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More Ideas, Come and take a look.


Hate burns like a raging fire
Well it is me again, I have come up with two more ideas. They may end some work but they are ruff drafts. We can change them up, or add to them. That is what makes it fun, to make it were both are happy with it. Let me tell you what I would like first, rules if you would like to say.

I like to Pm in rp. More easier for me.

Spelling and Grammar, not a big thing. I am not the best, but I try.

18 plus, more comfy with, just in cause there is killing and things like that.

Please! I can't stress this enough, if you are wanting to leave, please just tell me. Don't just stop, that is kind of rude.

I only play female, I suck playing the guys, so sorry about that.

Well now for the ideas:

Best Friends Male and female- Modern/Romance

They are both best friends, they grew up together. They both loved each other, but neather one, wanted to lose their friendship. They held onto that. She coming from a hard life at home, her dad was a drunk. And her mom didn't care what happened to her. She spent a lot of time at her best friend's house, that is the only place she felt safe. Him being older, he moved away to go college. He visited when he could, he was so busy with college, and trying to get his career going. She had to wait two years before she could leave, to go to college. That was a great day for her. She was finally free, of all the hardship at home. She never told her best friend, what was happening. So he never knew, he would have helped her out. If he only knew about it. She keeps in contact, with her best friend and his family back home. They were the only normal family she had. It is the hoildays, her friend comes back. As his mom invites, her to come back. She goes, not knowing that her best friend is going to be there. Will she finally tell her friend what happened when she was growing up? Will being back in her home town cause her problems? Will her mother and father, try to ruin the one happy time in her life? Seeing her best friend. Would they tell each other that they love each other? Or have they both moved on with their lives?

Band of Warriors- Fantasy-Male and female

Five strong werewolfs, fight to protect their tribe and town. Which happens to be filled with werewolfs. But everyone keeps that to them selfs. They didn't want to be exposed. One night a pure white werewolf comes to town. Not knowing about the band of warriors. She is special, she is pure white, which is unheard of. And she is special because, she was the only pure bread werewolf born, others are bite.That is what she was told, but there is a band of of five pure bread werewolfs.In the town she came upon. She has been on her own, ever since she could remember. She doesn't have memories of her life. All she had was nightmares. The only place that she felt peace was when she was outside. Yes she wanted to belong but never found her place. She wanted a pack, but she was alone, and learning to accpect it. She stayed in the woods, until the band of warriors found her. And brought her to their learder. Will they accpect her, or kill her?

I have a story that have wrote that, would work as a rp. If you would like that, I could send it to you. Just let me know

if you read all that, and would like to do either with me. Pm or comment here. Please if you have and ideas or what to add to these. Just let me know, I like to hear what others like. Thank you for reading. :-)
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[QUOTE="dela agius]Must it be male and female ? Can it be female and female ?

they way I was thinking depending on the which one you are wanting to do, I would like to keep it Male and female. Just what I had in my head.
[QUOTE="dela agius]I am interested in the second idea.

I could see a female that changing. Seeing how it would fit, in what had in mind.
[QUOTE="dela agius]you haven't message me yet . Why ?

because a lot has a lot has been going. I got busy.

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