• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.


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  • Moonlight NPC Gallery

    This is NPC gallery for the roleplay Moonlight. The first tab is this landing page, the second is for characters associated with the Moonbeam Resistance, the third for the Slayers of the Holy Sun, and the fourth for others not affiliated with either. There is a hidden scroll! Click on the character's name to go to their information.

    You can find the player character sheets here.

    For NPC submission, please shoot me a private message rather than just posting here.

    I made a code for NPC profiles. If you'd like to make the code directly and decide on colors yourself, save me some time, I will include that here too. Ask me for help if you need it! Feel free to use the existing NPCs as examples.

    Code boxes are annoying to copy especially on mobile, so here's a pastebin!

    Full Name: Answer
    Gender + Pronouns: Answer
    Age: Answer
    Species: Answer
    Place of Origin: Answer
    Affiliation and Rank: Answer
    Elemental Affinity: Answer
    Magic Abilities: Answer
    Weapon: Answer
    Description: (A blurb about them - personality and background)
    Faceclaim: (If applicable)
    Creator: (That's you!)

    Code boxes are annoying to copy especially on mobile, so here's a pastebin!

    [comment]plz dont delete the credits! >A<
    /* COLORS */
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    padding-right: 30px;][comment]/* Copy this div to make a header*/[/comment][div=color: var(--header); font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold; font-family: var(--head); text-decoration: underline; text-align: center;]Basics[/div][comment]/* And copy this to make a new entry! */[/comment][b][color=#DB3A32]Full Name:[/color][/b] Answer
    [b][color=#DB3A32]Gender + Pronouns:[/color][/b] Answer
    [b][color=#DB3A32]Age:[/color][/b] Answer
    [b][color=#DB3A32]Species:[/color][/b] Answer
    [b][color=#DB3A32]Place of Origin:[/color][/b] Answer
    [b][color=#DB3A32]Affiliation and Rank:[/color][/b] Answer
    [div=color: var(--header); font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold; font-family: var(--head); text-decoration: underline; text-align: center;]Combat and Abilities[/div][b][color=#DB3A32]Elemental Affinity:[/color][/b] Answer
    [b][color=#DB3A32]Magic Abilities:[/color][/b] Answer
    [b][color=#DB3A32]Weapon:[/color][/b] Answer
    [div=color: var(--header); font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold; font-family: var(--head); text-decoration: underline; text-align: center;]Description[/div]A little blurby-blurb. Personality and background stuff will go here.
    [div=color: var(--header); font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold; font-family: var(--head); text-decoration: underline; text-align: center;]Credits[/div][b][color=#DB3A32]Face Claim:[/color][/b] Answer
    [b][color=#DB3A32]Image Credits:[/color][/b] Answer
    [b][color=#DB3A32]Creator:[/color][/b] Answer[/border][/border][comment]*/This is the name! */[/comment][bg=transparent;
    max-width: 550px;
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    text-shadow: 2px 2px 5px var(--shadow);]Name Goes Here[/bg][/div][CENTER][B][SIZE=1][comment]/* CREDITS - DO NOT REMOVE */[/comment][font=Emilys Candy]Coded by AnemoVictorious[/font][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]
Coded by AnemoVictorious
Last edited:
Full Name: Elisha Ivan Rayes
Gender + Pronouns: Cis-Male, He/Him
Age: 24
Species: Angel
Place of Origin: Purewing, Sanguinia
Affiliation and Rank: King of Purewing + the Angels, General of the Slayers of the Holy Sun

Combat and Abilities
Elemental Affinity: Light
Magic Abilities: Light Dash - Apart from Lumokinesis, Elisha's abilities manifest as being able to shroud himself in light and dash forward at great speeds until he runs out of stamina.
Weapon: Elisha's weapon is no weapon at all, but rather a shield of white and gold coloration. Godlen wings decorate it's front, and it's named Attornment.

The current king of the angels. Elisha has an air of calmness, always seeming contemplative. He is intelligent and calculative, staying calm under pressure. He was both the one who came up with the Holy Weapons, as well as the one who proposed the alliance between the angels and the Holy Sun, earning him his rank of general.

While he may seem nice enough on the surface, Elisha is manipulative and always does things for his own gain. Like most of his kind, he detests vampires and wants to rid the world of them so that the angels can take all their land and life force. And perhaps, once the humans have helped to accomplish his goal, he would do the same to them. That's a secret he'll keep locked up inside, only being spoken to his closest confidants.

