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Fandom More than a monster also a friend (form)

which digivice do you want

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It is difficult to explain, the connection that you feel from the creature in front of you however you know that there is this instant bond between you two. While you can't be certain what the future will bring, having your partner by you makes you sure nothing could stop you both. With your digivice in hand, the two of get ready for an adventure... the rest of the world might not feel the same though.

  • In 2004, digimon and their partners were made public. While there were some who viewed them as monsters there were others who developed friendships with them. Over time, more and more digimon began forming pairs with children. At first it was slow going, making people see digimon as more than just monsters attacking the world and fighting each other. Over years of attacks from both rogue digimon and humans wanting to use their power, the world began to accept and bond with them. In 2015, after another threat was defeated, with many digimon either deleted or nearly being deleted, the digidestined began to fight more. Not just against rogue digimon, the type who threatened to hurt people and digimon, the digidestined attacked ones who were peaceful, living in the human world without causing trouble, which evolved into them attacking each other. The world's opinion shifted again seeing any digimon pairing as dangerous and any digidestined as no better than the power hungry foes that were fought before.
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Name: Ryan Michaels
Age: 33

Personality: Ryan is a resolute and disciplined individual, embodying a strong sense of duty and justice. He is driven by an unwavering commitment to protect and serve, often placing the safety of others above his own.
Digimon Partner:
Hagurumon >>> MailBirdramon >>> Locomon >>> HeavyLeomon
History: Ryan was a sergeant in the Special Railway Protection Unit, a specialist police counter-terrorism taskforce with a focus on safeguarding public rail networks. In 2004, when Digimon were made public, Alex was initially sceptical, viewing them all as potential threats. However, this all changed during a mission involving a hijacked train, when Ryan encountered Hagurumon, who had taken control of the train out of sheer curiosity about its mechanics and operation. Initially perceiving Hagurumon as a threat, Ryan quickly realized the Digimon's actions were not malicious. Through careful communication and understanding, Ryan managed to calm Hagurumon and safely stop the train, preventing a potential disaster. This unusual encounter led to an unbreakable bond between Ryan and Hagurumon. Recognizing Hagurumon’s potential for good, Ryan began to see the positive impact Digimon could have. Hagurumon’s analytical mind and mechanical skills perfectly complemented Ryan's tactical expertise, making them a formidable team. As society's view of Digimon and their partners shifted negatively, Ryan and Hagurumon faced increasing hostility and suspicion. Despite this, they remained committed to protecting the public and proving that Digimon-human partnerships could be a force for good. In 2024, Ryan, as one of the few remaining officers of the force openly partnered with a Digimon, was transferred to Henji, where he and Hagurumon work tirelessly to prevent attacks and dismantle rogue groups, both human and Digimon, as well as restore the public's faith in Digimon partnerships.
Digivice Colour: Dark blue (Hex #23395d)
Name: Lily Scarlett
Age: 28
Appearance:Lilly Scarlett  screenshot.png
Personality: Lily is often seen as reckless and narrow-minded, though she prefers the terms brave and focused. She's typically a loner, preferring to do her own thing instead of following the crowd and exploring where others typically avoid to satisfy her curiosity, displaying a desire to learn. She's also rather vigilant, something that was honed by her hunting.
Digimon Partner: Salamon - Nefertimon - Silphymon - Valkyrimon
History: Lily was a hiker, backpacking across the country before she met her partner in 2018. The digimon in question was Nefertimon, and she was injured on a mountain trail. While Nefertimon was initially hostile, especially after seeing Lily's bow and arrows, she quickly calmed down after the human disarmed herself. Lily immediately set to work wrapping up the winged feline's injuries, introducing herself and striking up a conversation with the digimon while she worked. It was not long before Nefertimon's body glowed and shrank to a more diminutive digimon called Salamon due to exhaustion.
Lily knew that many people blindly feared the digimon, despite this she decided to look after the cute creature while she healed. Unlike her Champion stage, Salamon was much friendlier to the human that helped her and gladly started travelling with Lily to avoid being alone.
It was strange at first, exploring with a companion, but Lily couldn't deny that it was nice to have a travel companion for a change. Talking to oneself gets boring after a while.
Digivice Color: Silver

Still more to add, will work on it later.
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