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Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!


Junior Member


A long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away.

Actually no, it's more like a long time in the future, in a Galaxy somewhere. Okay, let's try this again.

In the future, humans have ceased living on Earth after draining it of it's resources, now they live out in various corners of space, among other species of space life. They are generally looked down upon by most other races, but are tolerated because well, Aliens aren't terribly xenophobic and they have bigger problems. Many humans were wiped out over the centuries to 'Space Sickness' when they couldn't acclimatize to the different atmospheres.

Many humans are still suffering from the disease, and those who have survived have often suffered mutations in their gene pool, creating an entirely new type of human.

The story begins on a small planet, which was once a booming city in the first years of space life, but it has now become more of a crumbling urban wasteland in space. The planet used to be known as Heaven's Edge as it was often the starting point to reach out further into space. It is mostly just a fueling stop now - it's hardly a holiday destination... Which begs the question... just what are you doing there?

"Well, we're going to have to stop for supplies is all I'm saying" spoke a tall, older human. Male.

"If by supplies you mean your precious toxins then, you have to stop for supplies. I am quite content" replied a slender alien. Female, perhaps.

"It's.. it's not toxins, how many times do I have to tell you, it's... a pick me up! It's natural!"

"Maybe to you and your kind, but not to me, keep it away from me."

"Yes, yes I know. You don't like the smell or what it does to me, you tell me every time."

"Add the fact that it's notoriously difficult to get a hold off... a black market item I believe you say of it."

The alien placed a hand on her hip. She was humanoid looking, apart from the purple iridescent skin, and the large orb like eyes, which were a pearly white. She was very feminine looking, an Alan'ie. She had a very slender body, typical of her race - as well as this she was rather tall. She stood a little taller than the male she was with. "Stand guard, Reena. I don't want this to get ugly." The male smirked as he pulled out a small card from his pocket and began to thumb it, with his other hand he stroked his beard and pushed back his hair. Another human approached the counter, a female. He smiled at her, his eyes looking her up and down flirtatiously, he was certainly handsome but the cashier wasn't falling for it. It was almost as if she'd seen him before. "Awl'right Owain, you don't need to turn the charm on for me I know what you want." Her voice was flat and familiar to him. She had seen him before, and he instantly dropped the facade. "Sorry Lucille, never hurts to put it on..." he passed his card to her and she slotted it into her belt, it beeped and a green light flashed before she handed it back. "I've put it down as fish food, alright?" she rolled her eyes before taking a key from around her neck and heading towards the back.

She pushed the key into her safe, and opened her eye wide for the scan, as it ran over it bleeped happily and the door sprung open. "Gawd help the day I lose me eyes...." she muttered before pulling out a box. "'Ere, now bugger off and get back to your ship before curfew. You know what happens then... the druggies will be out and the place gets a lot more dangerous."

He nodded, opening the box and pulling out the pouch, taking into his gloved hand and placing it inside his jacket. "Thank you, I'll be sure to send your family more goods next time I come through." Finally, Lucille smiled at Owain as he left; "yeah yeah, you keep us doing alright don't you..."

Reena followed Owain out of the store and into the dark roads of Heaven's Edge. The place was once a booming space metropolis... Once. Now it was a wasteland, but it wasn't all bad. It had been Owain's home for a long time. He took out the bag from his jacket as they stepped out, pulling open the drawstring and taking a long sniff inside. "Disgusting... I can smell it already, put it away." Reena protested as she sidestepped away from him. Owain looked into the bag with his big grey eyes and smiled; "Oh coffee, how I've looked forward to seeing you again."
Jack Rosenthal

He had his suit on, ready for work. Then he put on his mask, sighing. He stretched a bit to get used to the suit. Jack wasn't too famous in Heaven's Edge, but some people have certainely heard of his 'work' and the 'services' he provides for the right amount of money.