Face Claim: Sunday from Honkai Star Rail
Image Credits: Nz2ddnDi on Twitter/X
Creator: AnemoVictorious
Elisha Rayes
Coded by AnemoVictorious
Full Name: Annaliese 'Anna' Marie Ellis (née Argyris)
Gender + Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her
Age: 29 (At Death), 37 (Would be)
Species: Vampire
Place of Origin: Iridiumglen, Sanguinia
Affiliation and Rank: Former Crown Princess of Iridiumglen, Former Commoner Baker

Combat and Abilities
Elemental Affinity: Metal
Magic Abilities: Iron Armor: Apart from ferrokinesis, Anna could cover her body in metal, forming an exoskeleton around herself as a defensive mechanism. This would be her downfall, as the fire elemented angel burned her alive in molten steel. A tragic fate, and yet ironic, considering Harley's molten metal abilities.
Weapon: N/A

The runaway crown princess of Iridiumglen, Annaliese met a commoner named Charley Ellis and ran away to be with him, cutting off all contact and going by Anna. Her betrothed was rude and arrogant noble boy, and she didn't want to break her father's heart, so she felt this was the only option. Her father, King Jasper Argyris, had never remarried after her mother died in childbirth, and she was the only option for the crown royal, leaving Iridiumglen heirless. Anna was a kind and gentle young woman with a heart of gold. She loved her husband and children very much, and she and Charlie died protecting Marley and Harley from angels when taking them out to hunt.

Face Claim: Ameliance Leveilleur from Final Fantasy XIV
Image Credits: PainfulRed on Twitter/X
Creator: AnemoVictorious
Annaliese 'Anna' Ellis
Coded by AnemoVictorious
Full Name: Jasper Shane Argyris
Gender + Pronouns: Cis-Male, He/Him
Age: 71
Species: Vampire
Place of Origin: Iridiumglen, Sanguinia
Affiliation and Rank: King of Iridiumglen

Combat and Abilities
Elemental Affinity: Metal
Magic Abilities: Metallic Forcefields: Apart from Ferrokinesis, Jasper's abilities allow him to make large scale barriers out of metal, so long as he focuses his energy on maintaining them. Defensive, just like his daughter's had beem
Weapon: N/A

The King of Iridiumglen, and older man who lost his wife in childbirth and his only daughter ran away. He is stubborn and was a bit overprotective, wanting what was best for her, but truly, Jasper only valued Annaliese's happiness and would have accepted her decision to marry a commoner of another affinity if it made her happy. He has yet to choose another heir due to believing that she is still alive, however he is getting on in years...

Face Claim: Gunter from Fire Emblem Fates
Image Credits: Fire Emblem Cipher Card
Creator: AnemoVictorious
Jasper Argyris
Coded by AnemoVictorious
Full Name: Charley Cole Ellis
Gender + Pronouns: Cis-Male, He/Him
Age: 9 (At Death), 37 (Would be)
Species: Vampire
Place of Origin: Iridiumglen, Sanguinia
Affiliation and Rank: Former Commoner Miner

Combat and Abilities
Elemental Affinity: Electricity
Magic Abilities: Electric Bombs: Aside from electrokinesis, Charley could channel electricity into spherical shapes that would explode with energy when touched. This was what took his killer down with him.
Weapon: N/A

A casual, laid back man who went with the flow. Charley had never expected to fall in love with a princess, or be loved by her in return, but life had plans for him. In roder to ensure his wife's safety, he cut contact with his family, despite caring for them greatly. Twins run in his family, as he had a twin sister. Charley wasn't the greatest dad, but he tried his best, and died making sure his children were a safe distance away when his electric bomb detonated.

Face Claim: Sampo Koski from Honkai Star Rail
Image Credits: 辷 on pixiv
Creator: AnemoVictorious
Charley Ellis
Coded by AnemoVictorious
Full Name: Ignis Jay Solace
Gender + Pronouns: Cis-Male, He/Him
Age: 25
Species: Vampire
Place of Origin: Cindervale
Affiliation and Rank: Leader of the Moonbeam Resistance, Noble Librarian

Combat and Abilities
Elemental Affinity: Fire
Magic Abilities: Fire Aura: Ignis can surround himself in an aura of fire for a short period of 30 seconds without being burned. It empowers him and also acts as a way to keep others away.
Weapon: A black and red bladed war fan that he named Justice.

A hotheaded young man who could not stand to see the angels partnering up with humans. Ignis was not one to stand back, he was one to rush forward and fight. Thus, he created the Moonbeam Resistance in retaliation to the slayers. Rumors say he has a personal vendetta against the leader of the Slayers, who killed his two best friends while they were hunting together. Ignis is tough and not a force to be reckoned with, a great tactician, although he tends to be in a mood often...

