Morgan Le Fay Academy.

~Name~ Blair Waters

~Age~ 17

~Personality~ Blair is very bouncy, whos really a little kid at heart. She's often dancing, yelling, or napping. She loves to tease with her body, and is very fierce when needed. She gets jealous very easy, and can give pretty good advice. She's also a bit of an airhead, and very naïve.

~Looks~ Blair is part cat, with purple ears and a tail that match her long, purple hair. She's taller than most girls her age, and has an hour glass body (she often wears revealing clothing to show this), along with bright amber eyes.


~History~ Blair was abandoned as a child, who was forced to learn magic on her own at a young age. Its because of this that she didn't die on the streets, she managed to create a house out of a pumpkin and pamper herself with magic (almost all of her spells relate to pumpkins). She decided to enroll herself in magic school to get out of her pumpkin (it was rotting anyway).

~Other~ Blair can transform in to a cat, and can get away with quite a lot with this. One day, she came across a stray cat, and gladly took it in. During one of her "experiment spells", she accidentally morphed her and her cat together.

~Dorm~ 2

(I'm having a really big brain fart, forgive meeee)
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Is that from soul eater? xD And if you make it to where instead of being born a half cat, that she did a spell or one backfired to make her that way?
~Name~ Ryan McKell

~Age~ 17

~Personality~ Ryan is foolish, who's never really matured much since the 3rd grade. He's still respectful and kind, he just cant get serious in a serious situation.

~Looks~ Ryan has vibrant blue hair, along with bright blue eyes (who's short for his age).


~History~ Ryans father had donated to a sperm bank, which his mother used to get pregnant. His mother found out he was a witch (warlock? idk) and began sending him to special classes. Because of this, he was very good with witchcraft, and given a scholarship to Morgan Le Fay.

~Other~ he's a rare sight— a BOY! omg

~Dorm~ 3

Bree I may or may not have an unhealthy soul eater obsession, so yeah. And yeah I'll add something like that :)
xD I like Ryan, he's got blue hair like Letti (my charrie) he's accepted, and your girl will be if you put somewhere that she is part cat because of a potion/spell either purposefully or accidently it doesn't matter 
Also, do you mean boy's dorm 3 cause there isn't a four xD
Name~ Charlotte "Lottie" Delmont

~Age~ 17

~Personality~ Lottie loves to do the opposite of what people expect. She is fiercely protective of those close to her to the point that she can get violent if needed. It takes a lot to make her angry, making her very patient and giving her an even temper. People love to be around her although they find her intimating upon the first meeting. She is commonly misjudged due to her fiery appearance, giving her a natural distrust towards others until they prove themselves to her. Once you get past the surface, Lottie will be your best friend and a joy to be around with her fun and outgoing demeanor. It wasn't surprising that her affinity for fire in her spells was easy to see. What her aunt and uncle didn't expect was her affinity for a completely opposite entity. Her heart is 100% in learning and perfecting her magic and spells in order to return her family's honor.

~Looks~ Her hair is a reflection of her main element, fire. A vibrant red with orange highlights and darker lowlights give her a fierce appearance. Normally left down in disarray, it hides the red tint to her brown eyes well as it clashes with her ivory skin tone. She is short in stature with an athletic build that comes from her love of running and sports.


~History~ Her mother is famous among the witching world, descended from a long line of powerful elemental witches that helped shape the modern witching world. What her mother is most famous for is marrying an insane man that would eventually kill himself and her after bringing devastation and chaos among the witches. Lottie was raised by her Aunt and Uncle, who hid her away from the world because they were scared of what people might do to her. Lottie grew up wanting to reestablish the Delmont honor and will do everything she can that she is her mother's daughter and nothing like her insane father. She has fiercly studied up on every spell and piece of knowledge about the wizarding world to ensure that no one would take advantage of her or find a way to destroy her family's reputation further.

~Other~ She normally wears fashionable outfits that have a bit of flare to them. She also has a photographic memory when it comes to every books she reads.

~Dorm~ Dorm 1!
Name: Fable Constance

Age: 17

Personality: Fable isn't the most cheerful person in the world. She's not a fan of talking to people and would honestly rather, be reading a good book then hanging out with friends. She hates when people force her into things, because usually in the end, she ends up letting them, she isn't a strong willed person. People mistake her quiet and reservedness, for being rude when in fact she isn't trying to be, all she really wants is to be left alone. All in all, she just can't deal with people.

Looks: Fable has long pink hair down to her back, and she's only 5'4. her eyes are crimson red, but aleays look so lifeless, and put of energy. She has natural light tan skin. She tends to only wear dresses with any type of shoe she wants, but it's only out of habit that she does this.


History: Fable was raised by a single parent, because her father ran out on the both of them when she was only three. But usually Fable would always end up taking care of her. Her mother was a witch that abused her powers, and usually would end up getting into all sorts of trouble because of that, leaving Fable to always clean up the messes. Mother was always a cheerful girly girl, so she'd always end up making fable wear dresses, not like the girl cared, all she wished everyday was for her mother not to get into any trouble. Fable was often left alone at home every night, because her mother constantly went partying, because of that, Fable had developed an attachment to books. Her mother sent her to this school to hone and develop her skills with the wand, and to maybe help her with her own schemes.