Jack put one of his revolvers into a holster on his hip, the other one on another holster, just opposite to the first one. He looked at himself in the mirror and then put up one of his arms before him, pressing a tiny yellow button. His HUD appeared and scanned himself. Due to the HUD scanning Jack Himself it said "IDENTIFIED: USER." he had no reaction, as he knew this'd be what happens.

Jack decided it's time to get to work, he took his T-KR5 into his hands, with his katana already on his back.

He stepped out of his small cabin and decided to look around. Oh, the always lovable wasteland of this god-forsaken planet... at least there was plenty of people that were wanted here, an easy way to make money. It's almost like playing a video-game and he found a glitch that allows him to get money easily. He chuckled on that very thought, as he found it funny. Then he remembered what he is about to put up with today... he was meekly hoping that today he'd only find targets that are wanted alive, he would not have to waste bullets, time, or kill anyone which was quite the pain in the ass.

As he looked around he saw a few people walking around, he scanned them with his visor... no one put up as Wanted. Wait, wasn't this supposed to be easy to find wanted people here? Well, damn. Unlucky day maybe? Then he silently said "Come on..." to himself. He continued scanning the people passing him, but nobody was Wanted.

He decided to continue, by walking around the place, maybe he'd find someone of interest, or someone wanted?
Dokucho was sitting at an outdoor cafe, Well something similar to one. As she had no assassination targets today, she decided to relax a bit. As she bit into something that look like a doughnut with a gray metallic substance spread on top of it, she spotted someone in a black suit. She sat her arsenic flavored pastry on a plate, as she picked up a cup of a clear liquid, that definitely was not water, and began to drink, as she watched the person. He seemed to be looking for somone amongst the civilians.

He must be new around here Dokucho thought to herself. All of the specialties in Heaven's Edge, including her, knew that if you were wanted in Heaven's Edge, this is the worst part of town to be in, as it is known as the Bounty Hunter Central of Heaven's Edge. If someone needed something from this part of town, they would send a mongrel to do their dirty work. Dokucho knew this better than most as she moved here when she turned 19 to be an assassin. She knows where the wanted goes and where they don't go.

Dokucho decided to send him a message. She wrote down a little message on a note and folded it into a paper airplane and threw it at the person.

If you're a bounty hunter or an assassin, you should know that people that are wanted in Heaven's Edge know better than to come to this part of town.


Rai sat back in her chair legs up on the desk as she fiddled with some bolts. She scratched her chin and she moved her legs off the desk, leaning over to her desktop computer,the touch screen bobbing under her fingertips as she tapped and clicked away at the screen. Her eyebrows creased with concentration and she moved to leave her desk and pulled her goggles down over her eyes. She picked up her bolts and moved to her work bench, grabbing a blow torch she started to attach the bolts to her current project. Then there was a knock at the back door, moving back from the bench and placing the torch down she moved to the door and opened it, "you're late." She said to the scaled skin man, who seemed to fidget uncomfortably.

"Is it ready?" He questioned following Rai inside and shoving his hands into his pockets for the money for his boss. She laughed quietly and moved back to her bench and opened a draw underneath the desk, this one was deep set and filled with various boxes and brief cases. She brought out a small thin box, "you think I'm an amature?" She questioned, "'course it's ready." The man went to take the box from her but she pulled it back and held her hand out, "pay up first, you know how this works." With reluctance the man handed her a wad of notes and she gladly handed him the box, "your boss pays well, tell him I said thanks." She went a had with counting it, "any other requests?" She looked up but the man scaly man had gone and the back door clicked behind him. Laughing quietly she rolled her eyes and moved to place the cash in her metal bound safe, takin a smaller potion out, and closing the door and locking the safe she moved back to her desk and she moved to pick up her phone and keys before leaving to get some supplies.

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Jack was standing in place, with his arms crossed. He sighed in boredom, no one interesting... but then a paper plane reached out for him, he caught it with one hand and read what's written on it. He read it and laughed, folding it up into a tight, small, paper ball. He dropped it on the ground and looked at where it came from. His suit's HUD and scanning system provided a slightly deformed trajectory for the plane, that led towards a weird, alien woman.