Face Claim: Mitsunari Ishida from Samurai Warriors
Image Credits: jiro on Pixiv
Creator: Answer
Ignis Solace
Coded by AnemoVictorious
Last edited:
Full Name: Aria Mae Nightingale
Gender + Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her
Age: 32
Species: Human
Place of Origin: New York City, New York, America
Affiliation and Rank: Leader of the Slayers of the Holy Sun, Corporation Owner

Combat and Abilities
Elemental Affinity: Darkness
Magic Abilities: Dark Chains: Aria's holy weapon gives her the ability to create chains of darkness and trap her opponent for up to a minute. Like all other holy weapon abilities, it drains a year of her lifeforce every time she uses it.
Weapon: Aria's holy weapon is black and red staff with a butterfly topper on it. She uses it to bludgeon.

The cold leader of the Slayers of the Holy Sun. She may look more like the stereotypical vampire, and Aria would have one's head for even suggesting that. She is cruel and ruthless, going to any lengths to get her way. Manipulative and precise, Aria revels in bloodshed, perhaps making her the monsters rather than the ones she seeks to exterminate. Rumor has it her younger sister fell in love with a vampire and ran away to live with him, being turned in the process, and losing her best friend in what she viewed an act of betrayal made her hate every single vampire and what them dead.

Face Claim: Yotsuyu goe Brutus from Final Fantasy XIV
Image Credits: __rugi__ on Twitter/X
Creator: AnemoVictorious
Aria Nightingale
Coded by AnemoVictorious
Last edited:
Full Name: Yegor Aleksei Makarov (Oliver)
Gender + Pronouns: Cis-Male, He/Him
Age: 25
Species: Vampire
Place of Origin: Gloomhollow
Affiliation and Rank: King of Gloomhollow

Combat and Abilities
Elemental Affinity: Darkness
Magic Abilities: Umbrakinesis + the ability to blend in with shadows
Weapon: Bow and Arrow, Sniper Rifle

Intelligent: Yegor has a sharp mind and a love for learning. He excels in his studies, particularly in philosophy and literature, often losing himself in the worlds created by great authors.
Kind and Gentle: He naturally exudes warmth and compassion, always willing to lend a listening ear or help out a friend in need. His kindness is rooted in his strong sense of empathy.
Fair and Just: A strong proponent of equality and justice, Yegor is always conscious of the world around him. He has a deep disdain for injustice and often debates these topics with others, despite his shy demeanor.
Righteous: Guided by a moral compass, he strives to live his life according to his principles, often placing the needs of others before his own.
Shy and Insecure: Social interactions can be daunting for Yegor. He often feels out of place in large gatherings and struggles with self-doubt. Although he possesses a wealth of knowledge, he finds it hard to share his insights for fear of being judged or ridiculed.

Reading: Yegor is an avid reader, with a particular fondness for classic literature and philosophical works. He enjoys discussing books with others but often shies away from initiating conversations.
Nature Walks: He finds peace in nature and often takes long walks, where he reflects on life and observes the world quietly.

Face Claim: Unknown
Image Credits: Unknown
Creator: Garrett.Hawke
Oliver Makarov
Coded by AnemoVictorious
Last edited:
Full Name: Akuma Plume
Gender + Pronouns: Cis-Male, He/Him
Age: 39
Species: Vampire
Place of Origin: Lifemeadow, Sanguinia
Affiliation and Rank: King of Lifemeadow, occasionally helps with the resistance

Combat and Abilities
Elemental Affinity: Nature
Magic Abilities: Has the ability to create monsters and humanoid things out of plants, can only create one at a time
Weapon: Duel Wielding Swords

Akuma wasn't really ever a good man, he was born into the throne of the kingdom of nature, but his life was difficult, always having to compete with his cousin for the throne.

When he was in his teens, he determined it as kill or be killed, there was no in between.

When his oldest child, Tanako, was born, his views barely changed but he swore to protect the girl with his life.

He was a strict father, and a even stricter king, but it was only because he wanted the best for his a daughters.

Both friends and enemies alike describe him as ruthless, calculating and cruel.

His attitude towards the world worsened as his wife died giving birth to his second child, another baby girl he swore to protect. He hasn't been in a relationship with another women ever since.

Face Claim: unknown
Image Credits: unknown
Creator: Garrett.Hawke
Akuma Plume

Coded by AnemoVictorious
Full Name: Minato Suzuki
Gender + Pronouns: Trans-Male, He/Him
Age: 29
Species: Vampire
Place of Origin: Lifemeadow
Affiliation and Rank: Commander of the Royal Army of Lifemeadow

Combat and Abilities
Elemental Affinity: Nature
Magic Abilities: He can use plants to heal himself or others.
Weapon: katana


PersonalityIntelligent and Calculative: Minato possesses a razor-sharp mind and is known for his strategic acumen. He can anticipate enemy moves and devise counter-strategies that are often several steps ahead.

