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Fantasy Morrogoth's Manor

Jofune Tsurabisu

Suit Gang's Onmyouji Mystic/Older Brother Senpai
Set on a road rarely used, on the outskirts of a town where things move along in a nice pace. There we find an enigma of a mansion. This mansion is well maintained and always lively. Despite the proclivity for seclusion, the owner welcomes guests of strange persuasions. Rumors swirl about how he came to be rich, new ones pop up often, especially when his Rolls Royce is seen traveling through the town, on its way to the city. However, one thing can be certain, that life at the manor can be interesting.


This is a hot pot rp. Meaning people will be rping everything and anything as long as it fits. The manor itself has a huge active role as to the lives of those living there........
Raikouzen walks until he reaches the gate of the manor, "..hm, judging by the looks of it, this must be it" he says, sighing deeply as he walks into the area and towards the door. He calmly knocks on the door upon reaching it, wondering if anyone has heard his knock or bother to open the door for him.
Drip. Drop.

Drop Drip.

Alternating pitches of viscous liquid dripping could be heard from miles as the queer sound reverberates through the air. Its source unknown.

*Pitter-patter.* Only increments in volume follow the Countess' grand entry into her new abode and then, all of a sudden, the mysterious sound stopped. What emerged from the cool, dark shade of the trees flanking the Mansion would surprise most - a female a tad over 1.75m tall (her devilishly spiraled horns making up quite the significant height) with claws taking root from her knuckles and encapsulating her digits in a thick layer of keratin. However, there was one significant feature that made her claws salient; they were still dripping with fresh, non-congealed blood. Dressed in an unusual garb which makes up the habiliments of Hungarian aristocracy, the Countess of Blood approaches the mansion while leaving beds of roses in the wake of her footsteps. The grass on the front porch would be made asymmetrical by a streak of roses cleaving the once uniform growth in two, detailing the way from whence the Countess came. Strangely, it was as if she had appeared out of nowhere. The floral path only started from across the lawn.

The embodiment of jealousy resided in her eyes as those green orbits made rounds of the surroundings before an eyesore was detected. "Yet another peasant to ruin the grounds of royalty." The Countess would add as she closed in on the peculiar man at the doorway. "Out of my way, peasant. Don't you common folk know better than to trespass onto private property belonging to the royals?" In a fit of anger from interaction with the lower caste, Elizabeth puts a death-grip on the doorknob before ripping the door from its hinges; the ripped door was then forcefully handed to the man who was so conveniently next to her. Whether or not he would follow through was no longer the concern of the Countess as she waltzed into the Mansion.

Stretching a fair bit by lowering her shoulders and hyper-extending her arms forward, the Countess would be on the prowl for new victims. But of course, she starts off by relaxing herself - to which she satisfies by locating a conveniently placed single seater sofa in the middle of the living room. To her, the limelight was everything and not possessing the centre spot of any room was her pet peeve. A little more than a minute adjustment took place as the female with the long auburn hair finally comes to a rest. Legs crossed, arms rested and body relaxed, the Countess simply stays dormant like a predator in wait.

"Till then, my pet. Till then."

-Elizabeth B.
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A courtier style butler ushers the people inside to the parlor.

"Ah, please wait here, as the Master will be with you in a moment." He speaks with such distinction that its almost hard to refuse his request. As he departs a timid maid enters with a tea cart loaded with various teas and treats. "Wou...would you all care for some tea?" she trips over every word, unused to being in the foreground.
Being forcefully given a door to hold onto, Raikouzen falls backwards with the door right on top of him, "Well, i suppose that answers the question." He had seen one of these demon-like creatures before but didn't expect this one to be of spoiled royalty. He pushes the door aside and gets up, sweeping away dust from his shoulders and his coat before entering the manor, "I truly hope that i would not have to face such an abomination again, though it's quite possible that i may have to" He sighs as he enters the manor and into the entry hall, trying to keep himself in a calm posture as he enters. He then turns to the butler who addresses him, "..yes, i think i'll do just that. Hopefully it won't take too long for your master to get here" He then turns to the maid, "I'm not sure if i'm in any condition to drink tea at them moment, but thank you anyways" he says with a faint smile, still trying to keep himself cool after what has happened.
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The Maid:

Setting down two saucers, and two cups, she gently pours the tea, as not to waste a single drop. From the cart, she carries the pastry service to the center of the coffee table and the places the tea service. Bowing deeply, she leaves wordlessly as fast as politeness can go.

The Butler:

Having left the guests in the parlor, he turns his attentions to the rest of the staff, giving orders to prepare two rooms, in case the visitors wish to stay. A ghostly voice from behind asks about the guests and with a dismissive hand, he shoos the apparition away.
Having been left alone for quite some time now, Raikouzen wanders around the entry hall, only to find that the entry hall shifts depending on which angle you view in from. From that point on, He has been walking around the entry hall while looking at many different angles until he slaps himself in the face (facepalm) as he realises that it's only common sense that a view would be different from different perspectives.
Little maid:

"umm..." the little maid timidly looks at the confused man. "Have you lost your way from the parlor?" she asks helpfully. Hopefully them man wont eat her. She feels like a snack for perverts and shakes the thought out of her mind.
Raikouzen gets caught fooling around, "..uh.. no! no, of course not, i just.. got confused and.. i decided to have a look and.. make sure, nothing to worry about at all" he says, trying to make it seem that he was doing something perfectly normal though not very good at making it seem so. "So.. how have you been? I mean, aren't you a little too young to be working as a maid in the manor? and how long do you suppose it'll be before your master arrives?" he asks, trying to change the subject.

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