He walked up to Dokucho and said "So... I guess that you're a veteran, if you say something like that?"

Jack looked at her, so that his Suit can provide intel... it was like googling stuff, except his suit did it for him. It matched the image with an existing race and started feeding him intel, then it showed more information about Dokucho herself. He sat down next to her and said "Quite the stuff about you, in here."

He said, pointing one of his fingers towards his mask. He crossed his legs and sat down relaxed.

@Anime King Kaleb
Birdsie said:
Jack was standing in place, with his arms crossed. He sighed in boredom, no one interesting... but then a paper plane reached out for him, he caught it with one hand and read what's written on it. He read it and laughed, folding it up into a tight, small, paper ball. He dropped it on the ground and looked at where it came from. His suit's HUD and scanning system provided a slightly deformed trajectory for the plane, that led towards a weird, alien woman.
He walked up to Dokucho and said "So... I guess that you're a veteran, if you say something like that?"

Jack looked at her, so that his Suit can provide intel... it was like googling stuff, except his suit did it for him. It matched the image with an existing race and started feeding him intel, then it showed more information about Dokucho herself. He sat down next to her and said "Quite the stuff about you, in here."

He said, pointing one of his fingers towards his mask. He crossed his legs and sat down relaxed.

@Anime King Kaleb
Dokucho shrugged, " I've just been here long enough to know how it works around here. Heaven's Edge is full of wanted criminals, but that's exactly why it's also full of bounty hunters. As this is basically the hub of tourism for Heaven's Edge, this is the worst place for a criminal to be. So as you probably know mine already, may I know your name" She took another sip of H2SO4. "Also, unless you're part Toxi, I suggest not eating one of the pastries in the box, although I would've been happy to share them"
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(I might be gone for a while)
Owain's interest was piqued as he watched an exchange going on by the cafe. He placed a hand on Reena's chest to stop her. She was less than amused - afterall, they were set to leave Heaven's Edge this evening. She could never quite understand her human comrade's fascination with the affairs of others. "Owain, if I may, we have to leave in 2 hours, have we time for trivialities?" she sighed and crossed her arms over, blinking her huge eyes as she too began to watch the interaction.

"Yeah yeah, but we were always wanting to pick up some more crew man, this is a pretty big job and we can't do it just you and I? Come on, look at these jokers... He looks hard as nails, and well, she looks intimidating as hell. They could be just what we want..." The idea was already in his head, and there was nothing that Reena could do to stop him as he swaggered over to the two characters who were sat in discussion...

"Ahem...." he said aloud, as she remained back, performing what was known by humans as the 'facepalm'.
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Jack Rosenthal

"No. But you can call me... I dunno, call me whatever you want. You're quite the organism. Full of toxin, note to self: No touching without my suit." He chuckled. Due to what she said, he had scanned the box and it's contains, then her drink. It wasn't weird to him, so many species in the cosmos. Lots of them need weird stuff to satisfy themselves. He chuckled and said "No thanks. I don't like irradiated donuts."

His attention from the Butterfly-Woman was drawn away as he heard someone trying to draw attention that was standing behind him.

He rotated his head with quite the speed towards the sound to see a man and some alien woman standing behind him, she was facepalming.

Quite the sight, so many people on this planet. He scanned them and picked up some weird info, but decided not to try to kill them, who knew? Maybe they'd have a job.

He simply looked at the male, waiting for him to say something, after a few seconds of brief silence he decided to break it up.

Jack crossed his arms and said "What?" The voice was slightly distorted and changed due to the mask he was wearing.

He scanned them both and chuckled, thinking to himself Oh man... this is going to be fun...


