Morrogoth's Manor

Jofune Tsurabisu

Suit Gang's Onmyouji Mystic/Older Brother Senpai
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Name: Jofune Kuroi

sex: Male

age: 33

race: Human?

job: Owner

Bio and Pic: Jofune was quite wealthy, so much in fact that the major banking families owed him money. However, he keeps his past and how he acquired his fortune a secret, along with his extravagant mansion. Some secrets are best left alone....

Anything else we need to know: This is my principle character, you can freely interact with him, if he is in the mood.

Dependants: Miu Sugoi, relation: his ward. her age: 15
Name: Raikouzen Koujitsu

Sex: Male

Age: 27

Race: Human

Job: Lodger/explorer


Rai is often seen to be very calm, has an average build, about 6'3 tall and weighs about 65 kg. He enjoys wearing classy attires, and so, he often wears a long,black overcoat with blue-white scarf. His hair is black and is somewhat messy, falling over his dark and black-ish eyes.

He has been through many past experiences and adventures that have brought joy, and also regret. As of now, he seeks to stay within the manor while trying to find a way home, though it has never been mentioned where his home actually is and when he does speak of it, it always seems to be an impossible dream..

Anything else we need to know: There's actually more to it than just that, you just need to ask.. oh, and one more thing, don't wake him up when it's not urgent.
Name: Elizabeth Bathory. She is given the keyword "Dragon's Daughter"

Gender: Female

Age: ???

Birthday: May 17

Height: 154cm

172cm (Horns)

Weight: 44kg

Rank: Countess


She was born into the one of the noble families of Hungary, the Bathory family which uses the fang of a dragon as its crest. One of the models for the vampire Carmilla. A wicked woman who bathed in the living blood of more than 600 women in order to preserve her own beauty.

The Bathory house was the family who held the majority of the influence within Eastern Europe, and she increased that, possessing the blood of the house of Habsburg which made for a lineage that would make her a purebred noble. However, whether it is do to the consanguineous marriages within the Bathory line or the effect of their luxuriant living environment, the family contained many insane and cruel individuals. Among her close relatives were a homosexual and a pedophile; a Satanist is hardly worth mentioning.

Elizabeth is not an exception and became quite infamous. In what is now present-day Slovakia, in Čachtice Castle, which resided within her own dominion, she killed more than 600 women and, in order to preserve her beauty, bathed in the blood she wrung from them... She loved those repulsive blood baths. This woman who killed many members of her fiefdom, even at the very end of her life, did not consider this a crime. In those days, there was a trend among the nobility of Hungary to not even consider humans who weren't nobles as "humans" so there were no problems with her murders.

One day she let a maidservant comb the hair she was so proud of. But the comb became caught in her hair, and in a vehement rage, she stabbed the maidservant with a hairpin. The maidservant's blood happened to fall upon the back of her hand, and she noticed that the skin that blood touched was smoother than usual. From now on, to preserve my beauty, I will bathe in the lifeblood of women, she thought--and did so.

Collecting blood became part of her daily routine, and after she changed residences to Čachtice Castle, it reached the point where young women of marriage age were disappearing from the rural villages within her dominion. (Or maybe, everyone came to know what was going on and were sneaking the women out in secret.) She became distressed since she was no longer able to collect blood from the rural villages and so collected the daughters of minor nobles under the pretense of teaching them proper manners or inviting them to banquets. And those daughters, coming together for the banquet, dressed in fancy dresses, completely unaware of what would happen, were struck on the head.

In addition to having their blood drawn, they would have hot irons thrust into their mouths, their entire bodies stabbed with pins, and other kinds of tortures. She would make her servants rip off the skin of their own daughters so she could enjoy the anguished faces of both the parent and the child. On the other hand, in regards to torturing men, tales of her enjoying killing them would not be surprising.

Further information is available on the typemoon wiki.

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