Other: She loves Science-fiction books. Sometimes romance.

Dorm: # 2 please~
For future reference, please wait until you are accepted to post in the main thread but you're accepted so not a big problem ^^ oh and your banner....I'm torn between disturbed and cuteness (team Ciel here) and I absolutely love that series!
so just a question, and I think I know the answer but, Is this still open, I need something to do
~Name~Samuel Harris


~Personality~Samuel loves fire, I mean he really loves fire. He mostly works with fire, along with creatures. He is not very trusting, not after his accident. He's not fire crazy, but he love's the power he has. He never really cared for school. He only learned what he needed, the spells that a fire mage would need.



~History~Samuel was a good little boy, always did what he was told, that was until he found out that he could cast spells. That made him wonder what he could do. It all started with his 13 birthday, his mother and father died in a car accident. Samuel was in the back seat. He casted a protection spell. He jumped from foster home to foster home. He would always wait a few days, then cause mischief. After he turned eighteen he left that life behind and went on, and took to the rood. Never really tusting anyone. the only one he trusted was his riding mate. But he backstabbed samuel. They robbed a bank, and his riding mate, being a selfish muggle wanted it all for him self, so Sam did a couple years after breaking out. He was on the run when he changed his last name to Harris.


~Dorm~Dorm 1
Character Skeleton:

~Name~Alexis mercedes


~Personality~ Very fun loving and easy going, flirty, sarcastic, egotistical



~History~She's always been the girl that flirted and never wanted a serious relationship. Over the years she's discovered that she wanted something more. So although she's a flirt she's actually a very smart and funny person. A best friend that you could count on. She's very preppy though and was raised with money so she sometimes thinks that she's better then everyone else. She found out about her powers when she was with one of her ex's she accidently burnt him in a fight they had. When she gets angry...there is no stopping her.


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@dakup accepted but could you put something like 'skilling in fire magic' instead of mage? I want to keep the terminology as simple as possible that way I don't get myself lost lol anyway, other than that, you're good to go ^^ Now I'm off to go to school xp
~Name~ Aliyah Hashi

~Age~ 19

~Personality~ At first, quiet, shy, mysterious, air of anger. She will open up eventually but she is slow to trust normally. She tends to be hard to anger. Is clumsy, and slightly unrefined but only when away from her brother.

~Looks~ Long black hair with stunning blue eyes. Average height and build.



~History~ Was told her parents died in an accident. She never got more than that. So she was put into the foster system, and after years of being bumped around and abused, she finally found a forever home. In that home she had a little brother, and although her family found out about her powers, that little brother never cared. They were best friends, and since they had adopted her, their parents couldn't do a thing about it. She was happy, and content, until her 18th birthday. On this day she went to the store alone to buy something, and when she returned Jordan was there. He claimed to be her biological twin, separated somehow when they were little. She didn't remember him, but he had decided to take her away and help her hone her powers that she had previously only used for entertainment for her and her little brother. Aliyah tried to escape him, but he easily captured her with his powers and took her to their family's estate, which they had inherited upon turning 18. For one year he kept her there, and trained her. They discovered they were complete opposites, in almost every way aside from their blue eyes, family name and voice. Each has an incredible singing voice, and they sing most of their spells.

~Other~ Straight, specializes in light, water, earth, electric, but mostly with nature. Completely nonathletic and more of a book worm, but she loves being outside and animals and nature just seem to naturally love her.


~Name~ Jordan Hashi

~Age~ 19

~Personality~ Outgoing, loud, boastful and seemingly open from the get-go. As you get to know him, however, it seems that he actually closes up. Highly refined and proper, yet can be a total jerk, especially when away from his sister, but has a cool head.

~Looks~Semi-short white hair with equally stunning blue eyes as Aliyah. Sightly taller than she is, highly athletic.



~History~ While Jordan was not raised by his birth parents, he was still raised by another pair of rich witches, his aunt and uncle. They taught him many spells and gave him his father's spell book. They taught him his family customs and refinement along with charm. When he one day asked about his mother's spell book, they told him about his twin sister. While angry at them, he didn't blame them for not telling him. But he still wanted to find her, but they told him more about her, and forbid him from seeing her till he was 18, to prevent him from getting distracted and so he'd work harder. When he was 18, he took his sister and went to live in their parent's estate, since they had inherited it. He had felt a connection to her from the get go, but she still doesn't, and that is why he is helping her build her powers up.

~Other~ Bisexual, specializes in dark, fire, sky, electric, but mostly with machines. Extremely athletic, prefers a hands-on learning experience, and animals seem to fear/hate him.

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@lil10000 @~*~Lita~*~ Both of you are accepted but you will be put in dorm 4 (you guys can settle on what it looks like right?) since the rest are taken. Now I will be on rarely, I have school and it's straining my brain capacity, and this rp might (most likely) be slow on the weekdays. It will not die though, I will try my d!mndest to keep it alive.
if I put in an app, I have bad memory, I might not post for a little while or so, School and My life are starting to open up.

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