@Anime King Kaleb
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Rai made her way from the outskirts of heaven's edge to the centre on foot. Her hood sat on ger head and goggles his Rai's eyes. She shoved her hands into her pockets and kept to her self as not to draw attention, aside from the odd gruff nod to passing customers. Walking passed the cafe the metal armed woman briefly made eye contact with Reena and eyeing the rest of the odd group before pulling her attention away and walking on. Passing the cafe to a next door metal stall. She shook the hand of the woman there who greeted her like a loyal friend. However Rai didn't say much as she was there strictly on business.

Her goggle covered eyes scanned over the scrap metal and parts in front is her, a tech geeks treasure trove. Instantly she got to work rooting around for parts that caught her eye, wires of all colours and sizes and chunks of cold metal. The organised shaven head woman handed the human a tray so she could put the stuff she as buying on it and then hand it back. The resulting price wasn't a cheap one. But she paied it despite this and gladly took the white plastic bag from the woman.

@Cooper @Birdsie @Anime King Kaleb
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"Allow me to introduce myself... I am Owain Burton! Captain of the Nottingham, a little quaint ship off in the dock. I'm just here to hire some folks for a job I'm on. I saw you, I was interested in you both." His eyes moved back and forth between the two of them as he lay it all out on the table. He had found the best way to pick up workers was just to.. well, ask. He would make it sound like they were getting a deal they would be stupid to not take!

Reena sighed again, her gaze interrupted by a girl who walked past with a metal arm. Interesting. She thought to herself, of course she had seen many cybernetics, but she would always be fascinated as to why humans would replace their limbs with metal. She shuddered at the thought of doing such a thing to herself. "We can offer you passage to another planet, money, and food" she interjected dryly as Owain spoke. Despite his brash nature - he was right. These two would come in handy indeed. Whether they could trust them or not would come in later. Whatever scrapes the pair of them got into, they would always get out of later.

"We're docked in 276F. We leave in two hours, come along if you're interested." Reena was bored of the slums and wished to return to the ship. "Come on Owain.." she said as she tugged at his arm - he followed her. He knew that just teasing the pair with a promise of food and money might be enough to tempt them to come to the ship come departure time.
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Cooper said:
"Allow me to introduce myself... I am Owain Burton! Captain of the Nottingham, a little quaint ship off in the dock. I'm just here to hire some folks for a job I'm on. I saw you, I was interested in you both." His eyes moved back and forth between the two of them as he lay it all out on the table. He had found the best way to pick up workers was just to.. well, ask. He would make it sound like they were getting a deal they would be stupid to not take!
Reena sighed again, her gaze interrupted by a girl who walked past with a metal arm. Interesting. She thought to herself, of course she had seen many cybernetics, but she would always be fascinated as to why humans would replace their limbs with metal. She shuddered at the thought of doing such a thing to herself. "We can offer you passage to another planet, money, and food" she interjected dryly as Owain spoke. Despite his brash nature - he was right. These two would come in handy indeed. Whether they could trust them or not would come in later. Whatever scrapes the pair of them got into, they would always get out of later.

"We're docked in 276F. We leave in two hours, come along if you're interested." Reena was bored of the slums and wished to return to the ship. "Come on Owain.." she said as she tugged at his arm - he followed her. He knew that just teasing the pair with a promise of food and money might be enough to tempt them to come to the ship come departure time.
Although she hadn't been invited Rai still listened in and made a metal note as to where they'd been docked. It seemed like an interesting endeavour, passing it up would be a mistake. Stepping away from the stall she walked back in the direction of the cafe and moved to get some food that could be consumed by humans. Taking a to-go warm drink she once again moved to go home to her workshop. She unlocked the building and slipped quietly inside, the door closing behind her she moved to put her new parts away in their designated draws that to normal people where over flowing with junk. Pulling her goggles up off her eyes she moved back to her desk where an email sat waiting to be opened. Her fingers his the keyboard and swiped the screen as she opened it and got back to work, mentally blocking that those people left in two hours.