Charismatic Leader: He inspires loyalty and respect among his troops, often personally engaging with soldiers to boost morale and cohesiveness within the ranks.
Stoic and Reserved: While he can be charming, he tends to maintain a guarded demeanor, revealing little about his true feelings or past.
Protective: A strong sense of responsibility towards his army and the vampire community drives him to protect them from both external and internal threats.
Benevolent Tyrant: Despite his ruthless reputation on the battlefield, he values justice and strives to maintain peace among the vampire kingdoms, often mediating disputes to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.

Skills and Abilities:
Master Strategist:
Capable of developing complex battle plans, he easily adapts tactics in real-time based on battlefield conditions.
Combat Expert: Proficient in hand-to-hand combat and skilled with a variety of weapons, especially swords and his signature cane.
Charisma and Diplomacy: His ability to negotiate and build alliances is as sharp as his weaponry, allowing him to forge beneficial partnerships when necessary.
Motivation: Minato's primary motivation is to ensure the survival and prosperity of his kind, creating a safer world for vampires while navigating the delicate balance between coexistence with angels and the preservation of their own culture and way of life.

Losing his soldiers or failing them in battle.
Being seen as lesser due to his ability or the fact he came from a poor family.

Voice claim:

Face Claim: Alistair Theirin
Image Credits: Unknown
Creator: Garrett.Hawke
Minato Suzuki

Coded by AnemoVictorious
Full Name: Xiaosheng Liu
Gender + Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 29
Species: Vampire
Place of Origin: Lifemeadow, Sanguina
Affiliation and Rank: Royal Palace Worker = Royal Advisor

Combat and Abilities
Elemental Affinity: Electricity
Magic Abilities: Can create mini thunderbolts/orbs (Zeus's Thunderbolt?!) that stay put in his palm, ready to either be jabbed or graze a target
Weapon: Halberd

With a special bond with the princess of Lifemeadow, Xiaosheng takes the role of being the Royal Advisor- helping adjust the schedules of all royal bloods in the family, teaching rules to the newborns, and typically provides counsel to the monarch on political, diplomatic, and state matters, often having direct influence over the ruler.

Although his appearance may be one of indolence, he is more meticulous than seemingly meets the eye. He does not consider saving a situation from the brink of disaster to be a show of wisdom, and is thus fastidious with routine affairs to avoid any potential problems.

Face Claim: Jing Yuan - Honkai Star Rail
Image Credits: Fanart / Official
Xiaosheng Liu
Coded by AnemoVictorious
Full Name: Endo Hoshino
Gender + Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 40
Species: Vampire
Place of Origin: Gleamgrove, Sanguina
Affiliation and Rank: Commoner / No Organization / Unknown Of Current Status Or Even Alive

Combat and Abilities
Elemental Affinity: Fire
Magic Abilities: Able To Breath Fire / Exhale It = (Steam flares from her nostrils when angry)
Weapon: A Gohei

Having to abandon her own children in order to protect them, Endo has run off to no certain location just yet- but some say she's lurking around the areas of Gleamgrove for her own accord. She is the mother of Emi and Chuksi Hoshino, and wife of the dead woman named Shika Hoshino.

Endo is known to be very kind and enjoys reading books and stories, although she also shows an obsessive side in making profits at the same time. She has an enigmatic air around her, and is very sympathetic. Though, she can be very sarcastic and manipulative due to her deep depressions of child loss and guilt

Face Claim: Yae Miko - Genshin Impact
Image Credits: Fanart / Official
Endo Hoshino

Coded by AnemoVictorious
Full Name: Tomo Wugi
Gender + Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 26
Species: Human
Place of Origin: Human World
Affiliation and Rank: Commoner / Slayer Of Holy Sun Member

Combat and Abilities
Elemental Affinity: Fire
Magic Abilities: With every slash, increasing sparks of fire will fly from his sword
Weapon: A Holy Sword

Killed off by a vampire who he was trying to slay, his last words were heard by Haruki who was seemingly his best friend and another Slayer Of The Holy Suns. They share a deep bond, Tomo giving his hairband to Haruki as a farewell.

"May The Wind Be With You." (Yep.)

Cultured and polite, he is a man of many ways and means. Tomo is a person that does not like to show his face in public often, preferring to work on his duties as one of the Slayers Of Holy Sun.

Face Claim: Tomo - Genshin Impact
Image Credits: Fanart / Official - Extra
Tomo Wugi

Coded by AnemoVictorious

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