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More Realistic Marvel -- Black Widow and Hawkeye


Bust :(
I know. There are lots of Marvel roleplays about. I'm looking for something specific.

Characters: Hawkeye and Black Widow, with other Marvel canons as NPCs. I play Hawkeye, you play Widow.

Plot: This will be reminiscent of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in certain respects. I want to explore the concept of these two being long-time partners and long-time spies/assassins in SHIELD. But it'll also deal with how these constant life-or-death situations have affected them, and how they see and interact with the world--and each other--as a result. We may do smaller scenes at first to test things out. Eventually I would like us to devise an overarching plot to propel the story forward. I want this roleplay to explore the dynamics of SHIELD as well, and flesh it out as an organization.

I'd also be interested in exploring Clint and Natasha's unique relationship at different stages--how did they meet? Under what circumstances did Clint help Natasha join SHIELD? At what point did they start to trust each other? And of course... What happened in Budapest? Do we even want to know?

As you can see, this all reflects the cinematic universe more than the 616 one. Certain comic elements are of course welcome, but I'm trying something different with my interpretation of Hawkeye (as well as the Marvel world) and would like to keep it more MCU as a skeleton, and AU from there, unrestricted by complex canon. I'm not necessarily looking for romance with these two. If it happens, it'll be gradual and organic, and not the central focus of the roleplay.

Ultimately, yes--I want this to be a more realistic Marvel, something that feels rooted in the real world, with some inevitable fantasy elements sprinkled in. Yeah, I know--we're talking about realism in the context of superhero comics. Shhh.

Requirements: I want a partner who wants to build a more realistic world for these characters, and can be flexible with bending or preserving certain chunks of canon. I want detail, but post-matching is not a priority to me. I'll often post 1,000 words or more, depending on the scene, but I'm also willing to try out collaborative posts, or shorter posts (no shorter than a paragraph or two) if we really get into it. Word count isn't my primary concern--building the world and the characters is. I see this as a collaborative project, and I want to discuss it with you and, of course, have a good time while we're at it. This means I want a partner who can consistently post a minimum of two detailed paragraphs and can actively contribute to the plotting.

Please note I'll likely only take one or two partners for this, so if something miraculous happens and several people are actually interested, I might not take on everyone. I don't yet have my ten posts, so I'm unsure whether you'll be able to PM me if you are interested. Fingers crossed you can. If not, please feel free to express your interest, or ask questions, below.
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Hi Shadow. Thanks for expressing interest. I am still looking for a partner.

Do you have any questions? And is everything agreeable to you, from the characters to the plot to the requirements?

If anybody else is interested, please feel free to post below.
I think I am good, there is just one thing I want to clarify. *Warning, possible spoilers ahead* I assume since you mentioned possible romance between them, that Clint isn't going to be married/ have a family?
Yup, that's correct. By it being somewhat AU, I really do mean it. It may only resemble the Movieverse in very basic ways, namely in characters present, but specific details from backstories or events from the film may or may not be 'canon' in game. Spoiler warning for onlookers: Clint won't have the secret family and farm. Rather, his backstory will reflect the 616 universe as far as his childhood goes, and then it transitions into something resembling the cinematic universe from there. I can go into more detail if you would like.

As for romance, it isn't a priority for me. I rather enjoy platonic Widow and Hawkeye. However, if their relationship progresses in such a way where romance is probable, then I won't object to it. They have an intimate relationship I want to explore further--but I see it more through a platonic or at most an ambiguous lens rather than a romantic one. That doesn't mean there is no tension between them, of course.

What're your thoughts on all that?

Little bump for anymore who would be interested. Alternately, I may be willing to take a Captain America instead of/along with a Black Widow. This does have the potential for 1x1x1, but that's just a maybe for now.
Great! After I submit this post, I'll have one more reply to go before I am able to start PMs. Are you able to send me private messages?

If not, we can wait it out a little before discussing the roleplay further in PM.

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