Jack Rosenthal

Hmm... money? He thought to himself. The two people didn't look too rich and if they had a ship, why would they need mercenaries? There was something deeper in this contract... it smelled with a scam, but he had enough equipment to put both of the people to dust if he wanted to.

This was however a hard choice, Heaven's Edge had a lot of criminal scum in it, but the job just sounded interesting.

Also, he would give a lot to get out of this forgotten planet.

He stood there with his arms crossed, unsure what to do. After giving it a few moments of thinking he decided that he probably wants to take it.

Jack still had doubts... what if this was a scam? There were two hours left thought, that's plenty of time.

He decided that he will go there, but first he'll get some extra 'equipment'

Jack looked at the Toxi behind him and then back forward, walking away.

He used the GPS on his HUD to show him the nearest Black Market with weaponry.

It was just a few floors above him, the fastest way was to use a bridge that was open. He activated his jump-pack and with a loud noise of his thrusters going on, leaving a mark of fire behind him in a few seconds he jumped onto the bridge.

Then he continued on his way towards the black market, to access new weapons for the contract.

He had bought several types of grenades that are deemed illegal.

NEW WEAPON: 8 Types of Grenades

  • Normal
  • Flashbang
  • Smoke
  • Shrapnel
  • Less lethal
  • Poison
  • Targeting (Ball-like grenade that follows it's targets before exploding in the best moment)
  • Cluster (More smaller grenades inside)

As for his bank account, it was of no worries for Jack. He had quite enough money for such purchases.

Jack started walking towards Dock 276F, setting a GPS to get there faster.

Her fingers worked tirelessly at the computer as a cigarette hung off her bottom lip, smoke training upwards in a small stream. She only had two hours to answer all these emails that cluttered her scree, however if you subtract the time it takes to get her stuff together and leave for the docks then it was a lot less time than that. She'd have to get the bike out, but she didn't want to leave her beloved bike on the harbour to get stripped of parts and sold off. Sighing she moved to finish the emails.

What seemed like an eternity later she got to her feet and collected her stuff up, attaching her weaponry to the inside of her coat and other hidden places. Rai moved to leave a back pack over her shoulders and motor bike keys in her hand. There was a sceptical look on her face as she went into the garage to get the bike. Climbing on she drove it out into the street and pulled down her goggles.

The drive to the dock to less than no time.

Edgar woke up with a terrible headache. He had been drinking all night, and was currently feeling the repercussions of his actions. He cracked his neck, and lit himself a cigarette. Back before he got himself torn up, people always told him that the smoking would kill him. But it just so happens that when you don't have any lungs, lung cancer isn't a problem anymore. He took another long drag of the cigarette before smothering it into the ashtray the grimy hotel room he was staying in provided. As the smoke left his lips, he slowly walked over to the shower and started to wash himself.

After about ten minutes of getting ready for the day, Edgar slipped his black trench coat on and left the dingy motel for good. There had been a bounty put up for one "Mr. Jack Rosenthal". Edgar didn't ask questions. He just wanted the money. He tapped the side of his head twice, causing a pair of yellow sunglasses to cover his eyes.

"Alright, computer. Where's our man?" Edgar said, as his HUD booted up.

"Docking Bay. 276F. Only about a minute away." The computer said, in a rather posh voice.

"Well, let's not waste anytime then, shall we?" Edgar said, as he hopped from the second floor railway and onto the street.

Jack Rosenthal

Jack was slowly walking towards Dock 276F, he was scanning people on the streets, a few of them had really small bounties for thievery.

A few examples being people with a few hundreds, but few hundreds for shooting? Not worth Jack's time. He continued walking until his HUD shined red and an alert popped up.

His HUD displayed a message "DANGER! Anti Bounty-Hunter imminent. Tactical Advice: Avoid, or Terminate."

Jack looked up above him, seeing Edgar jumping. He stepped slightly away, taking his T-KR5 into his hands.

