do something, not being able to live with the death of her father. So, she does the one thing that she knows can repay this debt. She turns herself in to be a maid, where she will work for three years. But the worst part is that she will have to work under the prince, a snobby and arrogant man who sees women as nothing but a toy. Will things stay platonic between the two?

Threat to the Throne
She was a threat to the crown, that much she knew. Her aunt had risen to power and became blind to anything around her, including the blood ties that she shared with her niece. Now all she sees her as is a rival, one she must rid herself of. So she banishes her from the castle, exiling her to never come back, expecting that enough will lead in her death. But when the queen learns that her niece lives, she sends a huntsman to go after her and bring her back so that the queen may slaughter her, herself. But on the long journey, can the huntsman be swayed?

Fall Through Time
It was just after the war. She'd been a nurse for six years, and now she had to grow accustomed to the life she lived before. She's married, and she's sees her husband again after only seeing him three times throughout the six years that they were apart. The couple decide that it was time for a vacation and head to a little inn. Her husband, loving history, learns everything that he can. When they go up to the stones to watch a 'witch ritual', she finds herself moving to the stones, curious of a plant. Afterwards, she looks at the stones and when she touches them, she feels herself getting knocked out, waking up in a world that is not her own, in a different time.

Comic to Reality
P1 spent years becoming famous off of the comic that they wrote about P2, a highly successful CEO who fights crime, in the night. P1 continues writing and when they fall asleep in their office one day, they wake to find that they have somehow entered the universe of their comic. And not being able to figure out how to escape, this is their life now, and they must learn to adapt quickly or die trying. And being found by their creation, P2, doesn't necessarily seem to help matters.

Dream Come True
P1 was obsessed with playing this game, obsessed with the character of P2 and their life. P2 was an alien, living a life on a distant planet, and P1 has found themselves wishing that P2 was a real person because of how in love they thought they were. And then everything changes. P1 watches as a beam of light enters their room, somehow shattering the tv and in its place leaves P2, in person. It's what P1 has always wanted, but they have so many questions, most of which have to be put on hold. P2 doesn't know anything about Earth life, not the language, not the food, nothing, and it's P1 duty to teach them.

Intense Kiss
P1 has had a crush on P2 for a long time, ever since their freshman year of high school. Now entering their junior year, P1 decides to give a love letter to P2, more or less, a heartless person, who doesn't care about other's feelings, who looks at it for a moment, not even reading it before rejecting it. The truth is that P2 is extremely intelligent while P1 isn't, per say, near as intelligent. P1 is heart broken, but when their house is destroyed in a tornado, P1 is forced to move into the house of their father's friends, which happens to be P2's house. At first, P2 makes it obvious that they don't like P1, but slowly P1 is able to break down their offenses until a kiss changes everything.

Behind Closed Doors
Being an up and rising star is difficult, not like anything P1 has ever imagined, but it doesn't stop them from completely loving it. They are a new model, dabbling a bit in acting and song writing. After being in a movie with a major star, their agent thinks it would be a good idea for the two of them to get together. It would increase their publicity, and although it takes some convincing, P2, a famous muscian and actor, agrees. They're both attractive and look great together. The only problem is that they hate each other, but even with that, they can't deny the fire that they share.

Harem Plots
(these plots involve one of us playing multiple characters against just one character in a love triangle. Example: Four or Five Guys to One Girl)

My Bully or My Savior

P1 transfers to a new, private school where a group of fours boys, known as the F4, reign. They are used to getting what they want, with the richest parents in the country, and don't mind making threats and forcing people if that is what it requires. No one ever talks back to them, but P1 is a strong willed girl, so when they pick on her friend, she feels she has no choice but to step in. Not backing down, she becomes their new target, but when she overcomes every task they throw her way, she proves to be different. She doesn't run away like the others would, instead sticking her ground, even if it means that she cries to herself. The group begins to fall for her, in their own way, until their bullying becomes something else entirely.

House of Vampiric Lovers
When her father died, she found that she only had one relative who she was able to live with, her uncle. And what she doesn't know, is that he is under a debt to a house of vampires, one that should he not pay, would lead to his demise. Hearing about her situation, he figures out a solution and sells her to the house, to be the new toy for the house of vampires. When she arrives to the house, not knowing anything about the arrangement, she feels completely overwhelmed because each boy, although related, is different, but one thing is the same. They want her, and they won't stop until she fully submits, despite what it may take.

Garden of Gods
The Greek Gods, as arrogant and annoying as ever, are getting worse by the day, and having enough of it, the all powerful witch strips their powers from them before casting them onto an island before sending one mortal girl along with them. She is pure hearted and must teach the gods what it feels like to be human. She has one year, and if she doesn't succeed then none of them will ever leave the island again.

A New Family
When her parents die in a car accident, P1, finds that she has no other family and is being sent to live with her godparents, halfway across the country. She may not like it, but it's her only choice. Upon arriving, she realizes that they live in a large house, on a beautiful farm with a pool and a trampoline and a barn. She loves it, but the only problem is that other than her godmother, she is the only girl living at the house. And each boy is treating her different.

New Fame
P1 is finally doing what they love most in the world, and it's writing. They write movies, tv shows, and songs, and have finally debuted and become very popular. Now, they have all kinds of celebrity clients, ranging from singers to actors, all of which who want to star in something that she's made. Among all of the new projects, she finds herself beginning to fall for all of the charming men, some of which she had crushes on before her name had become known. And with their fate in her hands, she can do anything.


A little bit of something for everyone, huh? This is a long thread, but I hope that there are many people that are interested in rping with me. Currently, I am looking for only seven rp partners because I want to be able to keep up with them and make sure everyone is getting the responses that they deserve. Now, this doesn't mean I can't have multiple rps at once though, with a single partner, because that is fine. I definitely had fun thinking of some of these ideas! Please make sure you have read my rules, and feel free to contact me via this thread or send me a little PM! I look forward to hearing from you guys and finding some new partners!



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I have found quite a few partners but still looking for 3-4 more (yes, I upped my partner limit, but only because you guys are so freaking awesome haha). Please remember to read my rules, guys, I know you've seen quite a few, but it helps out, in the long run. Ultimately, what I'm trying to say is another baby bump.
Really just looking for one more partner although I will take up to two more so jump on the train now! I promise that I don't bite, haha! After I find them, this thread will officially be closing and not opening up until next year! Thank you guys so much, and I hope to hear from you soon!
Okay, Fantome! I'll send you a little message now just as a reminder for myself! As for now, this thread is closed! Thanks to everyone who contacted me!
I like Cheese, also I would love to RP with you, I am fairly active, but if I won't be I will let you know, I am better at fantasy RPS and I have a Species I use for it. Hit me up if you are interested!
Hi! My names dani. I have a few things im interested in, I'll just list them off: (FYI I love romance, but I feel like pairings like the Step siblings one would be more platonic -maybe side characters with romance)

* MCU !!!!!
* Fan/Celebrity
*Step Siblings
* Betrothal/ Arranged Marriage
* Hunter/ Hunted
* Princess/ Prince
* Abusive Relationship
* Supernatural (vampire/demon/shifter) x Human
* Superhero x Human
* Fake Relationship to Real
* Caretaker x Person in Need of Care
* Best Friend
* Next Door Neighbors
*A New Family

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