Senior Member
No worries, real life comes first so get to it when you're able to!soon... i promise!
in the meantime, after carefully considering things i've decided to put in a semi-character limit. why semi? because i dont want to force anyone to fully remove characters and i feel bad about it already
basically, in order to make sure its not one person rping with basically just themselves in a mission (and to avoid having to write A TON of posts) one person can only have six of their characters max participate in an act. that means you can make as many characters as you want, but some will have to sit back and deal with things at camp, or maybe have other obligations. hell, they can have b-side privates (or oneshots) that take place during the act while everyone's on a mission. i feel really bad about it (and im sorry if it feels targeted) but i think this is what works best for something like this. its my fault for not actually putting in a limit earlier.
ALSO a new kingdom will be added soon, and poison is now an element! it will be a swampland, and the names not finalized yet but... Soon.
And ooh, poison sounds cool so I'll keep an eye open on that. Though I'm pretty content with my three ocs (technically two atm, but that other guy will be there soon trust) so I doubt I'll make a poison user (unless I swap elements who knows)