He knew this was either going to end up in one of them dying, or giving up. Jack wasn't planning on becoming one with the graveyard today though, so as soon as he heard Edgar dropping down, he decided to test the new grenades. He threw a few normal grenades at where Edgar was about to drop down.

@Safety Hammer
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Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack was slowly walking towards Dock 276F, he was scanning people on the streets, a few of them had really small bounties for thievery.

A few examples being people with a few hundreds, but few hundreds for shooting? Not worth Jack's time. He continued walking until his HUD shined red and an alert popped up.

His HUD displayed a message "DANGER! Anti Bounty-Hunter imminent. Tactical Advice: Avoid, or Terminate."

Jack looked up above him, seeing Edgar jumping. He stepped slightly away, taking his T-KR5 into his hands.

He knew this was either going to end up in one of them dying, or giving up. Jack wasn't planning on becoming one with the graveyard today though, so as soon as he heard Edgar dropping down, he decided to test the new grenades. He threw a few normal grenades at where Edgar was about to drop down.

@Safety Hammer
Edgar saw the two grenades tumble towards him. Edgar quickly swiped them away with his arm blades, having them detonate on a nearby car. As Edgar stuck the landing, his arm blades retracted back into his arms. He then reached back inside of his coat and pulled out his two pistols.

"Come on, Jackie boy! You are only making it harder on yourself. Plus, you are only good to me alive." Edgar shouted, a sly smirk spreading across his face. "Computer, assess this jackass."

"Name: Jack Rosenthal. Highly dangerous. Bounty: 90,000 credits alive. Highly trained in firearms and melee combat."

"Ninety Thousand?! Jackie Boy, what have you been doing?"
Jack Rosenthal

Jack scanned the enemy. Then a new message popped up on his HUD.

Enemy recognized.

NAME: Edgar Stockholm,

OCCUPATION: Bounty Hunter,

RACE: Human,

WANTED Dead, or Alive.

Bounty: 30,000 Alive, 19,000 Dead.

Contractor: Government and many private companies.

Collateral Damage: Acceptable, please avoid it.

Accessing weaponry information and tactical advice.

After a few seconds he yelled back "You're not even worth half of what I am!"

Data about Edgar's weapons popped up on his screen, including tactical advice on taking him out.

"A cyborg, eh!? I bet something nasty peeled your arms off like a banana!" Then he knew where to aim. Edgar's weak spot was the head and chest.

He peeked out, opening concentrated, well-aimed and precisioned fire upon Edgar. It was quite easy to peek out, as Edgar did not use covering fire to make him stay in place. He was very confident when he pulled the trigger, aiming towards his adversary, multiple T-KR5 bullets flew towards Edgar.

@Safety Hammer
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Raisa climbed off her bike as she parked it in an alleyway, with a few taps of the console on the front of it and the bike blended in with its surroundings. That's when she heard them, a scowl formed in her face as she rounded the corner and watched the two men. She took a cigarette out of the packet in her pocket and lit it with the lighter hidden in her finger. She watched the two with slight amusement, their faces she recognised but she could only name one of them. And that was because the cyborg had announced it. She watched as Jack grew obnoxious and bullets began to fly, a laugh nearly escaped her lips at their technique. She shook head head at the bounty hunters and leant against the wall, moving her goggles up into her forehead and bringing the white tube to her lips before exhaling a puff of grey smoke that circled up into the air slowly. "Two bounty hunters, having it out in the middle of the street." Rai rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest.

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Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack scanned the enemy. Then a new message popped up on his HUD.

Enemy recognized.

NAME: Edgar Stockholm,

OCCUPATION: Bounty Hunter,

RACE: Human,

WANTED Dead, or Alive.

Bounty: 30,000 Alive, 19,000 Dead.

Accessing weaponry information and tactical advice.

After a few seconds he yelled back "You're not even worth half of what I am!"

Data about Edgar's weapons popped up on his screen, including tactical advice on taking him out.

