Morgan Le Fay Academy (actual rp)~


Queen of Broken Hearts
(If you wish to join, please sign up at . Ronkaime jj9095 oOBubblesOo)

Glenda Goodwitch, a tall, curly blonde woman with an excellent figure and narrowed blue eyes, stood on the first step leading up to her academy. She still remembered the day her mother passed it on to her, and so-on down the lines until it began with Morgan Le Fay herself. Students were just arriving, giving her curious or frightful or ogling looks, and Glenda watched them silently until they had gathered in a crowd. Straightening out her black silk blouse and pencil skirt, she waved a pale hand, causing information papers to float in front of each student.

"Welcome to Morgan Le Fay Academy, a school for Witches and Wizards alike, I am your Head Mistress; Glenda Goodwitch. You were not brought here because you are the best or overly powerful or extremely smart. You were invited to attend because I saw potential in all of you to become every single one of those things. To help you along that path, the school is staffed with the best selections of teachers in a variety of subjects. Classes are on the sheet before you along with their designated times. You will note the last class, Energy Magic, is taught by me on Fridays at nine p.m sharp. I suggest you do not skip that lesson since it will be very important."

Glenda paused for a moment before she continued, "Other than that class, feel free to skip the classes that you do not wish to attend though remember in order to graduate you must pass an exam on each subject which teach. Dorms are on the far wings of the school; boys on left, girls on right. You may visit either dorm before curfew, at midnight. No one is allowed out of school grounds unless given permission by me or a faculty member. The cafeteria is open all hours as well as the classrooms for practical use or extra studying. If you have any questions, either come to the Head Mistress's Office or to a teacher."

Another pause during which she pierced each student with her icy blue eyes. "I am not here to babysit you and I will not hesitate to take drastic measures in punishment if any student is to misbehave." Her words hung apprehensively in the air, not a trace of humor in her cold voice. After a moment of making sure they understood, Glenda smiled at them, causing her eyes to warm. "Now, is there any questions?"

Letti listened to the head mistress silently as she grasped the paper floating in front of her and studied all of her classes. She glanced up occasionally when she felt the woman's eyes on her. In a nervous gesture, she pulled back her blue hair when her speech became chilled. Letti glanced around at the other students, wondering if they were going to ask questions.
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((Bree put a link to the sign up sheet for everyone please!)) 
Isis Smith was right outside the academy where Glenda Goodwitch was standing on a step on front of the academy. "Oh! My! Powers! I cannot believe Glenda Goodwitch is on front of me!" Isis tried to calm down and started to fan herself completely excited. And when Glenda Goodwitch asked if there was any questions Isis shook her head insanely while reading the paper that she had grabbed on front of her excited. She was so excited she could not even feel her nervousness. She was looking at the kids on either side of her whispering here and there. "Can you believe this!" "Omp this is so exciting!" "I can't believe I am finally here!" She 'eak'ed in excitement at her classes.

Aato Renaldo had a regular bookbag with just a couiple of belongings and the uniform for the school that he had stolen. He figured if he needed anything more he can take it from all the innocent people at this school. He was leaning on a tree watching Glenda until a paper got right on front of his face. He tried to reach for it but the paper started to move closer to the crowd of kids. Aato sighed and followed it until it stopped and allowed Aato to pick it up and read his schedule. He raised his eyebrow at a couple of them already knowing what he was good at and what he was surely NOT good at. He put the paper away without a second glance and crossed his arms.
Blair hunched over and panted, her eyes drooping with pure exhaustion. "This damn bag is too heavy for me, its terrible. Ooh, I know! Pum-pumpkin, pum-pum-pumpkin!" She chanted, wiggling her finger in the air. A small cloud of purple smoke poofed from thin air, yet quickly evaporated just as quick as it came. A small, floating pumpkin bobbed next to her at waist-height. She quickly removed her bag and plopped it on to the pumpkin, maneuvering her way through the crowd with a floating pumpkin by her side.