"A cyborg, eh!? I bet something nasty peeled your arms off like a banana!" Then he knew where to aim. Edgar's weak spot was the head and chest.

He peeked out, opening concentrated, well-aimed and precisioned fire upon Edgar. It was quite easy to peek out, as Edgar did not use covering fire to make him stay in place. He was very confident when he pulled the trigger, aiming towards his adversary, multiple T-KR5 bullets flew towards Edgar.

@Safety Hammer
Edgar dropped to the ground and slid underneath the bullets over head. He then aimed his pistol at Jack's jetpack and fired three times.

"What can I say? I get around."
CRACK - came a loud sound from beneath Owain and Reena on the ship; "What was that?" asked Owain as he stirred water into a flask, tipping in the coffee afterwards. Reena rushed to the window and looked out to see the gentleman from earlier, and someone new, duking it out on the dock. The noise had come from the explosion, some shrapnel had gone haywire and thumped the hull. "It's that lunatic bounty hunter you were so eager to recruit. He's fighting with ANOTHER lunatic bounty hunter and they just damaged our hull. I hope you're happy with yourself." Once again Reena's arms folded over her chest as she gave Owain a deathly stare.

"Ahhh come on, they're just bounty hunters that's what they do!"

"There are younglings down there. I don't care that it's what they do, they don't do it here. Where's the Stingray?" she asked as she charged forwards towards the door, "right where you left it honey" replied Owain as he pointed to a small device hung up on the wall. The Al'anie snatched it and made her way outside, she flicked the switch on it and tossed two discs toward Edgar and Jack - each one landed on their backs.

Reena stomped down into the firing line, the tentacles around her head twitching as she turned the dial on the device - it would send a paralysing pulse up the two men's spines. "STOP THIS!" she yelled, her eyes narrowing and becoming bloodshot. She hissed at the two of them, baring her teeth. "There are younglings. I won't have you blowing up the dock for the sake of killing each other. In fact, if you don't knock it off I'll kill the pair of you for free." She held on tightly to the device in her palm. She wasn't about to be intimidated by two bounty hunters.

"Now are you going to behave?"

Owain watched from the window, contemplating whether or not he should go down and assist. But the truth was, the coffee in his hand was hot and enticing - he hadn't had it for months, he wasn't about to give up on this opportunity to savour one of his few pleasures, besides, Reena could more than handle herself in this situation. Besides, she was right, they shouldn't be throwing explosives around a dock with civilians and younglings, not for anything.
(Damn, it! I specifically wrote not to mistake that thing with a jetpack! xD )

Jack Rosenthal

He noticed the Cyborg's incredible speed. Then he saw the bullets coming onto him, he rolled onto the right, but one of the bullets hit his jump-pack.

It helped him rolling away from the bullets, as it hurled him forwards into safe cover, away from Edgar's line of sight.

However, his jump-pack was about to explode... Jack's life-support system did not agree with that theory, so it de-attached itself from the jump-pack, informing Jack about it. Jack only smiled and kicked the damn thing away, he had to buy a better one afterwards.

He took cover, away from Edgar's line of sight and decided to keep testing the grenades.

He threw a few Targeting grenades onto the floor next to him and coordinated them with his suit, they were to follow Edgar and explode only when in his vicinity. The grenades rolled out, one after another... 1... 2... there were three of them. They rolled towards Edgar at high speed and would explode as soon as they were near him. Jack smiled and started laughing at how easy this was, he didn't even need to look at his target when killing him.

Then however that weird Alien woman from earlier deployed a device onto his back. It paralysed him for a few seconds, but his suit and life-support system helped him. Even though weakened, he was still able to move around.

He crawled forward, aiming one of his revolvers at the Alien Woman, after a few seconds he dropped it to the floor and with a VERY sassy voice said "Mooom! He started it!" looking at the Alien Woman.

@Safety Hammer @Cooper
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Cooper said:
CRACK - came a loud sound from beneath Owain and Reena on the ship; "What was that?" asked Owain as he stirred water into a flask, tipping in the coffee afterwards. Reena rushed to the window and looked out to see the gentleman from earlier, and someone new, duking it out on the dock. The noise had come from the explosion, some shrapnel had gone haywire and thumped the hull. "It's that lunatic bounty hunter you were so eager to recruit. He's fighting with ANOTHER lunatic bounty hunter and they just damaged our hull. I hope you're happy with yourself." Once again Reena's arms folded over her chest as she gave Owain a deathly stare.
"Ahhh come on, they're just bounty hunters that's what they do!"

"There are younglings down there. I don't care that it's what they do, they don't do it here. Where's the Stingray?" she asked as she charged forwards towards the door, "right where you left it honey" replied Owain as he pointed to a small device hung up on the wall. The Al'anie snatched it and made her way outside, she flicked the switch on it and tossed two discs toward Edgar and Jack - each one landed on their backs.

Reena stomped down into the firing line, the tentacles around her head twitching as she turned the dial on the device - it would send a paralysing pulse up the two men's spines. "STOP THIS!" she yelled, her eyes narrowing and becoming bloodshot. She hissed at the two of them, baring her teeth. "There are younglings. I won't have you blowing up the dock for the sake of killing each other. In fact, if you don't knock it off I'll kill the pair of you for free." She held on tightly to the device in her palm. She wasn't about to be intimidated by two bounty hunters.

"Now are you going to behave?"

Owain watched from the window, contemplating whether or not he should go down and assist. But the truth was, the coffee in his hand was hot and enticing - he hadn't had it for months, he wasn't about to give up on this opportunity to savour one of his few pleasures, besides, Reena could more than handle herself in this situation. Besides, she was right, they shouldn't be throwing explosives around a dock with civilians and younglings, not for anything.
Edgar started to twitch as the disk-thing started to pulse. Who did this chick think she was?

"I don't know, lady. Are you going to realize that I can't feel this piece of shit?" Edgar nonchalantly stood back up, and tore the thing off of his back. "You really think that this thing is going to hurt me, especially since my fucking spine is made out of carbon fiber? Plus, I didn't want to kill him. Just maim him a bit before keeping him in my trunk."
Birdsie said:
(Damn, it! I specifically wrote not to mistake that thing with a jetpack! xD )
Jack Rosenthal

He noticed the Cyborg's incredible speed. Then he saw the bullets coming onto him, he rolled onto the right, but one of the bullets hit his jump-pack.

It helped him rolling away from the bullets, as it hurled him forwards into safe cover, away from Edgar's line of sight.

However, his jump-pack was about to explode... Jack's life-support system did not agree with that theory, so it de-attached itself from the jump-pack, informing Jack about it. Jack only smiled and kicked the damn thing away, he had to buy a better one afterwards.

He took cover, away from Edgar's line of sight and decided to keep testing the grenades.

He threw a few Targeting grenades onto the floor next to him and coordinated them with his suit, they were to follow Edgar and explode only when in his vicinity. The grenades rolled out, one after another... 1... 2... there were three of them. They rolled towards Edgar at high speed and would explode as soon as they were near him. Jack smiled and started laughing at how easy this was, he didn't even need to look at his target when killing him.

Then however that weird Alien woman from earlier deployed a device onto his back. It paralysed him for a few seconds, but his suit and life-support system helped him. Even though weakened, he was still able to move around.

He crawled forward, aiming one of his revolvers at the Alien Woman, after a few seconds he dropped it to the floor and with a VERY sassy voice said "Mooom! He started it!" looking at the Alien Woman.

@Safety Hammer @Cooper
"The fuck do you mean I started it?!" Edgar said to Jack. "You were the one who threw fucking grenades at me!" Edgar turned to the blue alien woman. "Can you believe this guy?! I mean seriously."

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