Ryan gazed up at Glenda, meeting her icy blue eyes with a sigh. He somewhat wanted her attention, yet didn't at the same time. Thousands of questions raced through his mind to ask her, yet he remained silent in the babbling crowd of people. He held several books in his hand, all relating to witchcraft, with a letter from his mom on top. Her cursive was written so delicately and nice that he almost instantly felt homesick. "This is gonna be a long year."
Lottie stood off to the side, a defiant smirk on her face, as if daring anyone to approach her. She watched Glenda Goodwitch during her speech with a distant stare, understanding why she was a longtime idol of her Aunt Agatha. A sigh escaped the red haired beauty, knowing that she had her work cut out for her at this academy. She leaned against the tree next to her, her head resting on the bark.

Vibrant red hair falls over her right eye, casting shadows over her face. Lottie lazily grabs a piece of paper floating towards her, thanking her Uncle Salem for the reflex lessons. She studies the classes written down, a look of distaste flickering over her features at the sight of one or two of them. A quiet groan of annoyance alerts anyone near her to her presence before Lottie can stop it.
After being met with relative silence, minus the occasional grunts, groans, whispers, and sneezes of the students, Glenda nodded her head in the direction of the large doors behind her which opened grandly. "If you need any assistance, find a teacher or my self. Now, you may spend the rest of the day getting familiar with the school First class is tomorrow." The head mistress moved off to the steps and just to the side of them, in case anyone had a more personal question. She noticed Paulette and smiled towards her, having been good friends with her mother for some years.

Letti looked down at the paper to see a map on the other side of her schedule. Should she get settled in first or meet new people? The blue haired teenager rolled golden eyes before walking up the steps and returning Glenda's smile. She was going to explore the school; maybe even find the library.
Fable held her book tightly against her chest, as she stood in the crowd with rest of the students. She didn't want to be here. There was way to much people, how could she deal with this? Why did her mother have to send her here? She thought her powers were pretty good the way they were now. She studied all the time, like no tomorrow and she knew how to control them. She probably just wanted me out of her hair for a while.

She let out a sigh. She just needed to get through this year, hopefully without any problems.

The head mistress, Glenda Goodwitch, had begun speaking, and a sudden paper flew into her free hand. It listed all her classes, map of the school, and her designated Dorm.

You can do this fable. At least, she hoped she could.
After listening to the headmistress' long speech Carlisle groaned at the rules,but didn't fret because afterall rules were meant to be broken. He shifted his bag and took a large gulp gaping at the huge double doors. He waited for the other students to move and did as they did. A piece of paper floated in front of Carlisle that contained his schedule,a map of the school and other necessities that would help him get around.

Carlisle smirked and walked into the school making sure to make eye contact with the head mistress.He was ready for this school and everything in it
Layla sighed, listening to Glenda speak. There as so much she was required to remember and so little she knew she would. Layla looked around at all the other new students and smiled. Some looked rather friendly, others looked similar to the kids at her old school. Though, she knew she probably didn't look too friendly herself but she was really just bored. Layla glanced over at Logan and flicked him. Layla grabbed her things and nudged for Logan to follow.

Logan stared up at the sky for a moment as the headmaster spoke. He wasn't big on rules and such. Not that he was a bad kid, he just knew what to do and what not to do already. His parents briefed him slightly, though, he was sure some things had changed. Logan almost fell asleep at one point, but he was awoken by Layla's flick. He stretched his arms out and stood after Layla. Logan grabbed his papers and headed into the building, alongside Layla.
Lottie quickly stuffs the paper into her messenger bag, realizing there was no better time then the present to explore the school. She pushes off from the tree, falling in step behind several other students at the entrance. Catching a few whispers and one girl pointing at her, Lottie's hands ball into fists at her sides in anger. She won't allow any of them to get to her. She was here to study, not socialize. With a deep breath, Lottie gives Glenda a passing glance before hurrying into the school.
Blair rushed to her dorm, throwing the door open happily. "NEW ROOM!" She shouted, laughing like a little school girl. Living in a pumpkin wasn't really the life, so any kind of new room to stay in was thrilling to her. "I hope I get a roomie with cute clothes in my size!" She squealed, plopping on to a bed blissfully. She began to unpack her things in to dressers and stack a pile of. extra blankets in her corner with a sign that read:


She wasn't proud of being part cat, but she did enjoy taking cat naps on a big pile of blankets in the sun, and her roommate might wake up with a cat on her lap, it all depends.
Aliyah reached out to grab the paper that had suddenly appeared before her as she listened to Glenda. Some where in the back of her head she knew the name, probably from one of her brother's lectures, but the thought slipped her mind as Jordan snatched the paper before she could even touch it. Already completely fed up with him for lecturing and criticizing her the entire drive to the school (and it was a long drive), she flashed him a dirty look.

Jordan paid her no mind as he read her classes. They matched up perfectly. Good. He thought. He gave her back the paper then followed the rest of the people into the school. "Okay, first we'll go to your dorm, drop off your things and then I want you to come with me to my dorm, so you can know where to find me if something happens."

Aliyah just rolled her eyes after taking back her paper. "You only mentioned about a hundred times in the car." She inhaled and exhaled, trying to control her anger. It was hard to make her angry, and once a person did, like Jordan did frequently, it was hard for her to calm down. She thought about the school experience she was about to have, and that helped. Less smothering from Jordan? Check yes. People who weren't Jordan? Heck yes! And of course, a nice change of scenery. Soon they arrived at Aliyah's dorm, 4, and dropped off her bags on one of the beds. Then they headed across campus to the guy's dorm.

The two of them together were an odd sight, as they looked almost completely different, except their bright, memorizing eyes. As they passed a few windows, Aliyah looked at her reflection, and wondered if their parents had had the same eyes.
After head mistress, Glenda Goodwitch, finished her lecture, she saw everyone in the crowd of students scatter into the building, already knowing their objectives and what to do. She wasn't sure where to begin to be honest. Maybe find the library?

Oh wait. She had to put bring her luggage to her room. She grimaced. She wanted to avoid going to her room, She wasn't ready to meet her room mate. She knew it would result in some awkward one word conversation, because she just couldn't handle talking to people.

A sigh escaped her thin lips. She would have to meet the person, there was no way to escape it.

Might as well get it over with. Just ignore her for the rest of the year, and you'll be good.

She unwilling grabbed her things and headed into the school building.

She was a bit intimidated when she entered in. The school was much more huge, on the inside then the out. Fable nonetheless followed the directions on the sheet of paper and found her way to her room. It was at the end of the hall in the girls dormitory, 2nd floor.

She took a breath before opening the door, then took a step in.

She saw a very Pretty girl with long purple hair, and cute twitchy cat ears. My roommates here already...great. She thought with sarcasm. She quickly said a short hi, then made her way to her bed.
Alexis walked into her dorm room and shrugged a shoulder dropping her back off on the bed that hand't been taken yet. Really looking at the room she noticed that it actually wasn't that bad. The curtains were a soft white that let the sun come through. They also had a black shut out curtain over that if you wanted it to be completly dark. There was a black leather couch with two armchairs on either side of it. a desk on either side of the room with black leather roller chairs. Not bad at all she thought idly to herself as she left the room. (Sorry my room decorating skills aren't very good. If you want to add more to it feel free. :) )
Letti walked into the grand school and looked at her schedule, wandering around to find her dorm. When she did, she nearly groaned as it seemed purple had thrown up in the thing. But it was nice to find the boxes of her things on one of the beds, ready for her like a Christmas present. @oOBubblesOo (Pretty sure your girl was her roommate ^^ if not, sorry for the tag)

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